

11324 Uppsatser om Transport work - Sida 49 av 755

Bokbussverksamhet. Effektiv decentralisering av svensk biblioteksservice?

The purpose of this masters thesis is to evaluate bookmobile service as a decentralised library service. I have made a qualitative interview survey, with seven Swedish municipalities participating, all providing bookmobile service in their rural parts. The purpose with the interviews is to examine their bookmobile service. I have also studied articles on bookmobile service, and decentralisation through small library units in library journals, to get an insight into how the work with decentralised library service is done in Swedish municipalities. In this thesis answer is sought to the following questions: - Which decentralised library services are suitable for inhabitants and institutions in sparsely populated areas, considering factors such as number of inhabitants, proportion of old people and children, demographic changes, economy, possibilities to cooperate with other municipalities? - What is the current bookmobile service situation in Sweden, taking seven municipalities in the region of Småland as a starting point? My conclusions are that each municipality must decide which decentralised library services that best suites their needs.

Kulvertar i Södersjukhuset-Undersökning av AGV-system kan användas och rekommendationer för renovering

Ökande behov av vård i dagens samhälle kräver ett väl utvecklat transportsystem för eneffektiv vård. För att en god vård räcker det inte bara utveckla vår hälsovård, utan det måsteockså utveckla transportsystem och materialflöde inom sjukhuset. Undersökningsobjektet avdenna studie är transportsystem i Södersjukhuset, där i nuläget all transport sker ikorridorerna via förarstyrda truckar.Korridorer är de mest besökta rummen i sjukhusen. Det är således viktigt att se till att ha entrygg och trivsam miljö i korridorerna. Därför krävs det tillsyn till en hel del normer ochbestämmelser som framförallt boverket ställer på dessa byggnader.I detta arbete har kulvertarna (korridorerna) på Södersjukhuset undersökts.

En kartläggning av kompetenskraven på Sport managers

The purpose of this study is to survey which competences and personal qualities the labour market, for students with examination from the Coaching and Sport management education at Vaxjo University, require. Furthermore I want to find out if the employees, videlicet the ex students, consider that their competences differentiate in relation to other employees in the organization which not have this education.In the study a qualitative investigation method has been used where ten interviews have been implemented. The interviews have been carried out within five conceivable work areas to a student with examination from the Coaching and Sport management education at Vaxjo University. The work areas are sports association, sports union, municipal activity with sport and leisure time connection, company with health care connection and company without any kind of sport connection. Five of the persons being interviewed are ex students that now are employees within any of the elected work areas.

Miljöpartiet de Grönas valkampanj i Skåne 2006 - En beskrivande studie av kommunorganisationernas planering och handlande i valrörelsen

This essay examines the Swedish party Miljöpartiet de Gröna and their election campaign 2006. Focus is set on the local organisations in the region of Skåne by examining how they have carried through their campaigns as well as if they have experienced any obstacles in their campaign work. The primary research aim is to give a theoretical contribution as well as an increased knowledge of the local organisations work in the election campaign.Mainly this is a qualitative examination that revolves around the experiences of the organisation members. The material has been collected by interviews and a question survey. For analyse a concept device that correspond with campaign work- and election theory through a partly rational point of view has been constructed.

Män som mikroföretagare : Hur beskriver de balansen mellan arbete och övrigt liv?

The aim of this study was to explore how six men who run a micro-enterprisewith a maximum of 10 employees handle the balance between work and otherlife. Qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was conducted and thesample consisted of six men with micro-enterprises of varying ages. The themesused in the interviews were boundless work, roles, boundaries strategies anddemand / control - social support. The results showed that micro- entrepreneursdo not experience any major imbalance between work and other life. The studyrevealed that the division of roles in the home of the elderly respondents was ofthe classical gender character that woman took great responsibility in the home.Among the younger respondents the unpaid work at home was equal divided.Social support was perceived highly by all respondents, and they alsoexperienced a high level of control over the requirements of the job.

Den nöjda och osynliga bibliotekarien : Myt och verklighet - Vad är trivsel för bibliotekarier?

The aim of this thesis is to explore the job satisfaction of librarians and try to nuance stereotypes, which the public has and which still exist in massmedia concerning librarians and their work. The study is qualitative and based mainly on semistructured interviews with ten libraries born between 1937s and 1973s of which eight are women and two men. Furthermore, I have divided them into two groups according to age in order to see if there are differencies between the older and the younger concerning job satisfaction. In addition, I have used participant observation to some extent. My assumption is that job satisfaction is effected both by individual factors and environmental factors at work.

Kvinnliga virkesköpare inom Holmen Skog

Holmen Skog has only five out of 70 wood buyers who are women, This report is seen as a step in the process towards gender balance in the company. This is a problem that is equal over the entire forest industry in Sweden. They all think that sexual equal workplaces are very important to remain competitive, see things from different perspectives and development of the company. The survey was done by sending out questionnaires to all women who work and have worked as a wood buyer at Holmen, and as many men of both categories. These four categories became a total of twenty persons. To map the industry another questionnaire was sent out to the six largest forest companies in Sweden. The survey found that female wood buyers not finished their work earlier than men did, as they thought before.

Demonstrationsrigg för mätning av vätskors egenskaper

Scania CV is one of the world's largest truck manufacturer. It is not only the directproduction of vehicles and methods that are important for Scania but also the servicemarket handling spare parts, repairs and workshops. The department Vehicle ServiceInformation construct standard times through work measurement for particularworks in the workshops. The software application STAM is used in the servicemarket to create and store standard times which then are exported to theworkshops' own systems.The purpose of this master thesis is to analyse and evaluate the internal workmeasurement system that includes standard times and the software STAM. Also,based on external analysis and benchmarking of other systems suggest appropriatefuture development within the area for Scania Vehicle Service Information.In order to perform the investigation, interviews and studies have been doneinternally at the departments that are involved in work measurement as well asexternally at Scania workshops.

Situationsanpassat ledarskap för byggproduktion

A large cost at the construction sites today is the labour cost of the workers. But unfortunately the worker potential is not used to full. It is not unusual to take into a count with a work-­?place-­?additional-­?time of 50% in some cases. By increasing the workers' motivation and responsibility for their tasks may reduce the time considerably, which also increases the potential for greater gains in construction projects.By using the situational leadership may the workers level of maturity develop entirely.

DGPS användning på tröskor och dess olika funktioner :

With the days DGPS-technology can a position of 5 centimetres decides. With this exactly position is the technology very interesting for the agriculture. I think this technology can come more and more in the future. You can also move the fact and information further to the spreader, sprayer and seeders. If the combine is equipped with harvest accounting, can you with help of the system make harvest maps.

Bestämning av tryckfallet vid pneumatisk transport av sågspån : Genom simulering och praktiska försök

Minskad tillgång på fossila material och ökade energibehov i värden skapar ett behov av att utveckla alternativa och miljömässigt hållbara lösningar. Biobränsle har därför växt till en av de viktigaste förnyelsebara energikällorna i målet mot ett koldioxidneutralt samhälle. Dock skapar det obearbetade biobränslet problem, på grund av den höga fuktkvoten, mellan 50-150 %. Som en följd finns ett torkbehov som måste lösas på ett miljö- och energieffektivt sätt. Idag står torkningen av biomaterial innan pelletering för 25 % av den totala kostnaden vid pelletstillverkning.Kostnaden för att torka biomaterialet gör det viktigt att effektivisera torkningen, samtidigt bidrar torkningen till utsläpp av miljöfarliga ämnen såsom terpener.

Rektorers psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The purpose of this study is to review the legal situation of the psychosocial work enivronment for principals. The purpose is also to get an increased understanding for how the principals work environment can affect people involved in the swedish school. The psychosocial work environment is explained through studying European law, national law and case law. The principals work situation is studied by different sources, for example from the Work Environment Agency and a report from the Swedish School Agency. The legal dogmatic method has been applied with the legal sociology method to analyze the material.

Synt och sånt : Datorbaserat musikskapande på folkbibliotek, en studie i förutsättningar och praktik

Recent papers and bills from the Swedish Government deal with the possibilities  of giving all Swedish citizens the possibility of their own creative actlvities in the cultural sector. This work is about where such actlvities shall be placed in order to make them obtainable  for all. As an example of creative work this work takes computer-based music-making. At the public library in Odense, Denmark there is a weil functioning sound workshop where the public gets the opportunity of making music with some assistance from the staff. This work shows  that also in Sweden  the public libraries are the most suitable  institutions  for placing studies for computer-based music-making  for the public depending  on the public libraries'  traditions in adult education.

Kreativa föräldrar - En fallstudie om föräldraskapets och föräldraledighetens effekt på förälderns kreativitet i arbetet

Parenting and parental leave in a career context is a highly topical subject in which discussions about gender equality and corporate discrimination against parents occur daily. Media has recently raised the theory of parenting and parental leave as having positive impacts on personal development, such as creativity enhancement, which may promote the individual's work performance. Despite the subject's significant value for society and organizations, no scientific research is to be found. This paper examines how an individual's creativity at work is affected when becoming a parent and if parental leave has any contributory effect. Furthermore, the paper identifies and scrutinizes four creativity theories that may help explain these changes in creativity.

Bibliotekariers syn på Open access : Enkätundersökning bland bibliotek med inriktning teknik, naturvetenskap, medicin och farmaci

Open access to scientific literature on Internet is a concept which is supposed to change librarians' work. The aim of the thesis was to examine librarians' perception of Open access. A questionnaire survey was conducted among librarians at libraries with specialisation in technique, natural sciences, medicine and pharmacy in Sweden. Even though Open access can be regarded as an alarming for librarians' work, the results of the survey showed that the future of the librarians' profession can be positive if they flexibly adopt their work routines according to changes in publication forms and library users' needs..

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