

658 Uppsatser om Two-stage least squares - Sida 37 av 44

Effektiviteten i pappersindustrin: En studie över effektiviteten och dess drivkrafter för pappersindustrin i 12 europeiska länder.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera den tekniska effektiviteten och dessförklaringsfaktorer för den europeiska och svenska pappersindustrin. Paneldata på branschnivå för 12 länder under tidsperioden 2002-2009 används för att i ett första steg med hjälp av Data envelopment analysis (DEA) mäta graden av effektivitet. I ett andra steg förklaras variationen i effektivitet mellan de olika ländernas pappersindustrier med hjälp av en Tobit-regression. Studien avgränsar sig till den rent tekniska effektiviteten där arbetskraft, kapital, energi och olika material, nödvändiga vid pappersproduktion, använts som insatsvaror. Som förklaringsfaktorerna till skillnader i effektivitet har fyra variabler använts; Forskning och utvecklings utgifter (FoU), antal anställda inom FoU anställda, energiskattenivå och ekonomisk frihet.Resultaten från studiens första steg visar på skillnader i effektivitet mellan de olika länderna.

Kära dagbok. Hur går det till när man tar guld? : Innehållsanalys av Spendrups reklamkampanj

This is a case study of the advertising campaign ?Guld till alla? (Gold to Everyone) embarked upon by Spendrups Bryggeri AB in a bid to promote Norrlands Guld, during the period 2004. The approach used by Spendrups will be compared with theories about communication planning, communication strategies, target group definition and how to create effective advertising. The main purpose of the comparison is to find which central elements that made the campaign successful. The method we have chosen to use is an explanative content analysis with influences from the dialogue analyse.?Guld till alla? was suppose to be an massive and coherent campaign which was to be integrated with large sports events, such as the Ice Hockey World Championship, UEFA European Championship and the Summer Olympic Games, that all took place the year 2004.

Relationer i en digital värld - En kvalitativ studie om PR via sociala medier

Social media is by many believed to be the core of a new type of Public Relations. This new PR is called PR 2.0. Most larger companies today are to be find using dif- ferent types of social media to interact with their publics. Each year companies invest more money in this type of digital public relations. Social media is a relatively new online phenomenon and still used at a very early stage.

Optimization of Burner Kiln 7, Cementa Slite

In this report focus is put on the combustion process at a cement plant. Combustion is the heart of the cement making process and absolutely crucial to have under full control and well optimized. The fuel is put into the process through a burner pipe and this burner pipe is modified to reach a more efficient combustion. The primary target is to enable burning of heterogeneous alternative fuels and increase the production level. Other positive effects from this type of optimization is lowered specific fuel consumption and lowered CO2 emissions. A redundant burner is chosen for the project and overall the project steps are the following: 1. Installing a Jet air nozzle ring in a way so it can move both axially and radially due to temperature changes. 2.

Freshwater pearl mussel as indicators of Swedish streams - a comparison between freshwater pearl mussel and biological quality elements

The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) is a large freshwater mussel. Because of its sensitivity to human impact, such as eutrophication, acidification and alterations of hydromorphology, the species is considered as a robust indicator of stream water quality and biodiversity. Moreover, due to the species complex life cycle, including a larval stage on the gills of salmon and trout, and sensitivity of early life stages, regeneration is often used as an indicator. The freshwater pearl mussel is also used in the expert judgement of status classification of benthic invertebrates according to the European Water Framework Directive. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the freshwater pearl mussel as an indicator for Swedish streams. It was made with two types of association analyses.

En ekonomisk utvärdering av framtida biobränslebaserade processkoncept inom energisektorn

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Tickor på död ved

I dag råder det brist på död ved i Sveriges skogar. Detta på grund av det intensiva skogsbruket där man kalhugger och plockar bort all liggande ved. Dock är det viktigt med många döda träd i olika nedbrytningsstadier för många skogslevande arter. Svenska skogar har få urskogar där naturliga avdödningsprocesser av träd får ske och därför minskar den biologiska mångfalden i skogen. Tre arter som endast trivs i naturskog är tickorna ullticka, Phellinus ferrugineofuscus, gränsticka, Phellinus nigrolimitatus och vedticka, Phellinus viticola.

Häxprocesser i Gävle och Ockelbo på 1600-talet

In this C-thesis, I investigate the sudden outbreak of the Swedish witch-hunts during the 17th century, mainly focusing on Gävle and Ockelbo in Gästrikland.To show the extension of the Swedish witch-hunts, I have included an introductory part of the thesis, where this is described. Another important part of the thesis is the one about views upon women and the functions of their bodies, which had to do with female sexuality. Women were indeed considered a threat, by men in powerful positions, and very often it was sheriffs, judges, commanders and governors who most strongly claimed this.People believed that the witches went to Blåkulla, which could be practically anywhere. It could be a mountain, an open area, a rock or a heath. It seems, however, to have been situated far north.My investigation mainly concerns the witch-hunts in Ockelbo and Gävle.

Fruits of knowledge : a case study of marketing strategies for small-scale mango farmers in the Nyanza Province, Kenya

This report is focused on marketing opportunities for small-scale mango farmers in the Nyanza Province in Kenya. Kenya is a large horticultural producer in the world. Horticulture is an important income for a large share of the rural population in Kenya but profitability is low due to inefficiencies in marketing systems and poor infrastructure. The conditions for growing mango in the Nyanza Province are very beneficial and there are two harvesting seasons. Mango offers good income opportunities for small-scale farmers in the Nyanza Province.The aim of this study is to identify marketing conditions that will enable prospering business for small-scale mango farmers in the Nyanza Province, Kenya.

Marknadsföring av en svårvärderad tjänst : En studie av tjänsten Homestyling

Tjänster, vare sig etablerade eller nya, brottas ofta med problemet att vara svårvärderade. Detta gäller även tjänsten homestyling som är en form av inredningstjänst. Homestylingens syfte är att ställa i ordning en bostad för att framhäva dess bästa egenskaper inför en försäljning. Detta kan göras genom estetiska lyft med rekvisita och möblemang. Det finns olika nivåer på tjänsten och dessa kan variera alltifrån en muntlig konsultation, där homestylisten instruerar säljaren av bostaden om vad som behöver göras, till en total möblering där homestylingföretaget sköter hela lyftet av bostaden åt säljaren.

Effekt av olika kvävegödselmedel på utvecklingen av klumprotsjuka i salladskål (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis)

The price trend on rapeseed the latest years has led to an increasing interest to grow the crop among many farmers in Sweden. The price trend has resulted in more than a doubling of the oilseed area since the early 2000s. For many farmers it is an advantage to increase cultivation of rapeseed because of the high proportion of cereals in the crop rotation on many farms, but it is not just benefits. The risk of the fields being infected by clubroot increases within frequent rapeseed cultivation and it often leads to subtantial economic losses. Clubroot is caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae that is a soilborne pathogen in genus Protozoa and its resting spores can be found in the soil for up to 18 years.

Hållbarhet i sikte : En hermeneutisk studie av Visbys turismplanering

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to get a comprehensive understanding for the thoughts behind Visby?s sustainable tourism planning. Focus will lie on how far Visby has come in their planning and implementing towards a sustainable tourism development. Methods: This study is preceded from a hermeneutical and constructive perspective. The methods used are induction and qualitative research in the form of deep interviews with four key figures working within Gotland?s municipality and tourism industry.

Dolda fel i fastigheter : En studie om reglerna kring dolda fel i fastigheter.

Event is something that an increasing number of Swedish cities are investing in since it contributes to higher attractiveness of cities and generate economic revenues. New arenas are built around Sweden to meet the increasing demands to host such events. Event projects are carried out in Sweden and it is important that the planning phase is carried out thoroughly to get a successful project. This thesis aims to look more closely at selected organizations and how they plan their projects and whether it is possible to follow project plans in the event projects. Karlstad has many events that recur annually, including the Swedish Rally.

Nätmobbning : om pressens bild av na?tmobbning i relation till ho?gstadie- och gymnasieungdomars erfarenheter

This paper is about cyber-bullying, the youth?s experience and how the papers image of cyber- bullying looks. The relevance of this essay be to be found in the aim of the research of the cyber bullying today. By examining how the youth?s usage and experience?s - and the papers image of cyber-bullying in the social media, it will be possible to create an understanding for how the social media is represented today.

Ljusets betydelse för rotknoppars groningsvillighet i åkermolke (Sonchus arvensis L.)

This study is about how changed light conditions induce dormancy in plants. It is divided in two parts. First a literature study where quantification of light, the concept dormancy, photoperiod and light quality are discussed. Second an experimental part, where the importance of light for sprouting capacity in root buds of perennial sow thistle (Sonchus arvensis L.) is investigated.In the science in how flowering in plants are induced the concepts short day/long day plants and light dominant/dark dominant are well-established. These concepts can also be applied to how light induce dormancy in plants.

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