

9685 Uppsatser om Trend analysis - Sida 31 av 646

Analys av relationen mellan titel och musik - i ett urval av Torsten Petres pianostycken

The aim of this essay is to analyze the relationship between the title and the music in a selec-tion of piano pieces by Torsten Petre. Based on the work list, a categorization of the piano titles has been made and the categories have been named ?emotions, moods and minds?, ?na-ture?, ?mankind?, ?dances and similar titles?, ?supernatural beings, fairy creatures and popu-lar belief?, ?foreign countries and foreign culture?, ?nationalism and tradition?, ?artifacts?, and ?miscellaneous?. Two pieces from the category ?emotions, moods and minds? Skizzer för piano, third series Op.

Användarverifiering från webbkamera

Arbetet som presenteras i den här rapporten handlar om ansiktsigenkänning från webbkameror med hjälp av principal component analysis samt artificiella neurala nätverk av typen feedforward. Arbetet förbättrar tekniken med hjälp av filterbaserade metoder som bland annat används inom ansiktsdetektering. Dessa filter bygger på att skicka med redundant data av delregioner av ansiktet..

Entreprenörens väg : Fall - Serverhallar i norr

I dagens samhälle använder 2.7 miljarder människor internet, vilket motsvarar 39 % av världsbefolkningen (ICT, 2013). Internetanvändandet ökar och den snabba utvecklingen är en av de absolut största förändringarna i vår generation (Dicken, 2007). Mängden data som skickas och bearbetas ökar parallellt med tekniken och internets framfart (Plant 2011). År 2012 skapades runt 2.5 exabyte data varje dag och denna ofantliga siffra fördubblas var fyrtionde månad. Det motsvarar 50 miljarder arkivskåp med textat papper (McAfee & Brynjolfsson, 2012).

Homo religiosus ? den religiösa mannen? : en kvantitativ och diskursiv analys av kön och sexualitet i läromedels kapitel om buddhism och hinduism.

This study aims to analyse how sex and sexuality are presented in the Buddhism and Hinduism chapters of religious studies textbooks for upper secondary school. The chosen textbooks are all linked to the new curriculum Lgr 11 which was implemented in the Swedish school system in the spring of 2012. The textbooks were analysed by using two methods; content analysis and discourse analysis. Content analysis was used to examine with which frequency sexes and sexualities appear in the textbooks, while discourse analysis was used to find what discourses surround the two concepts. The discourse analysis used two theories in order to contextualize the several discourses about sex and sexuality.

Interactive Visualization of Statistical Data using Multidimensional Scaling Techniques

This study has been carried out in cooperation with Unilever and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. In areas of statistics and image processing, both the amount of data and the dimensions are increasing rapidly and an interactive visualization tool that lets the user perform real-time analysis can save valuable time. Real-time cropping and drill-down considerably facilitate the analysis process and yield more accurate decisions. In the Smartdoc project, there has been a request for a component used for smart filtering in multidimensional data sets. As the Smartdoc project aims to develop smart, interactive components to be used on low-end systems, the implementation of the self-organizing map algorithm proposes which dimensions to visualize.

Problematik vid analys av fastighetsbolag efter införandet av IFRS

The study describes the problems with analysis of real estate companies after the introduction of IFRS. With the introduction of IFRS (2005) and specially IAS 40 the real estate companies get the ability to appreciate its real estates to real value. With the difference in the accounting, grows the question if it has become some differences for analysts with analysis and valuation of real estate companies. We also look into how well this new standard effect the real estate companies from the view of the accounting quality and its characteristics..

Jag litar på dig - Är våra läroböcker att lita på?

The purpose of the study is to se how coherent certain parts of four textbooks is with the curriculums Lpo 94 and Lgr 80. The study will examine Christianity and Islam in four textbooks. The aforementioned books are high school textbooks. To help us conduct the study we will use Hellspongs qualitative analysis method that?s allows us to conduct a profound analysis.

Automatgenerering av transaktionshanteringsprocedurer

In a database environment, when you create or alter tables you often want to have a basic interface for standard operations such as insert, delete and update. This thesis report covers an analysis of what programs there are on the market for generating such interfaces and compares them against the demands of a real company. The analysis showed that none of the programs were completely meeting the requirements and therefore an own implementation of an interface generating program was created. The result is a PL/SQL program capable of generating files, storing them in a version handling system and executing the files into the database..

Identitetssökandet hos unga flickor i 2010 års barn- och ungdomslitteratur

My ambition with his exam is to study how young girls are being depicted in swedish novels of 2010. I have analyzed how the identity and the search for identity are produced in these books. To be able to make my analysis of these books I have used Maria Nikolajeva?s book Barnbokens byggklossar. From wich I have worked out a few questions that I have used my analysis in the portrayal of these girls.

En främjande och öppen verksamhet En studie av det integrerade biblioteket och den öppna förskolan på Kristineberg i Borås

This master thesis is an attempt to study the joint-use solutions between the public library and the public preschool in the local district Kristineberg in the community of Borås. The two main questions are; what kind of joint-use library is the activity at Kristineberg? What kind of advantages and disadvantages do the actors experience from the joint-use activity at Kristineberg? The analysis is based upon the interviews with eight informants with different connections to the joint-use library and public preschool. I also use documental analysis and literature studies. Relevant theories, such as Andersson´s and Skot-Hansen´s analysis of the role of the public library and Bundys, Imhoff´s and Dornseif´s theories about joint-use libraries are presented and later used in the analysis.

Från centralisering till decentralisering? : En fallstudie av en organisation i förändring

Organisationer i dagens samhälle ställs inför svåra utmaningar med att försöka hinna med att utvecklas i samma takt som omgivningen och hinna anpassa sig till den ständigt skiftande efterfrågan. En generell trend bland företag i dagens samhälle är därför att införa organisationsstukturer som i större utsträckning än tidigare betonar och eftersträvar flexibilitet, decentralisering och ökade befogenheter längre ut i organisationen. Medarbetare förväntas bli mer delaktiga i sitt eget arbete vilket väntas öka engagemanget och trivseln. Dock medbringar denna generella trend i organisationsutvecklingen en intressant paradox som kan försvåra införandet av det nya idealet. Det finns en uppenbar motsägelse med att implementera en förändring som ska öka delaktigheten och befogenheterna ute i organisationen, men att samtidigt genomföra den uppifrån, utifrån ledningen, utan delaktighet av medarbetarna.Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka varför medarbetarna inom ett företag upplevt en ökad grad av toppstyrning inom företaget trots att en organisationsförändring som delvis syftat till att öka medarbetarnas delaktighet genomförts.

Har Expressen fått pippi? : En kritisk diskurs analys av Expressens rapportering kring fa?gelinfluensa

AbstractTITLE Birdflu in the press ? a critical discourse analysis on the tabloidnewspaper ExpressenAUTHOR Per VågebrantSUPERVISOR Malin SveningssonPURPOSE The purpose of this essay is to find out how the Swedish tabloid newspaper Expressen writes about the birdflu H5N1. To be more precise the purpose is to find out how the discourse is constructed. The Birdflu or H5N1 witch is its real name is something that could affect us all, yet very few people know a lot about it. To achieve this purpose I constructed one primary research question:o How has Expressen, in the public media discourse, treated the phenomena we know as the birdflu?This primary research question holds three more specified research questions:o What does Expressens discourse about the birdflu look like?o What actors are participating in the articles?o Why does the discourse look like this?THEORY The theory chapter of the essay contains four different parts.

Kundens förtroende och bild av fastighetsmäklare i Karlstad

Hälsans Trädgård is a project which is going to start in Gamla Linköping, Sweden. The authors were commissioned by Arbetslivsresurs, a company working with work rehabilitation, to select, define and make job analyses on five work tasks at Hälsans Trädgård in Gamla Linköping. A job analysis means an analysis of the demands the job make of the individual. The job analysis used in this study is called The Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ) and is from the US Department of Labor (DOL). As RHAJ is an American instrument, the authors produced a form where the concepts are translated into Swedish to make the analysis easier.

(O)möjligheternas plats? En diskursstudie av Garaget

A general topic underlying this master thesis is how the public library is being transformed through the subversion and re-articualtion of meaning according to different discourses. The aim of the study can be divided in to levels of analysis. At the first level, the aim is to investigate how categories such as users, needs and vision are articulated in a specific case ?the visionary project Garaget in Malmö, a project which in part include a public library inspired by Idea Store. The next level of analysis sets out to explore how the case of Garaget is related to a totalizing discursive struggle over meaning within the element the public library.

Hur påverkar en konkurrensutsättning och ett varumärkesskifte statliga företags varumärkeshantering?

It is important for all companies to be seen on a competitive market. It?s all about positioning yourself so that you?re seen and that you?re are attractive for both customers and employees. A crucial factor to achieve this are how the brand are handle directly by the company it self and by the market. Establishing a brand on the market is not easy and it takes time to establish what the company stands for. To be able to succeed with this you need to have a strategy and a strong belief on the brand.

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