

654 Uppsatser om Transportable buildings - Sida 9 av 44

Den medeltida bebyggelsen i Kungsgårdsområdet i Gamla Uppsala

The intent with this paper is to investigate the medieval habitation in central Old Uppsala. This time-period has over the years been neglected. Therefore I wish to summarize and ana-lyze the medieval habitation to see what can be said about its continuity, and also to investi-gate why it is located in certain areas.Due to the amount of source material I have limited my investigation area to the central Old Uppsala. It is possible that this limitation will affect the result of the research but without the limitations the investigation area would have been too large to handle.The source material has been collected from excavation reports and the summarized. My theory is material culture and material agency.

Ytbearbetning av ersättningssten för kulturhistoriska byggnader

The study investigates questions and considerations emerging when stone in historic buildings needs to be replaced. The focus is on the surface treatment of stone in sandstone façades in pre-industrial buildings. That means buildings constructed by traditional methods and craftsmanship without the use of modern technology.The research issue originates from the extensive stonework that is planned for the façades of the Stockholm Palace. The project includes the replacement of large quantities of damaged stone to newly cut stone. This raises the questions about the use of modern and rational methods for surface treatment on the replacement stone.

Miljöbyggnad, GULD värt? : En undersökning av fastighetsägares erfarenheter och tankar kring ett nytt certifieringssystem

During the past few years an increased attention has been paid to environmental issues in the construction and property sector in Sweden. In order to simplify the work with these issues a Swedish environmental certification system for buildings called Miljöbyggnad has been developed. This thesis aims to investigate the opinion of a selected number of selected property owners of Miljöbyggnad. From that basis recommendations and actions for the future work with the system will be presented.The investigation has been conducted through personal interviews with five property owners. The main issues that the interviews have been based on are their purpose, experiences, perceived complications and future prospects in terms of certification using Miljöbyggnad.The system intends to be cost-effective, simple and to offer a relevant environmental assessment of buildings and the result from the report indicates that this is largely fulfilled.

Alternativ för värme- och kylaförsörjning i planerade kontorsbyggnader på Arlanda

This thesis consider alternatives for heating and cooling planned office buildings at Arlanda airport. The thesis is divided into three parts where the third part is a shorter synthesis of the two first. In the first part the energy demands of the buildings are modelled in a computer program. Two different building models are created, one more conventional and one with good energy properties. The results shows that with proper construction and ventilation systems etc.

Kv. Grillen 6 i Sandviken : Förslag till verksamhet för

Rotskärsskolan is located in Skutskär, Älvkarleby municipality and the school conducted today consists of lower secondary. The school was built in the early 1960s and contains three buildings. Today there is a great need for reconstruction of Rotskärsskolan, when the premises are worn out and not suitable for today's education. It must therefore be a phased change involving all the school buildings, starting in the winter of 2008/2009.Our degree project involves one of these buildings, called house F. This building will, by a recent decision, be adjusted for classes from preschool up to grade five, special school and leisure activities when some of the municipality's schools will consolidate.

Försvinn. Påminn. Eller återvinn? : om det industriella kulturarvets framtid genom Norra Sorgenfri

This essay deals with the industrial past, present and future and begins with the impact and importance the industrial revolution has had on us humans, socially, economically and structurally. Today's society has developed from industrial production of goods to the production of services but the industrial sites remains. The essay examines issues concerning the protection of the industrial environment, their status as a cultural heritage, what is done with our industrial heritage and the opportunities it has for the future. Malmö has a great industrial history and now one of the cities oldest industrial sites, the north of Sorgenfri, will be transformed. The essay compares the plan with guidelines for future development from the Town Building Office with an antiquarian investigation for the same area.

Energideklaration- Vad är det och hur ska det hanteras i fastighetsbranschen?

AbstractThe Energy Declaration is a law that will come into effect October 1: Th 2006. This report has Värnamo municipality as principal and shall clarify what the estate owner in general and Värnamo municipality in particular need to know about this law. Another part that is going to be dealt with is how large the future need for energy experts in this field will be, and which competence that will be demanded for them.The work will in general deal with simplified energy declarations for apartment houses and public buildings, since these buildings are the first to be involved with energy declarations.The energy declaration will consist of a number of important components.? Energy power i.e. how much energy the building consume? If the ventilation control is done? If the radon measurement is carried out? Recommendations of measures to improve the energy power? Reference value to compare the buildings energy power againstAccording to the law the declaration shall been made by an independent expert, which will need certain information for this.

Energi - och ekonomipotential för solceller i Hållbara Järva

One of the city of Stockholm?s main objectives is to have a society completely free from fossil fuels. To achieve this, several investments regarding improvements in energy efficiency and renewable energy are currently being planned or implemented. One of these investments is a project called Hallbara Jarva which is located in the suburbs of Stockholm. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the prospects of an investment in photovoltaic cells from an energy-saving and economical point of view. The analysis is limited to three buildings within Hallbara Jarva and is intended for the property owner.  Solar energy is a type of renewable energy source and is commonly divided into solar heating and solar power.

Elektrisk skorstenständare

Between 1965 and 1974, the Swedish Parliament decided to build one million dwellings, called Million Program. The million program buildings were erected with new, untried design solutions, in a short range of time, and at low cost. The residential buildings from that time are now greatly in need of renovation. The municipal housing company, Gavlega?rdarna, renovates and improves the energy efficiency at some of it?s apartment buildings in the district Sa?tra, Ga?vle.

Att bygga ett bibliotek : En studie av funktion och rörelse i tre nyinrättade biblioteksbyggnader - Kungliga tekniska högskolans bibliotek, Sambiblioteket i Härnösand och Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek

A large part of research about libraries and library buildings in Sweden has been focused on how the building looks not how it functions with the library. The aim with this master?s thesis is to study how a library building is functioning and how its users are experiencing it. This is studied in three libraries, Kungliga tekniska högskolans bibliotek, Sambiblioteket in Härnösand and Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek. With the questions of how they were planed, what did the libraries want from the new building and which of these demands were realized.

En yteffektiv bostadsmodul

The aim is to design a module for living which is flexible in a bigger context, which could condens the city and to answer the questions: How is it possible to make a livingmodule where the compact living theme works in an everyday situation? How is it possible to make one module which is able to function in several different situations? The process in solving problem has been characterized of trial and error: design a module and learn from the mistakes and take the knowledge to the next module. This is the way I have worked until I found a good solution. As a result I can show an efficient module which has several nice values of space and that is flexible and to some part adjust for a disabled person. It can on several ways condens the city.

Beredning av köldbärare för komfortändamål i kontorsverksamhet : En studie i produktionsslag

The real estate company Ihus is facing an expansion of its comfort cooling in Noatun,Uppsala, to provide the buildings in the block with cooling. The buildings in Noatunare mainly used for office premises, where the requirements for an accepted indoorclimate is great. However, it?s uncertain whether Ihus should continue, as currently,producing comfort cooling by themselves using a compressor chiller, or if they shouldconnect themselves to Vattenfall?s district cooling net.The purpose of this report is to examine which technique of cooling is best suited forIhus and their buildings in Noatun. It should also work as a guideline for othercompanies facing the same problem as Ihus.

Inomhusmiljöproblem i fuktiga byggnader : En utredning av åtgärder vid fuktrelaterade inomhusmiljöproblem

Dampness in the indoor environment have been a major issue of discussion the last decades since more and more people complain about their indoor environment. In the present situation there are difficulties to find what causes people?s discomfort in a damp environment even though there is a strong connection between dampness and human health.The aim of the thesis was to contribute to the work done today to achieve a better indoor environment in damp buildings. The purpose of the work was to evaluate whether the measures issued for dampness in the indoor environment contributes to the improvement of health and environment for those who are living or working in that space. Through a literature review, interview and survey the following three questions were answered to achieve the aim and purpose:How are people affected by the indoor environment in damp buildings?Which are the measures issued to prevent dampness in the indoor environment?Do these interventions contribute to a better indoor environment?How people are affected by the indoor environment in damp buildings and how these problems are prevented were the foundation for the continued work with the survey.

HARR (THYMALLUS THYMALLUS) I VÄTTERBÄCKARNA : En studie om samband mellan bottenfauna och harrens förekomst

This thesis aimed to investigate how a rising sea level would affect the livable area of the island Fongafale, Tuvalu. Through the IPCC stabilization scenarios it was examined which areas of the island that would be affected by flooding. The local population?s perceptions of the effects of climate change were studied to see how the consequences of a world-wide problem such as global warming affect people's lives. The paper clarified the Tuvaluans place in the discussion of climate refugees, explained IPCC's work and described the results of previous studies concerning people in Fongafales perceptions and concerns about climate-related changes.

Mikroproduktion av solel i flerfamiljshus : Lönsamhetsanalys genom simulering av solcellsanläggningar och explorativ kundundersökning

This thesis is commissioned by the Swedish electricity trading company GodEl with the purpose of evaluate solar electricity in multi-family buildings in the Stockholm region. The prices of solar panels have dropped recently due to the advances in technology, but the installation rate in Sweden remains low. It is therefore interesting to study the  profitability of solar electricity today, and if it is profitable enough to install based on profitability alone and not simply due to environmental considerations. Therefore this thesis first studies the profitability of solar panels based on a simulation of electricity production and consumption for multi-family buildings this region. The study concludes that solar electricity can be profitable in the Stockholm region under certain conditions; all of which have to be favourable for profitable solar electricity.The thesis also studies the opinion of the company's costumers concerning solar electricity.

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