

9685 Uppsatser om Trend analysis - Sida 12 av 646

Fängslande ord Om genusgörande i BUP-socionomers psykosociala utredningar

The purpose of this study was to examine how girls and boys are described by social workersin psycho-social assessments in child and adolescent psychiatry. The questions at issue wereif girls and boys are described in different ways and if gender related patterns could be found.The study was both qualitative and quantitative. I used textual analysis as a method anddiscourse analysis as theory.Results: Sexes were generally described differently. Girls are depicted from how they are andhow they look and boys are described by what they do and their behaviour. The mother isdescribed as the person who is most responsible for children of both sexes.

Colombianer på bioduken : Representationen av tre Hollywoodproducerade actionfilmer

The purpose of the thesis was to analyse three action films; Collateral Damage from 2002; Clear and Present Danger from 1994; and Scarface from 1983, in order to see how Colombians are represented in these movies.The action genre comprises of different stereotypes where the hero and the villain are represented in conjunction to each other. The analysis is about the way the films content and form are used to uphold the representation of Colombians, but also the villain and the hero more generally.Critical Discourse Analysis was used, as main method, and the concepts of denotation and connotation guided the analysis. The main conclusion is that the three movies reproduced an already established collective stereotype of Latin Americans, stereotype that includes both Colombia and Colombians..

"Kvinnan ska eftersträva skönhet enligt rådande ideal" : En analys av myter i VeckoRevyns frågespalter

This essay is an analysis of mythologies in the Swedish women´s magazine VeckoRevyn. The magazine?s own explicit purpose is to break down the unhealthy opinion of what beauty is in their industry today. By content and linguistic analysis the results of this study are interconnected to the beauty myth as it was established by Naomi Wolf in 1991. The goal is to pinpoint how VeckoRevyn?s question and answer columns construct relationships to their readers, and the mythologies that they maintain.

Vårdpersonals erfarenhet av ledarskap under nattjänstgöring

Bakgrund: Kunskapen om nattjänstgörande vårdpersonal är ett relativt outforskat område.Under natten är arbetssituationen lite annorlunda eftersom inte samma resurser finns att tillgåsom under dagen, med detta arbete vill vi öka kännedomen kring ledarskap och beslut.Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen var att beskriva vårdpersonals erfarenheter av ledarskapunder nattjänstgöring.Metod: För att samla in data har vi använt en enkät innehållande 20 frågor med utrymme föregna kommentarer som fylldes i av vårdpersonal som enbart tjänstgör natt. Vi skickade ut 50stycken enkäter till vårdpersonal på 8 stycken äldreboende och svarsfrekvensen blev 68 %.Resultat: Personalgruppen var till stor del utbildad i omvårdnad och hade mestadels en långarbetserfarenhet i vården. Större delen av personalen rapporterar att de aldrig har enarbetsledare nattetid. Vi fann vidare en trend av att det framförallt var den personalgrupp somhade gymnasieutbildning som inte efterfrågade närvaro av en arbetsledare, och även att detvar framförallt denna grupp som inte heller efterfrågade en kompetenshöjning i framtiden. Visåg också en trend att de med längst erfarenhet inte heller upplevde behov av en arbetsledare.Däremot uttrycktes en trygghet med den befintliga tillgängligheten av arbetsledning.

Kommunikativa samspel mellan barn och pedagoger : Vad utmärker en fungerande tambursituation?

AbstractThis text deals with one of the preschool everyday routine chores, and the phenomenon I have chosen to investigate is the hallway situation. The purpose of the study was to see if the hallway situation offers good communicative interactions between children and teachers, and investigate if the teachers use special strategies to make the hallway situation work. The method of this study was survey, qualitative interviews and observations. The three methods have deliberately been selected to best suite and reply to the different issues.Today?s groups of children in preschool are very big, and some of the preschools are not adapted to these large groups of children that we have today.

Bloggen - socialt medium med makt potential : En kvalitativ studie om konsumtionsideal bland svenska och internationella bloggar

Today, we live in a consumption society. We buy products to soothe our needs and desires. Thru material things we can express our own personal identity and shopping is seen more as a pleasure than a need to survive. With the background media- and communication studies, the reason of this study was to explore how blogs as a social medium can influence the consumption ideal in society. With dialogical analysis and semiotic analysis we wanted to see if we could find a specific consumption culture in the content of six blogs we did our studies on. We found that the blogs showed us that there is normal to have everyday luxury and spoil oneself with expensive things.

Analys och kontroll av hållfasthet på grenställsarm

The thesis was done in collaboration with EAB situated in Smålandsstenar. In the initial discussion faze on doing a thesis with them there was a need to analyze and ensure the strength of an existing product, cantilever racks. This included performing FEM calculations on a model and comparing the results with physical tests.EAB has two models of cantilever racks, a light duty and a heavy duty. Within the heavy duty model series there are five product variants that differ in both size and load capacity. We will be working with the product variant with a load capacity of 1000 kg/arm which is the variant that is in the middle of the series.When we started work on the thesis we did a literature study and couldn?t find any well defined methodology that integrates both product development and computer aided design analysis.

Upplysning, rollspel eller lagstiftning? ANT-undervisningens utveckling 1962-1994

The use of alcohol, narcotics, and tobacco have all long been considered health hazards, especially among children and teenagers. It is therefor not surprising to find that schools have promoted against the use of these substances in different preventative programs for many decades, and the Swedish school system is no exception. However, the use of, as well as the laws restricting alcohol, narcotics, and tobacco are, and have historically been, highly political issues. Individuals, groups, institutions, and states may all have different opinions on how these substances should be regulated and of their place in society, which in turn may lead to conflicts of values and different approaches. One can not expect parents or guardians to share the views on alcohol, narcotics, and tobacco policy presented by schools, laws or state regulations.

Drivkrafterna bakom sveriges moderna helikopteranskaffningar och avvecklingar

This thesis addresses the driving forces behind the Swedish state?s procurement of Helicopters 14 and 16 and the decommissioning of Helicopter 4. These actions have significantly affected the Swedish Armed Forces, especially the Helicopter Wing, in carrying out their operational tasks. On numerous occasions the Helicopter Wing has been unable to perform its tasks. For instance, the Nordic Battle Group 08 had no helicopters to exercise with and, until recently, Sweden had completely lacked the ability to hunt submarines with helicopters for almost ten years.This thesis also aims to compare the decisions in 1999-2000 regarding Helicopter 14 with the decisions in 2010-2011 regarding the acquisition of Helicopter 16, to find if there is a general trend and how much the Armed Forces were able to influence decisions.

Högläsning i förskoleklass : En studie om fem pedagogers arbete med högläsning

The purpose of this paper is to explore how masculinity and femininity are constructed in the magazine Veckorevyn, through a critical discourse analysis of 18 articles from six issues in 2011. This is done by using a variety of theories and previous research results, which is gender theory, the theory of late-modern society and media theory. The analysis shows that Veckorevyn depicts virility and feminine differently. Furthermore, pointing the results from the analysis that a change of manhood and womanhood takes place in the social practice. The selection of articles from the magazine also shows that Veckorevyn seems to promote gender equality. .

Mobbning Maktspel mellan Mobbaren och Offret : En fallstudie som lyfter fram problemet och skolans kamp

Swedish students' knowledge of mathematics has deteriorated in recent years. Teaching of mathematics is therefore starting point in an ongoing discussion among researchers, school leaders, politicians, teachers and others, who all thinks they know best about how teaching should be designed to the greatest extent possible to raise students' proficiency levels in the subject. Teachers' practices have long been the focus of discussions and views on these differ. The purpose of this paper is therefore to study students 'conceptions of mathematics and mathematics teaching, with teachers' methods and tools of focus, in relation to previous research on the subject. The method used was a survey of students in secondary school and a textual analysis of previous studies on the subject.As revealed by the survey was that the textbook has a big advantage in mathematics education in Sweden today.Many students are not accustomed to working in a different way and thereforedoes not know either what the alternative approach entails.

Incitamentsprogram ? En studie av trender och aktieägares önskemål

Under våren är det högsäsong för bolagsstämmor och incitamentsprogram till ledandebefattningshavare tros återigen komma att diskuteras livligt. Organisationen Aktiespararnapåpekade tidigare under våren att en nyhet i år är syntetiska aktier som incitament och denämner även så kallade aktiesparprogram som ett relativt nytt fenomen.Uppsatsens problemformuleringar är hur trenden ser ut gällande incitamentsprogram ibörsnoterade företag, samt vilken trendutveckling aktieägare vill se. Syftet med uppsatsen äratt utifrån Aktiespararnas uttalande analysera vilken trend som kan ses bland börsnoteradeföretags incitamentsprogram, samt analysera aktieägares åsikter kring olika program.Våra metodologiska val har bland annat medfört att en kvalitativ metod använts och etthermeneutiskt förhållningssätt präglat vår tolkning. Vi har intervjuat Aktiespararna,Swedbank Robur, Andra AP-fonden, AMF Pension, Investor AB, Dagens Nyheter ochSvenska Dagbladet.I den teoretiska referensramen redogörs bland annat för begreppen motivation,belöningssystem, shareholder-/stakeholderperspektivet, principal-agentteorin samt olikamodeller för incitament. Empirin utgörs av information från intervjuer med de respondentersom inkluderats.

Oproblematiska problem? : Gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om och upplevelser av jämställdhet

The aim of this master thesis is to examine high school students? understandings and experiences of gender equality and to critically study the formulations and the basis of the project from Save the Children Sweden which are the basis for this master thesis. By using critical discourse analysis and gender theories the formulations and basis of the project and the interviews has been analyzed. The analysis of the project showed neglect for intersectional perspectives and taken for granted hidden opinions about masculinities and femininities. The interviews have been conducted with four high school students, and the students felt that they attend schools which are equal between genders.

Ett kritiskt förhållningssätt i svenskämnet: En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares arbetsmetoder

This study has examined how teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools work to foster a critical perspective through the education in the subject of Swedish. The study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers, who have given their views on the role of source criticism and critical analysis of literature in the subject of Swedish. Furthermore, they have described how they incorporate these views into their own teaching.The study has shown that the teachers find that source criticism and literary analysis are interconnected, since both depend on a general critical approach, which they both help foster. The main question the study examined was how Swedish education could help foster a critical perspective. The interviewed teachers' ways of working point out a way: teacher C has integrated source criticism and referencing into most of their education, which makes them central to the education in Swedish.

The contentious nature of war : an analysis of military theorists

The purpose of this essay is to investigate and assess, with Clausewitz?s theory as thebackground, how different military theorists interpret and relate to the nature of war.This essay illustrates the state of research into Clausewitz?s philosophical influences.Clausewitz?s theory of the nature of war is subjected to a qualitative text analysis that is followedby a critique of other military theorists interpretations of his theory. Subsequently a descriptive,comparative qualitative text analysis is performed where the factors identified by Clausewitz asbeing part of the nature of war (?rational thought?, ?passion? and ?chance?) are used as a meansto interpret and assess how other military theorists relate to Clausewitz theory. This essay ismainly founded on analysis of the works of Jomini, Delbrück, Fuller, Liddell Hart, Handel,Roxborough, van Creveld and Keegan.

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