

15 Uppsatser om U-albumin - Sida 1 av 1

Faktorer av betydelse vid depression och låg plasma albumin i samband med hemodialys samt omvårdnadsåtgärder

Bakgrund: Patient i hemodialys (HD) behandling är utsatt olika stressfaktorer, som tillexempel den strikta diet, begränsat vattenintag, bundenhet till dialysenhet eller känsla avtrötthet även på dialysfria dagar. Cirka 20 procent patienter i HD behandling utvecklardepression som i sin tur leder till låg plasma albumin.Syftet: Att belysa samband mellanstressfaktorer, depression, låg plasma albumin och mortalitet/morbiditet samt omvårdnadensbetydelse för patienter i hemodialysbehandling.Metod: Studie genomfördes som enlitteraturöversikt och granskning av vetenskapliga artiklar.Resultat: Resultat baserar på 15artiklar, varav 1 kvalitativ, 14 kvantitativ. Resultatet delades i fem kategorier: stressfaktoreroch deras koppling till depression, depression, låg plasma albumin, omvårdnadsåtgärder vidlåg plasma albumin, omvårdnadsåtgärder vid depression.Diskussion: I diskussion lyfts uppsamband mellan högre morbiditet/mortalitet och depression samt låg plasma albumin hospatienter i HD behandling. Det tas upp även vikten av omvårdnadsinsatser vid depression ochlåg plasma albumin hos patient i HD behandling.Slutsats: Mer forsknings behövs för attsjuksköterska kan erbjuda patienten effektiva strategier som hjälper denne att hantera destressfaktorerna och livsstilförändringar som HD innebär..

Jämförelse av U-kreatinin-analys mellan två instrument Vitros 5,1 FS och Cobas c 702

Njurens funktion är bl a att reglera vätskebalansen i kroppen och elektrolytkoncentrationen. Njuren består av livsviktiga enheter så kallade nefroner. Nefronerna kan skadas och orsaka proteinläckage ut i urinen, främst albumin. Detta är vanligt vid diabetes mellitus, högt blodtryck och åderförkalkning.Kreatin bildas i njurar, lever och pankreas och transporteras med blodet till andra organ t ex muskler och hjärnan. Delar av kreatinet i musklerna omvandlas till kreatinin.

Metodjämförelse mellan IMMAGE 800 och BN ProSpec för U-albumin, U-IgG, U-kappa och U-lambda

Njurarna är ett organsystem med viktiga funktioner som exempelvis utsöndring av flertalet vattenlösliga substanser. För att sjukdomssymtom ska uppträda krävs mer än tre fjärdedelars bortfall av njurfunktionen, eftersom njurarna har en enorm reservkapacitet. Genom att analysera bland annat proteinerna albumin, immunoglobulin G, kappa och lambda i urin utreds om njurfunktionen fungerar som den ska. Analys av dessa proteiner kan ske med analysinstrumenten IMMAGE 800 från Beckman Coulter och BN ProSpec från DADE BEHRING. Båda dessa analysinstrument använder sig av metoden nefelometri, som är en metod där ljusspridning i en vätska eller gas kan mätas.Syftet med föreliggande studie var att analysera urinprover på både IMMAGE 800 och BN ProSpec och sedan jämföra resultaten.

Fokuserad shock wave behandling vid kronisk plantar fasciit : En randomiserad jämförande klinisk studie

Bakgrund: Patient i hemodialys (HD) behandling är utsatt olika stressfaktorer, som tillexempel den strikta diet, begränsat vattenintag, bundenhet till dialysenhet eller känsla avtrötthet även på dialysfria dagar. Cirka 20 procent patienter i HD behandling utvecklardepression som i sin tur leder till låg plasma albumin.Syftet: Att belysa samband mellanstressfaktorer, depression, låg plasma albumin och mortalitet/morbiditet samt omvårdnadensbetydelse för patienter i hemodialysbehandling.Metod: Studie genomfördes som enlitteraturöversikt och granskning av vetenskapliga artiklar.Resultat: Resultat baserar på 15artiklar, varav 1 kvalitativ, 14 kvantitativ. Resultatet delades i fem kategorier: stressfaktoreroch deras koppling till depression, depression, låg plasma albumin, omvårdnadsåtgärder vidlåg plasma albumin, omvårdnadsåtgärder vid depression.Diskussion: I diskussion lyfts uppsamband mellan högre morbiditet/mortalitet och depression samt låg plasma albumin hospatienter i HD behandling. Det tas upp även vikten av omvårdnadsinsatser vid depression ochlåg plasma albumin hos patient i HD behandling.Slutsats: Mer forsknings behövs för attsjuksköterska kan erbjuda patienten effektiva strategier som hjälper denne att hantera destressfaktorerna och livsstilförändringar som HD innebär..

Signalförändring i automatisk urinmätare : - en ingående studie om dess orsaker

Denna rapport diskuterar vilka ämnen i urinen som påverkar förutsättningarna för utvecklingen av biofilm i Observe Medicals automatiska urinmätare Sippi och på så sätt stör mätsignalen. Idéer och förslag på åtgärder mot detta problem diskuteras. Rapporten tar upp fem olika lösningar som har testats med produkten: albumin utspätt med vatten, fritt hemoglobin utspätt med vatten, albumin blandat med urin, fritt hemoglobin blandat med urin samt endast urin. Volymmätningarna gick till på ett sådant sätt att varje lösning pumpades från en behållare till mätkammaren i Sippins engångsset. Alla mätningar utfördes med två varianter av engångsset.

Blood compatibility of biomaterials made of recombinant spider silk

Native spider silk is an attractive lightweight natural polymeric material with a unique combination of strength, extendibility and flexibility. Synthetic, recombinant spider silk is an attractive biomaterial with several possible fields of application. When a foreign material is introduced to blood, this can for example cause unwanted coagulation and complement activation. The aim of this study was to investigate if coatings of heparin or albumin could improve the blood compatibility of films of recombinant spider silk and to develop an initial method to do so. Hypothetically, objects like pacemakers, stents and dental implants could be covered with spider silk films of high blood compatibility to reduce potentially harmful foreign body reactions caused by the immune defense. Increased blood compatibility would likely lead to improvements for both the individual patients and the society thanks to reduced load on healthcare institutions. Our objective was to assess the blood compatibility of both functionalized and non-functionalized recombinant spider silk by evaluating coagulation and activation of the complement system of the immune defense. Coagulation was evaluated visually on glass slides and complement activation was analyzed by measuring the concentration of the complement system mediator C3a in blood samples that had been exposed to the different materials. This study introduces a non-toxic and easy performed method of improving the blood compatibility of recombinant spider silk films by adding a heparin coating. Heparin coated surfaces had statistically significantly higher blood compatibility than uncoated surfaces. The effects of albumin coating of films were less clear compared to the results of heparin coated films. Complement activation could not be evaluated because of high activation in all samples prior contact with the materials that were included in the study..

BCAA-supplementering i samband med levercancerkirurgi

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: BCAA supplementation in patients undergoing resection for liver cancerAuthor: Mikael Semaan and Viktor SjölingSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 10, 2013BackgroundLiver cancer is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and the third largest to cause death. Protein-energy malnutrition is common in patients with liver disease and they often suffer from changes in the hepatic metabolism of nutrients and other substances. There is a basis for recommending BCAA supplementation in other certain liver diseases. Given the similar clinical picture of liver cancer surgery, it is possible that supplementation of BCAA can be beneficial for these patients as well.ObjectiveThe aim was to study the scientific basis for the effect of branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation in liver cancer patients. Can it improve their recovery in terms of nutritional status and albumin levels, and does it changes the duration of hospital stay, after surgery?Search strategyFive extensive searches were performed on PubMed and Cochrane after appropriate study material.

Utvärdering av ett mikroalbuminuritest till hund :

The occurrence of small amounts of albumin in urine, microalbuminuria (MA), is used both in human- and veterinary medicine as an indicator for patients who have developing proteinuria. Proteinuria can be prerenal, renal or postrenal which is important to establish during an investigation. With conventional methods decreased renal function is not detected until 70 % of renal function is lost. The ability to detect and start a treatment earlier might reverse or slow the progression of disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of Heska® E.R.D.-Health Screen?, a test for microalbuminuria in dogs, to detect albuminuria.

Upprepad administrering av trimetoprim/sulfadiazin till neonatala föl : plasmaproteinbindning och effekt på serumbilirubinkoncentrationen

Today most dosages used in horse medicine are based on studies in adult horses. Since there are differences between adult and neonatal horses with respect to different pharmacological parameters this can cause problems when administring drugs to neonatal foals. Neonatal sepsis is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in foals and aggressive antibiotic treatment is needed immediately when sepsis is suspected. In Sweden the combination of trimethoprim/sulphadiazine and bensylpenicillin is often used as the initial treatment. When administering drugs, interactions can occur between the drugs and endogenous substances.


An inflammatory reaction is induced after release of proinflammatory mediators such asinterleukin 1 and 6 and tumour necrosis factor ?. These mediators stimulate the liver tosuppress the syntheses of albumin and endure the syntheses of acute phase protein forinstance C-reactive protein. The aim of this paper was to perform a method validation on animmune turbidimetric assay to quantify C-reactive protein in canine serum at the laboratory atSkara Animals Hospital, Skara, Sweden. The validation involved evaluation of the assaylinearity, precision, stability and recovery.The method was proved to be linear for both TruLab control and Medinor control.

Tollarsjuka hos hund : en retrospektiv studie med journalsammanställning av 18 hundar

?Tollarsjuka? is a disease with a suspected immunopathological background seen in Nova Scotia duck tolling retrievers. Pyrexia, lameness, stiffness and joint- or musclepain are typical clinical signs. The purpose of this study is to describe case histories from dogs with a possible evidence of ?tollarsjuka?. 18 private dogs were included in this report. Generalised stiffness, lameness and fatigue were the most frequent manifestations of the disease.

Trycksår : ? undersköterskors kunskaper om att förebygga trycksår

Background and aims: The population of older people in our society is increasing. Agerelated changes in the skin results in a diminished perception of pain and pressure and a decreased microcirculation in the skin affects its ability to adapt to injury. Occurrence of pressure sore on geriatrikal clinics are 5-10%, witch means that between five and ten thousand patients gets daily treat for pressure sores. When the patient gets a pressure sore the need for help increases. A common apprehension is that if the patient?s affects with pressure sores it?s because of deficiency in care.

Svensk vindkraft

Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.

Biosensorsystem fo?r o?vervakning av vattenkvalitet

Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.

Peritonitis in horses : a retrospective study of 69 cases admitted to a university hospital during a ten year period

Peritonitis is a potentially life-threatening disease in horses. With no published work from Sweden, the objective of the study was to describe the occurrence and demographics of horses with peritonitis and to evaluate the outcome of treatment in terms of short-term survival during a ten-year period in a large clinic in Sweden. Data were examined in a retrospective manner in 69 horses diagnosed with and treated for peritonitis at Universitetsdjursjukhuset (UDS) in Uppsala between 2002-2012. Demographic data examined included age, breed, gender, history, duration of illness before arriving at UDS, reason for seeking veterinary care, initial clinical findings (general state of health, heart rate, respiratory rate, mucous membrane appearance, rectal temperature, abdominal sounds, rectal examination, nasogastric tube results), abdominocentesis results (abdominal fluid analysis including visual inspection, leukocytes and protein, cytology, bacterial culture and sensitivity pattern), complete blood count (CBC), Serum amyloid-A (SAA) upon presentation and a follow up, plasma fibrinogen, plasma protein and albumin, treatments, length of hospitalisation and outcome. All medical records with the diagnosis of peritonitis were extracted from the medical records system Trofast. All records with any other diagnosis code referring to trauma such as rectal tear or ruptured uterus, recent abdominal surgery, external trauma or rupture in the gastrointestinal tract were excluded. To be included in the study, the peritoneal fluid should contain more than 20.000 cells/?L, have a peritoneal protein value of >30 g/L; or have a significantly changed peritoneal fluid sample (orange with increased turbidity or worse) in cases where no data on cells or protein were available. The horses were divided into two groups; one where the peritonitis was deemed to have an idiopathic aetiology (primary peritonitis) and the other group where the peritonitis had a possible aetiology such as intestinal parasites, impaction etc.