

9685 Uppsatser om Trend analysis - Sida 63 av 646

Drogmissbrukare och psykisk hälsa

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mental illness and socioeconomic factors such as education, age and gender among drug users. Descriptive and ANOVA analysis were performed to 68 structured interviews (Addiction Severity Index basic). Analysis addressed associations between drug usage and level of education, age and gender. Results showed gender differences in self-rated mental health with women drug users rating their mental health lower than men. In addition, there was no association between age, educational level and self-rated mental health.

Minnet sviker Aldrig : Att utnyttja volatil data i Krypterade system

When the use of encryption amongst the regular computer user grows morewidespread than ever it makes the life of the IT-forensics experts difficult.Hampering the judicial investigations that otherwise could have lead to convictions.In this report we will treat the subject of crypto analysis with a focus on decrypting files and devices encrypted with the software TrueCrypt. A solution will be presented that can facilitate the future work involving encryption. The application DFEAT that has been developed during the writings of this report is faster than the corresponding software EFDD, and attacks both partitions and bitwise copies of entire harddrives where PKF fails.DFEAT is a lightweight application that is almost 50 times smaller compared to EFDD and 200 times smaller than PKF's portable version..

Layers of land : the palimpsest concept in relation to landscape architecture

This paper researches how the palimpsest concept is used in relation to landscape, and how it can function as a tool within landscape architecture. Palimpsest originally refers to old parchment handwritings, where new text has been applied on top of effaced, but still discernable, earlier writing. Superimposition of information is the core of the palimpsest concept, used within a range of scientific as well as cultural fields. The purpose of this paper is to find how a landscape palimpsest can be distinguished among the many different layers of landscape, such as historical or cultural, and to examine the potential use of the concept in theory and practice of the landscape architecture field. The study is conducted as a literature survey, examining the use of the palimpsest concept within academic works related to landscape.

Simulation driven design : An iterative approach for mechanical engineers with focus on static analysis

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Den kompletterande identiteten - en studie om sju unga kvinnors konsumtion av handväskor

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte har varit att skapaförståelsen för unga kvinnors konsumtion avhandväskor. Vidare har vi undersökt hur och varfören grupp kvinnor använder och konsumerarhandväskor. Resultatet har belysts ur fem olika teman: synen på konsumtion, handväskans funktion, den trend-medvetna handväskan, handväska beroende på ekonomisk ställning, samt den kompletterande identiteten. Ur analysen av dessa teman har vi urskönjt två olika sorters väskkonsumenter: ?den praktiska väskshopparen? samt ?wannabe-fashionistan?.

Film distribution and exhibition in the EU

This paper examines the film distribution and exhibition sector in Europe. The general analysis of these sectors? situation was made. Moreover, the comparative and more in depth analysis of three countries by the Porter?s five forces model was made; These were United Kingdom, France and Denmark.

Ann-Louise har en jättegullig crosscykel : En analys av Kamratpostens genusdiskurs mellan 1950 och 2010

The aim of this study was to describe how girls and boys have been represented in the Swedish children?s? magazine Kamratposten from 1950 until 2010. Kamratposten was chosen because it has both boys and girls as target audience. Three articles about children from the years 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 were chosen as material of the study.The study is a discourse analysis that deconstruct the gender discourse of Kamratposten. The analysis is done with a gender perspective.

Wilde ? Mannen som föll offer för den hegemoniska maskuliniteten : En begreppshistorisk analys av fem författares framställning av Wildes homosexualitet 

The aim of this study has been to examine six books about Oscar Wilde?s homosexuality during the years 1906 ? 2003. I have been analyzing their descriptions about his sexual orientation and compared them to each other to see the changes through time. In order to see some clear changes the main focus was to choose time differences between the books. It was clear that the earlier writers had negative opinions and thoughts about his sexual deviation the way they described it.

Konsten att fördela min uppmärksamhet på bästa sätt

Min uppsats handlar om situationer där jag har svårt att fördela min uppmärksamhet. Mitt fokus läggs antingen på barnet med speciella behov eller på barngruppen.I essän för jag en diskussion runt mitt eget förhållningssätt kring detta.Den senaste tiden har vi upplevt en trend att barn med särskilda behov ska inkluderas i all skolverksamhet. Syftet är naturligtvis gott, men min upplevelse är att det ibland kan leda till en ny form av exkludering. Det vill säga att de barn som inte fungerar som förväntat kan känna sig ännu mer utanför vilket kan få konsekvenser för att uppnå kunskapsmålen. Hur kan jag hantera detta som pedagog? I min essä undersöker jag problemet med hjälp av ett antal etiska teorier, pliktetik, utilitarism, diskursetik och fronetisk etik..

Att vara eller icke vara : - en analys av svensk skivindustri

Svensk skivindustri har från år 2000 till 2006 förlorat cirka 50 procent av sin totala omsättning i försäljning av fonogram. Flertalet förklaringar till denna nedgång finns att tillgå men ingen har hitintills lagt fram något konkret förslag på hur man ska kunna vända denna negativa utveckling. Denna kandidatuppsats har som forskningsfråga valt att undersöka vad för slags alternativa förslag till förändring det finns som svenska skivbolag skulle kunna ta till sig och på så sätt vända den negativa utvecklingen som skett de senaste sex åren.För att ge läsaren en så bra helhetsbild av problemet som möjligt har vi valt att se den svenska skivbranschen som ett gemensamt företag. Genom analysverktyg så som SWOT samt BCG Matrisen analyseras exempelvis skivbranschens styrkor, svagheter möjligheter och hot.Bland styrkorna finner vi bland andra starka lobbyorganisationer så som IFPI samt Antipiratbyrån. Förutom rådande svensk lagstiftning arbetar dessa lobbyorganisationer med att skydda den svenska upphovsrättslagen samt att arbeta mot den globala piratkopieringen, som även drabbar skivbranschen i Sverige.Bland svagheterna hos den svenska skivbranschen finner vi till exempel kopieringsskydd som orsakat mer skada än nytta för skivbolagen samt en återkommande trend bland brott mot upphovsrättslagen.

Gäddan & fisket i Ringsjöholm : en osteologisk metodstudie i säsong & bevarande

This paper presents the results from an osteological method study of the Ringsjöholm fishbone material. Ringsjöholm is located in Scania, southern Sweden and is 14C dated to 5960-5200 B.P. The aim of this paper is to critically analyse methods used on fish bone material in estimations of season. Three different approaches were used to estimate the fishing season at the Ringsjöholm settlement; 1) identified species, 2) size estimations of the pike based on Enghoffs (1994-95) regression formulae of os dentale, and 3) growth rings of the pike vertebrae.The identified species and the size estimations of the pike points to the fishing being active both during spring and summer. Growth rings analysis of the pike vertebrae didn?t give any quantitative results because of fragmentation.

?I don?t give a shit about fashion. I?m a man? : En kvalitativ undersökning om maskuliniteter och mansideal i Magazin Café

The aim of this study was to identify what kind of masculinity is shown in 54 articles of the Swedish lifestyle magazine Magazine Café of 1993 and 2008, and in which way this masculinity may be different from eachother.The study included four magazine issues of each year with analysis focus on main articles and abolishment of reviews and press items.  The method was semiotic analysis with focus on manly characteristics and stereotypes. The result showed that the normative man pictured in Magazine Café in 1993 was a man?s-man interested in manly characteristic business as sports, outdoor adventures and women. Fifteen years later not much has changed. The manly characteristics are the same but they have been complemented with a man-by-man accepted and homosexually inspired vain..

Man ville vara modern : En analys av modernistiska strömningar i svenska stumfilmsaffischer

Purpose of this essay is to conduct a style analysis of Swedish silent film posters with visual storytelling and cultural memory as a theoretical basis. Concepts such as design, color and technique are studied to highlight the historical context of Swedish silent film posters..

Språk som maktutövningsmedel En studie om försök att rättfärdiga Operation Iraqi Freedom

The purpose of this study is to investigate the way George W. Bush used the language as a means to exercise power in an attempt to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom. The theories used to answer the purpose are discourse analysis and three different moral metaphors that are applied on the data.The collected material for the metaphors is constituted of cognitive linguistic books from prominent linguists, such as George Lakoff, Alan Cruse and William Croft, and the material for the discourse analysis is also collected from prominent discourse analysts such as Michél Foucault and Norman Fairclough. The official White House website provides the material for my data. The scientific method used in this study has been qualitative text analysis where the hermeneutic approach has been an essential part of it.The main question: In what way did George W.

Formella förändringar i svensk sysselsättningspolitik : - En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av samvariationen mellan svensk sysselsättningspolitik och EU:s sysselsättningsstrategi

The intention of this study is to perform a content analysis based on a theoretical framework founded on multi-level governance, MLG. The thesis examines the formal changes within employment politics between 1999 and 2004 (Sweden´s action plan for employment) and 1998 and 2007 (the spring budget proposition). I will investigate how multi-level governance has effected the Swedish employment politics. Furthermore, the purpose of the thesis and the questions under consideration are: How have the formal structures within Swedish employment politics changed since Sweden?s admission to the European union, particularly during the periods 1997-2008 and 1999-2004? And: How do the changes in Sweden, together with the European union directive concerning employment, coincide in the so-called employment strategy?While performing the analysis I have focused on multi-level governance.

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