

1415 Uppsatser om Tropical secondary rainforest - Sida 13 av 95

Dried distiller?s grains with solubles and Swedish grown soya beans as protein feeds for dairy bull calves

The cattle production in the world has been questioned in Sweden due to its negative impacts on the environment. The use of imported soya bean meal as a protein feed for Swedish cattle results in the cutting of rainforest and an extensive use of pesticides in the countries were the soya beans are produced. As a consequence, the environmental impacts caused by cattle production increases. A production of protein feeds in Sweden would decrease the transportations and the cutting of rainforest. For organic beef producers the possibility to produce home-grown protein feeds is important since organic protein feeds can be difficult to obtain in another way.

Training techniques used in training horses (Equus caballus) : with a focus on positive reinforcement

Instrumental conditioning, the use of reinforcement and punishment, is used when training horses and these procedures may have different consequences regarding animal welfare. The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of reinforcers that are used in training horses and when these reinforcers are used. This study has its focus on positive reinforcement and its advantages and disadvantages. Interviews of five A-level and B -level equestrian coaches about their training methods were conducted to complement the literature search and give a greater understanding to why certain methods are used or not in training horses. The results show that negative reinforcement seems to be the foundation of training horses whereas positive reinforcement is used but not to the same extent.

Några grundskollärares uppfattningar om kulturell mångfald, värden och kunskap tolkade som ideologi

AbstractIn this study, the conceptions of a number of teachers in the Swedish primary and lower-secondary school about cultural pluralism, the values connected to this pluralism by the Curriculum for the Compulsory School System, the Pre-School Class and the Leisure-time Centre, Lpo 94, and the possibilities for pupils to gain knowledge about these values, were studied. The conceptions of the teachers were regarded and interpreted as ideology, since the study was made from a point of departure containing an assumption about how the content of the curriculum is of importance for the development of relations of power and dominance between different groups in society. The purpose of the study was to interpret the statements of a limited number of teachers about cultural pluralism, values and knowledge, regarding the ontological, axiological and epistemological assumptions and conceptions expressed therein. The empirical data of the study was gathered through qualitative interviews with eleven teachers working in six different primary and lower-secondary schools in the Mid-Sweden region. The conceptions expressed in the statements given by the respondents were categorized.

Religionen i klass(!)rummet : En studie om betydelsen av klass i elevers tal om religion och religionsundervisningen pa? gymnasiet.

Sweden  has  been  characterized  as  one  of  the world?s most  secular  countries, even though  it is  becoming  increasingly more multicultural.  This,  combined  with  the fact that pupils do  not  feel  they  have  enough  time  in  school  for  Religious  Education and that the requirements are increasing made me interested in how they talk about religion in upper secondary school. The aim of this study is to see if there are any differences between how pupils in vocational programs and academic programs are talking about religion and Religious Education. The main questions that were raised revolved around 1)  how  pupils  talk  about  what  religion  is,  2)  how  they  talk  about  religion  in  the Swedish  society  and  3) how  they  talk  about  Religious  Education  in  upper  secondary school. The questions were also about what similarities and differences I could find in the way they talked about these subjects.

Ett nytt växtsortiment - för inglasade miljöer :

A new project has developed at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp during the spring of 2006. The garden design students has, during the course Interior Garden Design designed and built an construction with a new range of plants for Swedish conservatories. The plants are mainly from the cool temperate areas, instead of the tropical which often are the most common in public spaces. This means, among other things, that the cost for warming is very low. The working process and the construction carried on as workshops in the conservatory at Trädgårdslaboratoriet in Alnarp. During a few weeks the hole construction is completed.

Under fyra decenniers val mot gymnasieskolan/During four decades of choice to the upper secondary level

Syftet i detta examensarbete var att finna förändringar i ungdomars val i Östersund inför gymnasievalet under fyra decennier utifrån samhällets och skolans förändring under denna period. Vad som påverkat deras val, och vad som styr deras val. Det har skett en viss förändringsattityd inför gymnasievalet. Ungdomar idag är väl medvetna om sitt livslånga lärande, de väljer utifrån sig själva. Från början har ungdomarnas val inför gymnasiet påverkats utifrån vilken samhällsklass de kommit ifrån och resultatet har då blivit det klassiska mönstret, de ungdomar från de högre samhällsklasserna väljer högre utbildning medan ungdomar från de lägre samhällsklasserna väljer den kortare varianten av utbildning.

Gymnasieskolan i förändring - hur väl anpassade är skolbiblioteken?

The general view of learning has dramatically changed during the last two decades. Today we talk about learning for life and educate to meet the demands of the information society. This new view forces us to constantly relearn and develop new knowledge ? something which has resulted in large restructuring within the upper secondary school. New forms of teaching, where the pupils are given the opportunity to a more active search for knowledge, is developing.

Upplevelse av stress och lärande relaterat till KASAM och fysisk aktivitet : en enkätstudie till gymnasieelever

Public health is important to many areas of society. It is important to have different goals to focus the work with health promotion in different sectors, one such area is the school. In the society of today there are a lot of public health issues like stress, overweight and physical inactivity. To experience well-being physical activity, sense of coherence (SOC) and the individual experience of stress have important functions. School is an important part of the student?s learning, development and socialisation.

Fornisländsk litteratur : Dess utrymme och roll som litterärt kulturarv i svenska gymnasieskolan

With this essay we would like to examine to what extent the ancient Icelandic literature could count as a part of Sweden?s literal cultural heritage in schools today, if it through seeking information is possible to say whether this literature have any connections to Sweden. Our questions of issue are:1. What kind of connection is there between ancient Icelandic literature and Swedish literary cultural heritage and what are the ancient Icelandic literature premises? in the Swedish upper secondary school?2.

Religion i historieböckerna, utmaningar och möjligheter : En didaktisk analys av läromedel i historia

Swedish students in the upper secondary school will recieve informaition regarding religion from multiple sources. If we look past the students surroundings like the family, friends or multimedia school is still the primary arena for religous education. Discussions about religion will take place in other lessons than just the subject religion. History is in my opinion the subject closest related to religion and the two makes up for a lot of the values work in swedish schools. Textbooks is still one of the most important tools for education and that makes them important as objects to study.

När teori möter praktik : En granskning av styrdokument samt lärares upplevda kompetens i ämnet Idrott och hälsa

The aim of this study was to investigate how the content of the syllabus for Physical Education and Health at Uppsala University correlates to selected parts of the core content of the Gy11 syllabus for Physical Education and Health 1 in Upper Secondary School. Furthermore we aimed to investigate the perceived competency of recently graduated and still studying teachers of Physical Education and Health within the selected parts of the core content.The selected parts of the core content are:Exercise, sports and outdoor activities that develop a comprehensive physical abilityThe adjustment of tension and mental training.The methods used were a qualitative comparative text analysis of the syllabuses for Physical Education and Health at Uppsala University and Gy11 Physical Education and Health 1 in Upper Secondary School, as well as a quantitative survey conducted with recently graduated and still studying teachers of Physical Education and Health.The results were that there is an obvious correlation between the content of the syllabus for Physical Education and Health at Uppsala University and the Gy11 syllabus for Physical Education and Health 1 in Upper Secondary School. Moreover the survey shows that the respondents felt confidence in their ability to teach exercise, sports and outdoor activities that develop a comprehensive physical ability. The survey also shows that the respondents felt less confidence in their ability to teach the adjustment of tension and mental training..

Projektarbeten på gymnasieskolans yrkesförberedande program : Elevers färdigheter inom formellt skriftspråk och lärares undervisning om formellt skrivande

Formal writing is an essential part of teaching Swedish and is fundamental for higher education and professional career. The aim of my essay is to research what didactic methods Swedish teachers utilizes in upper secondary school to improve students' abilities to write formal texts. I will also examine students? project papers in an attempt to measure the extent of formal word choice.  In the presentation of the literature I decided to use, for example, Per Olov Svedner?s perspective on writing as a process, Siv Strömquist?s manuals for essay writing and various literature regarding linguistic correctness and essay layout. Interviews with three upper secondary school teachers reveals that active feedback is a basis for students development regarding formal writing in both school and professional career.

Maktbalansen mellan mannen och kvinnan i Domarboken 19

The thesis of this essay is how literary texts are selected in the teaching of Swedish in upper secondary school, and how teachers reflect upon gender in these selections. To answer the thesis question three methods have been used. Firstly interviews were held with five teachers of Swedish, which have been the primary source for the essay. In addition to the interviews, I have examined two literary anthologies used as teaching aid in the teaching of Swedish and lastly I analyzed the literature and authors that the teachers explicitly express that they use in their tutoring. The secondary sources of this thesis contain research on selections of fictional texts, literary canon and students? re-production of gender.

Är verkligheten indelad i ämnen? - en undersökning av elevers upplevelser av ämnesövergripande arbetssätt i tematisk form

Our purpose with this essay was to explore students? experiences of interdisciplinary working method in thematic form. With a starting point from Lpf-94, the curriculum for the upper secondary school and several theories of learning, we wanted to explore if interdisciplinary working method in practice could create an environment for a meaningful learning situation. The study took place in an upper secondary school class, study preparatory, third grade, who works interdisciplinary in thematic form. Our study was qualitative and we used an open structural questionnaire where the students confidentially were able to describe the working method, explain which subjects that participate in the work, and bring forward good respectively bad factors about the method.

Second screen - För Tv-serier

Today it is not unusual to use a secondary screen to accompany a primary screen. The possibility to integrate these two in the form of an application for the secondary screen have long been possible but have not been developed to full potential. This thesis aims to study the use of the extra information and functions this type of application would make possible and how this type of application could be used.For this study a prototype-application including a real time newsfeed and a static menu for a specific episode of a Tv-series was created based on the information collected in an online survey. The application was tested on a number of people who got to evaluate the experience in short interviews and were given the possibility to recommend changes in the application.The result after the study showed the people where torn about what kind of information would best fit the application but showed over all that a dynamic newsfeed with information continuously updated with the episode where most appreciated. The problem with the difference in interest around the categories would be solved first and foremost by the application being configurable so that every single user has the possibility to choose which kind of information to be updated in the newsfeed.

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