

1352 Uppsatser om Urban analyzes - Sida 9 av 91

Förflyttning som drivkraft: Case Årstaberg

Rörelse i staden är avgörande för hur staden fungerar. Platser och stråk med stora flöden har annorlunda förutsättningar än platser och stråk med små flöden. Flödena påverkas i sin tur av stadens struktur.  Det här examensarbetet handlar om hur förtätning kan vara en del i en medveten förändring av stadsstrukturen och hur man genom förändringar i stadsstrukturen kan skapa varierande rumsliga förutsättningar som kan utgöra ett ramverk för framtida utformning.Föremålet för den här studien är området runt Årstabergs pendeltågsstation i södra Stockholm. Området är en viktig kollektivtrafikknutpunkt och många människor passerar här dagligen för att byta mellan olika kollektivtrafikslag.

Urban vindkraft : Vindkraftsprojekt Järvafältet & vindkraft i Sverige

Wind power is an energy source that is becoming increasingly popular in Sweden and around the world. The establishment of large wind farms supply and contributes to energy production within grid in search of a more sustainable energy production. Wind power is becoming more popular and opens up new areas of implementation. More cities are starting to use small-scale urban wind power, everything from full-scale work for a little less work adapted to the villas. Sweden has high goals regarding the production of green electricity and the work which deals with the conditions Sweden plays in achieving those goals.

Bostadsbebyggelse i Umeå tätort : Flerbostäders bebyggelse i relation till översiktsplaner mellan åren 1998-2014 i Umeå tätort

Urban planning in Sweden goes back to a prolonged tradition, and even since the beginning of the 16th century there´s been general plans for urban planning for cities in Sweden.Nowadays every municipality has a directive from the government to establish or re-new the general master plan covering the whole municipality every 4th year.The aim of this paper is to illustrate and shed light on the extent for the planning document and guidelines, and how they change from every active period and in what extent the provisional planning reaches its visions regarding the outcome of the actual city growth. This study was completed by studying the position of every apartment building that?s been constructed for the chosen area over the years of 2000 - 2014 and draw comparisons between the current master plan main visions regarding constructions ? and comparing the two separate visions to pin out the differences in the same subject.The result shows that there are some deviations from the plans but not as much as one would have thought in the city growth, and some deviations from the different planning documents. Some of the deviations was greater than others but overall the visions was about the same..

Rosengårdsstråket : tankar om förankring och identitet

This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.

Urban Building, Hornsbruksgatan : Urban Allmänning

En Urban Allmänning på Hornsbruksgatan. Kombinationshus med bostäder, T-bana och kontor .Sträcker sig över en 150 m lång slits på gatan.Uppdelad programmatskt med kommers i BV och bostäder ställda ovanpå som fria punkthus.Taket till kommersdelen/sockelvåningen ger tillbaka en park till stadsrummet. Det är den som är den urbana allmänningen.Byggnaden behandlar en höjdskillnad på c:a 6 meter från början av sockelvåningen till slutet. Därför varierar byggnaden i takhöjd vilket ger olika rumsligheter och skillnader i program som anpassats efter de olika höjderna. T.ex ett öppet andra våningsplan i västra delen som bidrar till dubbelt antal kontorplatser i frilanskontoret.Frågor jag ställt mig under processen var: Vad är en bostad idag? Vad är ett kontor idag? Vad kommer Hornstull att vara i framtiden med sin nya galleria? Vilka bostadstypologier råder i området?Dessa frgor har jag tagit i beaktande under förfarandet och kommit fram till en boendeform med yteffektiva och ljusgenerösa lägenheter i funkistyp.

Växelbruk på Hornsbruksgatan

Längs den skuggiga Hornsbruksgatan bryter en veckad volym upp den långa sträckan. En ny bergssida som definierar park och gata och serverar scener för medborgarinflytande på både gräs och betong. Med biblioteket som katalysator får den bortglömda delen av Hornstull ett välbehövligt komplement av både mångfacetterad verksamhetslokaler, kontor och större lägenheter. Med mer park i parken och mer stad längs gatan bygger Hornsbruksgatan vidare på områdets karaktär av experimentalitet ? ett urbant växelbruk..

Seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis virus in pigs and dogs in the Mekong Delta

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is one of the leading causes of acute encephalitis in humans. The virus is spread by mosquitoes, mainly belonging to the Culex species. The main reservoirs are considered to be birds and pigs, with pigs constituting the most important reservoir in regard to human infection. During the last few decades the production of pork has increased significantly in Vietnam. With 90% of pigs being kept in households owning 10 pigs or less, pigs are widely spread across most parts of the country.

Biologisk mångfald i kommunal stadsplanering : exempel från Örebro och Uppsala

I nordeuropeiska städer och inte minst i Sverige finns tack vare vår omfattande grönstruktur en unik möjlighet att genom planering arbeta för urban biologisk mångfald. Ansvaret för att arbeta aktivt med biologisk mångfald inom fysisk planering och ärendehantering ligger i och med det kommunala planmonopolet på kommunerna. Syftet med studien var därför att utifrån ett top-down perspektiv identifiera samstämmighetet gällande urban biologisk mångfald i kommunala dokument. Detta följdes av en jämförelse av hur det kommunala arbetet med urban biologisk mångfald redovisas i några av Örebro och Uppsalas kommunala planeringsdokument. Studien genomfördes främst med hjälp av dokumentstudier samt en kompletterande intervju.

Stationsområde i Landskrona - En studie om exploateringen av jordbruksmark, stadsutveckling och stadsstyre med Landskronas stationsområde som exempel

In this essay a proposal of city renewal is made for the new train station area built on highly productive agricultural land in Landskrona. The proposal is based on how the situation for the agricultural land in terms of exploitation looks like today and also on theories of urban governance to find out why the area turned out the way it did..

Urban spaces and urban life in Örestad South - vägen genom ett tävlingsprogram och fram till förslag :

Abstract This master thesis is a result of the work thas was done for my entry in the international architectural competition Urban spaces and urban life in Ørestad South, that was announced by Ørestadselskabet on the 31st of October 2006. The project work lasted from early November until the deadline on 14th of February. In addition to the proposal that was handed in, the master thesis consists of a number of reflections about the work that was done and design work in general. The proposal is an answer to a not that evident task. One would expect that the assigment was clearly defined in the brief of the competition like this. And so it seems to do but to define the real assignment and join your own aims to it from such an extensive brief can be quite time consuming. Why do architects participate and what is an architectural competition? How does the brief affect the choices and statements made by the entrants? What is a square? What is the strategy that leads to a convincing concept? The role and use of a concept in the design process.

Stadens offentliga rum ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv - Jubileumsparken, ett offentligt rum för unga?

The public spaces of the city from a social sustainability perspective, Jubileumsparken, a public space for the young, aims to see how public spaces can be open and accessible to all young people in the community. New public spaces can be created and formed by urban planning. A public space that is undergoing considerable development is Jubileumsparken, which is situated in Gothenburg. This area constitutes the case study for this thesis. Due to the commercialization in the neo-liberal society of today, there is a risk that economically weak people, such as the young, the unemployed or students, can?t take part of all public spaces.

Våtmarker i urbana miljöer : växtgestaltning och planering

The practice of landscape architectural involves forming the space in our cities and suburbs, as well as the landscape surrounding. The need of exploiting green environment leads up to, among other issues, flood problem during heavy rain and overfed water environments. The problem is partially caused by the shortage of knowledge, how the environment is responding of the innovations made by the city- urban planning and how to get sustainability. Research and knowledge how to take care of our environment, in a natural way, is increasing. The object of the thesis is to propose control and balance in urban wetlands, and discuss the difference a plant design can do. The thesis deals with discourses in the field of landscape architecture, biological diversity, dam construction, limnology, planting design and management, pollution of the environment and urban design practice.

Ett objekt : om arkitekturen i ett föremål för handling

This thesis is covering my design of an architectural object for the use in a pedagogical setting. The purpose is to create contextual premises for students, making possible the testing of designs, involving plants suitable for the urban environment. Hence, the main features in the object design is suggestive to the urban outdoor rooms - rooms that are formed amongst the city facades. The thesis is also about the design process set out from a technical reality, based on camera imagery. To a large extent, the thesis consists of reflections concerning the object's function towards pedagogy, perception and materials. Furthermore, the object claims to be a hybrid between architecture and landscape architecture.

Konstruktion och utformning av skydd till spolverk

This thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Burseryds Bruk AB.Burseryds Bruk is a company that manufactures steel strapping. The thesis isabout developing a concept of protection that should be used to protect theoperators from the rotating parts of the machinery lines. The aim of the projectwas to improve work safety for operators working at the machines by producing aconcept for a protective device. The project's first part was based on ergonomic data collection methods tounderstand the operations performed on the machine and the hazard occurringduring the process. The methods used to collect data were, interviews,observations and questionnaires with the operators of the company. This was thenused to make the ergonomic analyzes hierarchical task analysis and link analysis. The data collected from the company's operators was used create 10 conceptswhich were then evaluated.

growforgold.org : a design proposal for creating productive green space in cities

The aim of our master thesis is first and foremost to win the competition One Prize - mowing to Growing: Reinventing the American Lawn, announced in USA by the organization Terreform 1, the first of December 2009. Apart from winning the competition we have also tried to reach a deeper understanding of food production today and its future possibilities. Our ambition to present a winning design proposal has to a large extent decided the structure of the entire thesis. Our completed and submitted design proposal - growforgold.org - is a way of addressing urban food production in a creative way, keeping the sovereignty of the individual in mind. Instead of presenting a place-specific design solution our proposal aims to create incentives and possibilities for urban farming to take place anywhere and anytime. Our submission to the competition represents both a tool and a platform which, put in practice, could make landscape architecture happen through the hands of the individual.

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