

7170 Uppsatser om Urban Development - Sida 2 av 478

Utvärdering av urbana ekosystemtjänster: Verktyg och certifieringssystem.

Denna rapport behandlar utvärdering av urbana ekosystemtjänster på stadsdelsnivå. Eftersom ökad urbanisering leder till ökad belastning på urbana ekosystem är det viktigt att både exploatering och etablering av grönområden sker på ett hållbart sätt där ekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska faktorer inkluderas. Detta kan delvis uppnås genom att villkor i verktyg och certifieringssystem inkluderar aspekter för urbana ekosystemtjänster. Det undersökts hur certifieringssystemen BREEAM Communities och CASBEE for Urban Development samt verktyget Grönytefaktormetoden behandlar sådana urbana ekosystemtjänster. Analysen utgår från en föreslagen kategorisering av urbana ekosystemtjänster.

Urban green in Vientiane, Lao PDR : a minor field study

This is a Minor field study addressing the current situation in Vientiane, Laos where focus lies on the green structures past, present and future. The city of Vientiane is growing rapidly and as a result of this there is a increasing development. The once peaceful capital known for it?s lush and green environment is standing in a crossroad where important decision must be made to preserve valuable areas. During 8 weeks inventories and observations where made resulting into a proposal for future development. The proposal is divided into three parts. The urban fringe and surrounding landscape are still quite undeveloped and have a great potential of green wedges etc. The city of Vientiane and the green network linking important recreational, commercial and cultural places. Detailed proposal over certain green objects such as parks and squares..

Grönskan i Staden : grönstrukturens utveckling, funktioner & innehåll

The report by Boverket (2004), Hållbara städer och tätorter i Sverige - ett förslag till strategi says that large and somewhat intact green areas are better than severalsmall. Linking rural natural areas with the city's green areas, improves the opportunities for recreation and biodiversity (Boverket 2004). To create this, there isneed for a green structure in the city and its surroundings. But how to create this structure and what are the problems with the green areas in the city today? Thescenario that more and more people choose to settle in urban areas is a trend which not appears to decline, and at the same time our green spaces in cities and ruralareas decreases (Boverket 2007).

Den attraktiva stadens framväxt

The aim of this paper is to analyse how the term attractiveness is interpreted in Swedish contemporary urban planning. The focus is to analyse how the term is discursively constructed and by this highlight the conceptions that exist around what makes a city attractive. We want to emphasize the importance of a deeper understanding of how attractiveness is used in urban planning and how the term is a part of the development of our cities. Given the use of attractiveness as a part of visionary goals for Malmö´s and other Swedish cities future development, our intention, therefore, is to enhance the understanding of what the use of attractiveness means in respect of the creation and construction of power relations in time and place. The framework of our analysis is based on the discourse theory approach and used as a way of understanding how urban ideals is discursively constructed.

Från gräsmatta till äng - en studie i urban landskapsvård

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp, 2012.

Den fungerande stadsplaneringen : En studie i uppfattningar och effekter av torget och dess påverkan på demokrati

In this undergraduate thesis you will venture on a journey through the land of democratic values and urban planning. My research question is stated as: whether or not urban planning can show effects on democratic values and whether or not the municipalities in Sweden takes these possible effects into account when planning their city centres. You will in my theory part of this thesis be able to read about different views on urban planning and on democracy. Famous authors like Robert D. Putnam and Richard Florida will be examined as well as other theorists on democracy and urban planning.

Centralitet och periferi i det nya Europa : Städer som regionala nav i samarbete och konkurrens

European cities of today are under the challenge to find ways to stay competitive and flourish in a rapidly changing world, where the old patterns of centrality and periphery not necessarily holds true. New and improved communication networks, a changed political geography in Europe, and the globalisation of not only the financial and industrial markets but also to a certain extent the globalisation of people, have all led to great challenges for cities and regions.In a changed spatial reality the classic monocentric models are challenged by newer models of urbanisation. The polycentric urban region is one such model which has been used to describe urban regions like the Randstad in the Netherlands and the Rhein-Ruhr region in Germany. Regions which lack the single dominant central city of the monocentric models of old, and instead shows a high degree of more equal-sized and sometimes more specialised cities in regional cooperation. The polycentric urban region is in that aspect a possible model for how other urbanised regions in Europe may act to be able to position themselves as attractive urban regions and regional hubs in the European urban network.Polycentric urban regions are not a universal solution, though.

Medborgardriven stadsdelsutveckling- Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans

Through this thesis, we want to discuss how the marginalization of people, several precedent political, city planning- and engineering decisions resulted in a catastrophic outcome after hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005. We also put forward a case study of the Make It Right Foundation, to demonstrate how the residents of the Lower Ninth Ward are involved in the Urban Development of their community. We would like to draw attention to the power of citizens and how they can influence the Urban Development of a community after a trauma. This study also focuses on the mission of The Make It Right Foundation: which is to rebuild the Lower Ninth Ward with firm concepts on sustainable development where all dimensions are accounted: ecological, social, cultural and economic. The empirical data was collected by a field study in New Orleans 2010-03-22 and semistructured interviews were made during the same days..

Urban vindkraft i Malmö

Sverige är ett föregångsland när det gäller miljöarbetet men har inte tillhört de ledande länderna på vindkraftsområdet. Vindkraftsproduktionen i den urbana miljön är sällsynt på den svenska marknaden. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vad som menas med urban vindkraft, belysa vilka problem och hinder finns för vidare utveckling och berätta om framtidsplanerna för urban vindkraft i Malmö. Vidare försöker jag även redogöra för vilken påverkan urban vindkraft har på vårt samhälle. Uppsatsen grundar sig på analys av artiklar som behandlar urban vindkraft, studier av rapporter samt intervjuer med ansvariga för dem olika projektet som pågår i Malmö idag.

Kan Urban Computing influera Sport-IT? : En studie om nästa generations coachingverktyg

The Swedish government?s objective regarding information technology is to be world-leading in using the possibilities that digitization provides. In some aspects this has already been done, but in some areas much is yet to be accomplished. Although sports and recreational fitness activities are amongst the fastest growing areas of personal and consumer-oriented cloud computing-based technologies around the globe, there are areas within the genre that?s not evolving as quickly.

Festivalturismens inverkan på destination och attraktion : En studie kring Storsjöyrans påverkan på Östersund

This essay will examine in which way festival tourism can affect the physical location of a festival and to operationalize this we implemented a case study of the music festival Storsjöyran. Storsjöyran is a Swedish music festival held annually in the city of Östersund and since the festival, with the accompanying festival week, attract up to 300 000 visitors annually, we wanted to see what impact the festival contributed to from a development perspective of the destination. The method for gathering data has consisted of both qualitative and quantitative approaches and the data was collected via interviews and questionnaires. We also presented various theories about festival tourism and destination development, as well as previous research on urban festivals. The conclusion is that Storsjöyran contributes to a variety of factors which can help Östersund to a destination development and increased tourism.

Urban Exploration och jag : Meningsskapande på övergivna platser

Urban Exploration går ut på att utforska övergivna platser. Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva fenomenet och att diskutera det utifrån ett kulturarvs- och ungdomskulturperspektiv. För att kunna göra detta argumenterar jag, med utgångspunkt i litteraturstudier, för att Urban Exploration bör ses som ett uttryck för senmodernitet, med de särskilda förutsättningar för identitetsskapande och världsuppfattning som det innebär för individen. Som källmaterial har det Urban Exploration-utövarna själva skriver om sin verksamhet på olika Internetsidor använts. Min slutsats är att individen genom att fylla platsen med subjektiv mening skapar dels ett kulturarv, dels sig själv som ett politiskt och historiskt subjekt..

Den offentliga upphandlingen implementeringsproblem.

This thesis is a cultural theoretical case study of the art project (O)önskad samhällsförbättring.Via an analysis of the project, that is based on theories of power, resistance and contemporaryUrban Development, it examines the construction of urban space, its impact on public art including the ability of art to initiate evolvement of the urban public space.The last decades art has plaid an important role in what is called the creative city; to become attractive nodal points of the global economy, larger cities increasingly invest in art,culture and creative industry. Simultaneously the urban public space is limited to activitiesand expressions of art that are presumed to create economic growth. This introduces animpression of what is allowed and what is not allowed, possible and not possible, wished andnot wished which, as a consequence, evolves the public space. The events during the artproject and the reactions that followed enlightened these limitations. This tells a story, not only about the structuring process of the local urban space, but also important changes that are created as a simultaneous effect at different levels in society, as well locally as globally.

Sorgenfri industrial area - Urban development from a developer´s perspective with particular application to Norra Sorgenfri

Både under min tidigare utbildning, främst inom nationalekonomi vid Lunds universitet, men även senare i min yrkesutövning inom bygg- och fastighetsbranschen under en period av 15 år, har jag främst kommit i kontakt med problemställningar vilka i någon mån haft som syfte att utmynna i en slutsats med kvantitativ relevans. Då jag som del av programmet Urban utveckling och planering skulle skriva en uppsats på D-nivå, ett arbete som resulterade i förevarande rapport, valde jag därför en problemformulering och en metod som båda gav mig möjlighet att bredda min kompetens, snarare än fördjupa den. Denna studie strävar efter att utveckla en teori för stadsutveckling ur ett fastighetsföretagarperspektiv. Den specifika situation som arbetet fokuserar på är stadsdelen Norra Sorgenfri i Malmö. Teorin har genererats med användning av metoden grundad teori och datorprogrammet Atlas/ti. Läsaren finner förhoppningsvis att den teori som utvecklas har en allmän relevans för stadsutveckling och hur kommunens planarbete kan förändras. Den som är intresserad av just vitaliseringen av Norra Sorgenfri bör också kunna finna något av värde.

?Förebyggande socialt arbete" ? behövs en vidare definition?

The aim of this study is to better understand the Swedish concept of ?förebyggande socialt arbete?, preventive social work. I have conducted eleven qualitative interviews with different key persons and skaters, together with participant observation. During the process of analyzing the material I have used Randall Collins´ concepts of interaction ritual chains together with Jean Laves and Etienne Wengers concept of situated learning. The answers could be split up in three areas, first those who regard prevention work as building good things for the future.

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