

293 Uppsatser om Transformation and commodification. - Sida 2 av 20

Vi har alltid utmaningar på HR - nuvarande upplevelser och framtida behov vid användandet av IT-personalsystem

The aim of this thesis was to investigate how the use of the IT-personnelsystem influences human resources and the new challenges and future requirements that may occur, while IT-personnelsystem is used more extensively in the HR-function.Previous research referred to in this study, has focused on how the HR-transformation has contributed to the development of an IT-personnelsystem, which has been used with increasing frequency. This use has created a significant change in the HR-function. This thesis focuses on investigating, describing and analyzing how the practice and development of the IT-personnelsystem meets the needs of the HR-transformation.This study uses qualitative research methods to investigate sixteen users? experiences and our understanding and conclusion is based on both semi-structured interviews and webb surveys. Initially deductive, later on our study took a more abductive approach.The result indicated a variety of uses for a specific IT-personnelsystem dependent on the users? function and positions and also how HR-activity was organized within the business.

?Vi har alltid utmaningar på HR? - nuvarande upplevelser och framtida behov vid användandet av IT-personalsystem

The aim of this thesis was to investigate how the use of the IT-personnelsystem influences human resources and the new challenges and future requirements that may occur, while IT-personnelsystem is used more extensively in the HR-function.Previous research referred to in this study, has focused on how the HR-transformation has contributed to the development of an IT-personnelsystem, which has been used with increasing frequency. This use has created a significant change in the HR-function. This thesis focuses on investigating, describing and analyzing how the practice and development of the IT-personnelsystem meets the needs of the HR-transformation.This study uses qualitative research methods to investigate sixteen users? experiences and our understanding and conclusion is based on both semi-structured interviews and webb surveys. Initially deductive, later on our study took a more abductive approach.The result indicated a variety of uses for a specific IT-personnelsystem dependent on the users? function and positions and also how HR-activity was organized within the business.

Dealing with Dragons - parodi eller travesti på de klassiska sagorna?

Uppsatsen är en närläsning av Patricia C. Wredes bok Dealing with Dragons och undersöker huruvida boken i fråga är en parodi eller travesti på de klassiska sagorna, t.ex. Törnrosa och Askungen. Jag tar också reda på om det går att läsa boken på olika sätt beroende på hur stor förkunskap man har om de gamla sagorna. Gérard Genette har skrivit boken Palimpsestes: La littérature au second degré, och jag har med hjälp av en svensk översättning använt mig av hans teorier om hypotext - hypertext, parodi, travesti och transformation.

Från väpnad oppositionsgrupp till politiskt parti- En komparativ studie om transformeringen och institutionaliseringen av RENAMO, FRELIMO och SWAPO i Moçambique och Namibia

This thesis explores and compares the former armed opposition groups; Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) and South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) transformation processes into political parties. The first question addressed is; What factors determines the ability of these armed opposition groups to transform into political parties after armed conflict? The question is addressed through four structural and organizational factors; international involvement, the organizations ideology and identity, their ability to change inter-elite relationships and their ability to change collective incentive strategies. The second question addressed is if the transformations process can affect the parties? degree of institutionalization? The degree of institutionalization is examined through the party's adaptility, complexity, autonomy and coherence.

Linjechefers intention att fullfölja de förändringar en Human Resource Transformation medfört

I föreliggande studie har det undersökts vad som påverkat linjechefer att fullfölja sina förändrade arbetsförhållanden. Förändringarna är ett resultat efter att en större omorganisation har genomförts, en så kallad Human Resource Transformation. Studien baserades på Icek Ajzens Theory of planned behavior, vars utgångspunkt är individens intention att utföra ett tänkt beteende. Det antogs, utifrån Ajzen (1991), att de tre faktorerna, attityd, subjektiv norm och upplevd beteendekontroll var av betydelse för intentionen. Sammanlagt svarade 42 linjechefer från Skatteverket på en enkät om attityder, subjektiva normer och upplevd beteendekontroll gentemot de nya arbetsuppgifterna.

Nya toner inom styckena : Medietransformation i Kazuo Ishiguros Nocturnes

AbstractMany pupils struggleto read. Teachers must therefore know how to motivate these pupils. In this qualitative study the aim is to investigate what some teachers do to motivate pupils to read. Data were collected through interviews with four teachers from two schools. The teachers said that the choice of book was extremely important for making pupils interested in reading, and that reading aloud and cooperation with parents and libraries are of great importance.

Estetiska omdömens paradoxala natur : En jämförelse av Hume och Kant

This work is meant to contribute to the research of adaptation studies by focusing on a special case: the transformation of a fictional diary into a movie. In order to sustain the form of the literary source the adaptation to movie requires certain strategies. Först of all, the diary genre is characterized by a one-dimensional narration. Second, diaries only supply a few written dialogues, hence this "void" has to be compensated and filled by media specific measures. Third, the investigated diary is a story of individualization and emancipation of a single woman.

?Det är järnet i blodet som väger? : Elevers uppfattningar om materia en kvalitativ undersökning i årskurs 3

The purpose of this investigation was to find out more about students? spontaneous ideas about properties and transformations of matter. Examples of matter chosen are such which students know about from everyday life and focus is mainly on the questions if students know that all matter has weight and that matter is preserved in transformations.The method used is semi structured qualitative interviews with individual students. Different experiments were carried out together with the students who afterwards were interviewed. However, the students show varying answers and no generalizations can be done.

Avsikt, insikt och moraliskt ansvar : En genomgång av diskussionen gällande doktrinen om trippel effekt mellan Frances M. Kamm och John Harris.

This work is meant to contribute to the research of adaptation studies by focusing on a special case: the transformation of a fictional diary into a movie. In order to sustain the form of the literary source the adaptation to movie requires certain strategies. Först of all, the diary genre is characterized by a one-dimensional narration. Second, diaries only supply a few written dialogues, hence this "void" has to be compensated and filled by media specific measures. Third, the investigated diary is a story of individualization and emancipation of a single woman.

Bildförbättring över en bildsekvens

When SKL (Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science) gets images to analyse, the task often is to identify a person or an object. In that work it?s important to find features. Unfortunately images from camera surveillances often contain a lot of noise, so details can be hard to discern.A simple method to improve an image from a sequence is to compute the mean of some of the images. However, the part of interest in the image has to be in the same position in all images.

Att göra det osynliga synligt : En adaptionsstudie av en filmatiserad dagboksroman

This work is meant to contribute to the research of adaptation studies by focusing on a special case: the transformation of a fictional diary into a movie. In order to sustain the form of the literary source the adaptation to movie requires certain strategies. Först of all, the diary genre is characterized by a one-dimensional narration. Second, diaries only supply a few written dialogues, hence this "void" has to be compensated and filled by media specific measures. Third, the investigated diary is a story of individualization and emancipation of a single woman.

Troubleshooting the GFP-tagging gene knockout (GGKO) method for the Leptosphaeria maculans effectors AvrLm6 and AvrLm4-7

An attempt was made to GFP-tag the effector proteins of AvrLm6 and AvrLm4-7 using the GFP-tagging gene knockout method (GGKO) developed by Saitoh et al. (2008) in order to determine whether or not they are secreted. Successful pETHG-(target)KO vectors were not generated. The protocol was examined for potential errors. Fatal errors were pinpointed to the ligation reaction and the transformation required to generate and propagate the desired vector pETGH-(target)KO.

Flöden och processer på Fristadstorget

This thesis is about Fristadstorget in the city of Eskilstuna and how the square flow together with the user orientation could be improved. This work focuses on how public spaces best satisfy users through architecture, cognition and information interpretation. I've looked at people's movement patterns in Fristadstorget, with the help of observation from strategic locations. While I also integrated the city?s surrounding and taking in information from already existing buildings around the square.


Detta arbete är det första steget i en lång process vars slutgiltiga mål är att utveckla en metod för automatisk övergång från en icke-generisk objektorienterad applikation till en generisk.Helst borde stöd för en sådan transformation implementeras i en utvecklingsmiljö, IDE. En analogi skulle kunna dras till faktorisering av klasser, en operation som stöds av de flesta utvecklingsmiljöer idag. Som ett första steg i en pågående process är detta arbete tänkt att fungera som ett icke-trivialt exempel för framtida analys. Exemplet består av ett icke-generisk och ett generisk grafpaket som är skrivet i Java 1.4.2 respektive Java 5.0. Uppsatsen beskriver övergången från den icke-generiska till den generiska lösningen på systematiskt sätt som går att upprepa.

HR-omvandling på lösa grunder


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