

771 Uppsatser om Ultrasonic range - Sida 21 av 52

Logos som grund för en könsneutral Gud

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Greek expression Logos found in the Gospel of John, to discover if it is possible to expand the term in such a way that female, male and gender neutral imagery of God can be generated from it. This is done by enumerating the wide range of meanings that logos can concur, found in the different contexts of the Christian Bible and within Hellenism, including Gnostic texts. These different meanings of logos are examined in order to see in what way they can generate new images of God as related to the purpose. The results show that it is indeed achievable to produce such images from Logos, a term that has chiefly been regarded as a masculine one. This is mainly based on the fact that many of Logos qualities can be said to be gender neutral in terms of being widely described as superhuman; it is among other attributes called light, life and eternal.

Personcentrerad vård för patienter som opererats för lungcancer

IntroduktionDetta kartläggningsprojekt har sitt ursprung i det kliniska vardagsarbetet och sjuksköterskors önskan om att patienter, som på en thoraxkirurgisk klinik opereras för lungcancer, ska få sakkunnig och omsorgsfull vård.SyfteSyftet med denna studie är att kartlägga vilka behov och förväntningar som personer med lungcancer har inför en thoraxonkologisk operation samt vilken innebörden i personcentrerad vård är för dessa personer.MetodUrvalet kommer att bestå av 50 patienter som inkommer planerat för att opereras på grund av diagnostiserad/ misstänkt lungcancer. Patienterna kommer att opereras vid thoraxkirurgisk klinik på ett universitetssjukhus. Inklusionskriterier är att patienterna är i åldern 18-70 år och kan förstå svenska i tal och skrift. Datainsamling kommer att ske med hjälp av en enkät i två delar. I syfte att pröva enkätens användbarhet genomfördes en pilotstudie.

A comparison of methods to assess site index in young Norway spruce stands

This study investigates whether the site index curve method (SICM) and the growth intercept method (GIM) can be used for site index predictions in younger Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands than recommended by current guidelines. For SICM it was thus investigated whether the method could be used for stands younger than ten years, and for GIM it was tested whether a starting point for the intercept measurements could be used below the recommended 2.5 meter. This was tested based on measurements taken from experimental stands in Tönnersjöheden Research Forest. For GIM it was found that the method can only be used when the TH-trees of a stand have five complete intercepts above 2.5 meters. For the method to be applicable beyond this, it will be necessary to adapt the underlying equations, perhaps following the Canadian example where a 1.3 meter intercept start is used. In conclusion it is not currently possible to apply the approach beyond the current recommendations. For SICM, SI predictions are accurate for the study area already form year three.

Läsförmågan hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning : Hur ser sambandet med underliggande kognitiva förmågor ut?

While reading in deaf children has been the object of a number of studies, the reading abilitiesof children with mild and moderate hearing impairment and their relation to cognitiveprocessing have not received very much attention. Predictive factors of reading ability inhearing children are well known, with phonological and working memory abilities beingnecessary prerequisites for reading development. Existing studies suggest, however, thatcertain hearing-impaired children achieve a reading level comparable to that of hearingchildren in spite of impaired phonological abilities. In the present study, reading abilities anda range of cognitive processing abilities were measured in a group of hearing-impairedchildren and compared with hearing controls in equivalent school grades. Comparisons weremade at group and school-grade level, and the cognitive profile of hearing-impaired childrenat level with controls (those being within one standard deviation) was discussed.

Äldres erfarenheter av aktiviteter i ett socialt sammanhang. En narrativ studie om den åldrande människan

There is no general aging process therefore should health efforts directed at elderly population based on each individual as a unique person with specific needs. When aging becomes a fact not generally decrease the lust and the desire to be active but it is perhaps more about the body's ability to keep up on what the head wants. Therefore the range of activities towards the elderly population requires some adjustment that can partly be achieved by taking some of the older people?s experiences. The purpose of this study was that by the older people?s experiences of organized activities in a social context to illustrate how they perceive their participation.

OLJEKRISEN 1973 - En studie i politisk ekonomi kring förlopp och effekter i Sverige och Danmark

ABSTRACTThis thesis focuses on the OPEC oil crisis of 1973 and its impact on the Scandinavian countries of Sweden and Denmark. Starting from Walter Carlsnaes theory of energy vulnerability, the concepts of vulnerability and national security are tested on the selected cases and an array of policy alternatives are assessed. Posited available options like oil stockpiling, conservation, renewable energy and international coordination are evaluated as means for ameliorating the vulnerability of the nations. The theory chosen is further expounded with a consensus element to reinforce its explanatory power. The thesis utilizes a wide range of material from parliamentary records to daily newspapers in an attempt to shed some light on the interplay between economics and politics.Sweden and Denmark evince diverging developments despite their common starting point with exceptionally high oil dependencies and can be located on different ends of the energy policy gamut.

TOLKNING MED METAFORER : En uppsats om lagtolkning och avtalstolkning i ljuset av den konceptuella metaforen och den kognitiva semantiken

This master thesis concerns the relation between law and the theory of the conceptual metaphor which has developed within cognitive linguistics. Although its main focus is abstract thinking, it also covers a wide range of aspects within cognitive linguistics, such as the prototype theory and radial categories. In order to address this relation, three questions will be dealt with. Firstly, does the theory of the conceptual metaphor have relevance to interpretation of legal rules and contracts? Secondly, can the same theory explain why a legal rule or a contractual term has been interpreted outside of its most given area of application? Thirdly, when an interpretation is not predictable from a legal viewpoint, can such an explanation answer to that fact? Answering the first question will require a descriptive analysis of the conceptual metaphor and cognitive linguistics.

Konstruktion av reporterplasmider innehållande möjliga promotorregioner för kloratreduktas respektive kloritdismutas från Ideonella dechloratans

Ideonella dechloratans är en av flera isolerade bakteriestammar med förmågan att använda klorat i sin metabolism i anaerob miljö. Detta kan utnyttjas inom exempelvis pappersindustrin där klorat är en miljöfarlig restprodukt efter klordioxidblekning.   Klorat och perklorat har visat sig ha negativa effekter hos både människor, djur och växter vilket ger ett stort behov av mer forskning på förbättrade reningsmetoder. Kan genregleringen av enzymerna som sköter nedbrytningen av klorat, kloratreduktas och kloritdismutas, förbättras genom att exempelvis fungera även i aerob miljö så skulle reningen förbättras samt kostnader dras ner.   Genom att införa promotorregionerna för kloratreduktas och kloritdismutas i en broad-host-range reporterplasmid, pQlacZ-1, så kan dessa testas i flera olika förhållanden och i olika typer av gramnegativa bakterier.   Genom dubbelklyvning av pQlacZ-1 med BamHI och EcoRI så har PCR produkter av Clrp och Cldp från Ideonella dechloratans kunnat ligeras in för att sedan transformeras in i E. coli, XL-1 Blue.    Gelextraktion har visat sig vara den effektivaste reningsmetoden inför ligering men utförligare screening behöver göras på transformanterna för att säkerställa metodens effektivitet..

Ett aktivt Sverige inom ESFP - En inblick kring argumenten för ett utbrett engagemang och hög aktivitet

The ambition of this study is to examine the discussion surrounding the Swedish participation in the European security- and defence policy. By forming feasible areas of arguments the goal is to gain further comprehension in the case of Sweden. These arguments are formed in close relation to the empirical sources; With less public funding there are economic aspects of cooperation, this could also be related to Swedish the industry of defence systems; A high level of participation in the UN is a tradition in Swedish foreign policy, the European battle groups are the perfect tool to further strengthen the UN ability in conflict management and peace keeping missions; Outside the EMU Sweden could face the political margin, to retain influence a high level of activity ought to occur in the integration process; Finally, the future position of United States and NATO is not clear, Europe needs an capacity apart the US to contribute to lasting peace and stability. The arguments are close related to each other, but the main argument is to through ESDP create a tool that will strengthen UN, there is also a wide range of economic arguments related to the industry..

Att berätta historia : En studie om museers verksamhet

The purpose of this essay is to look at how museums design their activities as tourist destinations through the dissemination of history. In order to research this problem we have posed the following questions: How do museums act in order to animate and interpret history? What does the future hold for the museums? In order to find the answers to these questions we have made a deep-going analysis of the activities of four museums, Nordiska Museet, Etnografiska Museet, Historiska Museet and Naturhistoriska Museet. These museums have been analyzed by means of interviews, observations and the study of documents. Our theoretical perspective is informed by a hermeneutic perspective as well as Foucault´s definition of museums as institutions, and the concept of storytelling.

Sydafrikanska lärares uppfattningar av skoldemokrati

In the thesis we discuss South African teachers? conceptions of democracy in general and school democracy in particular. The essay is based on interviews with twelve teachers, working in South African high schools. We have asked questions concerning different views of democracy, such as what the term means to the teachers and how they define a democratic school. We take our stand in different theoretical approaches such as school being the ultimate link between a state and its people to make the citizens think and act democratically.

Nyckelfaktorer vid exportetableringar i Tyskland : - En studie gjord på fyra norrländska företag

A common assumption in marketing is the wider variety of product a corporation has, the better for the consumer: more product - more choices. Companies often develop a line extension to broaden consumer range through product attributes including quality, function and design. These developed attributes within the product are not always optimal for the consumer. As a result, companies often become entangled in having a price higher than the cost and benefit of the products. This essay aims to analyze the consumer value of line extension products and how these evaluations relate to extended line product pricing.

Marknadsföra Innovationer: Hur länken mellan teknologisk innovation och värdeskapande är avgörande för framgång

Near Field Communication, NFC, is a short-range wireless communication technology that enables data exchange between devices in a secure way. A NFC phone has the potential to enable the convergence of wallet, phone and keys, but as many other technological innovations, the launch is struggling. We have discovered that technological innovation is only the first step. For an innovation to be adapted, there need to be business model innovation too. Many actors form the ecosystem of NFC and the business model for each service is still an unsolved problem.

Femmilsradie : Hållbar möbelproduktion

Hållbarhet handlar om att främja välfärd nu, och i all tid framöver, genom att ta hänsyn till egologiska, sociala och ekonomiska aspekter. Det handlar om att tillgodose dagens behov utan att förstöra möjligheterna för kommande generationer att tillgodose sina.Vårt examensarbete undersöker förutsättningarna för hållbar möbelproduktion. och vi gör detta genom ett flödesschema som skall användas vid uppstart av hållbart producerande företag. Idén bygger på att råvarorna utvinns och förädlas inom en femmilsradie.Vi hoppas kunna åstadkomma en djupare relation mellan användaren och objektet än vad endast köpande och ägande ger. Vi har valt att tydliggöra konstruktion och uppbyggnad, samtidigt som formen uppmanar förnuftet till kritiskt ifrågasättande av stabilitet och hållbarhet både konkret och i ett vidareperspektiv.

Handuppräckning : en undersökning om dess betydelse för elever och lärare i en skola

Hand raising is a common method in schools and a way for students to engage in the classrooms turn-allocation (Andersson & Haglund 2006, p 35), but not all benefit from it. According to Dylan Wiliam (2011) hand raising divides the students by putting the students that participate in hand raising at an advantage versus the students that do not. This study aims to examine hand raising as a phenomenon and the students and teachers thoughts about hand raising. The main research questions were:How do the students perceive hand raising?How do the teachers reflect upon hand raising?How is hand raising usedas a tool by the students?The main reference to this study has been senior lecture Fritjof Sahlströms (1999) thesis Up the Hill Backwards.

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