

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 52 av 349

Reinvestering i småskalig vattenkraft

I detta examensarbete behandlas investeringsalternativ för småskalig vattenkraft. Arbetet som riktar sig mot Skellefteå Kraft AB:s anläggningar, har således gåtts igenom, vartefter kandidater lämpliga för en reinvestering tagits fram med passande tekniker. Vidare nämns om dessa tekniker är lämpliga för minskning av förlusterna vid storskaliga utskov. De småskaliga anläggningarna är fördelade på två åar, Rickleån och Åman. I vardera finns två kraftverk som behandlas i detta arbete, Fredriksfors och Sågforsen i Rickleån, samt Åman övre och nedre i Åman.

Hitta flow i improvisation : en musikalisk resa genom livet

This project investigates how team sports can be used to include young women in public space aswell as how through the addition of a sporting facility adjacent to three schools can be used as a stepping stone for the young people of Dharavi to have a chance at a brighter future..

Lag om kassaregister : Motverkan av manipulation och snedvriden konkurrens

 This bachelor?s thesis purpose is to examine how library staff experiences the meeting with non-Swedish speaking users of public libraries, and how they solve different situations. Today there is not much research on this subject but we find these questions important to study because we think it is good to be aware of the situations that can arise and discuss how to solve any problems. To have a basis for this qualitative study we conducted group interviews with library staff, where they are asked about their experiences with non-Swedish speaking users. In the analysis the results of the interviews are compared to previous research and related to communication theory, which is the theoretical framework for this study.

Flow Office

I mitt examensarbete har jag arbetat fram en glaskollektion med tema mens. Målet med mitt arbete var dels att höja mensen ur tabut, dels att ge bruksglaset en ny scen. Genom att göra en menskoppsbehållare i transparent glas vill jag ifrågasätta varför vi gömmer och smusslar med våra mensskydd men också varför mensen idag framställs som oren, äcklig och skamlig. Jag vill uppmuntra till att bryta det mönstret, ge den som menstruerar en möjlighet att hylla mensen, sätta den i fokus, på piedestal. Mitt arbete resulterade i ett mensaltare, en tolkning av hur jag tror mensen hade framställts om vi levt i ett matriarkat.

Kartläggning av material flödesflaskhals i ICA butik.

In the spring of 2014 Sweco Systems AB were commissioned to design a ventilation system for a newly built preschool in Linköping. Terms from the client was that it cost efficiency would cope with the energy demands that are placed on the building. The unit chosen was a cross-flow heat exchanger, and this work is to compare it with two other heat exchangers to see if a more energy and cost efficient could have been chosen. The heat exchangers that was chosen for the comparison was a rotating- and a counterflow heat exchanger. Simulations have been made to the different heat exchangers by the manufacturers.

Body Coupled Communication: Ändring av prototypkort

Kommunikation genom att använda människokroppen som  överföringsmedium, med kapacitiv koppling mellan hud och sensor, har varit ett pågående forskningsområde för PAN (Personal Area Network) sedan Thomas Guthrie Zimmerman introducerade tekniken 1995. Anledningen till detta är att undersöka fördelar och användningsområden för en kommunikationsmetod som ej sänder ut RF-signaler och därmed minska risken för obehörig avlyssning.Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete som undersöker möjligheten till eliminering av USB- till UART-konverterare på Microchip BodyCom genom mjukvaru-USB-stack och kombinera denna med Body Coupled Communication funktionalitet i en gemensam mikrokontroller. Vidare studeras om programkoden i Body Coupled Communication sändare kan modifieras för att utöka funktionaliteten.Det var givet i förutsättningarna att mikrokontroller från Microchip skulle användas, vidare var lågt pris respektive låg strömförbrukning viktigt, särskilt för sändaren. Metoden för att uppnå detta har varit användning av Microchip BodyCom development kit tillsammans med Microchip USB low pin count development kit och Microchip USB firmwareframework.Resultatet blev att USB- till UART-omvandlare kunde integreras med Microchip BodyCom genom att använda mjukvaru-USB-stack och en modifierad programkod för BodyCom i en gemensam mikrokontroller.Endast fantasin sätter gränsen för vad Body Coupled Communication kan användas till. Det skulle t.ex.

Utveckling av Materialförsörjning : En studie av Sandvik Coromants försörjning av stål

This report is a master thesis performed by Adam Lundin at the company Sandvik Coromants production facility in Gimo. The work started in January 2013 and went on for the duration of 20 weeks, which is equivalent to 30 hp. The project was executed at the department GVR10. The scope of the project was to create a base for improvements in the purchasing process of direct material to the production. The background to the project was that the centralized purchasing department has gone through changes and decision was taken to decentralize the purchasing of direct material to Gimo.

Mot en delad framtid? : Mendeley som exempel på vetenskaplig kommunikation online

The last few years have been characterised by increasing online communication and the emergence of social media, made possible by Web 2.0. In society as well as in research, social media is used for knowledge produc- tion and networking. One example of this is Mendeley, a social reference management tool. With answers from users all over the world, this study investigates the use of Mendeley, if the respondents use other social media and if all of this affects scientific communication. The aim is also to study what the respondents think about the future of scientific communication and if this can be related to current tendencies.The theoretic framework for this study is based on Leah Lievrouws research on the Cycle of Scientific Communication and the relationship between the ?Little Science 2.0?-scenario and the ?Big Science Retrench- ment?-scenario.A qualitative web based survey was conducted (41 answers) and complemented with an interview with a professor in environmental sciences.

Aktörsanalys av svensk skogspolitik

Title: Nätdejting för olika åldrar (Netdating for different ages)Author: Henri NekmouchePurpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what influence the medium Internethas had on building up relationships between people who have dated online, and tocompare two different age groups.Method/Material: In this study the author has conducted personal interviews with sixpeople who all have experienced Internet dating, and had their first contact with agirlfriend/boyfriend online. The questions asked were designed to help answering thepurpose of the study.Main results: This study shows that in general there is a positive view of Internet datingamong both groups. They appreciate the opportunities it provides, as they get to knowthe other persons personality first. Even so, it should be noted that they still tend to be abit ashamed to talk about Internet dating, and some don?t want to be associated with it.The communication pattern tend to be pretty much the same among both groups.

Design av stimuligenerator för radarmålsökare

During the development of microwave based sensors such as radar target seekers, input signals are needed to verify the performance of the system. Therefore, a channel board has been developed by previous thesis projects at Saab Bofors Dynamics. It uses a technique called Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM). The purpose of this board is to sample and digitally store radio frequency signals in order to reconstruct them after a certain delay.The aim of this thesis project was to use the channel board named above to construct a portable instrument for generation of stimuli signals. This assignment has been divided into two tasks: firstly, to construct and put together the hardware components and secondly, to implement a graphical user interface for the instrument.

Glidytor och ytjämnhet med avseende på friktion och tätning

Gliding and sealing functions in Öhlins shock absorbing systems sets great demands onthe contacting surfaces. In this particular case, the bushings and the sealings on acylinder piston. The surface wanted is a surface with both low frictional forces and smallleakage. This study was done with the goals of investigating and determining existingsurfaces due to the frictional force and leakage. How can we in an easy mannerdescribe these?A number of ten front forks were part of a main study.

Översvämningskartering av Vombs ängar

Vomb meadows is an area well knows for its rich bird life. During the 19:thcentury until mid 20:th century, the meadows were flooded annually in order toincrease the hay yield. The river Klingavälsån situated along the west side of themeadows, used to be a shallow river, meandering across the landscape. In the1940?s the river was straightened and made deeper.

Mobiltelefonen som social artefakt inom familjen : en studie med föräldrarna i fokus

Studies of modern communication media such as Cell Phones and so called Instant Messengers are popular today. This study focused on these modern techniques, focused on parents as a target group and on what is important for them in everyday communication.By exploratory using three focus groups it became clear that the children, and the link to them was the absolute most important thing for the parents. It became clear that this link to a great extent today exists through the mobile phone.In a following study a Mobile Instant Messenger called My Friends was introduced. It was used by two families during two weeks to see how it would change the communication within the family. The focus was to see how problems with availability were handled, it turned out that:My friends had a more obvious way of indicating availability than the Cell Phone had.

Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? : ? en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.

AbstractTitle: See each other on the Internet or on a café? A survey about social consequences of Internet usage. (Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? ? en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.)Number of pages: 34 (including enclosures).Author: Carolin Johansson.Tutor: Else Nygren.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall 2007.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to get increased knowledge about the social consequences that may come up when young people at the age of 16-20 are using the Internet.Material/Method: The material consists of a questionnaire that I made with questions about Internet usage that 84 young people from five classes (from three different upper secondary schools) answered.Main results: To have access to a computer and Internet and the fact that broadband is more inexpensive now than before leads to an increased usage of the Internet. I found out that chatting, music/movies, searching for information and using the Internet for entertainment is what most of the participants spent the most time on while using the Internet.

Säkert arbete

A film can attract all kinds of emotions and moods of the audience through its audiovisual communications and cinematic expression, in which music plays a significant role in both understanding and interpretation of film content.It is interesting to explore the musical significance and the emotional aspect of the film out of a media and communications perspective and visual communications perspective because it?s a subject that belongs to the communications of scientific discipline as film is a media text which is working both as communicative and as audio-visual medium with its expressive aspects.The purpose of this bachelor?s paper is to increase and deepen the understanding of music's function and significant role in context with its reinforcing sense of visual expression in film. More specifically, it aims to explore the musical value of the expressive aspect of the media text in form of film musical Les Misérables (2012), which has been transmedialised from the novel of the same name, referring to the sound, music and song in relation to the film's visual expression.The research questions are at the core of the essay study: "how is music used to reinforce the cinematic visual expression?" and "how can music signify the narrative and highlight the emotional aspect of the film?" The theoretical framework is based on some of the key scholars assumptions such as Michel Chion (1994) and Claudia Gorbman (1987), who share the same theoretical views that the soundtrack seems powerful when it expresses its participation in a scene?s emotional moods as the music follows the scene?s rhythm, the image?s flow and contributes emotional and musical codes of emotions and expressions. According to Chion sound and image interact together to tell a story where sound enrich the image with expressive and informative values.

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