

1415 Uppsatser om Tropical secondary rainforest - Sida 16 av 95

Att sätta ord på det som sitter i väggarna : Om ett projekt till förmån för elever i behov av särskilt stöd på gymnasiet

The aim of this study was to explore and increase understanding of how a team of colleagues at an upper-secondary school in Sweden works with students with special education needs. The team works with a group of students where the majority have experienced school failure in elementary school. The focus of the study has been to analyze a project that the school undertook 2013 to improve students? results and improve their chances to successfully graduate from their program. Data was collected from relevant documents and interviews with members of the project at hand.

Gatumusikant AB : En problematisering av begreppet entreprenörskap

The purpose of this paper is to study the image of Strindberg that is conveyed in four different textbooks for the upper secondary school. How do the teaching authors choose to portray Strindberg? Do they focus on any one particular aspect of his writing? Adjacent to this a subsidiary aim is to see if teaching authors highlight the fictional nature of Strindberg?s works or choose to encourage a biographical interpretation. The work consists of a study of four literary history textbooks in the subject of Swedish for the upper secondary school, from 2000 to 2012. In the selected material the sections focusing on Strindberg and his writings are closely read and critically analysed.

Handledarens stödjande arbete i APL-uppgifterna för åk 1 : Med fokus på elevens lärande

The aim of this essay is to examine the supervisor?s view on the structure and content of the tasks given to students during their vocational training. The investigation could be of help for teachers when devising new vocational training tasks. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with five supervisors, all of whom work at preschools. The supervisors were asked to grade all the vocational training tasks on a scale from one (easy) to five (difficult).

Gymnasieelevers intresse för tecknade serier

This master's thesis deals with the interest in comics among students at the social science programme in an upper secondary school. The history of comics and the reading habits of comics have also been examined. For the completion of this study 54 students, 19 boys and 35 girls, took part in a questionnaire. The results of this statistical survey shows that the department of comics at Malmö city public library plays an insignificant role concerning the interest and reading of comics for the students. The main readings of comics for the students are in the daily paper, which resembles reading habits of adults.

Värdet av "utan extra kostnad" - En empirisk studie av gymnasisters utvärdering av bankerbjudanden och deras finansiella förmåga

There are over 100 banks in Sweden. Yet, most people tend to choose one of the top four banks and stay with them. Times are changing, however, and the growth of online-based self service solutions has increased the importance of attracting and retaining customers at an early age. SEB and Swedbank have addressed this issue by introducing bank bundles. Since most banks offer similar services, the packaging and framing of the bundles have become increasingly important.

"Statistiskt sett har ju NE också fel" : en kvalitativ studie rörande gymnasiebibliotekariers uppfattningar och undervisning kring Wikipedia

The main purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine how Swedish upper secondary school librarians and related staff relate to the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia. The research is placed in the all-embracing context of information literacy and source criticism on the Internet. The study was carried out in the form of qualitative interviews and based on two theoretical bases: firstly, the concept of cognitive authority stipulated by Patrick Wilson, and secondly the idea that Wikipedia has a draw towards late modern epistemological assumptions. The latter theory was also associated with the perceptions of knowledge among the library staff interviewed.

Utbildningskapital, ekonomiskt kapital och utbildningsstrategi : En deskriptiv utbildningssociologisk studie om gymnasieleverna som antagits till det naturvetenskapliga programmet i Botkyrka kommun

Secondary schools have for decades debated whether they promote social reproduction which is considered to generate the homogeneous student compositions. The gap between the academic programs and vocational education programs is considered to increase. What in recent years has appeared in research is that the gap is increasing most tend to be in the specific academic program, particularly in science. This paper's intention is to describe the science program at a local level and the pupils who were admitted to the science program autumn 2009 on the basis of an educational sociological perspective. The survey consisted of a census in which all students were given the opportunity to answer a questionnaire.

Världen vill bedras... : Lärare och elever om källkritik

The aim with this study is to examine how students and teachers value source criticism. Partly, this regards how teachers practice this in their teaching and how students work with it during lessons ? but also how students value source criticism in situations where the teacher not has pointed out that this topic is part of the actual assignment. Moreover, there is a focus on investigating how students who are critical of the sources take this into account in their daily lives; for example, when they surf on the Internet or when they discuss news articles or other media. This essay is based on interviews with students and teachers, using a qualitative method. The results of this study show that both students and teachers find source criticism to be of major importance.

How does the moving of the family affect the outcome in swedish secondary school?

Mitt syfte med detta arbete har varit att belysa det problem som det kan innebära för en skola att hantera elever som flyttat in under grundskoletiden och undersöka hur dessa elevers resultat påverkas av det faktum att de har flyttat in från en annan skola. Den teori jag har använt är huvudsakligen systemteorin som den beskrivs i Peter Senges ?Den femte disciplinen?. Jag valde denna teori eftersom frågeställningen i detta arbete förutsätter att man intar ett övergripande perspektiv på frågor som rör hela den svenska grundskolan ? hela systemet. I undersökningen används till största delen statistiska metoder för att ta fram och analysera hur stor andel av eleverna i tre svenska grundskolor i en kommun som har flyttat under sin grundskoletid och hur det har påverkat deras resultat, mätt som meritvärde i slutet av årskurs nio. Undersökningen visar att deras resultat, mätt som genomsnittet av meritvärdena i årskurs nio är signifikant lägre än genomsnittet för den aktuella årskullen. Mer studier kommer att behövas för att säkerställa reliabiliteten i undersökningsresultatet och framför allt för att kunna diskutera lämpliga åtgärder för att hantera dessa resultat..

Systematik eller subjetivitet? : En studie kring individuell lönesättning för lärare

The purpose of this study was to examine the routines of performance related pay systems in two Swedish municipal upper secondary schools. A second purpose was to examine what data was included for evaluation of a co-worker?s performance and how a principal collects data. The purpose was also to examine a principal and teachers´ view of performance related pay systems and if it was possible to note an agreement. Principals have been interviewed and teachers have answered a questionnaire to fulfil the purposes of this study.The study shows that the municipality had a good routine that included individual discussions with co-workers about their salary and had fixed municipal criteria.

Jag måste tänka på ett annat sätt... : Fem folkhögskolestuderande med annat modersmål och deras upplevelser av att lära matematik på svenska

The purpose of the present study is to describe adult second language learners? experiences of mathematics learning from a past and contemporary perspective. What experiences in mathematics do they bring? What does it mean to learn Mathematics through their new language?The study is based on life-world narratives from five second language students with another native language than Swedish. Today they all study at a Swedish folk high school, at upper secondary level and they have previously studied at this level in Mathematics. The result shows that the meeting with the Swedish school and folk high school context is confusing.

Integrating Forward by Going E-commerce - A study of the Fashion Industry and the Development Phase of an Internet Establishment

The purpose of this thesis is to outline an appropriate model in order for companies to successfully act and compete physically as wholesalers at the same time as acting on the virtual market by selling directly to the end consumer. The approach of this thesis is hermeneutical and abductive with elements of hypothetically deductive approach. Our research has a qualitative research strategy based on case studies and interviews as well as on secondary data. Interviews were conducted with the case company JaymJay Wear AB as well as with other companies, so called mini cases. The secondary data consists mainly of textbooks, web sites and journals.

Slaget om Guadalcanal : En studie över hur Slaget om Guadalcanal 1942-43 skildras i amerikanska filmer och dagböcker.

 Background and aim: Media development and digitalization has expanded the PR industry's working area. More participants are on the media market and it is becoming more and more difficult to define what PR really is and what the PR agencies/departments really do. Is PR marketing, information, event marketing or maybe propaganda? We believe that the complexity to define the term PR can lead to a loss of critical approach to the business, especially among young people. Has the PR industry managed to eliminate their negative image among students in upper secondary school and what do they associate with PR today? The aim of this essay is to examine what a selection of students associate with the term PR and if they are critical to the PR industry or not.Method/Material: The method is a quantitative survey.

Automatiserad laddning och plundring mellan magasin

This thesis has been carried out within the bachelor program for mechanical engineering at Karlstad University in collaboration with BAE Systems in Karlskoga. The purpose with this work was to design a mechanism and associated parts for loading and unloading of shots between primary and secondary magazine in BAE's new 40mm's ship gun.Parts designed or redesigned among other things a transfer mechanism for shot at loading and unloading, well as a hatch mechanism which makes the shots do not fall out of the primary magazine when making separate use. Various important details have been designed to maintain a good functionality of the mechanism.The construction work has mainly been carried out in the CAD software Solid Edge and its associated FEM module. The construction work has also been carried out on rough calculations for constructed details in order to ensure that they meet the stringent requirements of military use in tough marine environment. Two of the most critical parts of the structure where analyzed with the FEM module for estimating the stresses in the material at the applied load.The final design, which is a result of the thesis, meets the requirement specification and the set targets.

Vändbord : Lokal Logistik

This thesis has been carried out within the bachelor program for mechanical engineering at Karlstad University in collaboration with BAE Systems in Karlskoga. The purpose with this work was to design a mechanism and associated parts for loading and unloading of shots between primary and secondary magazine in BAE's new 40mm's ship gun.Parts designed or redesigned among other things a transfer mechanism for shot at loading and unloading, well as a hatch mechanism which makes the shots do not fall out of the primary magazine when making separate use. Various important details have been designed to maintain a good functionality of the mechanism.The construction work has mainly been carried out in the CAD software Solid Edge and its associated FEM module. The construction work has also been carried out on rough calculations for constructed details in order to ensure that they meet the stringent requirements of military use in tough marine environment. Two of the most critical parts of the structure where analyzed with the FEM module for estimating the stresses in the material at the applied load.The final design, which is a result of the thesis, meets the requirement specification and the set targets.

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