

654 Uppsatser om Transportable buildings - Sida 36 av 44

Våningspåbyggnad på befintligt byggnadsbestånd - Ett sätt att möta efterfrågan på centrala bostäder

An ever-increasing population, urbanization and visions towards sustainable cities clarifies the need of densification. When densifying existing urban areas adding storeys could serve as a residential densification, which would also meet the market demand for centrally located apartments. An increased understanding of the potential of vertical densification gives way to the aim of this thesis to increase the amount of centrally located housing.This thesis provides knowledge of adding storeys and how property owners can identify opportunities in their existing building stock.The first question, What kind of residential densification takes place in Sweden today? highlights ways of residential densification; development of brownfields, infill and adding storeys, where adding storeys is what this thesis then focuses on. The result came through a literature review that also clarified important factors when adding storeys.

Analys och förslag till reducering av slöseri i en utbildningsprocess

Strömstad is a small city located on the Swedish west coast. Urbanization and development is acurrent issue for the municipally, as for many other in the current situation. The municipal housingcompany Strömstadsbyggen is one of the parties involved in the extensive development that mustbe implemented to meet the changes and developments which the issue holds.One area that is of interest in the discussion is Rådhusberget - this due to the existing infrastructureand unique qualities that the area holds. In order to achieve the best solutions possible for the area,Strömstadsbyggen wishes to listen to what the existing tenants at Rådhusberget thinks and feelsregarding the area and its future potential.This thesis has therefore been carried out in collaboration with Strömstadsbyggen and has beenaimed at identifying the current tenants' thoughts and opinions in the existing area of developmentand infill potential. The aim of this work was also to investigate how the tenants value their homeand local environment in its current state, and what their wishes are for the possible futuredevelopment of Rådhusberget.To achieve analyzable results concerning how the tenants perceive these aspects, an extensivesurvey have been carried out which were sent out to all tenants in the area.

En hållbar framtid med Gröna Byggnader.

På Sveriges fastighetsmarknad har man de senaste åren kunnat urskilja ett allt högre fokus påmiljön från dess aktörer. Miljödebatten i Sverige har snabbt fått fäste och allt fler företag förstårvärdet av att fokusera på sådana frågor.Att utvecklingen fortsätter att gå framåt är viktigt då fastigheter och dess tillhörande byggnaderstår för nästan en tredjedel av världens utsläpp av växthusgaser och bara byggandet och driftenstår för cirka fyrtio procent av den globala förbrukningen av råvaror och energi. Prioritering avmiljöfrågor blir således viktiga vid fastighetsförvaltande och nyproduktion.Tidigare forskning visar att det finns en mängd incitament för att bygga och förvalta grönt. Ävenhyresgästerna har incitament för att hyra gröna lokaler. Vidare visar internationella studier att detinte alltid krävs stora åtgärder för att uppnå bra resultat vad gäller fastigheters energiförbrukningoch hållbarhet över tid.

Förändring av grönområden i Västerås tätort det senaste seklet : Konsekvenser av att grönområden förändras

This thesis was done after a request from the county?s administrative board of Västmanland to provide the board with a better understanding of how green areas have changed within Västerås municipality over time.The purpose and goal of this study was thus to measure and analyze how much of the green areas within Västerås municipality that have disappeared during the past one hundred years as well as to provide a review of previous studies regarding the importance of green areas for humans as well as the biological diversity.In order to answer these questions I have in this study used a combination of a literature study, cartographic analysis as well as a time series analysis. The computer software used to do the measurements of the green areas was ArcGIS which is a geographical information system.In the cartographic and times series anlaysis measurements and analysis was made of the district map of 1911, the economic map of 1950 and the property map of 2011. The measurements show that the municipality has grown with 46,3 km2 over the last one hundred years. New neighborhoods? have emerged and the municipality has expanded.

Bankernas bedömning av lantbrukskrediter : en jämförelse mellan olika branscher

The agricultural sector has historically seen stable prices and a relatively constant demand for its products. Companies within the sector have generally had few loans and large sums of money tied in assets. The profitability of the companies has on the other hand been low. Together these circumstances have determined the creditors? demands on the companies within the sector and have formed the rules and regulations that exist today.

Folkligt deltagande & regional utveckling

The residential yard at Kvarteret Landsfiskalen 1, in the area Herrgården in Rosengård, Malmö was built in 1971 and has since then been reconstructed twice, in 1984 and 2008. The yard is found in an area which was built during the years 1965 ? 1974, a period in which the swedish goverment approved a decision to build one million homes, and much of the events in this particular yard is also typical for the process in many other areas built during the same period.At the original construction the design of the yard was entirely incused by the pressure in time and finance, one was under at that time, in order to over- come the housing shortage. The design it has nevertheless been given, reflects the esthetic ideals of that time well.The building of the area was barely finished when the swedish authori- ties started handing out grants in order to support the rearmament of the outdoor environment in the areas built during the so called ?million program?.

Biodiversitet av evertebrater på vegetativa tak

In a city sometimes conflicts arise between either to save the species-rich vacant lots where many species thrive, or to build new buildings. Green roofs can then serve as a refuge for plants and animals that have had their natural habitat destroyed or diminished. Today we know too little about green roofs contribution to the biodiversity in the cities. We also know very little about how various types of vegetation on roof can increase biodiversity and its ability to attract different species.The aim with this study was to examine how different types of vegetation on the roofs affect the biodiversity of the invertebrate and how species-composition and number of individuals differ between the roof- and groundlevel.This study has been carried out on Augustenborg Botanical Roof Gardens in Malmo, and in an area about 1.5 kilometers away from Augustenborg. Three different types of vegetation on the roof and ground floor were selected: sedum- ruderal and grass.

Hållbara uppvärmningsalternativ för hotellstugorna på Grinda : En kvantitativ studie gällande hållbara uppvärmningsalternativ på en skärgårdsö

Skärgårdsstiftelsen, which is responsible for several of the archipelago islands in Stockholm, has chosen to explore the possibilities for more sustainable heating systems in buildings on the islands in collaboration with KTH. A reduction of energy use and improving the efficiency of existing heating systems are included as part of the environmental work. This report studies the island of Grinda, which is located outside the area of Vaxholm in Stockholm. The study area consists of a guesthouse consisting of a restaurant as well as conference facilities and four neighboring cottages used for overnighting. The cottages now run solely on direct electricity, both for heating and hot water.

Tjustempiren : fallstudier av Casimirsborg och Blekhem

This paper concerning the regional architectural term known as the Tjust Empire style analyses manor houses built in the Tjust area by the east coast of Småland in the period 1810-1860. The term Tjust Empire style was invented in 1937 by PhD. Manne Hofrén in his dissertation on architecture in Kalmar län in the period 1650-1850. The aim of the paper is firstly to determine whether there is a distinct difference between the regional Tjust Empire style in architecture and the common Swedish empire style or as its Swedish equivalent is known; the Karl Johan style. Secondly, the paper strives to analyse why and how the Empire style became so popular in the area during this period, focusing on architecture as a means to express social identity and status.

Gröna bostadsbyggnader : En studie om vilka incitament privata fastighetsägare har för att uppföra gröna bostadsbyggnader

Gröna byggnader har under senare tid blivit ett alltmer aktuellt begrepp eftersom den globala uppvärmningen uppmärksammats och miljöfrågor har uppkommit i fler sammanhang för att reducera utsläppen. Mycket forskning inom området gröna byggnader hanterar till stor del kommersiella fastigheter, såsom lokaler och kontor. Studier har främst utförts i USA och Storbritannien. Nuvarande regering har som mål att uppföra 250 000 nya bostäder inom sex år. Detta väckte vår uppmärksamhet och uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka incitament privata fastighetsägare har för att uppföra gröna bostadsbyggnader med upplåtelsen hyresrätt samt om nuvarande regler inom det svenska hyressättningssystemet påverkar dessa fastighetsägare.

Arkitekturtävling, Europan 9, Tjörn : att tävla i arkitektur (2007:26)

To me, competing in architecture has always been slightly odd and at the same time exiting. These competitions are one of few occasions were architecture is almost like art. The competition generates a variety of ideas and projects and these are often expressed in a more appetizing and artistic way than traditional architecture. It?s also an art to master the special circumstances and requirements of a competition.

Landscape? Urbanism : om semantik och språkets betydelse

I och med Landscape Urbanism har landskapsbegreppet sedan en tid upplevt en hausse inom arkitektur- och stadsbyggnadsdiskurs. I och med denna nya uppmärksamhet för landskapet har ett nytt behov uppstått: att diskutera vad som egentligen menas när man använder detta mångtydiga begrepp. Med detta fokus behandlar denna uppsats komplikationerna som uppstår när ordet landskap och dess ofta motstridiga betydelser används utan att kommunicera vad som avses. Med utgångspunkt i lingvistiska teorier hävdar jag därför att språket och således semantiken, ordens innebörd, är av yttersta vikt för att formulera och konstruera nya stadsbyggnadsteorier såsom Landscape Urbanism. För vad betyder egentligen Landscape inom Landscape Urbanism? Hur kommer det sig att ordet dels används för att referera till ytorna ?mellan husen?, men även används som ett begrepp som beskriver hela stadens dynamik? Hur kan dessa mycket olika tolkningar av ordet landskap existera under en och samma paroll ? Landscape Urbanism? Denna uppsats behandlar dessa olika tolkningar, men presenterar även ett sätt att hantera detta till synes alldagliga men mångfacetterade ord. Due to Landscape Urbanism the term landscape has experienced a recent hausse within architecture and urban design discourse.

Om att bygga landsbygd - ett ruralt planeringsexperiment i Botkyrka :

I have studied the suburban municipality of Botkyrka, south of Stockholm, from a rural perspective. Through that I`ve compared how countryside comes into being with the planning and building of suburbs. I have looked for a definition of Countryside, and found that it is often explained or defined in negative terms, as what it is not. In that it says nothing about what it really is, or about the qualitiies it has to it. Botkyrka is a suburb, but it does in large parts consist of countryside. Apart from defining countryside and rural I´ve been searching for a definition of suburbia, of it´s structure and the mental picture we have of it as a cultural phenomena. In order to understand the role that suburbs have in planning I describe their history from Italian renaissance villas to sprawl. By opposing urban and rural, modern urban planning and how rural areas are created, I´ve come to a definition of rural planning and the making of countryside. To make countryside, planning and building should come from individual needs and desires. A relationship to the surroundings based on continous interaction between the human beeing and it´s environment, a constant process of shaping and reshaping. To put my thoughts to the ground I have collected examples of projects and ideas, that fits into my view of what rural planning and making countryside is all about. They are put in different categories according to the possibilities of influence and to what degree it is put into private hands. The first category is ?allemansrätten?, every mans right. That is the rigt to use private land as long as you don´t disturb or destroy.

Jacobsberg - Lustträdgård och begravningsplats : En dokumentation, trädgårdshistorisk studie och funktionsanalys

This essay, Jacobsberg ? a Landscape Garden and a Cemetery is a documentation and a historical analyze where I?ve been focusing on the development of the landscape garden in Sweden in relation to a garden called Jacobsberg. The garden was built close to Visby on Gotland in the early 1800s by the assessor Jacob Dubbe, but has since been almost forgotten. My survey aims to depict the circumstances surrounding the creation of Jacobsberg. In what purpose was it built? I?ve also been examine the historical context of the garden?s origins with the intention to define and confirm its architectural style.The essay comprises two major parts, where the first part deals with the history behind Jacob Dubbe and Jacobsberg, and contains an illustration of the assessor?s life and of the garden?s original structure and shape.

Investeringsbeslut för småskalig vindkraft : en fallstudie

Wind power is one of the sources of renewable energy which has to be developed further in order to lessen our dependence on non renewable sources of energy. It's mainly oil and coal which have to be replaced by green energy. Wind power is already established in many countries, for example Germany, The United States of America and Denmark but it has to be continually developed and expanded to meet the needs of the growing energy consumption in the world. During the last few years many types of small wind turbines have appeared on the market. These small wind turbines are an alternative to the big wind turbines or power generators which demand huge sums of investment money.A new target group can now buy the small wind turbines in order to cover their own usage of electricity.

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