

739 Uppsatser om Trade secrets - Sida 17 av 50

Det antropocentriskt styrda Sverige : En undersökning om riksdagspartiernas miljöideologiska närings-, miljö- och jordbrukspolitik under mandatperioden 2002-2006

This essay examines the environmental ideological direction of the Swedish parliamentary parties through the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture during the governmental time from 2002 to 2006.The environmental ideologies explained is anthropocentrism, ecocentrism and biocentrism. Based on the ideas of these three ideologies main points the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture, also matching the search words environment and energy, was compared and analysed.What has emerged is that all parliamentary parties express a desire to create an energy production and producing guide lines which are stringent environmentally and matches the safety requirements. Although the approach to environmental and safety standards differ significantly between them. Basically all Swedish parliamentary parties are more or less anthropocentric in its arguments, which in short terms means that they estimate natures and animals value through their usability for humans or based on their contribution to human feelings of wellbeing.The Centre Party and the Green Party shows hints of weak ecocentrism because in many cases they put animal intrinsic value high, but the human value higher. Moderates are predominantly anthropocentric but they also express some hint of biocentrism in one statement concerning research in order to reduce and rebuild environmentally destroyed areas.

Rullarmering - Ett rationellt sätt att armera

This is a degree project performed at Halmstad University in Sweden on the subject carpet ofreinforcement. This project is developed in association with Celsa Steel Service in Halmstad.The purpose of this report is to investigate how much time that can be saved if carpet ofreinforcement is used instead of the traditional way to work with reinforcement and seewhat kind of parameters that is important between the choices. We are also going to seehow this product affects the situation for reinforcement workers from an ergonomic point ofview.Carpet of reinforcement is made by straight reinforcement?s bars that are welded togetherwith steel bands. These rolls are made at a factory with a machine that welds together thebars in determined centre distance, with desired dimensions after the constructionengineers? blueprints.

Prim, Stadsförnyelse i Barcelona

This final project discusses renewal and upgrading of the area of Prim. It is discussed how this industrial area can be an attractive neighborhood with a varied range of services and commercial trade. Prim is located 2km north-east of the center of Barcelona. The area boarders to a deep railway valley that historically has separated Prim from its neighboring districts. At present there is almost no housing, services or commercial trade within the area and the industry is discontinued or the existing industrial buildings are derelict. There is also a lack of green recreational areas.

Efterfrågan av grova sågade dimensioner och hyvlade produkter bland Wallnäs AB:s kunder : en marknadsundersökning

The purpose of this thesis is to study whether there is a demand for sawn wood products of large dimensions and planed goods among Wallnäs AB:s customers. The thesis consist of two main parts, one survey among Wallnäs present customers and another one which purpose is to increase Wallnäs customer base. Finally there is a chapter that describes what properties the raw material has to have in order to produce the demanded products. The survey to the present customers was conducted through a questioner. A sample of those who stated an interest for either sawn wood products of large dimensions or planed goods, were later contacted for a telephone interview. To reach out to new customers, relevant companies has been identified through the Swedish Trade Councils data base and through the member list of the Timber Trade Federation.

Utlandsetablering av små svenska IT-tjänsteföretag

This master of economics paper discuss that the globalization has lead to increasing internationalization among small Swedish IT- companies in the service sector. Sweden has a long history of foreign trade but in the beginning of the industrialization only large companies that produced goods answered for the foreign trade. Before, the Swedish companies begun their operations abroad in fairly nearby markets and only gradually penetrated far-flung countries. Now this is no longer possible. When small companies nowadays seek growth in other countries there is no time internationalize with the same approaches as before, especially when the company offers a service.


Jag har i mitt examensarbete skapat ett cykelmärke. Syftet har varit att fördjupa mig i grafisk design och skapa en komplett grafisk profil till ett företag och samtidigt att lära mig mer om hur man skapar en varumärkesidentitet. Det konkreta målet var att ta fram tillräckligt mycket material för att cykelmärket, komet, ska kunna lanseras på riktigt. Alltså ett identitetsprogram med grafisk profil, en provcykel, kommunikationsmaterial, en hemsida, en katalog, ett event etc..

Olof Palme och löntagarfonder : En studie om rörelsesocialism och statssocialism i den svenska arbetarrörelsen

The purpose of this essay is to examine wage-earners' investment funds from the ideological point of view. Were they in any way an integrated part of social democratical democratic socialism and reformism? I emphasize Olof Palme´s ideological idea of democratic socialism and reformism, and how he handled the issue. How did the question of these funds correspondent with the basic ideological points of view, and what was the standpoint of Palme in this issue.My method is built upon a deep study and analyses of SAP board of party and the standing committees protocol in the light of Olof Palme´s and SAP's ideology. I even use information from literature, inquiries and dissertations.

Katalog vs Nätbutik ? en studie om produktpresentation av modevaror inom distanshandeln

The survey Distanshandeln idag 2005, made by the Swedish postal service, tells us that web shops started to pop up in the 1990´s and began competing with the catalogue sells in the end of the decade. Ten years ago, it was said that the web shops would take over the distance trade market. Today we know that did not happen. Internet shopping accounted for 4, 2 % of all distance shopping in Sweden last year. Our inquiry is guided by the observation that the catalogue is still in use and moreover, it seems to have changed very little from when we were kids.

Obligatoriska ansvarsförsäkringar : deras ändamål och ändamålsenlighet

This paper treats the differences in terms of insurance between optional and compulsory third party liability insurances. It also treats the purpose of the compulsory third party liability insurances and their accordance with that purpose. The primary purpose of the optional third party liability insurance is to ensure the policyholder financial resources to cover possible claims for damages. The primary purpose of the compulsory third party liability insurance is to render possible the compensation of a third party for damage done. The policyholders financial ability to pay damages is of subordinate interest, and the purpose of compulsory third party liability insurances is thus twofold.

Svensk livsmedelsexport : hur upplever svenska livsmedelföretag exportmarknaden?

The food industry is an important part of the Swedish economy, It is the fourth largest industry in Sweden in terms of number of employees and production value. Due to the increasing globalization, the Swedish food industry faces new conditions and challenges. Through the Swedish membership in the European Union in 1995 a whole new era of competition began for the Swedish agriculture and food industry. Markets that previously were closed now opened. In retrospect, it should be noted that the Swedish food industry managed well.

Kapitalstruktur : Skuldsättningsgrad och avkastning hos svenska finansbolag

In a time when economic crises relieving one another, it is especially interesting to study how companies choose to finance their operations. Since there is a lack of studies that include banks, and their capital structures, with the rest of the finance market, it is uncertain whether the theories of capital structure are applicable. Therefore, this essay aims to study whether there is any correlation between the two variables debt-equity ratio and return on equity (ROE) for Swedish corporations on the finance market.In accordance with the theorems that the professors Modigliani and Miller filed, in 1958 and 1961, which describes a clear link between debts, increase corporate value through the tax shield and indirectly increased yields. Although these theorems are the foundation of the modern research they focus on perfect markets. Therefore, this paper has also chosen to place great emphasis on theories such as Trade-off and Pecking-order.

Omregleringens effekter på de kommunala bostadsfastighetsaktiebolagens kapitalstruktur : En kvantitativ studie om hur kapitalstrukturen förändras utifrån lagen om kommunala allmännyttiga bostadsaktiebolag

De kommunala bostadsfastighetsaktiebolagen har haft en fördel jämtemot de privata bostadsfastighetsbolagen när det kommer till risker och konkurrens där stora skillnader har varit tillgången samt kostnaderna för finansiering. För att verka för en mer konkurrensneutral marknad genomfördes en omreglering som implementerades genom en ny lag 2011. Lagen 2010:879 om kommunala bostadsaktiebolag åsidosatte det tidigare förbudet mot vinstdrivande verksamhet och inverkade konkurrensneutraliserande vad gäller bland annat de kommunala bolagens möjligheter till förmånlig finansiering. Utifrån förändringarna antas följande problemformulering:Har omregleringen 2011, genom lagen 2010:879 om allmännyttiga kommunala bostadsaktiebolag, lett till en förändring av de kommunala bolagens kapitalstruktur?Givet problemformuleringen kommer studien att undersöka två teorier som utvecklats genom Modigliani-Miller, vilka är trade-off teorin samt pecking order teorin.

Sol, sand och socialt ansvar? : En studie om svenska researrangörer, svenska resenärer och rättvis turism

Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet turism och rättvis handel ur en geografisk synvinkel. Utgångspunkten är den ideella organisationen Tourism Concerns kriterier för en rättvis turism, som poängterar researrangörernas uppfostrande roll i marknadsföringen. Enligt detta NGO-perspektiv borde researrangören tillgodose resenären med information som möjliggör ett medvetet val, uppmuntrar resenären till ett mer ansvarsfullt och rättvist beteende väl på destinationen samt en rättvis beskrivning av destinationer i marknadsföringen. De menar att en påläst turist bidrar till ett mer rättvist förhållande mellan turist och lokalbefolkning. Fair Trade ? rättvis handel inom turism behandlas i uppsatsen dels som ett medel för en mer rättvis regionalgeografisk beskrivning av platser, dels som en väg till regional utveckling.Uppsatsen syfte är att beskriva och analysera de tre största svenska researrangörerna, Apollo, Fritidsresor och Vingresor, information till resenären gällande ansvarsfullt och rättvist resande, dels genom konkreta råd till resenären, dels i marknadsföringen av destinationer i utvecklingsländer.

Feedback och hälsa : en studie hos ett statligt verk

Today, many discussions are taking place through different platforms concerning the huge problem of ill health within modern society. Ill health tends to affect both children and adults. For the adult sector ill health may lead to doctor?s notification of illness in the short term and on the long term permanent disability benefit. In the mass media there are often articles published that point out the rising number of people with sick pay and people being given permanent disability benefit.

Konceptbutiken - Kinderägg i stor skala?

Vi vill karaktärisera fenomenet konceptbutik och undersöka hur den kan fungera som ett verktyg, för att bygga upp sitt varumärke. Konceptbutiker handlar om att ge upplevelser och erbjuda aktiviteter. Genom de fem sinnena kan man involvera kunden och ge den en upplevelse. Det optimala för en konceptbutik är att enbart sälja ett varumärke då dess syfte är att stärka det. Personalen och interiören har visat sig ha en viktig roll när det gäller att föra ut rätt budskap..

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