

1133 Uppsatser om Turning points. - Sida 13 av 76

Betydelse av lövinslag, död ved och variation i träddiameter för artrikedomen hos småfåglar

Forest management contributes to the changes in forest structure by turning heterogenous forests of varied age into homogenous forests of similar age and thus affect bird species depending on different structures or habitats which are lost during forestry. In this report, a study was made to investigate how the amount of decidious trees, dead wood and variation in tree diameter affect bird diversity. The purpose of this study was to be able to give forest management guidelines to increase bird diversity. This study was conducted by investigating 65 transects in forests of different structure south of Linköping, Sweden. Along the 65 transects, birds were inventoried as well as the vegetation.

Att lösa sudoku med SAT-lösare

Yahtzee is a popular dice game around the world. The complexity makes the game interesting to play and analyze. This report compares the effectiveness of the mathematically optimal strategy with a strategy that can be used for casual play. The rules used are those of the Nordic variant Yatzy, in which a few but important rules are different from the American Yahtzee. To evaluate the everyday strategy 100,000 games was simulated in a java program written specifically for this purpose.

De har ju lyckats med mig : Om ungdomars erfarenheter av behandling

This study is based on interviews with four youths that have been treated for problems such as drugabuse and criminality. The aim of this master´s thesis is to examine the youths experiences with the treatment they received, but also to examine how they look upon their own lifesituations. The study is presented in categories developed through the use of Grounded theory. The result points out that the treatment can be summarized mainly in two aspects- one concerning care and one concerning control. The first aspect includes supportive and friendly staff while control in this context stands for rules and supervision of different kinds.

En topologisk representation av en polygon;det rakkantiga skelettet

The aim of this thesis project is to produce an algorithm for finding a topologicalrepresentation of a polygon, called a straight skeleton, using floating pointarithmetic. Various straight skeleton algorithms are examined and discussed witha focus on time complexity and one is chosen for implementation. This implementationis then compared with the open source library CGAL with regards torunning time. The result is an algorithm which is based on an algorithm by Felkeland Obdrzalek and which, for polygons with more than five thousand vertices andthree significant digits representing points, runs around 25% faster than CGALsimplementation. Complications regarding the use of floating-point arithmetic arealso discussed..

En jämförelse mellan TLS och UAV-fotogrammetri : Inmätning av hårdgjorda ytor

At present day there are several different methods for measuring of paved surfaces.The most common methods today are measuring with a total station, the GlobalNavigation Satellite System (GNSS) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). Recently thedevelopment of unmanned aerial vehicles, known as drones, has increasedexponentially and today there are several ways of using drones for measuring surfacesby photographing and laser scanning.This thesis contains a comparison between the methods terrestrial laser scanning(TLS), and unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry (UAV). The measurements havebeen applied on two different test surfaces, one of asphalt and one of gravel. Thepurpose of the comparison is to investigate whether the airborne photogrammetry isequivalent accurate in its height levels as the terrestrial laser scanning. For thecomparison to be more extensive, these two methods have not only been comparedin precision but also in the areas of ease of use and economy.The precision was analyzed by comparing the height levels in randomly placed controlpoints on the test surfaces.

Bilden av kvinnan i media : en semiotisk bildanalys av Veckorevyns framsidor1950 - 2000

Purpose/Aim: The aim with my study is to reveal changes in the construction of gender in weekly press over time. To do so I study the picture of the woman on front pages of the Swedish magazine Veckorevyn.Material/Method: Qualitative research method, semiotic picture analysis.Main results: There have been a lot of changes in the picture of the woman in Veckorevyn over the years and the results points to a more objectifying picture. The woman has gone from doing something and actually having a role, to simply being there to be looked at, all passive..

Steg 18a : En kvalitativ analys av LUS

The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers comprehend LUS as a development program, but also how they think about one of the points in the program. The study is based on interviews with five teachers working with ages between preschool to ninth grade.The results show that the development program is splendid, it doesn?t come with a lot of paperwork and it has a humanistic approach. When it comes to point 18a which is the main examination, the teachers mainly agree with each other. They all talk about preunderstanding, reading speed and the amount of literature as the main characteristics to be placed at point 18a.

Driftkostnadsanalys i väginvesteringsprojekt

During its lifetime, a road goes through a number of different stages; pre-study,inquiry of the road, work plan, documenting stage, building stage and operatingstage. The operating stage is the one that takes the longest time and costs themost. Those have a tendency of becoming unnecessarily high because the projectengineers don?t always take the management and maintenance prerequisites intoconditions.To decrease the management and maintenance costs, the Swedish RoadAdministration SouthEast has been in need of a work procedure that makes theroaddesign engineers take the management and maintenance of the road intoconsideration. This shall be achieved by a checklist where the most commondesigns that lead to increased management- and maintenance costs are compiledand listed.Through interviews with project leaders in management, the most commonproblems have been identified, analyzed and summarized under the headlineswinter-road, vegetation, road equipment and road designs.To elucidate the problem from several points of view, interviews wereimplemented with project leaders in investment and roaddesign engineers.

Vägen ur ett alkoholmissbruk -En kvalitativ studie om sex före detta alkoholmissbrukare

The aim of this study has been to take part of six ex-alcohol addicts? narratives about their lives with starting-point in which factors that has been significant and/or determining to be able to leave a life in abuse and what change this process has implied for their identity. To achieve the purpose with this study has three questions been formulated. These are what in the person?s life have been important in the process of a life free from alcohol, what were specific and decisive that effected the decision to stop using alcohol and what is the attitude to them self and their new role as an ex-alcohol addict. Alcohol is a drug that is legal and accepted in the society and it´s hard to discover an addiction.

Landsbygd i förändring : en jämförelse mellan bouppteckningar från1840-talet och sekelskiftet 1900 på Gotlands södra landsbygd

During the beginning of the 19th century Sweden is effected by the Napoleonic Wars and in the aftermath of the war Sweden looses Finland to Russia. This loss leads to the dismissal of King Gustav IV Adolf and the introduction of the Bernadotte dynasty on the Swedish throne. Over the century the industrialization plays a big part in the progress of Sweden. The growth of the industries leads to developments in the areas of agriculture. With this essay I would like to examine if the people on the countryside of Gotland keep the same pace as the people on the mainland in their introduction of new things.

Kartläggning av rapporterade olyckor med djurtransporter i dagspress i Sverige

When farm animals are transported there are several factors that can affect their welfare. If the vehicle has an accident the welfare of the animals transported will probably be compromised. The aim of this study was to make a survey of accidents with animal transportation vehicles in Sweden. The survey included the number of accidents from January 2000 to May 2014, the cause of the accidents and how the animal welfare was affected by the accident. The authorities which were likely to have reports about accidents involving animal transports were contacted. There were no collected records about transportation accidents and the authorities referred to eachother for information.

ÖsterMälarstrand : en jämförelsestudie med Spacesyntax

The paper evaluates two housing proposals with Space syntax as method. The proposals are very different in a topological sense but are in a configural sense almost the same. This effect is because both proposals connect themselves to the existing configural structure of the city in the same way. Neither of them takes advantages of the most integrated streets in the existing structure and use them to concentrate pedestrian and car flows to the streets or points which are intended to be the most urban areas. The knowledge of Space syntax and this evaluation puts focus on the pour understanding among architects and planners of what effect urban design proposals will have..

Festivalernas Intåg : Korröfestivalen ? en bordunstämmas resa genom festivaliseringen

Title: Festivalernas Intåg ? Korröfestivalen- en bordunstämmas resa genom festivaliseringenThe Korrö festival- The establishment of a Swedish Folk Music Festival.This thesis describes how folk music festivals have been escalating during the past few and how they have influenced Swedish folk music. To reach my results I have been studying one festival in particular which is the Korrö Folk Music Festival. This event started in the mid-eighties as a small happening that attracted almost exclusively musicians that were a part of the bordooon movement. The bordoon movement gathered a couple of days in the summer at what they called the ?Korrö bordunstämma? to build instruments and play folk music.

Lärande i molnet : EduSync belyst ur ett connectivistiskt synsätt

This essay has discussed and analyzed a draft for an idea about a network called EduSync. This idea is based on that teachers and students, attending and holding courses, all over the world should be able to find and interact with each other. EduSync is founded from a new learning theory, connectivism. Interviews, participation in a conference and two workshops have been used to gather information and different points of view concerning e-learning, for example possibilities and problems with this idea of a network.  A comparison of web communities and e-learning environments that exists today was also done. The gathered information from persons as well as literature resulted in a discussion concerning learning and what would or would not be possible with the creation of EduSync.

En jämförelse mellan den matematiskt optimala strategin och en ivardagligt spel tillämplingsbar strategi

Yahtzee is a popular dice game around the world. The complexity makes the game interesting to play and analyze. This report compares the effectiveness of the mathematically optimal strategy with a strategy that can be used for casual play. The rules used are those of the Nordic variant Yatzy, in which a few but important rules are different from the American Yahtzee. To evaluate the everyday strategy 100,000 games was simulated in a java program written specifically for this purpose.

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