

6169 Uppsatser om Tri-valent design - Sida 4 av 412

Form och design i frisörutbildningen

This essays purpose is to accentuate the meaning of the knowledge of the design elements color, formand texture in the hair design education. Both the Bauhaus school and Pivot Point educationcampaign close knowledge in color, form and texture. In my study of the literature I compared theBauhaus school with Pivot Point International Inc, study material for hair design education. From thesimilarities in this material I develop a project in color, form and texture. This was a teaching test forstudents in the hair design education at the upper secondary.

Att formge en receptbok - är könsneutral design möjlig? / Designing a recipe book - is gender-neutral design possible?

The aim has been to investigate and describe how gender-neutral design, concerning typefaces and colours, can be created. Based on my results I?ve designed a cover for a recipe-book to make it appealing to both women and men. I have been doing my research based on questions such as; Does feminine and masculine design, concerning typefaces and colours exist? And if so what characterizes it? Does gender-neutral design, concerning typefaces and colours exist? And if so what characterizes it? Is it possible to design a cover for a recipe-book in a gender-neutral way, concerning typefaces and colours? The first part of my research consists of a literature study based on keywords such as gender, graphic design, gender theory, typeface, androgynous, visual communication, colour, shape, feminine, masculine, and book design.

Design av verklighetsanknuten matematikundervisning

The aim of this study was to design short interventions based on the literature study, which will change the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problem-solving in mathematics and everyday life. An experimental group of 17 pupils in fifth grade participated in the study and were educated in everyday mathematics 20 minutes a day during four weeks. The intervention was measured in a pre- and after questionnaire, in order to control the design and discover possible changes in the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problems and everyday life.

Designerrollen i en webbdesignprocess

This study investigates if, and in that case, how design theory is applied in practice in the web development field. Prior research has focused on methods used in the web development field. We wanted to study the designers role in a web design process by comparing existing designer roles with design theory literature. We did qualitative interviews with two practitioners at two different communication agencies in northern Sweden. Based on our qualitative data and literature review we have concluded that a designer has to devote a lot of energy on requirements engineering in order to develop a clear understanding of the design situation..

Utformning av rollator : Ett produktutvecklingsprojekt där ett rollatorkoncept genomgick förbättringar

Detta examensarbete syftade till att utveckla ett koncept på en Rollator, ett gå-hjälpmedel för människor vars gång är funktionsnedsatt. Målet med arbetet var att förbättra utgångskonceptet med en smartare och mer tillverkningsvänlig design samtidigt som rollatorn får ett enhetligt design/formspråk. .

Sketching a set of multi-touch design principles

Today multi-touch technology is the basis for many new techniques designed to improve interactions with computers and mobile devices. It seems that multi-touch screen interface makes the user handling very natural in the sense that there is no need for a manual in how to interact with the object on the screen. The aim with this paper is to establish a fundamental set of design principles intended specifically for large multi-touch interfaces. To reach this goal we have implemented a couple of sub-goals beforehand: It was essential that we acquired a good understanding of the current state of the multi-touch interface and the different implementations that exist today. To make this possible we constructed a multi-touch display, "Rosie". Knowing how the hardware is produced today will help us understand the limitations and also the possibilities of the design implementations today and in the future. We also needed to devise a sound interaction design process that conveys the modern designers work.

Svensk Form : En studie om hur föreningen Svensk Form styrs i bakgrund av regeringens uppdrag och föreningens mål

Swedish design is known all over the world and is seen in national as well as in international arenas. There is only one design organization in Sweden that has the task to represent Swedish design in public. The organization is Swedish Form and it is the oldest design organization in the world. It has a huge influence in our society, within design and form. In the end of 1990 the association received its first government assignment, which still continues.

Design i fysisk gestaltning - Design in embodied communication

Studien undersöker hur fysisk gestaltning i pedagogiskt drama formas under ett lärotillfälle i skolmiljö. Studien använder sig av ett socialsemiotiskt synsätt och en multimodal ansats för att undersöka eleven som utövare av fysisk gestaltning. Fysisk gestaltning betraktas som ett medium och sammanhanget analyseras utifrån ett designteoretiskt perspektiv på lärande. Två grupper elever i 10 års-åldern har filmats och observerats. Resultaten visar att påverkan från regler i skolan, instruktioner och pedagogen beskriver elevernas formella design.

Kritisk design i en digital videoproduktion : En explorativ studie i praktisk tillämpning av kritisk design

Kritisk design a?r ett forsknings- och innovationsomra?de under utveckling. Teorin har anva?nts inom ma?nga designrelaterade omra?den och a?mnar fa? konsumenterna att bli mer kritiska na?r det kommer till hur deras vardagliga liv styrs av olika fo?resta?llningar, va?rderingar, ideologier och behavioristiska mo?nster som finns info?rlivade i design (Dunne & Raby, 2001). Eftersom kritisk design a?r en teori som stra?var efter att fo?ra?ndra i praktiken ligger utmaningen idag i att skapa praktiska exempel som visar hur utfo?randet kan ga? till, vilket a?r en no?dva?ndighet fo?r att teorin ska kunna utvecklas (Bardzell et al., 2012).Denna studie a?mnar vara metodutvecklande genom att skapa en uppsa?ttning verktyg utifra?n utvalda delar (teoretiska metoder och perspektiv) ur kritisk design.

Att inreda ett intranät : En rapport över framtagandet av en ny design för ett intranät

Denna uppsats beskriver utvecklingen inom projektet att skapa en redesign av en intranätmall till företaget Circuit i Stockholm. Denna intranätmall representerar de intranät som företaget producerar och används för att sälja in intranät till nya kunder. På grund av att många uppdateringar och nya funktioner tillkommit i de senaste intranäten som levererats vill företaget uppdatera sin intranätmall och som en del i arbetet skapa en ny design till den. Det som levererades inom projektet var slutgiltiga Photoshopskisser med syftet att beskriva designen i detalj, samt påbörjad kodmässig implementering i front-end med hjälp av ramverk för responsiv design..

Från fixed till responsiv : Responsiv design av en statisk webbplats

Den här rapporten förklarar tillvägagångssättet för framtagningen utav en responsiv design till webbplatsen Projects & Staff, en webbplats som tidigare hade en fixed design. Projektet består utav två leveranser, hi-fi prototyper skapade i Adobe Illustrator och Adobe Photoshop samt en färdig mobilversion utav webbplatsen, utvecklad med CSS3. Under projektets gång har jag designat för användarupplevelse och användbarhet, två områden som är viktiga inom responsiv webbdesign. Jag har utfört en förstudie i form av en webbplatsanalys, gjort en PACT-analys samt användarintervjuer. Detta för att definiera behoven som fanns för en responsiv design, samt att få en tydlig bild av användare och deras vanor.

A Brand New Manner : En studie om Design Thinking och dess existens i sta?rkandet av Sverige som varuma?rke

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the existence of the discipline Design Thinking in a project that aims to strengthen Sweden as a brand. The study will generate knowledge about Design Thinking, with the purpose to increase the understanding of how the discipline can be used as a strategic tool in the processes of strengthening Nation Branding. The authors have used a descriptive and qualitative approach where the Shanghai World Expo in 2010 was examined. The theoretical framework contains previous research in the field, data has been analysed in relation to Lockwood's ten principles of how an organization can become more design-minded and Anholt?s hexagon, which features the parameters that creates a country's Nation Branding.

Framtagandet av ett företags visuella produktidentitet

Aqeri has since the past year a new profile with name and logotype, which has createda need for an updated visual product identity. The company is a leading developer,producer and distributer of IT products suitable for extreme environments in industry,defense and vehicles. This new profile with the different segments has together with aproduct identity from two companies resulted in that they have no clear designidentity on their products. From this background the aim of this research is todetermine how a development of a design identity is done to implement it to Aqeri.The design identity can be defined as a product?s identity visualized through its formor appearance which defines what the product is.

Shooting Target - Design : Product Development

The project has involved the development of two kinds of shooting targets in partnership with Marcus Bergkvist and Christopher Åkerblom. The project from the client was divided into two parts. This thesis discusses solutions for hands-on transport, development of tripods and an overall design. The second thesis affect resetting systems for the products.The work was done with a process and methodology based on design perspectives. This process has involved the search of relevant data which has provided the platform and opportunity for appropriate and purposeful design work.Concept development has been done using hand sketches and Photoshop, where a simple visualization of different concepts for the tripods has been produced.

Design i Slöjdundervisningen

Design är en stor del av vårt samhälle. Som studenter på slöjdlärarutbildningen vid Göteborgs universitet har vi upplevt att design får en allt större plats i undervisningen. Studien undersöker vilka kopplingar det finns mellan design och slöjd och hur man kan arbeta med det i skolan. I studien har 10 designstudenter vid Göteborgs universitet och Linköpings universitet blivit intervjuade. I studien användes kvalitativa intervjuer som metod.

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