

1133 Uppsatser om Turning points. - Sida 19 av 76

 "Hemma på min gata i stan..." :  Tillhörighet, identitetsskapande och fritid bland unga flickor i Gottsunda

This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

ÖsterMälarstrand - en jämförelsestudie med Spacesyntax

The paper evaluates two housing proposals with Space syntax as method. The proposals are very different in a topological sense but are in a configural sense almost the same. This effect is because both proposals connect themselves to the existing configural structure of the city in the same way. Neither of them takes advantages of the most integrated streets in the existing structure and use them to concentrate pedestrian and car flows to the streets or points which are intended to be the most urban areas. The knowledge of Space syntax and this evaluation puts focus on the pour understanding among architects and planners of what effect urban design proposals will have..

Identifiering av brytpunkten i palliativ vård och omvårdnadens ändrade inriktning efter denna

Många människor drabbas av sjukdom. En del blir friska medan andra aldrig återhämtar sig. Hos dessa patienter försämras tillståndet successivt och slutligen kommer sjukdomen till en brytpunkt (turning point) där det längre inte är motiverat att fortsätta med den kurativa behandlingen. När den kurativa behandlingen avbryts, syftar de fortsatta omvårdnadsåtgärderna till att patienten upplever välmående i livets slutskede.Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar identifikation av brytpunkten hos svårt sjuka patienter, samt på vilket sätt omvårdnadsåtgärderna ändras efter denna identifikation. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys på aktuella vetenskapliga studier har genomförts.

EN ÖKANDE BOLÅNEMARGINAL - En redogörelse för penningpolitikens inverkan på bostadsmarknaden - Nationalekonomi

The general consensus is that the gap between the Swedish variable mortgage rate and the repo rate has increased over the last years. Although the Riksbank in recent times has cut its base rate, many banks have chosen either to leave the interest rate on variable mortgages unchanged, or they did reduce it but by less points than the reduction in the repo rate. The linear relationship between the repo rate and the variable mortgage rate has changed over the last decade and the mortgage margins these days are relatively high. This can somewhat be explained by the new rules introduced in the bank sector requiring banks to increase liquidity and equity. Since mortgage loans play an important role in banks? lending business it is of interest to gain knowledge in whether a repo rate reduction latterly has generated a limited affect on the banks lending rates..

 En modern kommun med ett modernt resemönster? :  en studie av pendlingsmönstret mellan män och kvinnor i Knivsta kommun

This essay investigates the statements of Växjö municipality?s motives for some of its many environmental projects. The aim of the essay is to be theory-testing as to see how a municipality/city which promotes itself as being ?green? motivates its efforts in the environmental area. Växjö city promotes itself as ?The greenest city in Europe?, an award appointed to the city by BBC and other international media.

Topografins inverkan på markvattenhalten i ett jordbruksdominerat avrinningsområde

Topography is an important parameter for catchment hydrology, since it is a driver for water flow. Moreover, topography serves as a basis for hydrological models, e.g. ?Top-model?, which is based on a topographical wetness index (TWI). Few studies of TWI have been conducted on agricultural catchment scale. Four fields were studied in a Swedish drained agricultural catchment in order to evaluate the influence of topography on soil wetness.

Skivbolagsbranschen och Internet : En jämförelse mellan major- och indiebolag

Purpose: To analyze and clarify differences between indie and major labels in the use of and attitude towards the Internet as a marketing and distribution channel.Method: In this study, we use mostly qualitative but also quantitative methods. Representatives from four record labels, two indie and two major labels have been interviewed, and we have also examined the companies? activities on the Internet.Conclusions: This study points to a number of differences between indie and major labels. Indie labels are generally more open to business development and innovation. As for marketing, indie labels make use of web services such as Myspace and Facebook to a greater extent than major labels.

Det är väl bara att kasta ut en boll? : -Hur elever lär sig hälsa i idrott och hälsa på den gymnasiala skolan

 The upper secondary school has a responsibility to give every student enough knowledge for a healthy life after they finished school, this is stated in the curriculum. Although the way of reaching this knowledge or what knowledge that is to be obtained regarding health is not stated in any way, this is the teacher's job to figure out. This knowledge shall be the same regardless of where you live, this could prove to be a problem as different teachers interpretation of health will reflect the pupils knowledge of their own health. This work points out some of the problems that can arise due to the complexity of the concept of health as there are no guidelines in the curriculum that could be of help for teachers'. Through interviews with active physical education teachers and questionnaires for their pupils this work illustrates several aspects of problems most likely occurring in school regarding the health education..

Indoor Positioning Using WLAN

This report evaluates various methods that can be used to position a smartphone running the Android platform, without the use of any special hardware or infrastructure and in conditions where GPS is unavailable or unreliable; such as indoors. Furthermore, it covers the implementation of such a system with the use of a deterministic fingerprinting method that is reasonably device independent, a method which involves measuring a series of reference points, called fingerprints, in an area and using those to locate the user.The project was carried on behalf of Sigma, a Swedish software consulting company..

Hjullyft för rullstol

This degree project is on 15 university points which correspond to 10 weeks full time studies. The work has been carried out during autumn term 2007 and spring term 2008. This degree project has been carried out with the cooperation of Etac Supply Center AB who is located in Anderstorp.It?s been Etac interest to develop a solution which helps the user of the wheelchair over obstacles. My task has been to develop a concept that solves the problem according to the requirement specification.In the rapport the reader can follow the development from an idea to a finished concept.

The Male Gaze som retorisktverktyg : En utredande litteraturstudie över hur the Male Gaze kan användas inom retorikvetenskapen

The thought behind this bachelor essay regarding gender and rhetorical feminist criticism developed years ago out of the fact that I read just a little too many dirty chick lit-pockets as a teen. Those chick lit-pockets were my first introduction to sex, to gender roles, to how men and women react and are supposed to react to each other and, in some sense, even to feminism. Those chick lit-pockets, later turning into hardcore Harlequin-books, became my benchmark when I started to contemplate the fact that this is a man?s world, produced and reproduced by a male gaze which influences everything from sex, porn, advertising, gender roles, jobs and payment to dirty pockets for teenage girls.The essays aims to show how the male gaze-phenomenon could be to use for the rhetoric discipline: first combined with other rhetorical theories as a way to analyze and understand gender and objectification. The main question asked; How to put the male gaze on a rhetorical leash? This bachelor essay consists of a qualitative literature study focusing on four articles and one book in which five different male gaze-perspective appears.

På väg till den tredje grisen : Studie av en transmedial konstpromenad för barn

Art in the city can be invisible until we talk about it. Letting children see public art in the context of play and narrative is a way to enhance creative thinking and knowledge as well as making the art visible. By creating a prototype for an art walk for children this study was able to create a scenery of children using different kinds of mediated narrative combined with a physical environment and movement. The theoretical framework of the project was picture books (Rhedin, 1991) transmedia (Jenkins 2006, Ryan 2004) and public art (Kwon 2002). The project?s aim was to create an empirical context for primary school children to explore public artwork.

Musik för kommunikation och självkänsla : En studie om musikens betydelse i en flerspråkig förskolemiljö

This thesis, entitled The Headmaster and the Music, is based on interviews with four headmasters, who are all working in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose is to investigate how they view music, both in general and as a school subject. Since the research on this topic is scarce, the study can be described as explorative.The result shows that the headmasters? personal experiences have an impact on the way they view music. Four different focus points on music in school have emerged from the material, and these represent the four very different views that each headmaster holds.

Dubbeltydig form : Djurliknande avbildningar i metall under järnåldern

This study concerns a selection of prehistoric metal objects of animalistic design, published at the internet site of the Swedish Statens Historiska Museum. It seeks to give an impression of the design elements used, and to find likely models for the motifs among live animals. The method used is a qualitative hermenuetic comparative study of objects, where the distinct significant design elements are being identified and interpretated. Several significant design elements are identified, and some are interpretated as representing certain animals. The amalgamation of differentiating design elements in some objects however, leads to interpretations of compound animal motifs, where some motifs are considered ambiguous and some are rendered uninterpretated.

Baden-Württembergs läroplan ur ett svenskt perspektiv : En jämförande studie av kursplanen för engelska

This study investigates the curriculum for English in Gymnasium class 10 in Baden-Württemberg, Germany and compares it with the Swedish curriculum for English 5. A special focus it put on the politics that decide how the curriculum is written. The German and Swedish curricula for English are quite different, although they have some main points in common. The study includes a textual analysis and observations of English classes. Furthermore, nine teachers of English in Germany are interviewed about their views of the curriculum.

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