

3435 Uppsatser om Unaccompanied children - Sida 30 av 229

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med barn som har neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder. : "Det är som en berg- och dalbana, det går upp och ner hela tiden"

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how former foster children experienced foster care which have been filled with maltreatment and neglect and how this has influenced their adult life when it comes to health, education and relationships. We also wanted to study how the former foster children coped with their placement. Furthermore we wanted to study whether there has been any turningpoints during their growth. Finally we wanted to describe how the former foster children experienced the authorities control. To make the purpose of this study complete we chose to use qualitative interviews with six former foster children as our research method.

Fritidspedagogens ansvar inför den fria leken

As a leisure time pedagogue I find it hard to have an insight into what children are playing, and how they play when it comes to free play. My experience is that in some free play, conflicts arise, which reveal hierarchies and power structures containing violations, whereas other occasions of free play suddenly come to an end as the pedagogue interferes. In this essay I investigate my responsibility as a leisure time pedagogue during children´s free play, based on two differing play situations. I also investigate the play as a phenomenon by looking into previous research on children?s play and development psychology.

Diagnosens vara eller icke vara : En kvalitativ studie om speciallärares/specialpedagogers syn på fenomenen ADHD och DAMP

Aim & Questions at issueThe aim of our study is to study how special teachers/special educationalists in schools of Stockholm look at the phenomenon ADHD/DAMP. We have looked into their view on the diagnose, compared to the two different kinds of research visions about the diagnosis who are known in Sweden today. How do the special teacher/special educationalist work with the diagnosed children?This is our questions at issue:? Is there any optimal learning situation for children with ADHD/DAMP?? Is there something that distinguish all children with ADHD/DAMP?? What is positive and negative about giving the diagnose ADHD/DAMP to children?? Is there any external factors that influence that there is so many more children today who has been given a diagnose?? How does special teachers/special educationalists look on amfetamin-treatment?MethodWe have done qualitative interviews with special teachers/special educationalists in the city area of Stockholm. These have been worked up one by one and then been compared and evaluated together.ResultAll special teachers/special educationalists mentioned that when you educate children with ADHD/DAMP, a structured life underlies the possibility for the children to provide knowledge.

Projektet Från tanke till handling - Läsfrämjande i utveckling

The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities for children?s librarians to extend their competence in the area of reading promotion. The study is carried out within an ongoing reading promotion project directed towards small children from 0-7 years. The study aims to answer the following questions: How do children?s librarians develop new skills in a reading promotion project? How do children?s librarians view a broadening of the concept of reading and how does their approach affect which skills that are acknowledged?The study is mainly based on qualitative interviews with five children´s librarians who all participate in the project.

Om rätten till utbildning för psykologiskt och socialt utsatta barn och ungdomar: ett juridiskt perspektiv

This essay is about children who have psychological and social problems. An increase part of children and young people in Sweden describe this kind of difficulties. These problems are at the same time a concern for the school as well as the social welfare. The purpose in this essay is to explore if children with psychological and social problems have the same legal rights to education as other children. The main questions are to describe the legal rights in this area and explore how schools and social welfare cooperate in order to achieve better possibilities for the children.The facts take a legal aspect as a starting point.

Flerspråkiga barn i förskolan : Ur ett lärarperspektiv

My purpose with this paper related to my questions was to find out how professionals preeschool teachers working on multilingualism. I also wanted to get answers on how pedagogues in the preeschool may promote multilingual children´s language development, the factors that promote multilingual children´s language development and the role parents have in the language development of multilingual children. I chose to do my study in the form of interviews with professional preeschool teachers and interviewees described including the need for more knowledge of pedagogues around multilingualism. My result based on theoretichal background and the study is that pedagogues should let the children´s all languages esemble together. A factor influencing the multilingual children´s language development is ambient attitudes to multilingualism.

Fritidspedagoger och pedagogisk kvalitet : En studie om fritidspedagogers syn på pedagogisk kvalitet med stora barngrupper

This work is about leisure educators' views on educational quality in large groups of children. School centers will contribute to children's development and learning through meaningful leisure and leisure educators' contribution with a high educational quality. There are a lot of discussions and writings about growing groups of children. How are the leisure education and its quality affected by increasing children's groups? It sparked my interest and therefore I wanted to examine this more closely how it might look in the leisure activities.The aim of this work was to examine leisure educators' perspective on how the educational quality is affected by large groups of children and what is considered of leisure educators' as a high educational quality.To answer my purpose five interviews was made with leisure educators' in different parts of Sweden and also by studying the theoretical foundations and literature for school centers and leisure education.The results of the interviews reveal, among other things, that leisure educators' feel that the large groups of children affects the quality of teaching at many levels.

Barn och ungdomar som begår sexuella övergrepp : Socialsekreterares perspektiv

Introduction: The National Board of Health and Welfares conclusion was that today there was a low awareness about children who act sexually toward others and how their problems can be handled. This requires extensive work by school personnel and social workers to give the children the support they need. Aim: The aim was to investigate social workers perception in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Method: A qualitative method was utilized with semi-structured interviews to describe social workers perceptions in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Four social workers from different communities were interviewed in southern Sweden.

Barn till psykiskt sjuka finns, men syns de? - En kvalitativ studie om hur olika verksamheter och myndigheter arbetar och samverkar för att uppmärksamma dessa barn

The aim of this study is to investigate how different organizations and authorities work and collaborate to make children of mentally ill parents more visible. The question formulations, which are used in our research, are:- How do different organizations and authorities work to make children of mentally ill parents more visible and how can this work be improved?- How do laws and guidelines affect the organizations and authorities work to make children of mentally ill parents more visible? - Is there any collaboration between the different organizations and authorities concerning work with children of mentally ill parents, and how does that work appear? A qualitative method strategy was chosen to gather an in-depth understanding of the informant?s experiences and to collect descriptive information. Six organizations and authorities were selected from the comprehension that they could be important in giving support and because it is possible for them to pay attention to these children. Interviews were performed by using a half- structured interview guide.

Bland legohjältar och tillfångatagna prinsessor : En undersökning kring femåringars bråklek i förskolan

By using the children's own thoughts and stories this theses aim to investigate and illustrate the phenomenon of rough and tumble play and its existence among five year olds in preschool.    The formulations of the questions are:What do children consider as rough and tumble play? - and what characterise that?From without a perspective of rough and tumble play, which kinds of rough and tumble play do the children play in preschool? - and how do those characterise?What makes rough and tumble play possible and accepted for the children to play in preschool?In this thesis I have investigated the questions above by interviewing 11 five years olds about how they consider rough and tumble play in preschool. From without Birgitta Knutsdotter Olofsson's and Torben Hangaard Rasmussen's view about play and rough and tumble play I created a perspective of rough and tumble play, which I used for analyzing the empirics. With rough and tumble play I mean games or plays that includes wrestling, hitting, kicking, pushing, chasing, running or/and the use of weapons against other human beings or other visualized beings or/and human beings.The conclusions are that children has many different opinions of what rough and tumble play is. Depends on who you are asking you will get a different perspective.

Barns uppfattningar om och förståelse kring sin dyslexi : En studie i hur barn upplever sin dyslexidiagnos

AbstractThis act is about how five children with dyslexia consider and understands their diagnosis. It is also about their self-image, future sights and about how their school life is compared with before they got their diagnosis. The study is implemented autumn 2011 on a medium-sized school in central Sweden. The survey was implemented through interviews with the five children, of which four was girls and one was a boy. The study shows that the children understand their dyslexia relatively well, but that they experience that it is bothersome to live with dyslexia.

"Kolla vad jag hittade!" Förskolebarns bilderbokssökning med samspel i fokus

The purpose of this study is to investigate how children search for and choose picture books while visiting the library together in a preschool group. How do children interact with each other and their teacher while searching for picture books? Which aspects of children's everyday lives are apparent in their choice of picture books? The theoretical frame of reference consists of Brenda Dervin's sense-making approach to information seeking and William Corsaro's sociological approach to studying children's routine activities within a peer culture. To capture children's interaction, we have observed a preschool group consisting of six 3- to 5-year olds and their teacher in a library setting during three visits. Our study shows that children's search for picture books is a social activity that involves various verbal and nonverbal strategies in order to include and exclude each other when they find a picture book that interests them.

?Om dom bara säger nej hela tiden vet man ju inte hurman gör när man ska spela? : En studie om surfplattors användningsområden i förskolan

I have through qualitative interviews and analysis of previous research in the area searched answers to what tablets are used for in preschools and the reason why they are used in this way. In addition, it examines the similarities and differences there are in how teachers and children describe the use of the tool in preschool. The study is also looking for answers on whether and how the plates are used to develop children's scientific knowledge. There are six teachers and 14 children's statement that forms the basis for the analysis. The results indicate that tablets are used for two purposes.

Leken : En studie om pedagogernas syn på lekens betydelse inom förskolan

The aim of this study was to investigate whether teachers are involved in children´s play, what their perspectives are on the importance of play and what conditions teachers have to stimulate children in their playing. In this study, I?ve been able to verify that play has a great value for children?s learning development. My method have been interviewing four teachers at a kindergarten in order to examine educators? perspective on the importance of play.The results of my investigation showed that teachers believe that play and role- play have a major impact on children's learning.

Rättsenlighet och ansvarstagande i de ensamkommande flyktingbarnens asylprocess

Earlier this year the Swedish migration board gave a part of their responsibility for the separated children to those municipalities that have signed an agreement with them, so that the children can get the best handling of their matters and also to lift the heavy pressure of the Swedish migration board. Our aim in this paper is to see how this division is made and which areas of responsibility they have. We want to see how this process is being handled in relation to these children?s rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Swedish law. To get the best information possible we used a qualitative method.

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