

1513 Uppsatser om Unit managers - Sida 20 av 101

Sport Managers, Vad gör de? - En studie kring de arbetsuppgifter som innehas och de kvalifikationer som krävs för att arbeta som sport manager

Författare:Lars JennforsTitel:Sport Managers, Vad gör de? - En studie kring de arbetsuppgifter som innehas och de kvalifikationer som krävs för att arbeta som sport managerInnehåll:Sport Management är ett förhållandevis outforskat område i Sverige. Därmed är det inte alldeles självklart vilka personer som har ett arbete som kan kallas sport manager. Definitionerna som därmed blir av central roll i studien är idrottssektorn, idrottsorganisationer och sport manager. Att ta del av dessa definitioner är viktigt för att kunna ta till sig av det resultat som framkommit.Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på vilka kvalifikationer som krävs på idrottens arbetsmarknad inom yrket sport manager, samt vad en sport manager har för arbetsuppgifter.

Likvärdig bedömning? : Så tolkar idrottslärarna värdeorden "till viss del", "relativt väl" och "väl" utifrån kunskapskraven i Lgr 11

The core process is responsible for internal business development and is the process that runs through the organization and the results which creates a value for the customer. Some research suggests that identification of the client's conscious or unconscious needs clarifying the so-called core process in the organization and operations can thus be more effective. The study aims to identify and analyze the experience of the core process within child health care. The method has been interviews with nine managers and 10 clinic nurses in a county. The results show a lack of knowledge regarding core process and process work.

Att beskriva och jämföra en expertgrupp och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors överensstämmelse i att detektera delirium hos intuberade, respiratorbehandlade patienter med sedering/analgesi, före och efter en utbildningsintervention : En kvasiexperimentell stud

The aim: was to describe and compare a group of experts and critical care nurses' agreement in detecting delirium in intubated, ventilator treated patients with sedation / analgesia, before and after an in house training intervention with the instrument Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Method: A quasi-experimental study, one group pretest - posttest design. A convenience sample of 17 critical care nurses in a general intensive care unit included. To detect delirium the instrument CAM-ICU was used, 21 paired tests before and 22 after an educational intervention.Main Results: The results showed that after an in house training intervention sensitivity and kappa coefficient improved of the characteristic 1 "acute onset and fluctuating course," an improvement that was significant. In other features, and overall values were signs of numerical improvement and deterioration in sensitivity, specificity and kappa coefficient but no significant change.Conclusion: Implementing a new instrument for detecting delirium in clinical practice requires education and follow-up. A small sample of critical care nurses with varying ability to use the new instrument and the fact that patients' status may change rapidly making it difficult to draw any conclusions from this study.

Kärnprocessen inom barnhälsovården

The core process is responsible for internal business development and is the process that runs through the organization and the results which creates a value for the customer. Some research suggests that identification of the client's conscious or unconscious needs clarifying the so-called core process in the organization and operations can thus be more effective. The study aims to identify and analyze the experience of the core process within child health care. The method has been interviews with nine managers and 10 clinic nurses in a county. The results show a lack of knowledge regarding core process and process work.

"Delaktighet är engagemang" : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av delaktighet hos mellanchefer inom hemtjänst  

The aim of this qualitative study is to examine the experience of participation among first line managers within community home care. The study is based on eight interviews with first line managers operating in a metropolitan area in Sweden. A majority of the interviewees worked in private companies.We have used two theories to interpret our empiri: Lean Production and Human Resource Management. The analysis resulted in seven themes: economy, leadership, participation, view on the organization, first line manager, private or municipally operated organization and expectations on the manager. Our results showed that all the interviewees experienced that they were participant in the organization.

Ett meningsfullt utvecklingssamtal - En studie av ledning, chefer och medarbetares förväntningar utifrån teorier om organisationskultur

This thesis is examining if the management, the managers and the employees have a differentpoint of view regarding the purpose and the expectations of a performance review. Additionally it is an assignment from the Swedish company Flexlink AB with the purpose of constructing a new template for their performance reviews. The assumption is that if you manage to create one template for performance reviews that meets the expectations at all levels of the organization, it will contribute to create a meaningful performance review.We decided to study this from an organizational cultural perspective, since the organizational culture plays a significant part in performance reviews. Performance reviews are systematic conversations between employees and managers related to planning, information exchange and developing the relationship. Previous research indicates that if employees are satisfied with their performance reviews, they prone to be more satisfied with their work situation and have a higher organizational commitment.

Det coachande ledarskapet : En win-win situation?

Abstract Title: Coaching Leadership - A win-win situation? Level: Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration Author: Helena Gustafsson Supervisor: Pär Vilhelmson Date: 2012 ? mars Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how companies use the coaching leadership and how the employees perceive to have a manager who uses this way to lead. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study in which interviews was an important feature. The information I gathered is the basis for analysis and final discussion. The material has been collected through personal interviews with two managers and then I send questions to the employees by e-mail that they responded. This is to get such an interesting empirical data as possible.

Mobil försäljningsenhet : En produktutvecklingsprocess

Galna Glassen is a company that has a unique way of selling ice cream in Sweden. The idea is for the costumer to be able to compose their own favorite ice cream, partly by choosing the flavor of ice cream but also by picking the ingredients. The ingredients that can be chosen from are around twenty and can be everything from cookies to candy to berries. When the costumer has chosen their ice cream and ingredients they are mixed together on a cooled granite board.The company was very successful when it was founded in the summer of 2011 and decided to expand to other cities in Sweden. They also wanted to explore the profitability of a mobile sales unit that is intended for festivals and events.The thesis is meant to develop Galna Glassen?s mobile sales unit.

SCA Skogs arbetsmetoder för att fastställa nyttan av en väginvestering

The basis of road investments is to minimize the transportation cost. The forest industry wants roundwood to be available during the whole year. One way of determine which road to invest in is to do a cost/benefit calculation. SCA Forest lacks a uniform approach to determine the utility of a road investment. The goal of this report is to describe how the organization works today and find areas of improvement. The data collection was done through interviews.

Pedagogers användning av tecken som stöd i förskolan : En studie av fem pedagogers användning av tecken som stöd i verksamheten på förskolan

 Performance appraisals- a study of the performance appraisals significance as a tool for development in the public sector.Anders Larsson and Åsalill OlssonPerformance appraisals have been given a central role in leading businesses in the public sector and are seen as a tool to create development opportunities and achieve better results. This has resulted that performance appraisal in many organizations takes up capacity and time. This was the starting point of our interest to study whether the time spent on performance appraisals effectively pays for itself in the organization, in other words whether the effects expected actually are achieved. The paper examines first line managers` views on staff appraisal purposes and effects of a function within the Landstinget. The survey design, methodology and transaction are of qualitative and quantitative method with three different sources: literature review of previous research, interviews with first line managers in Landstinget Västmanland and the results from an employee satisfaction survey conducted on behalf of Landstinget Västmanland.

Utveckling av sensor för mätning av hjärtaktivitet

Rörelseanalys är ett nödvändigt verktyg då det gäller bedömning, uppföljning och diagnos vid alla de sjukdomar som påverkar den mänskliga rörelseapparaten. Idag finns det i Sverige ett fåtal kliniska gånglaboratorier dit patienter kan remitteras för att få en mer detaljerad och objektiv bedömning av deras rörelsemönster. Problemen med dessa gånglaboratorier är att de är förhållandevis dyra och resurskrävande.Avdelningen för Medicinsk Teknik- FoU vid Norrlands Universitetssjukhus har därför initierat ett forskningsprojekt där AnyMo, ett mobilt system för mätningar av rörelsemönster, har utvecklats.Målet med detta examensarbete var att vidareutveckla det befintliga systemet till att simultant kunna mäta hjärtats EKG, då det skulle göra undersökningen mer komplett.De delar som konstruerades i projektet var en EKG-sensor och en Master Unit, som kopplades ihop med en befintlig rörelsesensor (del av AnyMo-systemet). Informationen från sensorerna lagrades lokalt i ett minneskort på systemets Master Unit.Den färdiga produkten testades och utvärderades på en motionscykel vid olika nivåer av fysisk ansträngning och varierande rörelsefrekvens..

"Det är alldeles för mycket sport inom idrotten" : En studie av svenska sportchefer

Authors: Lars Johansson & Johan PetterssonTitle: ?There is way to much sports in the athletics? ? A study of Swedish sportsFootball has gone from being a hobby and a popular pastime into a billion-dollar industry, and clubs around Europe are therefore operated more and more like regular companies. Sweden's position in the UEFA rankings is a modest 23 rd place, behind nations such as Austria, Switzerland and Belarus. The economic climate in Sweden is often highlighted as a strong factor. When we started our study we agreed that this could be a major contributing factor to this relatively modest rank, but believed that there were also other factors that played a big role.

Identitet och identitetsstilar : Sambandet mellan kön, utbildning och identitetsbildning på gymnasiet

Abstract Title: Coaching Leadership - A win-win situation? Level: Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration Author: Helena Gustafsson Supervisor: Pär Vilhelmson Date: 2012 ? mars Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how companies use the coaching leadership and how the employees perceive to have a manager who uses this way to lead. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study in which interviews was an important feature. The information I gathered is the basis for analysis and final discussion. The material has been collected through personal interviews with two managers and then I send questions to the employees by e-mail that they responded. This is to get such an interesting empirical data as possible.

Problem : en begreppsanalys

The elderly care is an area of great importance to women. Women are more often in need of elderly care; they work with the service and provide a majority of the informal service. Research shows that managers? work-related prerequisites are significantly different between the male dominated technical administration and the female dominated care and educational administration. Studies also show that what the highest managerial organisation gives priority to, often permeate the whole organisation.

Internal Communication Approach : En empirisk undersökning av de interna kommunikationskanalerna på ICA Butiksadministration

Title: Internal Communication Approach ? A study of the internal communication-channels of the ICA Administration. Background: The ICA Administration is in the process of generating an organizational change with the purpose of improving their external communication. The internal communication, on the other hand, has been put aside and is missing guidelines at the present.  Since the ICA Administration does not know how the staff uses the internal communication-channels they cannot optimize nor develop them. As the literature shows, it is important to choose the channel that is most appropriate for the type of information that it is meant to communicate. Choosing the wrong channel, or using it wrongly, can bring problems consisting of the staff experiencing to receive less information than needed in their daily work. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore and describe the internal communication between the employees of the ICA Administration from the existing communication-channels and their usage. Method: Through the initial interviews with the staff, the internal communication-channels of the ICA Administration were determined.

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