1556 Uppsatser om Traditional computing - Sida 15 av 104
Föreställningar om effektivitet och tradition inom nytimring
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen Kulturvård, Bygghantverk, 22,5 hp, 2014.
Karriärmorsor och velourpappor : Bedömning av föräldrar som karriärister och föräldralediga
Familjestrukturer och föräldraroller är i förändring. Stereotyper av föräldraskap har bidragit till rådande attityder där män och kvinnor i icke traditionella familjestrukturer bedöms mindre fördelaktigt (Brescoll & Uhlmann, 2005). Studiens syfte var att se om attityder påverkas av huruvida föräldern är karriärist eller föräldraledig samt man eller kvinna. En pilotstudie genomfördes för att generera egenskaper för föräldraskap och bestod av 30 deltagare. I huvudstudien deltog 115 personer, varav 69 kvinnor och 46 män.
Diversifieringsmöjligheter och deras effekt på avkastning : en jämförande studie av etiska och traditionella fonder
Aim: Based on portfolio theory, which highlights diversification, and CSR, which describes the value of social and ethical responsibility of corporations, this study examines whether there is a difference in risk-adjusted performance between ethical and traditional mutual funds. Ethical funds are limited in their opportunities of diversification and should therefore be limited in their potential perfomance. On the other hand, a focus on social and ethical responsibility can be profitable.Method: The study uses a quantitative approach where we used 25 mutual fund in each category, ethical and conventional mutual funds. The mutual funds and their data has been obtained from www.morningstar.se and www.pensionmyndigheten.se. Historical performance between 2009-2013 were processed to obtain the Sharpe ratio and M2.
Change or die Bilden av folkbiblioteket i den nationella bibliotekspolitiken i Sverige och Danmark utifrån teorier om det postmoderna samhället.
The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate how the image of the Public library is described in the Swedish national library politics, and compare it with the image given of the public library in the Danish national library politics. The method used for this analysis is a comparative discourse analysis of the homepages produced by the Swedish central government Regeringen and Kulturrådet and its Danish counterpart Kulturministeriet and Biblioteksstyrelsen. Theories on postmodernity have been used to analyze how the Swedish and the Danish central governments image of the Public library corresponds with a changing society and the changing behaviour of the public library users. Our analysis concludes that the traditional view of the Public library as an institution mainly concerned with literature and reading still is of great significance in the discourse of the Swedish central government. In contrast, the Danish central government presents a more postmodern view of the public library as an institution that is part of the Information- and the Knowledge society.
I mötet mellan tradition och förändring : Om Wikipedia som encyklopedi
This study is about Wikipedia which defines itself as a free online encyclopaedia. Our chief interest lies in the debate and the controversy which has arisen around Wikipedia. After reading critical articles concerning Wikipedia we found that the debate for most parts had one identifiable theme namely the question whether Wikipedia is an encyclo-paedia or not.Encyclopaedia as a term and a phenomenon has a long tradition. Wikipedia, despite calling itself an encyclopaedia, functions differently in comparison to more traditional encyclopaedias. These traditional views involve encyclopaedic structure, its organiza-tion and its functions.
Den kulturpolitiska forskningens intellektuella bas och inriktningar ? En författarcociteringsanalys av artiklar publicerade i International Journal of Cultural Policy 2002-2007
The aim of this thesis is to map the intellectual base, and identify the general research interests, of Cultural Policy studies. In addition to this the thesis also aims to trace the uses of theoretical and conceptual approaches within the identified research interests. This is done by analysing citations from 130 articles published in the leading scientific journal International Journal of Cultural Policy between the years 2002-2007 using the bibliometric method author cocitation analysis (ACA). The results of the ACA confirm the overall notion that the research field of cultural policy studies is an ambiguous one, even when it?s studied with a quantitative method specialised in uncovering hidden structures within a given field as ACA.
Underliv och överordning ? En diskursanalys om motståndsaktivisternas tal om kvinnlig könsstympning/omskärelse i Tanzania
The aim of this study is to analyze the discourses of activists who work against female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Tanzania. The study focus on the discourses that arise during interviews about FGM/C with five activists. To examine this we asked the following questions: What discourses are presented in the interviews? How do these discourses interact together ? are there any discourse conflicts? How do the activists talk about FGM/C in comparison to our western view? The study is based on discourse theory. We also use feminism and postcolonialism as theories in our analyze.
Traditionell ekologisk kunskap i en framtid med lokala, självförsörjande och urbana samhällen
Several scenarios point toward a future where we are far more people on Earth than today, where most of those people will live in cities and where oil no longer dominates in the transport systems and in agriculture as an energy source and where less energy will be available to us. The report investigates what areas in traditional ecological knowledge that can contribute to the transition that follows a future with less energy and establishes three areas with the potential of becoming important: areaspecific biological knowledge in societies that are more dependent upon its surrounding environment and its natural prerequisitesthe local management of these biological resources, which often means a fair sharing and sustainable handling of the resources and which has been observed in Nobel price awarded Elinor Ostrom?s researchthe world views that lie behind how the environment is considered and managed, world views that can inspire and point toward how we in the future should formulate world views that do not give the destructive modern management of the environment It is also noted that the magnitude of the city living in the future is a historical news and that very little research has been done in how traditional knowledge can be transferred into this kind of living..
Värdering av tillgångar : En branschpraxis för klädbranschen och byggbranschen
The valuation of an asset is one of the most important thing with accounting, though one of the most difficult thing as well. However, in deciding useful service life for an intangible asset and property, plant and equipment, there are quite a margin for the companies, which creates a difference between companies and industries. When computing the value of the inventories there are a few possibilities available for the companies, which also can generate differencesbetween companies and industries. Although these differences can occur, there might be some similarities in the companies? estimates.
Framtiden för odlingslandskapets bebyggda kulturmiljöer - Konsekvenserna av hanteringen genom landsbygdsprogrammet 2014-2020
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program 15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2015:22.
En jämförelse mellan linjära och traditionella bedömningssystem hos hästar
In Sweden the breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood horse uses a traditional scoring system when evaluating horses. The horse is scored subjectively in relation to how good each trait is in relation to the breeding objective. Other countries, for example the Netherlands, instead use a linear scoring system. The linear scoring system evaluates the horse on a scale between two, for the breed, biological extremes which makes the evaluation more objective since the judges personal values does not influence as much. The breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood is today planning a change towards a linear scoring system.
Värdering av tillgångar : En branschpraxis för klädbranschen och byggbranschen
The valuation of an asset is one of the most important thing with accounting, though one of the most difficult thing as well. However, in deciding useful service life for an intangible asset and property, plant and equipment, there are quite a margin for the companies, which creates a difference between companies and industries. When computing the value of the inventories there are a few possibilities available for the companies, which also can generate differencesbetween companies and industries. Although these differences can occur, there might be some similarities in the companies? estimates.
Designprinciper för feedback i kontextmedvetna applikationer - En designstudie av feedbacks funktion för användares tillit mot kontextmedvetna applikationer -
Utvecklingen av kontextmedvetna applikationer har gett informationsteknologin nya möjligheter att låta användningen av tekniken gå mot den värld som beskrivs i Ubiquitous Computing. Forskning visar att en automatisk kontextanpassning kan ha negativ effekt på en användares tillit mot en applikations beteende. Därför har vi undersökt hur feedback kan användas för att generera en känsla av tillit mellan en användare och en kontextmedveten applikation. I genomförandet använde vi en explorativ designstudie. För att bygga vår undersökning från en teoretiskt informerad grund utformade vi ett antal designprinciper från teorier inom relaterade områden.
Ipad för undervisning : En kvalitativ studie av gymnasielärares erfarenheter och idéer kring praktisk tillämpning av Ipad i klassrumsundervisning
The aim of this essay is to investigate whether the role of the teacher and the teaching in the classroom is affected when the Ipad is introduced in an one-to-one situation, and if so how these effects occur. Previous research show that the introduction of new technology in education offers hope of a more effective way of learning but that this at the same time leads to challenges for traditional ways of teaching and traditional views on knowledge (Säljö & Linderoth (red.) 2009, Erixon (red.) 2014).The method used is a qualitative interview in combination with observations used as a complement to the interviews. Four teachers working on an upper secondary school have been interviewed and one lesson in English taught as a foreign language and one lesson in social science have been observed.The results show that the use of Ipad changes how the teachers relate to and use the teaching material, as all material can be gathered in the Ipad and accessed at all times and can also be shared with the pupils. The Ipad also makes it easier for the teachers to offer pupils individual instructions which the teachers view as positive. In addition, the Ipad enables a change in regards to the pupils as they switch from being users to becoming producers in the use of the Ipad which in the teachers? opinions offers more profound ways of learning..
?Jag tycker bara att jag gör vad jag vet att jag kan göra? : en undersökning av en webbaserad bibliotekskatalogs användarvänlighet utifrån användarnas perspektiv
The purpose of this Master's thesis is to examine whether a web-based library catalogue is to be considered user-friendly. We have examined this from a user-perspective by interviewing users of a web-based catalogue at a public library. In order to get a picture of the user-friendliness of a catalogue, the thesis is centred upon the following questions: How is a web-based catalogue used? What problems do the users experience? How is the catalogue perceived by its users? Since the producers of these catalogues now are taking into account the research upon human-computer interaction, we are also interested in finding out whether a web-based catalogue is more user-friendly than a more traditional OPAC. We do this by comparing the results of our examination with earlier studies of OPAC use.