

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 48 av 349

Förändrade resemönster i Gävleborgs län : En sammanställning av kostnader och klimatpåverkan vid tjänsteresor samt analys av sociala effekter vid ett skifte mot videkonferens i en organisation

The world we live in becomes more globalized as a result of new communication media. Communication occurs over greater distances which leads to increased travel. In the report AR5, by IPCC, it is showed that the human impact of climate change is clear and that something has to be done. Therefore its very important to change the human impact. A part of it is to change the way we travel within the service which leads to the purpose of the thesis.

Forskning och museer : en kartläggning av fältet

Today every organization is committed to some kind of environmental scanning in order to get necessary knowledge of the world around them. The acquisition, organization and storage of information in combination with a strategic use, is today an important factor for a successful organisation in any sector of our society.In this Master thesis I have studied how an organisation such as The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) handles its information resources. I have also looked at the flow of information within the organization. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is Sweden?s largest business federation representing 50 member organizations and 55 000 member companies.

Flow & sång. Att hitta närvaro, uttryck och att beröra

The aim of this study is to examine the collection One Thousand and One Nights (also: The Arabian Nights) from a european perspective, by comparing different european translations. The study focuses on three translations into Swedish from different periods of time and how the tales have changed in the translation process - depending on the prevailing line of approach and Western perceptions of Eastern standards. The thesis of the study is that Eastern culture, from a Western perspective, has been seen as exotic and different but not as a high literary culture and that this view has affected the translations into european languages. The study shows, among other things, that Western culture is many times considered normative in the translations and that the translators often give their own voices a prominent role, also that common Western notions of the East affects the translations.The word ?orientalism? is used frequently in the study and it refers primarily to the image of the Orient as it is described in Edward Saids' book Orientalism: as a Western construction whose main purpose is to strengthen its own conception of the Orient and thereby strengthen the Western identity as better than the Orient.

Jämställdhet och etnicitet i svensk nationalsocialism : En textstudie av Paulina Forslunds krönikor

According to the widespread concept of deception, deception is to intentionally cause someone to acquire or continue to have a false belief.  This paper refutes this notion and argues for a definition of deception based on a view that deception is the misuse of communication with the purpose to achieve a further end; an end that, is believed, can?t be reached without the misuse of communication. It is shown that this new definition can handle cases that earlier definitions could not handle without leading to absurd pragmatic consequences. In addition, the proposed definition makes it possible to properly distinguish between deception and attempted deception..

Working with spontaneous communication : A workplace study on the use of technical tools and social praxis in the collaborative work at two smaller design-companies.

This paper presents the results of a workplace study of two smaller companies in the design industry. The core issue has been to investigate the companies use of technical tools and to what extent social praxis influence the daily work. The methods used are based on a qualitative analysis of interviews and observations. Various kind of work procedures, such as verbal and computerized, have been identified, but the most important occurrence was how spontaneous conversations between employees required certain flexibility, since the actors repeatedly were required to change focus and quickly perceive different information. For that reason, a thesis has been defined regarding how the use of spontaneous communication put an indirect need of a flexible working environment and also how this lead to more significant participation and exchange of information, as well as more awareness at the companies..

En klasslärares och en svenska som andraspråkslärares kommunikationsstrategier i ett flerspråkigt klassrum : En jämförande studie

The purpose of this essay is to illuminate two teachers? communication strategies when dealing with pupils with another first language than Swedish. One of the teachers teaches Swedish as a second language and the other teacher educates one class in most of the subjects such as mathematic, Swedish and social studies. I make an ethnographic study where I make non-participating observations and shorter interviews with the teachers. The observations lie in focus of my study and were made at eight occasions, four lessons with each teacher.My result shows that they have a lot of communication strategies in common, but not all.

Win-win : Samarbete mellan kommun och näringsliv

Our study is focused on how the public sector can collaborate with the private sector on a certain issue. The public sector wanted to create a project to increase bicycling in the municipality of Kalmar. Our problem was to develop a sustainable way to collaborate between the two parties. We managed to present a suggestion on how the public sector with communication could improve their Public Relations with the private sector and therefore letting the parties benefit from their differences, thus making it possible to release synergy.Using semi-structured interviews and a workshop, we could clarify the values and attitudes of the parties to bring forth the core values to develop a shared vision. Where the identified differences were found, we used a dialog strategy based on intercultural conflict management as a communication tool.

Godshantering av flygunderhållsartiklar - En värdeflödesanalys ur ett förbättringsperspektiv

Saab Component Maintenance in Linköping, Sweden, offers maintenance, repair andoverhaul (MRO) services for civilian and military aircraft components. Lately, thedepartment has struggled with slow throughput rates, despite various counteractingattempts. Studies show, that large parts of the delays derive from the logisticsdepartment where goods arrive and dispatch. Therefore, Saab wants to carry out anextensive analysis of the department in order to further investigate what is causing itsslow throughput rates.The thesis begins with extensive mapping over Component Maintenances whole valuestream to find out how departments interact with each other and which roleindividual departments have in the total supply chain. Out of 13 000 different partnumbers, components were divided into five product families.

Interkulturell vänskap på Facebook : Kvalitativ undersökning om kommunikationsprocessen mellan utbytesstudenter och värdstudenter

The purpose of the study is to investigate the communication between exchange students and their host student trough Facebook. The study shows the importance of social cues and self-disclosure to maintain a relationship. The students? everyday use of Facebook helps them to remain connected to their social life locally and create new friendships. Cultural differences were shown in the way the students formed their expressions trough their messages to each other.

Drivkrafter till att använda sig av Social CRM ? En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om Social CRMs bakomliggande drivkrafter

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to create an understanding of how customer engagement, communication / interaction and customer insight are driving forces behind the use of Social CRM from a leadership perspective.Method: The purpose of the study, we believed it was appropriate to use a qualitative approach to conduct the study. The empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The sample consisted of 10 companies located in the Gävle area who are active on social media. The interviews were coded to obtain keywords and patterns. These patterns and keywords are then analyzed to arrive at the study's results.Results and contributions: Our results suggest that all the identified benefits, customer engagement, customer insight and communication are driving forces to make use of social CRM.

Relationsmarknadskommunikation : En undersökning som fokuserar på de lokala relationerna i en globaliserad värld

Relationship marketing is an important part of the new view of communication strategies. The theories around this subject has a general and global perspective on how to manage relations and communication problems. But somehow the local perspective is forgotten. In this thesis we have focused on the local market and which demands it has on the work with relationship management. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how relationship marketing can contribute to create a high valued brand on a local market.

Kundtillfredsställelse utifrån ett relationsperspektiv

Problem: The main problem this thesis brings up is what impact factors like trust, commitment, communication between a company and its costumers and value can have on costumer satisfaction on the basis of a relationship perspective.Purpose: The purpose with this thesis is to describe the importance of factors that can have an impact on customer satisfaction on the basis of a relationship perspective. To do this the author has looked into a company called Q-steps and conducted an investigation on their costumers opinion of their relationship with the company.Method: An interview was held with Q-steps CEO Sören Levén as the basis of the thesis, as well as a questionnaire that was sent to the company?s existing costumers over the web.Theory: In the thesis the author uses a model that describes factors that can have an impact on costumer satisfaction on the basis of a relationship perspective. This model is based on theories within relationship building in service companies.Conclusion: To be able to develop good relationships to their customers and as a result of this increase the level of costumer satisfaction, Q-steps has to take different variables into consideration. The main focus in this matter should lay on the variables that to a great extent affect the level of costumer satisfaction.

Gamification ? Spelelement och speldesign i arbetslivet

Syftet med studien är att bidra till kunskap och förståelse kring fenomenet gamification. Denna kartläggning bidrar till att klargöra för- och nackdelar, möjligheter och risker samt eventuella fallgropar med gamification. Om en organisation är medveten om dessa aspekter kring fenomenet minskar riskerna för att någonting ska gå fel, vilket potentiellt skulle kunna bli kostsamt.Studien vilar på en teoretisk referensram hämtad från såväl managmenent- som psykologiforskningen. Förväntansteorin, self determination theory, flow, McGregors Teori X och Y, principal-agentteorin är några av de teorier som används för analysen av gamification.Då det handlar om en kartläggning kring ett relativt nytt fenomen behandlas flera exempel på gamification hämtade från företag som verkar inom branschen. En intervju med speldesignern Henrik Englund finns också med, samt en fallstudie kring polismyndighetens omskrivna användning av spelelement.

Gamification: mot en definition : En kvalitativ studie och kartläggning av begreppet gamification och dess framtida implementering

Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att utforska och kartlägga begreppet gamification. Syftet operationaliseras i tre frågeställningar. Vad finns det för likheter respektive skillnader i synen på Gamification mellan ett antal yrkesverksamma inom Gamification? Hur ser yrkesverksamma med olika bakgrunder inom psykologi, pedagogik och marknadsföring på framtiden för Gamification och dess användningsområde? Vilka för- och nackdelar kan finnas med Gamification? Uppsatsen teoretiska utgångspunkter omfattar de psykologiska krafterna bakom spel som flow och motivation, teorier om det praktiska användandet av gamification och teorier om Generation Y. För att samla empiri har kvalitativ metod använts i form av semistrukturerade explorativa intervjuer där yrkesverksamma inom gamification har intervjuats.

Vårdpersonalens uppfattningar om fibromyalgi

Aim Our aim is to highlight perceptions of fibromyalgia among health care personell.MethodsA systematic literature review conducted with a deductive approach.FindingsHealth care personell felt insecure because of a lack of understanding which lead to avoiding contact with these patients. Many felt that the fibromyalgia patient was categorised and that they would have been better served with another name of their disease. There was a great distrust against the diagnosis and its aetiology. The patient was perceived as troublesome, illness-fixated and draining the personell of energy. The paradox that the patient is looking so healthy but bearing so much pain was confusing for the health care personell.Conclusions Communication and an empathic encounter was identified as important elements for patient care.

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