

87 Uppsatser om Unaccompanied - Sida 4 av 6

Kultur - hinder och möjlighet : En studie om ensamkommande flyktingbarns möte med en ny kultur

The aim with this essay was that on the basis of the care staff?s interpretations study how the Unaccompanied refugee children consider cultural differences in the Swedish society and how it influenced the children. The study was carried out through six qualitative interviews with care workers at a municipal group accommodation for Unaccompanied refugee children in the south of Sweden. The individual interviews were semi-structured and built on a list of questions with different subjects that were linked to the aim and question formulation for the essay. The analysis was carried out from Lazarus theory about coping and Antonovsky?s theory about ?SOC?, sense of coherence, with focus on the three components, comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness.

Informationsutbytesavtal med USA : Är FATCA förenligt med svensk rätt och EU-rätt?

AbstractMany of the refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to Unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

Särskilt ömmande omständigheter -ensamkommande barns bästa? : Om regleringen kring ensamkommande barn som anknytningspersoner i förhållande till FN:s barnkonvention

AbstractMany of the refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to Unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

Att skapa ett hem för ensamkommande barn : Boendepersonals upplevelser av sin yrkesroll

The aim of this study was to understand how staff at residential homes for Unaccompanied children experiences their professional role. The main focus of the study was on how the staff defines their professional role and how they handle the situation to be close and at the same time keep a distance towards the children in care. Five women and two men were interviewed at five different residential homes for Unaccompanied children. By symbolic interactionism we are able to see that the professional roles are shaped through interaction with the children in care as well as in relation to colleagues. The main role for the staff is to build up a relationship with the children.

Relationen mellan flyktingkonventionenoch barnkonventionen : Det internationella skyddet för ensamkommande barn under asylprocessen

AbstractMany of the refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to Unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

"Att hjälpa är att lära" : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av socialt stöd för ensamkommande flyktingungdomar

Every year a great amount of Unaccompanied children flee their homelands without their parents or guardians. This means a journey filled with danger and difficulties. The difficulties don?t only exist during the road ahead but also when the children arrive to the new country. Even if Sweden?s work in receiving refugees is one of the best in the world, it still exist problems.

?Våra långväga vänner": folkbibliotekarierna och de ensamkommande barnen

Purpose: The purpose of the study reported in this thesis is to addto the knowledge concerning what public librarians do to meet theneeds of Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors, thereby helpingthem to develop and establish themselves in a new environment.What tasks, activities and tools do the librarians have at theirdisposal? What problems do they encounter? What values, normsand attitudes guide their work? Method: The thoughts andexperiences of six public librarians have been captured throughqualitative semi-structured interviews, the result of which has beenthematically analysed using notions of social capital and socialexclusion. Findings: Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors facea number of challenges which the public library with its librarians,collections and various activities can assist in coping with byproviding the children with opportunities to increase their socialcapital and decrease the risk of social exclusion. Researchlimitations: It has for several reasons proven difficult to studyUnaccompanied asylum-seeking children as a distinct group, whichis why this study also uses material that deals with refugees as awhole. A significant amount of the latter are undeniablyUnaccompanied minors, an especially exposed and vulnerable typeof refugees.

Alla kan moppa golv : En kvalitativ studie av två HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn ur ett genusperspektiv

The focus of this study has been to plumb social workers experiences regarding their work methods in two institutions regarding Unaccompanied children through a perspective of gender. In this study, four semi-structured qualitative interviews has been contrived in purpose to gather in material which has been presented in five themes to ease an analyse focusing of gender. In all the interviews both authors participated with one in charge and one taking notes. One of the main focuses has been the relations between both social workers and their clients and between colleges in the institutions. The other main focus has been the activities, both planed and spontaneous, which the clients been offered, for example football, bowling and boxing.

Är du myndig så är du : En kvalitativ studie om insatser för ensamkommande barn.

This is a qualitative study about Unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Funktionshindrade brukare om mötet med professionella hjälpare : En uppsats om stigmatisering och makt

This is a qualitative study about Unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Bemötande online : En analys av kommunikation på anonyma och icke anonyma forum utifrån Amanda Todds bera?ttelse

This is a qualitative study about Unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Mötet med det svenska samhället : En kvalitativ studie med fem unga vuxna som kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande asylsökande barn

The aim of this study was to reach an understanding of how young adults with permanent residence permit, who came to Sweden as Unaccompanied asylum seeking minors, experience their confrontation with the Swedish society. Another purpose was to understand how these young adults view Sweden and its inhabitants, as well as the experience of starting a new life in Sweden. In order to investigate these questions, a qualitative method consisting of five interviews with five young men was conducted.The results showed that the respondents feared the meeting with the immigration board and that they feel that school is divided in two groups, Swedes and immigrants. People with nonethnic Swedish background who have lived in Sweden for a long time are seen as Swedes, and in that meaning assimilated. One important conclusion we made was that the division between Swedes and immigrants have a negative influence on the immigrants´ integration in the society.

?där var jag ett barn, nu känner jag mig som en man? - En kvalitativ studie om ensamkommande barns sociala situation och identitetsutveckling

The purpose of our research was to explore the social situation of Unaccompanied children. We also aimed to reveal the relation between their social situation and their identity development. The overall purpose were to describe their social situation, the value of significant others, how different languages influence their identity development and finally how their origin affects their future dreams.In order to achieve the best result in our research a qualitative method was used. This was based on qualitative interviews and was disposed around a very loose set of questions in order to let the interviewees lead the way. The analysis of the result was conducted on the basis of a set of theories and concepts in order to understand the identity development.

Kan abstrakt tänkande öka gymnasieelevers kreativitet?

The purpose of this study is to examine how the work with young people at home to care and accommodation (HVB) are organized in a municipality outside Karlstad and how the staff perceive emotions in the workplace. The issues that are discussed are based on the concepts of social ties, emotional labor, roles, shame and pride. The number of people who are fleeing in the world is today about 51 million. There has not been this high since World War II. The Swedish Migration Board calculated that about 7,000 of these people were Unaccompanied children and came to Sweden in 2014.

Berättelser om att lära sig ett nytt språk. Ensamkommande flyktingbarn berättar.

Berättelser om att lära sig ett nytt språk Ensamkommande flyktingbarn berättar Stories about learning a new language ? Narratives from Unaccompanied refugee children.

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