

739 Uppsatser om Trade secrets - Sida 19 av 50

Moraliskt ansvar i privat konsumtion

The aim of this essay is to find out how students at Malmö University relate to moral responsibility in their private consumption. I am going to test moral theories in order to find out if researchers have a too moral starting point in comparison to everyday use. Through a critical research, free from valuation, I also aim to raise a discussion about moral responsibility which should lead to fair trade in the long run. My essay discusses the subject out of a Swedish city, Malmö - a place where many stores, cafés and restaurant are using moral responsibility as a step in their marketing. The results show that students are interested in morality but their financial conditions are their prior factor..

World Trade Center : ett arbete om hur myten påverkar oss

Det här arbetet fokuserar på den profana och religiösa människans omedvetna arketypiska arv som vi fått genom myterna, och vidare på hur detta påverkar oss i särskilda situationer. Som exempel har jag fördjupat mig i terroristattacken mot World Trade Center den 11 september 2001.I min första del beskriver jag myterna och olika mytkriterier, hur de är uppbyggda och vad de innehåller. Gemensamt för de olika myterna visar sig vara kampen mellan kaos och ordning och/eller det onda och goda, där harmoni måste råda på det jordiska planet såväl som på det gudomliga. I denna del tar jag också upp tidens betydelse och hur både den profana och religiösa tiden är av cyklisk natur där nyåret och återupprepning av högtider är av stor vikt för den psykologiska bearbetningen och personliga existensen.I min andra del beskriver jag staden New York och dess betydelse för innevånarna själva och omvärlden, som en stad med grandios arkitektur som själv talar om sig som en stad som symboliserar absolut frihet, välgång och tillväxt. Jag beskriver också tvillingtornen i World Trade Center som en axis mundi, ett mänskligt strävande åt det gudomliga, i världens navel, den absoluta mittpunkten.

Rättvis tanke eller Rättvis handling? En studie av svenska konsumenters attityder och köpbeteende beträffande rättvisemärkt livsmedel

Tidigare studier visar att konsumenter i allmänhet har en positiv attityd till Fair Trade-produkter men att köpbeteendet av dessa produkter inte överensstämmer med den positiva attityden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka relationen mellan svenska konsumenters attityd och köpbeteende gällande rättvisemärkt livsmedel samt undersöka vad som formar attityderna..

Kristianstad Kommuns destinationsutveckling : Utvecklingen utifrån tre hållbara aspekter

The ongoing construction of Kristianstad is a trade mall in the city center, the City Hall and the railway station neighborhood is rebuilding, new residential projects are planned and "The healthy garden", "Accessibility for everyone" and "ERA-farms" are also current. Kristianstad has always a sustainable way of thinking in the background during the development and they are trying to meet all three perspective of sustainability: economical, ecological and social. The municipality seeks knowledge both by sharing their own and takes part in other municipalities in the development process..

KRAV- och Fairtrade-certifierat kaffe : En studie om konsumenters attityd till och köpbeslut gällande ekologiskt och etiskt kaffe

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a correlation between attitude andbuying decisions of consumers regarding certified coffee. The study will examine whether marketsurveys measuring consumer?s attitudes, is a good method for predicting a purchasing decisionsregarding certified coffee.Method: To study consumer attitudes towards certified coffee, we have implemented a web-basedsurvey at Facebook. A total of 108 responses were recorded. To complement the Facebook study wehave conducted three surveys on persons who are customers at ICA.

Bagaren och biblioteket : Skolbibliotekets roll i undervisningen i karaktärsämnena på ett yrkesinriktat gymnasieprogram

In Swedish school library research, the role of the school library has seldom been studied in a subject-specific context. When it has been, the subject has usually been a theoretical subject such as Swedish or Social studies. The purpose of this master's thesis is to study what role or roles the school library can play in a different context, in the program-specific subjects at a trade oriented program in the Swedish upper secondary school, and to determine what factors affect the possibility for the school library to play a role in such a context. The Food Programme was selected as the specific program to be studied. In this program, the students learn a trade, in this case bakery, and the teaching in the program-specific subjects can be expected to be practical in nature.

Handelshinder som policy. Exportkontrollens effektivitet och påverkan på Sveriges handel med krigsmateriel 1984-2010 kopplat till policyutveckling.

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the regulatory power, efficiency and impact of export control on Swedish arms export from the 1980s onwards, linked to the delegation of authority of permit license to the Inspectorate of Strategic Products in 1997. An increase in the administrative sector, based on a collective decision making process and established criteria and guidelines, aimed to strengthen the control of arms export to non-democratic and problematic states. In short, the aim of the study is to investigate and analyze whether there was a decrease in the arms export to problematic states or not. On one hand, it is reasonable to assume that the introduction of the new regulation entailed a more strict arms export policy. However, previous research has showed that regulations are sometimes not effective since incentives to breach these may be present.The study begins by examining the Swedish case and situation in terms of arms manufacturing and export, as well as the delegation of authority and legislation applied to the field over time.

Mest för syns skull? : en studie av effekten på Sveriges utlandsexport av statsbesök

Detta är en undersökning av Sveriges statsbesöks effekt på Sveriges export. För att mäta effekten använder jag mig av en empirisk modell, den så kallade handelsgravitationsmodellen. Jag finner att det är svårt att hitta starka och statistiskt signifikanta bevis på att Sveriges statsbesök har en positiv effekt på exporten. När man isolerar för statsbesök i Europa utanför Norden finner jag till och med tecken på att de kan ha en negativ effekt. Jag har även jämfört effekten av Sveriges statsbesök med effekten av Storbritanniens och funnit att Sverige har en generellt lägre effekt än Storbritannien, oavsett vilken modell som används..

Att göra affärer i Kina - rättsligt skydd i lagen och i verkligheten

This thesis looks at the difference between the legal protection in law and the legal protection in reality when a small company working with international trade comes in contact with seller's breach of contract. The thesis uses a case taken from a company with over 30 years experience trading with China and looks at the legal protection available along with the different possibilities of dispute resolution available to a company and then looks at the reasons why this legal protection never becomes a reality and the thesis also analyses some possible reasons for this gap between law in the books and law in reality..

Blankning i rättslig belysning

Shortselling and loan of shares are becoming a common complement to"traditional"trade in shares. To be able to lend shares, it is necessary to reregister the shares so that the shortseller is competent to sell these shares further. In a legal sense, the proprietorship of the shares has changed hands, though it is not obvious for those involved to see what happens to the prorietorship. The obscurity is principally whether a complete changeover of the proprietorship is made between those concerned. This essay makes clear which legal consequences loan of shares and shortselling get concerning the proprietorship, and how a conflict between the lender and the third party should be solved if the shortseller becomes bankrupt.

Alternativ utformning av WTC i Växjö

Stationsområdet i Växjö genomgår omfattande förändringar, där bland annat planer för ett WTC finns. Ett förslag på nämnda byggnad har tagits fram, men det fick kritik. Man menade att det inte stämde in i stadsbilden. Vårt syfte och mål har därför varit att ta fram alternativa förslag på utformning av ett WTC, med hänsyn till kritiken. Vår metod bestod i att sätta oss in befintliga detaljplaner och utföra eget skissningsarbete.

Liv och rörelse på nya Kungsgatan : Ett arbete om framkomligheten på Kungsgatan i Eskilstuna

This report is about how accessibility in Eskilstuna's central trade street Kungsgatan can be improved, based on my background as spatial configuration designer, and by Eskilstuna's residents' opinions. In this report I explain what methods I have used, and how I attained my results. The goal of this project was to create ideal accessibility in the central part of Kungsgatan in Eskilstuna. Since Fristadstorget was rebuilt, and since the city is growing in terms of housing and residents, accessibility will in the near future be even more limited for visitors than it is today. My design proposal is designed based on street conditions, residents' opinions and Eskilstuna's existing ideas..

Centerpartiet och kärnkraften : En studie av förändring i ett parti

ABSTRACTD Level Essay in Political Science, Autumn Semester 2008 by Mattias Andersson. Tutor: Alf Sundin. ?The Swedish Centre Party and Nuclear Power. A Study of Change in a Political Party?The aim of this essay is to examine the policy of the Swedish Centre Party on nuclear power.

Visualisering av marknadsstatistik

The purpose of this master thesis was to explore and develop prototypes for visualization of trade statistics in a market surveilance application. In such an anapplication a large amount of information is processed. This information is then summarized and presented to the market surveillance staff. The practical part of this thesis was done at Scila AB in Stockholm. Three prototypes were developed based on modern visualization methods.

Grön marknadsföring i detaljhandeln

The purpose with this research is to examine how the green marketing in retail trade can be developed in order to promote the eco-labeled products closer to the consumer.The method for the survey includes interviews with managers of a few retailers and their customers in the industrial sector. The purpose with the interviews was to produce the retailer and the customer?s perspective of products with eco-label on.The research is limited to the region of Västra Götaland.The results from this research indicate that there is a lack of communication between the retailer and the consumer. The consumers don?t think that the product is available.

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