

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 38 av 349

Skolsköterskans arbete med fysisk aktivitet.

AbstractBackground: Becoming a parent to a child in need of Neonatal Intensive Care can be a traumatic experience. During a time when the parents may need support, guidance and a sense of control ? the family might need to relocate to a hospital away from home if the child needs highly specialized medical care at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the parents? experience of having to change neonatal care unit.

ISIT-modellen : Vägledning för att realisera en verksamhets informationssäkerhetsmål

The ISO standard ISO/IEC 17799/SS-627799-2 is a guidance for organizations to realize their information security goals. In spite of this standard, studies show flaws regarding information security in organizations. In particular flaws regarding overall view, knowledge and clear roles and responsibilities have been observed. The ISIT (Information Security Integrated Three level) model and its guidelines, developed in this thesis, help organizations to identify the required processes and procedures as well as the logical process flow. The thesis is based on theoretical studies and a case study within a multinational company.

Utvärdering av samtalsmatta som kommunikationsstöd i grupp för personer med Huntingtons sjukdom

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the function of TalkingMats in a group of people with Huntington?s disease, with main focus on theeffectiveness of communication. Four individuals with Huntington?s diseaseand their group leader participated in the study. The group was videotapedduring four sets of conversations; two with and two without Talking Mats.

XML som informationsbärare för EDI

Information handling has been a key issue for different companies for a long time. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used to transfer different business documents from one company to another. This is done in such way that the information itself is separated from how this information is stored and handled in the companies internal systems. As different companies have different systems there is a need for a standardised format for this exchange. There is a big difference between EDI-systems based on what kind of EDI-standard is used.

Passande svårighet? : Spelares uppmärksammande av och attityder till dynamisk svårighetsjustering

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur dynamisk svårighetsjustering påverkar hur spelare värderar ett spels svårighet, presterar under en spelsession och huruvida de kan upptäcka ett system för sådan justering samt identifiera hur det fungerar.  Arbetet vilar främst på Robin Hunickes arbete kring dynamisk svårighetsjustering men vidrör även koncept som svårighet, flow och olika typer av svårighetsjustering. För att undersöka huruvida system för dynamisk svårighetsjustering påverkar spelande har ett plattformsspel utvecklats och speltestats i två versioner av en handfull respondenter, en version som justerar svårigheten i spelet dynamiskt och en som balanserats för hand. Resultatet från dessa speltester ger inga direkta stöd för att dynamisk svårighetsjustering får spelare att prestera bättre och tyder på att spelare vid en första spelomgång har svårt att identifiera system för dynamisk svårighetsjustering. Resultatet visar dock även på att mer undersökningar kan behövas på ämnet i framtiden..

Hur sjuksköterskan genom patientundervisning kan främja egenvårdskapacitet hos typ 2 diabetiker/ How the nurse through patient education can support self-care capacity in type 2 diabetes

Background: Effective treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes needs a good communication between nurse and patient. This creats a good relation and leads to a more effective patient education. Aim: The aim with the literature study was to describe how nurses trough patient education can achieve self-care for patients with diabetes type 2. Methods: Literature studies with both qualitative and quantitative articles were examined. Findings: The articles that were chosen for the results were sorted in the two categories relation and communication.

Oxygen Health : Inlösning av syre i vatten

The project has been provided by Zenit design group and the goal for this project was tomanufacture and perform tests of a prototype that supersaturates water in a continuous flow ofwater. The project has involved finding and sorting out relevant data in scientific papers, books,communication with foreign manufactures and other platforms for information.The project has resulted in manufacturing of a test rig and an oxygen infuser based onmembrane technology. The test rigs purpose was to perform tests on oxygen infusers fordifferent comparison test and performance benchmarks in a in a laboratory provided by Zenit.The project led to satisfying results using the oxygen infuser manufactured by the authors withcomparable levels of saturation to the reference infuser.The theory behind this project is based on medical research, belonging terms will be explainedbut the authors have chosen to delimit the project from the medical area. The reason for this islack of knowledge in this area and its irrelevance to the mechanical engineering education insuch..

Ägarlägenheter : En möjlighet till införandet av en ny affärsmodell?

This thesis will explore how swedish Talang 2010 used their strategic communication in Kalmar and Stockholm and how the effect of this work was shown in the two cities. With a focus on how the sender was working with the external communication in the two cities, the heart of the research was studying Talang 2010?s communication strategy in these two contexts. The research was made with surveys during two audition days in Kalmar and two days in Stockholm. The competitors, the audience and the general public were answering different surveys but with the same base to study the effect.

Communication works for those who work at it : En studie i hur organisatoriska kommunikationsstrategier kan bidra till meningsskapande under en förändringsprocess

Aim: The challenges that arise from the development of the digitalization are forcing organizations to adjust their activities and operations to meet the needs of the society and organization´s important stakeholders. To be able to keep up with the developments organizations are constantly changing. These changes must be communicated to their stakeholders in a way that makes sense to them and to ensure that mutual understanding is achieved for the change to be succesful throughout the organization. The main purpose of this paper is to study an organizations communication during a change process. The focus lies on organizational communication strategies and the sensemaking processes as organization communicates about the change to its important stakeholders.Contribution:This paper will contribute to the field of organizational communication by filling a gap on empirical studies of internal communication during an organizational change.Method: The main method for this paper is the qualitative interviews.

ABB Communication Center : och informationsdesign

C-uppsatsen baseras på en fallstudie över ABB Communication Centers internkommunikation, den övergripande kommunikativa enheten på ABB Sverige AB. Syftet är att beskriva informationsdesignens roll i såväl den dagliga verksamheten som den övergripande inställningen till det internkommunikativa arbetet. Samt jämföra teorier inom organisations- och kommunikationsvetenskap samt informationsdesign och resultaten från den empiriska undersökningen..

When Bad is Good

Within the last year many companies have proactively started to communicate their flaws and weaknesses, believing that this will lead to they being perceived as more personal and human. Dominos Pizza is one of many examples of a company using this practice as a strategic tool for communication. However, the problem concerning the above arises as we found that there was a very limited amount of research defining the effects of communicating flaws, where the company's both dispatcher and initiator. Our study aims to fill the gap between this growing trend and the limited research explaining the communication effects. The study was carried out as an experiment where a total of 420 respondents participated.

Kommunikationens relevans : En kvalitativ studie av Trängregementets internkommunikation i Skövde

AbstractTrängregementet in Skövde Sweden, had send a request to the university of Jönköping by one specific purpose, the reason was if someone would like to do a bachelor thesis to investigate the regiments? internal communication. The aims for this study is by a qualitative method investigate the regiment?s internal communication. Focus is on quality and to be able to access the core, semi-structured interviews with the management, information office, officers and soldiers were accomplished.

En byggnads energibehov : En studie om energieffektivisering av en befintlig byggnad i södra Sverige

The purpose of the study was to investigate the use and losses of energy in an existing older building. Another purpose was also to look through various options for heating systems with renewable energy in the building. The aim was to reduce the use and losses of energy. The first step was to study the related electricity bills of the building and also perform measurements and calculations of the building envelope and ventilation. The next step was to find out the possible actions for energy saving by performing measurements and calculations.

Gränslandet mellan hem och förskola : en arena för gästfrihetens kommunikation

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine some pre-school teacher's and parent's perceptions about communication within the pre-school context and how this can be described in terms of conceptual dichotomy.The empirical investigation consists of a qualitative study, where data have been collected by interviewing two focus groups and one single parent.The main theoretical tools which the study uses as its premiss is Derridas' theory of hospitality and Habermas' theory of deliberative dialogues. The study also considers the conception of the intermediate domain as an arena for communication between parents and pre-school teachers, and further more the conception of stereotyping in social and cultural contexts.In order to explore these processes I have used the qualitative method of interpretation; Hermeneutic, also with a narrative approach to the analysis.The results and the analysis of the data show that the interviewed parent and pre-school teachers have a poor sense of knowing how much influence to give to each other. The parents were not satisfied with the level of open communication and how the pre-school teachers share information of the activities..

Förskolebarns kommunikation i leken : Lek, kommunikation och språk i sammanhang

The aim of this study is to observe Swedish preschool children in their natural habitat and without any intervention. Four different observations are made and thereafter analyzed. Throughout the whole study the subject of interest is the children's communication in their play. Children can communicate with each other in various ways, for instance with speech and without speech, i.e. with their physical language, aesthetic and multi language.

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