

295 Uppsatser om Travelnet Gotland - Sida 5 av 20

"Varje lärare bör känna Gotland" "Det idealiska semesterlandet med de rika minnena" : Gotländsk skolresehistoria 1900-1940

This assignment focuses on the concept of ?school trips? and Gotland. Pedagogically, the school trip was initially focussed on practical and national aspects, the education to be made visible and the idea was to present Sweden, its nature and its industries. The Gotland administration chose to focus on the unique and cultural history, and it was unusual that visits were undertaken to factories and workshops. This was also the start of the current tourism trend where knowledge of the value of the countryside and the opportunities for tourism is a successful combination, which can be seen today even if the school trips now have different areas to visit.

Gotländska totalförsvarets implementering av försvarsbeslutet 1996 : en utvärdering

Riksdagen fattade i december 1996 beslut om en ny uppgift till totalförsvaret  ?stöd till civila samhället?. Detta innebär att totalförsvaret skall kunna utnyttjas vid svåra påfrestningar på sam-hället i fred. Denna uppsats utvärderar  implementeringen  av denna uppgift på den lokala nivån inom totalförsvaret på Gotland. Hur fungerar denna samverkan och planering inom ramen för den nya uppgiften mellan de viktigaste myndigheterna: Försvarsmakten, Gotlands Kommun och Länsstyrelsen Gotland, från tiden för försvarsbeslutet 1996 och fram till idag?Uppsatsens teori baseras på Evert Vedungs ?åttapunktsprogram? där jag i min utvärdering valt sex av dessa punkter.

Rådjur (Capreolus Capreolus) på Gotland : populationsutveckling och spridningsmönster

Gotland is an island in the Baltic Sea where man has introduced roe deer. The last successful reintroduction was in the 1980s and is the base of the viable roe deer population of today.The aim of this study was to estimate the roe deer population density in 2012 and the species population dynamic since the time when studies on the population started. The result indicates a population size of 850 roe deer in 2012. There was no significant population dynamic, which may be due to insufficient data. The population occurs basically over the whole island but have not yet been established in all suitable areas.

Hur stor areal äldre skog lämplig för trakthyggesbruk finns det på Gotland 2013?

The degree project at hand investigates how large areas of older forest (80 plus years) suitable for clear cutting there is on the Swedish island of Gotland. Large areas of older forest on Gotland are situated on land with shallow soil depths which are economically uninteresting and often unsuitable for clear cutting forestry. Other forests hold big nature conservation values and should not, or cannot, be used for forestry purposes. The survey is made as a GIS analysis based on the old but carefully made ?Brief forest inventory? (ÖSI) made in the 1980s and early 1990s. A sample from the inventory is combined with studies of orthophotos, satellite photos and other GIS layers that display estimated soil depth and nature conservation values. Partly contrary to common belief, the survey shows that there are still large areas of older forest suitable for clear cutting forestry on the island.

Rådgivningens betydelse för revisionsbyråer : en studie om hur rådgivningen påverkar revisorns oberoende samt relationen till klientföretagen

En av flera effekter av globaliseringen är den ökade konkurrensen mellan städer, regioner och länder. Konkurrensen om resurser, företagsetableringar, utländska investeringar och invånare har blivit alltmer påtagligt och därför har flera platser insett betydelsen av arbetet med platsmarknadsföring. Då Gotland förlorade flera arbetstillfällen under 2000-talet förstod näringslivet och kommunen att en åtgärd var nödvändig. Under 2007 påbörjades därför ett omfattande arbete med Varumärket Gotland. Våren 2008 var varumärkesplattformen till slut färdig tillsammans med Vision 2025 som består av ett antal visionsmål för Gotland.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur Gotland har arbetat och arbetar med platsmarknadsföring i syfte att stärka sitt varumärke.

Hälsan i behåll? : en studie av sjukdomsbilden i det vikingatida Fröjel, Gotland

13 individuals from the Viking Age trading place in Fröjel, Gotland, were examined for this thesis. The aim was to gain a deeper knowledge about the individuals, and the main focus was to study their health. Three men, eight women and two children were examined. The age of the two children was estimated to around birth, and was no longer relevant for this thesis. The age distribution showed that two individuals were young (10-24 years), seven individuals were adults (18-44 years) and two individuals were middle-aged or older (35-79 years).

Västergarns kammar : en fallstudie av Västergarnskammarna från seminariegrävningarna mellan åren 2006-2010

During the years 2006-2010 Gotland University conducted seminars excavations in Västergarn parish on Gotland. Inside the wall a total of six house foundations have been found and a total of 127 combs have been registered. This thesis is based on a material study of the 127 registered medieval combs. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the combs and with their chronology illuminate in which period the society of Västergarn was active. And also to find out what the material remains can tell us about the place and its people.

Kyrkotillhörighet och diet i det medeltida Visby : Diet och social status utifrån isotopanalyser av gravlagda från tre Visbykyrkor

This paper deals with three mediaeval churches in the town Visby, Gotland. These churches were located in different areas in Visby. Allegedly the areas where St Hans and Ste Gertrud were located were inhabited by wealthier people, and the more peripheral area where St Mikael was located was where the poor lived. Therefore, the people that were buried at St Mikael should be of lower social status than the people buried at St Hans and Ste Gertrud. Based on the fact that an individuals diet was dependant on his or hers social status, dietary studies on skeletal remains from the three different churches have been conducted to find out dietary patterns among the individuals buried at each church respectively.

Vår nådiga vilja och befallning : Kungl. Maj:ts brev till landshövdingen på Gotland 1735

This is a study of the letters from His Majesty the King to the county governor of Gotland in 1735. In the Age of Liberty the king had limited power. Royal decisions were made with the Council of the Realm where the King only had the advantage of having two votes and a casting vote. Furthermore, the Council had to act according to the decisions of the Estates of Parliament, if at least three of the four Estates were in agreement. The duties of the county governor were set out in a detailed instruction of which the most recent version was issued in 1734.

Konflikträtt : Skillnaden mellan tillåtna stridsåtgärder mot svenska företag och mot företag inom EU med verksamhet i Sverige.

En av flera effekter av globaliseringen är den ökade konkurrensen mellan städer, regioner och länder. Konkurrensen om resurser, företagsetableringar, utländska investeringar och invånare har blivit alltmer påtagligt och därför har flera platser insett betydelsen av arbetet med platsmarknadsföring. Då Gotland förlorade flera arbetstillfällen under 2000-talet förstod näringslivet och kommunen att en åtgärd var nödvändig. Under 2007 påbörjades därför ett omfattande arbete med Varumärket Gotland. Våren 2008 var varumärkesplattformen till slut färdig tillsammans med Vision 2025 som består av ett antal visionsmål för Gotland.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur Gotland har arbetat och arbetar med platsmarknadsföring i syfte att stärka sitt varumärke.

Artificiell natur : om ett kalkbrotts brytpunkt mellan industri och natur

Genom att undersöka begrepp som natur, det vilda och det sublima, i en idéhistorisk tillbakablick baserad i västerländsk kulturtradition, presenteras en ny möjlighet för efterbehandling av kalkstensbrottet Västra brottet i Slite på Gotland. En analys av platsen och tidigare nämnda begrepp leder till en förändring av det befintliga förslaget på efterbehandlingsplan. Denna aktuella efterbehandlingsplans tyngdpunkt ligger i införande av habitat. Förslaget i detta arbete är att en ?social efterbehandling? som har möjlighet att aktivera hela orten tillförs.

Stengrunder och gränser : en studie av kontinuitet från äldre järnålderns stengrundsbygd till nutid

This thesis studies settlement continuity on Gotland between approximately AD 200 and AD 1700. The method used is to calculate correlation between the geographical distribution of all known Iron Age stone-wall-houses (on Gotland known as "kämpagravar") and all farms included in the detailed taxation maps from approximately 1700. The number of remaining house foundations is between 1800 and 1900. A model to estimate the number of removed foundations is presented. It is based on the assumption that the settlement density was proportional to land use around 1700, and that the rate of removal is related to the current land use.

De dömdas öde : en rättsmedicinsk tolkning av skeletala skador från avrättningsplatsen Galgberget i Visby

This scientific essay contains an interpretation of injuries caused by weapons and traumas on the bones from the execution site Galgberget in Visby, Gotland. The site was used from about the 13th century to 1845 AD. The purpose is to examine the injuries and describe them, also to investigate what may have generated them. An important question is what bodily position the individuals had at the time of the injury. The methods presented in this essay can be associated with experimental osteology, also the basic methods such as sex- age- and stature- assessment has been applied where?s possible.

Hav och Strand : stenteknologi och marin anpassning på Gotland under Senboreal/Tidigatlantisk tid

The essay circulates around the technological analysis of flint material from four localities around the Baltic Sea basin. The analysis was created to investigate the question of where the first Gotlandic settlers originated from and to give clues about the colonization process. The investigated material was collected during the fall of 2011 and a correspondence analysis is used to analyze the collected material. The purpose of using a correspondence analysis is to test the method as a tool for investigating Mesolithic flint technologies. The essay also discusses marine hunter-gatherers, their economy and how their archeological remains differ from terrestrial hunter-gatherers..

Kusten är klar : en undersökning av Gotlands bronsåldersstrandlinje i GIS

In this bachelor thesis an attempt is made to recreate the shoreline of Gotland during the Bronze Age. This has been done with the help of GIS to analyze remains dated to different periods of the Bronze Age that have been situated close to the coast. Case studies of three areas of the island have been made where dated remains together with typical Bronze Age remains like cairns and ship settings are analyzed with variables such as height over sea level and geological and topographical information. Contemporary datings from each case study have been compared to find a possible shoreline for both early and late Bronze Age. Two shorelines, one for the early Bronze Age and one for the late Bronze Age, have been created and tested on the three areas to see the placement of the remains in relation to these coastlines..

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