

5972 Uppsatser om Upper secondary school - Arts programme - Sida 50 av 399

"De vet att jag läser, med de vet inte vad jag läser." Utbildningsledarskap som tillgång eller hot. Studerandes upplevelser av bemötanden på arbetsplatsen.

Over the period as a student at the Master's Program for Educational Leadership, I have learned thatsometimes the participants School?s management shows concern regarding the purpose of studyingat such a program. The curiosity of what that might devolve upon got me to immerse myself in theapproach to and attitude towards competence development within educational leadership.The essence of what I wanted to examine was how the students from the above mentioned Master'sProgram perceived the treatment they received from supervisors and colleagues and if it waspossible to explain the attitude that the participants in the study reported. I also wanted to examinewhat issues, related to competence development and leadership within the school system, highlightsthe treatment of participants in educational leadership.The results are based on questionnaires and interviews and are divided into four categories; thesupportive, the unaffected, the discouraged and finally a side category to explain how to handle thediscouraged?s lack of support.

Det vidgade textbegreppet : An expanded text concept - swedish teacher thinking in the upper secondary school and at university

Föreliggande undersökning behandlar området bildtolkning, bildmedier och bildbaserade medier i gymnasieskolan och på lärarutbildningen, vad Skolverkets styrdokument säger om detta, hur lärarutbildare på lärarutbildningarna och svensklärare på gymnasiet förstår och anser sig tillämpa begreppet ?bildtolkning?. Syftet har alltså varit att studera hur styrdokumentens intentioner i det här avseendet realiseras i lärarutbildningen och skolpraktiken, enligt några lärarutbildares och svensklärares beskrivningar i intervjuer.Det undersökningen i stort visar är att bildmedier och bildbaserade medier förekommer i undervisningen på gymnasiet, i olika grad. Samma sak gäller bildtolkning, men den förekommer för flera av de intervjuade lärarnas vidkommande inte på samma villkor som texttolkningen, och det verkar bero på att just de här lärarna känner sig osäkra på bildtolkning, bildmedier och bildbaserade medier, och anser sig behöva vidareutbildning för att känna sig säkra i undervisningen på området. De två lärarutbildare som ingår i undersökningen ger i olika grad de lärarstuderande verktyg för att hantera området, men har erfarenheten att de lärarstuderande på sina praktikskolor möter motstånd och därför inte får ta sina kunskaper i bruk.

Avstånd och användning : en jämförande studie av lärares använding av skolbibliotek i undervisningen

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine whether there is a connection between distance to the schoollibrary and the extent to which teachers are using it as an integral part of their teaching. The study aims to answerif the physical distance to the school library is affecting teachers' ways of working with the library, if it affects thecollaboration between teachers and librarians and finally if teachers that are using a school library outside theschool premises are doing so less as an integral part of their teaching compared to teachers that have access to aschool library within the schools premises.The study is based on qualitative interviews with six teachers in the intermediate stage of the nine-yearcompulsory school, of which three have access to a school library within the school premises and three haveaccess to a school library outside the school premises. The two groups of teachers are compared in order to findout if there is a connection between distance to the school library and the usage of it. Loertscher's school librarymedia program and teacher taxonomy have been used as a theoretical framework.The study shows that the teachers who use a school library within the school premises have a bettercollaboration with the librarians than the ones who use a school library outside the school premises. The studyalso show that theese libraries are an integral part of the teaching to a higher degree.

Drömmar med vingesus : - en undersökning av gymnasisters förståelse av äldre ord i Luciasången

This thesis work involves a quantitative study concerning secondary school students' understanding of older Swedish words in the lyrics in the Lucia song written by Elmfors way back in 1919th. The text has some old words and phrases that today's high school students do not really understand. The study includes surveys of two different classes in high school, a theoretical and a practical program. In some cases students can understand words by the context, but previous research shows results in general weakness in students' existing vocabulary. According to previous research, this is due, inter alia, that young people read and write less today.The results of all students are totally 38%, where the theoretical program has a slightly higher performance.

Matematik - för skolan eller livet? : En studie om hur Matematik A anpassas till olika gymnasieprogram

Matematikundervisningen på gymnasiet ska ge eleverna kunskaper för vardagsliv och en grund för kommande arbetsliv. Lärare på en gymnasieskola har intervjuats om hur de anpassar Matematik A till olika program och vilken respons de upplever från eleverna på dessa anpassningar. Denna studie med kvalitativ ansats har utifrån intervjuerna gett en kartläggning av hur lärare anpassar undervisningen av Matematik A för olika program, både medvetet och omedvetet. Utifrån kartläggningen gjordes också en fördjupad analys för att hitta troliga bakomliggande faktorer till anpassningarna. Resultatet visar att lärarna anpassar matematiken till olika program på flera sätt och nivåer. Vissa anpassningar gör lärarna medvetet, som att vinkla uppgifter, aktiviteter och genomgångar till grupper och programmål eller på individnivå med stöd, extra material och utmaningar.

Skolbibliotek + En-till-En = SANT?: En fallstudie av ett skolbibliotek i En-till-En miljö

Projects to equip every student and teacher with a laptop, with the intention to improve academic results, have rapidly spread through the country. New technology, new contents and new ways of learning have changed the learning envi-ronment. The school library, being a part of this environ-ment, faces the same changes and challenges.The purpose of this thesis is to study how the school library is being affected when a One-to-One project is carried out in a learning environment. The research questions concern how the school library is viewed within the organization and also how the change affects both the school library and the school librarian.The empirical material of the thesis includes five qualitative interviews carried out on location, at a single selected school. The interviews are followed by a study of relevant documents, all produced within the organization.To understand the organization in which the school library operates, as well as the school library itself, I chose to divide the theoretical approach in two: Christensen?s et al.

Pedagogernas arbetssätt i en mångkulturell kommunal skola och en friskola : Ett interkulturellt perspektiv på undervisning

The purpose of this study is to search for and compare how teachers in a multicultural municipal school and in a multicultural independent school design their teaching to benefit all the students in the classroom, regardless of background.I wanted to get information about how teachers work from an intercultural perspective. To get information I used qualitative methods, which includes interviews and observations. I interviewed four teachers working in a primary school. Two from a independent school and two from a municipal school.The result revealed that both the independent school and municipal school are working from an intercultural perspective where they try to find different methods to reach every student in the class. Their biggest similarity is that the teachers put a lot of effort on language development since the Swedish language is key to the Swedish society.

Elever i särskola : Från segregering till inkludering

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to find out how students who are going to special school feel about going to that type of school compared to going to the regular school. I also want to know what they know about integration and a school for all, if they even know about the research that has been done and still is being done. I chose to interview two students to find out what they think about the subject. The two students go to different programs of special school in high school. I chose the method of interviewing because I wanted to get a vivid conversation and to be able to do follow-up questions.

Det nya utanförskapet : En diskursanalys av hur svensk nyhetspress rapporterade om utanförskap under åren 2006 - 2012.

Our study examining how well the guidelines, from Skolverket (School Department), aboutgrades in the course "Samhällskunskap A" are implemented in the Swedish Upper SecondarySchool. The study focus on both teachers and students. To discover which knowledge the bothgroups have, we have used two different methods. The students have answered a survey,which was based on the phrases from the course plan "Samhällskunskap A" about grades. Thesurvey wanted to see how well the students could match the correct phrases with the gradesteps (the Swedish school uses three grade steps).

Vägar till vuxenliv : Trettioåringar från Norrtälje om uppväxten, skolan och vuxenlivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate, and if possible explain, how background, childhood, and education in a municipal or regional context can affect young peoples? life trajectories.The living conditions for the population in the coastal region Roslagen with its geographical and historical specificities has during centuries largely been characterized by practical crafts-manship. With a growing share of non-permanent residents in the region with demand for help and services, this culture has during the later years been able to prosper. The social reproduc-tion in the municipality also seems to be extensive. In addition to original background, appar-ently the municipality?s service-dominated trade and industry culture has also affected the choice of education and profession of the youth in Norrtälje.

Social rädsla bland ungdomar

Social phobia is a fear which limits a person's capabilities in daily situations. The fear can be so strong that a person can distance themselves from all social situations, for example education, marriage, sports activities etc. The purpose of this study is to discover whether there are any correlations between social fear and choice of educational program, between social fear and sex, and between social fear and Internet use. Questionnaires were administered to 80 upper secondary pupils. Each questionnaire answer was assigned a certain score, which was then coded in SPSS, the highest scores corresponding to highest degrees of shyness.

Diskussionsforum på internet : Demokratiserande potential, eller en potentiell fara för demokratin?

In recent years, the right-wing extremist site Avpixlat (?Unveiled?) and the anti-racist blog Inte rasist, men... (?Not a racist, but??, IRM) have established themselves as political actors and platforms for political discussion in Sweden. However, we know very little about them and their impact on democracy.

Ett vidgat textbegrepp

Denna studie avser att undersöka och analysera fyra verksamma lärares uppfattningar om det vidgade textbegrepp som uttrycks i kursplanen i svenska 2000 och vilken betydelse deras uppfattning om det begreppet får för elevers undervisning i svenskämnet. Studien ska dessutom undersöka och analysera deras uppfattningar om hur ett vidgat textbegrepp kan förstås och relateras gentemot styrdokumenten i svenskämnet. För att fånga fyra lärares uppfattningar om ett vidgat textbegrepp och vilken betydelse deras uppfattning får för deras elevers svenskundervisning, har intervjuer genomförts i grundskolan med fyra lärare i år 6-9. Förhoppningen var att dessa intervjuer skulle ge en bild av verksamma lärares uppfattning om ett vidgat textbegrepp och hur det gestaltas i deras undervisning. Resultatdelen i uppsatsen upplyser om de fyra lärarnas olika uppfattningar om ett vidgat textbegrepp och vilken betydelse det får för elevers undervisning i svenskämnet.The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the understanding, of four teachers, about the wide text concept as it is put in the Swedish curriculum of 2000, and what meaning their opinion has for their teaching in Swedish arts.

Barns kunskaper om rymden : Hur iutvecklas elevers kunskaper om solsystemet från förskoleklassen till årskurs 5?

AbstractWhat do the pupils really learn in school? What do the pupils know before they begin schooland what knowledge do they have when they graduate form 5 and should have achieved thegoals? I chose to interview some pupils in the end of nursery school and some pupils in theend of form 5. To limit myself I chose the subject space, because I think most pupils thinkthat space is an interesting subject. The result of my examination was that pupils in nurseryschool have many different thoughts and previous knowledge about space, often on the basisof what they have seen themselves, and that some of the pupils in form 5 have some moredeveloped knowledge while some pupils still got the skill as a nursery school pupil. Myexamination shows that some pupils have learned surprisingly little, bearing in mind that theyhave been in school for five years..

Läroböckers förmedling av politiskt deltagande : En kvalitativ textanalys om förmedlingen av politiskt deltagande i fyra läroböcker för samhällskunskap 1a1 och 1b i den svenska gymnasieskolan

Den här uppsatsen studerar läroböcker anpassade för gymnasieskolans grundkurser i samhällskunskap för att undersöka läroböckernas beskrivning av politiskt deltagande. Syftet är att undersöka om läroböckerna uppmuntrar till politiskt deltagande. Ytterligare syften är att undersöka om läroböckerna fokuserar på någon form av det politiska deltagandet samt om det finns någon skillnad mellan läroböckerna för de praktiska- respektive de teoretiska programmen. Utifrån tidigare forskning och teori skapades ett analysschema. Analysschemat innehåller fyra fält: parlamentariskt kollektivt politiskt deltagande, parlamentariskt individuellt politiskt deltagande, utomparlamentariskt kollektivt politiskt deltagande samt individuellt utomparlamentariskt deltagande.

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