

1415 Uppsatser om Tropical secondary rainforest - Sida 4 av 95

Nollföljdsmodellering av transformator-Beräkningar av följdproblem vid ökad kablifiering på mellanspänningsnivå

Historically transformers with system earth equipment have been modeled as open circuits in zero sequence. This approximation has been satisfying, but lately it has been discovered that equipment on one side of the transformer have responded to faults that occurred at the other side. Most of these problems took place when the majority of the system on the secondary side of the transformer contained cables. These findings have led to questioning whether or not the former model of the transformer in zero sequence is correct. This report investigates if it is necessary to represent the transformer in zero sequence in another way than it is usually done today.

Samband mellan virulensgener och VTEC-infektioner : Riskklassificeringssystem för VTEC

To curb greenhouse gases and mitigate climate change is one of the biggest challenges human society face today. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has accumulated rapidly in the atmosphere as a consequence of burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. The aim of this study is to explore two methods to store carbon dioxide in geological formations and biological sinks. The aim is also to discuss the two mitigation options from a sustainable perspective and whether it can lead to a better environment and benefits for local and global societies. The research questions are: Which method to store carbon dioxide, geological or biological, is the most effective? Which method to store carbon dioxide, geological or biological, has the greatest potential to promote sustainable development for local communities?The method used is a comparative case study and presents four case studies that explore the potential for CO2 storage offshore in Norway and Brazil; and in tropical forests in Mexico and Brazil.

Det är ju logiskt, men det är väldigt ologiskt om man jämför med allt annat logiskt.? - En studie om elevers syn på ämnet Gehörs- och musiklära.

Title: "It is logical, but not logical at all compared to every other logical thing." - A study about how students in upper secondary school reflect about their studies in Pitch and music theory.Pitch and music theory is a compulsory subject for music students in the art programme of upper secondary school of Sweden. The aim of the subject is to develop the students? knowledge about music theory concepts in order to help them play and create music on their own. The aim of this paper is to discuss how students talk about ear training and music theory. Qualitative group interviews were carried out with two student groups from the first and second year of the upper secondary school.

Flerspråkighet i förskolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om pedagogernas arbetssätt när det gäller språkligt heterogena grupper i förskolan

The purpose of my study was to visualize how teachers works with multilingual children in pre-school, the methods used to stimulate and develop primary and secondary language and how teachers does see second languages development with the help of the primary language. The study consists of qualitative methods in form of interviews which are made with four teachers who work within the pre-school. The findings during the collection of data (interviews) are going to be connected to the relevant literature on the subject I have chosen.The result showed that the concrete materials are used to stimulate and develop primary- as the secondary language and that the teachers have different opinions on secondary languages development with the help of primary language even if the primary language seems to be an important asset of all teachers that I interviewed..

Unga tjejers våldsbenägenhet vid konsumtion av alkohol

The purpose on this study is to determine the extent of possible connections between tendencies to increased violent behavior and increased alcohol consumption among a total cohort of girls in the 9th grade compulsory school and 2nd grade upper secondary school in a Swedish county. In 2004 the Epidemiological Department carried out a health-status survey, using a self-report questionnaire, with students from both private and public schools in a specific county in Sweden. All respondents (N= ca 4000), attending all compulsory (at 9th grade) and upper secondary schools (second tier) on the survey date completed the questionnaire. For this particular study, 9 questions from the questionnaire, all concerning self-reported violent behavior and alcohol consumption habits were used either individually or combined in index variables. The result showed that while violence experience is low among these 4000 girls, it increased in relation to a corresponding increase in alcohol consumption.

Social media & marknadsföring

The gas turbines in the Swedish secondary reserve are reaching the end of their technical lifetime, hence alternative solutions need to be considered. One of the solutions thought to have the greatest potential is the use of so called consumptionreduction. By entering contracts with large consumers, agreements are made to reduce consumption in the event of major disturbances in the power system and thus being used as a secondary reserve. This thesis investigates the feasibility of consumption reduction as part of the secondary reserve. This has been achieved by developing a requirement specification for the disturbance reserve and by studying the technical and economic potential for consumption reduction among a range of consumers.The technical potential for consumption reduction that fulfils the requirements for participating in the secondary reserve are on average 750 MW in SE 3 and 98 MW in SE 4.

Ett individintegrerat läsår - marginalisering eller möjlighet : En studie om tre individintegrerade elever i gymnasiesärskolan

The purpose of this study is to acquire knowledge about how interaction, participation and inclusion are affected by individual integration for three students in upper secondary education for pupils with learning disabilities. To be individually integrated means, in this case, that the students from compulsory school for children with learning disabilities are taking part in some of the programme-specific courses together with students from the regular upper secondary school. This study gets its inspiration from the ethnographic research approach, and uses passive observations together with interviews with students and their guardians as main methods to collect information.The school in question has not made any adjustments to make the programme-specific courses more adapted to the different needs, which is typical of integration. This study shows that the school presumes that the students with the help from the vocational teacher, but without any special needs educational help, themselves are to adapt to the conditions at the regular upper secondary school. This, together with the lack of special needs educational competence among the vocational teachers, led to a higher level of exclusion and an enhanced feeling of not being up to standard among the integrated students.The results also show that the integrated students maintain a strong wish to be included with the students attending the regular upper secondary school.


The secondary control must be part of the production plan, since the capacity will bedeployed in advance, just as the primary control. The activation of the new frequencycontrol should be preformed in Vattenfall's operations centers (DC) to minimizecommunication delay. Vattenfall needs to work towards a more holistic optimizationsystem. The main issue for Vattenfall Generation is not how we produce but ratherwhen, which is done with creation of bids. This is where there is the mostopportunity for improvement.

Lärarens syn kring elevers motivation till matematiken

This survey is a case study with the purpose to find out the teacher´s perceptions about students´ motivation to mathematics. Further this study aims for the teacher´s vision on how they consider students´ motivation in mathematics in secondary school. To collect research data I have used semi structured interviews with four secondary school teachers. The result constructs according to categories that depict the purpose of the study. These categories define students? motivation like achieving different goals, students? basic knowledge, abilities and perceptions of mathematics and external factors that affect students? motivation.

Ansiktsanimation i 3D : Vikten av Disneys 12 animationsprinciper: Appeal, Follow Through and Overlapping Action, Secondary Action och Anticipation

Den här uppsatsen undersöker vikten av fyra av Disneys 12 animationsprinciper i ansiktsanimation för 3D. De principer som undersöks är Anticipation, Followthrough and Overlapping action, Appeal och Secondary action. Detta prövas genom att först skapa en originalanimation, där alla Disneys animationsprinciper används, och därefter skapa fyra ytterligare, separata, animationer där en av detidigare nämnda principerna tas bort. Dessa animationer visades sedan för sex testpersoner som därefter fick svara frågor i en intervju. Det märktes tydligt att alla av de fyra testade principerna är viktiga för en animation, dock var avsaknaden av Appeal eller Secondary action tydligast..

Kustnära ekosystem som skydd mot naturkatastrofer : en litteraturstudie från ett riskhanteringsperspektiv

Research suggests that society's vulnerability to natural disasters along coasts could increase as a result of climate change, which is likely to lead to elevated sea levels and possibly an increase in the occurance of meteorological phenomena such as storms and tropical cyclones. Following the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, both of which received considerable media attention, empirical data has indicated that coastal vegetation might be able to protect and reduce damages to coastal communities during tsunami events and tropical cyclones.The aim of the essay has been to study the function of coastal ecosystems as protection against tsunami waves and storms from a risk management perspective, meaning that I have, through an overview of scientific articles, compiled current research on how coastal ecosystems can attenuate storm surges and tsunami waves, and analysed how this knowledge can be put into practice in coastal communities from a risk management perspective, i.e. if coastal ecosystems are a viable risk reduction measure, are practically applicable, and if so, how they could be applied.There is empirical evidence suggesting that coastal ecosystems, particularly mangroves, can reduce the strength of a tsunami wave, but full scientific consensus on this issue has not yet been reached. With regard to protection against storm surges, there is extensive scientific evidence that coastal vegetation can mitigate damages and reduce the height of a storm surge, although the wave has to traverse several kilometres inland through thick vegetation for the protection to be effective. A synthesis in the form of a figure regarding the many physical factors that influence wave development through coastal ecosystems has been created in an attempt to simplify and explain the phenomenon.The conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems can be justified from a risk management perspective, but planting new forest belts for the purpose of disaster mitigation is quite unrealistic and can rarely be sustainable, since, for protection to be effective, the forest belt must extend several kilometres inland from the coast, and would thus likely prove difficult to implement along coastal societies..

Methane emission from nitrate-treated tannin rich feed for cattle in Vietnam

In developing countries such as Vietnam the population consumes more animal products for example milk and meat than before which requires greater livestock production. Ruminants contributes to more methane emission which creates a dilemma between food production and its environmental impact. By feeding ruminants with nutritive crops which humans can not assimilate the animal performance will increase in terms of better growth and milk production without inpinging on food that can be consumed directly by humans. Increasing animal performance reduces methane emission in terms of amount of methane in kg-1 milk and meat which today is much greater in developing countries than developed countries. The aim of the study was to investigate tropical tannin-rich legumes for their potential as a feed supplement for ruminants made in vitro.

Ledarskap i Globala Virtuella Projekt

 Language is an important indicator of the interdisciplinarity of a certain subject. Therefore this study evaluates the use of central geographical words and concepts, by teachers and students, in seven communal, non-optional subjects in a Swedish upper secondary school. This study provides results after observations of seven subjects on seven occasions, at one upper secondary school. This study shows that by a method of observation, central geographical concepts were used by teachers and students at various extents. Furthermore, the observations provide results of the concept use by over 100 students and 12 teachers.

Feminist? Nej, inte jag. Kvinnors förhållanden på könssegregerade gymnasieutbildningar.

It is about the patriarchal power structure which we are living under and so have done in hundreds of years. And about to (dare) see, because it can take fairly subtle expressions which is rather difficult to discover if you are not aware about them. This paper is about these power strutures seen from the daily round of four girls which study nurse´s training in upper secondary school and four girls which study construction´s training in upper secondary school..

Structure and tree diversity of lowland limestone forest on Seram Island, Indonesia

There have previously been very few studies of forests on Seram Island in the Eastern Indonesian archipelago and none before on lowland limestone primary forests. The COLUPSIA project on collaborative land use planning has therefore chosen Seram as one of two project sites. The objective of the COLUPSIA project is to establish collaborative and equitable land use planning. In order to achieve its objective the COLUPSIA project aims to improve understanding of traditional resource management and how it interacts with governmental systems, as well as enhancing knowledge about tropical landscapes and ecosystem services.The aim of this study was to contribute to the COLUPSIA project through describing lowland limestone forest on Seram Island in respect to (1) forest structure, (2) tree species richness and (3) tree species composition. We set up 5 plots, each of 0.2 ha, at one site, Mawalai, and collected data on tree variables (tree diameter ?10 cm) as well as for some other life forms and environmental data.

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