

6169 Uppsatser om Tri-valent design - Sida 32 av 412

Prefabrikation - En studie av byggmetodens lönsamhet

This Bachelor?s thesis consists of two parts; one with prefabrication (prefab) in focus and thesecond part includes detail design of a house project. These parts are linked together by designingsome parts of the house project as prefabricated.The focus section investigates how prefabrication can act time-, costs- and environmentallyeffective to a building project. This is investigated by combining literary sources with sourcesbased on reality in the shape of interviews. The result of the investigation is that prefabcould acteffectively on previously mentioned factors,if this way of building is used in a proper way.The detail design of the house started in a residential area with a new local plan in Huddinge,named Sjöängen II.

Att flytta en design från ett användningssammanhang till ett annat

Vid design av IT-system krävs en förhållning till de specifika egenskaper som finns i den miljösystemet är tänkt att användas. Även om användningen ser liknande ut krävs en detaljeradanalys av det specifika sammanhanget för att få en djupare förståelse för hur det verkligaanvändningsområdet ser ut. Det har visats sig uppkomma användbarhetsrelaterade problem vidförflyttning av ett system från en stationär miljö till en mobil miljö. Rapporten har undersöktvilka utmaningar som uppkommer när ett system flyttas från en mobil miljö till en annan snarlikmobil miljö och tar sin utgångspunkt i Ecodriving-lösningar för tunga fordon. En kvalitativundersökning genomfördes för att undersöka och identifiera de utmaningar som uppkom.Analyserat material låg till grund för framtagningen av en prototyp.

Höga hus med deformerbara fundament på pålar : Pålkrafters avvikelse visavi klassisk teori samt förskjutningar beroende av vindlast

When forces in foundation piles are calculated according to classic theory, thefoundation are assumed to be infinitely rigid which means that the foundation will notbend. High buildings need their whole width to be stable and use the ground floorwall as a foundation. But when, for example windows are needed in the ground floorwall, the stiffness of the foundation decreases which change the forces in the piles. Inthis report the difference of pile forces versus classic theory has been analyzed, and ifpile forces can be calculated as in classic theory. Further on, the effects of the wallmovement were analysed and how the buildings crack safety would be affected by themovement at the ground floor.

Design av gemensam hemleverans via onlinebeställning

Den här uppsatsen beskriver ett försök att skapa en webbdesign för gemensam hemleverans av matkassar åt webbtjänsten Mealplanner. Varför det här är av intresse är för att spara både tid och pengar för företagen som erbjuder tjänsten samt för att låta kunden skära ner på leveranskostnaden. Problemet ligger i att låta kunder i ett närområde av varandra kunna samarbeta för att uppnå målet med gemensamma beställningar och reducerade leveranskostnader. För att lyckas skapa en design som uppfyller en bra funktionalitet användes beprövad måldrivet designarbete framtaget av Kim Goodwin. Resultatet är en framtagen design som låter användare samarbeta på webbplatsen genom kontaktmöjligheter och visualisering av varandras beställningsspecifikationer.

Interacting with EDIT. A Qualitative Study on, and a Re-design of, an Educational Technology System

This thesis aimed to study the interaction between an educational technology system and its users and give suggestions for design improvements. The technology system is called EDIT (Educational Development through Information Technology) and has been developed and applied at Linköping University?s Faculty of Health Science. EDIT supports Problem Based Learning and enables scenarios to be presented through the World Wide Web. The study was divided into two parts.

growforgold.org : a design proposal for creating productive green space in cities

The aim of our master thesis is first and foremost to win the competition One Prize - mowing to Growing: Reinventing the American Lawn, announced in USA by the organization Terreform 1, the first of December 2009. Apart from winning the competition we have also tried to reach a deeper understanding of food production today and its future possibilities. Our ambition to present a winning design proposal has to a large extent decided the structure of the entire thesis. Our completed and submitted design proposal - growforgold.org - is a way of addressing urban food production in a creative way, keeping the sovereignty of the individual in mind. Instead of presenting a place-specific design solution our proposal aims to create incentives and possibilities for urban farming to take place anywhere and anytime. Our submission to the competition represents both a tool and a platform which, put in practice, could make landscape architecture happen through the hands of the individual.

Expedition Kon-tiki. Ett utforskande arbete om återgivning

My work has been an investigation project with focus on reproduction, method, structure and visual representation. The goal was to investigate how a story changes through time and space as well as how graphic design can affect a story depending on the visual representation. The result is a publication, an exploration of these subjects with the help of the book Expedition Kon-Tiki. Using more or less controlled methods of selections I have created different sorts of reproductions of the expedition. Just as subjective as reality itself..

Uteservering för Hotell & Restaurang Villa Anna : urban odling i uteserveringsmiljö med storytelling som gestaltningsverktyg

In this paper, I design a new concept for a patio at Hotel and Restaurant Villa Anna in Odinslund, Uppsala, Sweden. Through this design, I examine how urban farming can thrive in a restaurant-context. The purpose of the design is to give the visitor a sense of the core values of the cuisine and to strengthen the sense of place by storytelling. My methods are comprised of a literature study on urban farming and storytelling as well as a discussion with the res-taurateur Rafael Löfstedt. I create a story of the place by examining its historical background and connect it to the current philosophy of the Villa Anna restaurant.

Positiva förebilder - Produktifierad normkritik

Uppsatsen är ett examensarbete i Produktdesignprogrammet på Malmö Högskola. Projektet analyserar med hjälp av Kritisk designteori de samhällsnormer som kopplas till dockor för flickor i åldern 7-11. En studie av ämnen kopplade till relationer och interaktioner mellan barn och docka utfördes genom litteratursökningar och intervjuer med målgrupper. Utifrån slutsatser i studien utformades koncept, ämnade att kritisera idealiseringen av passivitet och skönhetsfokus som marknaden är präglad av. Ett koncept valdes ut och utvecklades vidare med hjälp av Kritiska designmetoder..

En undersökning åt IKEA om ungdomars syn på inredning och design

The purpose is to improve IKEA´s understanding of how their target group of 12 to 18 years old boys and girls thinks when they visit the showrooms in the department stores. What make them enter the showrooms? Is it the colours, the furniture or the whole concept? How are they inspired to furnish their own room? Do they get ideas from the showrooms or are they looking for a specific furniture? These types of questions have increased young people´s interest for design and decoration over the last decade. It transpires with help from an article written by Vittorio Girotto and Michel Gonzalez how children are influenced in an early age by their own temperament and their natural surroundings. Children reasons and acts according to what they believe adults would have done in a similar situation.The methods that have been used during this project are interviews, surveys, observations, hypothetical persona, persona and ABL (IKEA´s own method).

Lärares syn på hur den fysiska klassrumsmiljön påverkar elevernas lärande

My main purpose for this paper was to find out what the four teachers I interviewed thought about the design of their classroom and how they linked that to pedagogy, pupils learning and policy documents. I also wanted to find out if classroom design were something they discuss and reflects on in the college.My questions for this study were: What do some teachers who work in the early ages in the school think about the classroom design? Do these teachers link the classroom design to policy documents or pedagogy? Do these teachers consider classroom design to be something that should be discussed in the same way as other factors (for example teaching aids, resources etc.) within the college?My method was to make qualitative interviews with four teachers, analyze their answers and link them to my main theories and research in the area of the study. My main theories were multimodal communication, which means that there are several systems of signs in communication, which all have an essential function for the meaning of the communicated. It also means that learning happens both individually and socially and that school is a social construction, and that the system of opportunities and boundaries in which it takes form is mediated within our multimodal systems.

The Mulberry School : reflektion över en designprocess

The quality of a design can improve essentially through a participatory designprocess. Initially, The Mulberry School project was supposed to be finished in two months but the involvement of artist Scott G Burnham extended the work and brought a new dimension into the project. In the beginning, Scott and I both worked on the project unaware of each other. I was appointed by the architect to design the external areas of the school and based on a site survey and analysis of the factors infl uencing the site I created a design proposal with the concept form and function. At the same time Scott performed a series of workshops initiated by the school. The purpose and goal was to include the students in the redevelopment of the school and to produce a design based on the thoughts and wishes of the students.

Konceptuell design och utveckling av hybridfordon

This report covers the conceptual design of a new one person hybrid vehicle that is to be fast and convenient to drive on the roads. The vehicle is most of all supposed to be used as a commute vehicle but can also be used at other occasions as well.During the work with this project the group has focused on three larger areas, the outer design (body), wheel chassis and an ergonomically designed interior. The group was not able to just create these parts in 3D to get a trustworthy vehicle, hence number of other components and details were also created to get a better entirety.The outer design starts with idea generation and sketches and ends with a 3D model which is rendered to show how the final product is going to look. The design of the body has been going on during the entire work process due to new ideas and improvements that seemed interesting and had to be changed.The wheel chassis also started with idea generation, research and sketches. It ended up with a simulated 3D model which later on was mounted on the vehicle body to show how the vehicle is going to perform during usage.

Simulation driven design : An iterative approach for mechanical engineerswith focus on modal analysis

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, incollaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a companyoperating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitatesnew ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis.Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since SaabDynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a usermethodology with clear guidelines. Due to lack of time, they chose to assign thetask to students, which resulted in this thesis.The aim of the thesis is to develop a methodology in mechanical design, wherethe designer uses the FE analysis early in the design process to develop thestructures' mechanical properties.

Hållbar design för gravplatser

A well-planned grave with a sustainable selection of plants facilitates easy maintenance for both staff and the holder of the right of burial. It also helps reduce the negative impact on the environment.As in many other areas, the environment is high on the agenda within the cemetery administration. One of the major concerns is the impact of the choice of plants for the grave. Within the industry there is a great motivation and willingness to adapt to a sustainable work mode and this has spawned a number of project works. In autumn 2009 the partnership project, ?Environmental aspects of planning and maintaining graves?, was started in Movium (at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).

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