

771 Uppsatser om Ultrasonic range - Sida 28 av 52

Tradition, Vetenskap och Upplevelse En Analys av Mindfulness och New Age i det Moderna Västerländska Samhället

The purpose of the present study is to investigate mindfulness as a New Age phenomenon in the modern western society. Since a religious phenomenon does not exist in a vacuum, but is dependent on its historical and cultural context, my aim is to give a broad depiction of mindfulness and New Age in its wider context, the historical background and the societal implications of common values, themes and concepts that are frequent in the literature, how mindfulness is presented by the authors of popular literature and also how it is presented in science. In order to bring forward a deeper understanding of New Age and mindfulness? role in the modern western society, my intention is to see how the authors of mindfulness claim validity of their doctrines in the discourse. Mindfulness attracts a wide range of perpetrators and is used in many areas in the society today.

Mäns och kvinnors skattning av oro och nedstämdhet, före och efter ett års hjärtrehabilitering : En empirisk kvasiexperimentell studie

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur patienter som haft en hjärtinfarkt och/eller genomgått en kranskärlsoperation skattar sin oro och nedstämdhet före och efter ett års hjärtrehabilitering samt om det fanns skillnader mellan mäns och kvinnors skattningar.Enkäter innehållande patienters självskattning av oro och nedstämdhet före och efter hjärtrehabilitering, Hospital Anxiety and depression scale (HAD), samlades in från Hälsoinvest i Högbo. Författarna till denna studie valde att samla in enkäter från 1996- 2001.För att få delta i hjärtrehabiliteringen måste patienterna vara i arbetsför ålder och haft hjärtinfarkt och/eller genomgått kranskärlsoperation samt vara icke rökare. HAD- formuläret innehöll sju frågor rörande oro och sju frågor rörande nedstämdhet. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 115 personer: 34 kvinnor och 81 män. Medelåldern på deltagarna var 52,4 år (range = 33-61 år).

Två dagar senare ... En uppsats om helgens guldkant

About a year ago, Göteborgs-Posten, one of Sweden's largest daily newspapers, decided it was unprofitable to continue producing their feature-style weekend magazine, Två Dagar. Standing at a crossroads,not wanting to stop producing the weekend magazine altogether, they decided to outsource. Spoon Publishing AB, a content agency with strong ties to Göteborg, were assigned with taking over the production.Going forward, Spoon has taken over a majority of the responsibility for the conceptual work and actual production, all with the main purpose of reducing cost and increasing efficiency.Normally Spoon does content marketing for a wide range of customers in an equally wide spectra of channels, from print to radio, television and web.The main purpose of this essay has been to investigate and establish whether the journalistic integrity and quality has in fact been maintained despite the weekend magazine being outsourced. We have analyzed selected editions of the magazine, first and foremost inarticles under the vignette fashion, using a qualitative method for content analysis, scrutinizing everything from the denotation of single words to the big picture. This specific vignette contains the most frequent contributions by in-house, or at least reappearing, journalists.Perusing the material in Två Dagar, we have come to the conclusion that the magazine has indeed retained its level of quality and still reflects the same core values as before being outsourced..

Examination of mycorrhizal associations of Allanblackia stuhlmannii : a tree under current domestication

Allanblackia is a tree genus native to humid forests in West, Central and East Africa. Its fruits contain large seeds from which edible high-quality fat can be extracted. In order to create a sustainable supply chain of Allanblackia seeds, a domestication program has been initiated with the purpose to enable smallholder farmers to grow the tree as an agroforestry component and cash crop. More knowledge is required to understand the tree?s biology and possible symbioses involving soil microorganisms with plant growth enhancing poten-tial.

Personalläsecirklar på folkbibliotek ? Ett forum för att utveckla litteraturpedagogiska förhållningssätt

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how librarians perceive the importance of staff reading groups in helping to make fiction more accessible to adult users of public libraries. The study also examines how librarians perceive the learning processes in such groups, and what these learning processes involve and how they appear. The empirical data was acquired via observations of four staff reading groups and interviews with seven public librarians who took part in the groups. In part, the empirical data is interpreted by means of Lena Wilhelmsson?s analytical tool, which deals with changes of perspective within an organised group.

Internal Market Harmonisation and Trade Implications for Non-EU Companies

After the formation of the European Union internal market in 1992, member state specific obstacles and barriers were largely removed. This was especially the case in harmonised industries where standardisation and technical regulation have led to legal certainty. Despite this, a large range of trade regulation continues to remain distortional to trade, in addition to the ongoing tariffs and subsidies. The key trade regulations relate to a number of areas involving technical regulations such as production labelling and the protection of intellectual property rights. Whilst policy makers claim justification based around the need to correct market failure in delivering desired outcomes, the question is whether these regulations are appropriate responses to market failures or if they have simply been imposed in an attempt to protect domestic markets.

?Horan, knarkaren och fettots fortsättning?? : En queerfeministisk analys av de normbrytande personligheterna i romanen Eld

Engelfors Trilogy is a three-part fantasy novel consisting of Circle, Fire and The key, written by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgrens. Circle was nominated for the August Prize award 2011, which is a literary prize awarded each year. The book has also been translated into 25 different languages. Fire came out in August 2013 and is the part of the novel that I will concentrate on in these theses. What I will do in this paper is a queer feminist analysis of the novel's main characters in the book Fire.

Applikation för sökning i databaslogg samt design av databas

Den här rapporten behandlar ett system som använder en databas som lagringsplats för loggar. En bra metod för att hämta ut dessa loggar saknades och databasdesignen behövde förbättras för sökningar i loggarna. En applikation för att hämta och söka i loggposter från databasen skapades. En undersökning om hur databasdesignen kunde förbättras genomfördes också. Båda delarna gjordes i ett projekt för att de hörde ihop.

Gaffelbandsskador : en retrospektiv studie av konservativt behandlade hästar

Suspensory ligament injuries are a common cause of lameness among sport horses. These injuries are expensive due to slow healing, extensive convalescence and high risk of recurrence. The prognosis has been reported to be everything from good to guarded depending on the size of the lesion and the location within the suspensory ligament. The purpose of this study was to determine how different factors such as age, use, and location of the lesion are associated with the final outcome after a suspensory ligament injury. Material: Hospital records of 27 horses treated for suspensory ligament injuries at SLU equine hospital in Skara, Sweden, between January 2002 and July 2003 were examined retrospectively.

Privatpersoners sparbeteende i Tillväxtmarknadsfonder Ryssland, Kina & Afrika

This paper includes astudy of the mutual fund market investors during a selected timeperiod. The reader is given a descriptive picture of how people in different age groups have  acted  in  conjunction  with  the  last  major  financial  crisis.  It  has  been  studied whether people in the different age categories have saved,purchased or sold during this time  period  based  on  theories  and  analytic  material  from  one  of  the  largest  fund operators in Sweden. The result enlightens people?s activity and risk appetite in relation to the fund market. The essay results in an explanation of the underlying cause of the behavior        of         the         people         in         the         different         age         categories.The paper assumes that the market is cyclical and that more crises will occur in the future.

Hallmöbel för förskolor

I have together with Frimeko AB developed new hallway furniture for preschools. The background to the project is the fact that all the existing hallway furniture?s on the market today have a similar design and same features. None of the furniture stands out immediately. Companies who work with school furniture in general have been inspired by each other, and therefore is the collections monotonous.

Patienters upplevelse av cancerrelaterad fatigue, diarré och illamående under behandling av kolorektalcancer : en litteraturstudie

Kolorektalcancer är den tredje mest förekommande cancerformen i Sverige. Patienter med kolorektalcancer upplever mellan 8-10 symtom under sin sjukdomstid. Syftet: Med utgångspunkt från Lenz et al. (1997) symtomteori, ?The middle-range theory of unpleasent symptoms: An update? var syftet med litteraturstudien att utifrån ett patientperspektiv studera upplevelse av symtomen cancerrelaterad fatigue, diarré och illamående samt påverkansfaktorer och dess konsekvenser under behandling av kolorektalcancer.

Från sjuksköterska till distriktssköterska Utveckling i professionell identitet och fördjupad omvårdnad

Background: The district nurse's competence description is comprehensive and sets high standards for a wide range of skills. The population's need for health care will rise according to life expectancy, lifestyle diseases and multi-morbidity increases. To graduate as a district nurse, 75 higher education credits are needed and after graduation, the district nurse must have developed both personal qualities and gained skills that makes it possible to work in primary care, child / school health care and home care. Aim: The aim of this study is to highlight the newly qualified district nurse experiences in developing professional identity and describe on how this development affects nursing.Method: In the pilot study a qualitative method with an inductive approach was used, and data collection was made by four semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.

Prim, Stadsförnyelse i Barcelona

This final project discusses renewal and upgrading of the area of Prim. It is discussed how this industrial area can be an attractive neighborhood with a varied range of services and commercial trade. Prim is located 2km north-east of the center of Barcelona. The area boarders to a deep railway valley that historically has separated Prim from its neighboring districts. At present there is almost no housing, services or commercial trade within the area and the industry is discontinued or the existing industrial buildings are derelict.

LIDAR-analys av flygsanddyner i Västerbottens inland : Har dynmorfologi bildad under tidigare interstadialer bevarats i landskapet?

The aim of this study was to map the prevalence of aeolian sand dunes in Västerbotten, northern Sweden to find dunes formed during earlier deglaciation phases, which was then preserved in cold-based conditions during the youngest stadial of the Weichselian glaciation. These preserved dunes were expected to be covered by a layer of till and have a rather faint morphology compared to dunes formed during the Holocene. Consequently, high resolution LIDAR-derived images from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet) was used to detect the dunes throughout an area covering most of Västerbotten, above the highest coastline and below the mountain range. The analysis resulted in several new findings of aeolian dunes compared to the findings in the quaternary soil map created by the Geological Survey of Sweden. Despite the fact some of the dunes at the LIDAR-derived image had a strange faint appearance, it was quickly evident during the fieldwork that the aeolian sand was not covered by till on any of the dunes visited.

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