

828 Uppsatser om Trade label - Sida 50 av 56

Joint Venture i Kina : Under vilka förutsättningar?

Kina, en marknad som började öppnas upp för omvärlden i slutet av 70-talet, har idag minskat på regleringarna gällande utländska företagsetableringar i landet. I och med Kinas medlemskap i World Trade Organisation har yttre påtryckningar från WTO gjort att det idag inte ställs samma krav i alla branscher på Joint Venture för direktinvesteringar gällande företag med produktionsverksamheter i landet. Många stora svenska produktionsföretag har idag valet att agera självständigt med innebörden att de antingen går ur sina samarbeten eller köper upp sin kinesiska partner. Anledningarna till att samarbetena ingicks var självklara, men vilka är premisserna för att företagen ska stanna kvar i dem? Syftet är att finna motiven bakom Joint Ventures i Kina och se för- och nackdelarna med dessa och vilken inverkan de har på de svenska produktionsföretagen efter det att marknaden öppnats ytterligare.

Framtagning av beräkningshjälpmedel för tvärkraftbelastade förband med förbindare av metall.

The governing set of regulations for structural engineering in Sweden used to be Boverket, BKR. However in the beginning of the 21st century a changeover to new regulations, the Eurocodes, started.The transition was completed in year 2011 when the Eurocodes became the mandatory design work policy for all countries within the European Union. The Eurocodes were implemented to simplify and remove potential barriers to trade that may exist when countries have different design rules.  Since the changeover it has been important for all construction companies to update their knowledge base and their design software.When comparing the two calculation processes they seem similar, but there are a couple of differences worth noting.  With the new regulations, engineers will find that the process when designing joints in timber structures has changed.  What used to be a fairly easy and straight forward calculation procedure has now become tedious and time consuming.The objective of this degree project is to present a product, a dimensioning tool that will help structural engineers when computing lateral load carrying joints in timber structures.The degree project is made up of two parts where the first part is the written report describing the background and theory behind load carrying computations. The second part of the project is the actual dimensioning tool which includes several worksheets in Microsoft Excel. The program treats single and double shear connections of the following:Nail jointsScrew jointsSteel plates (thick and thin types) The user can edit the following parameters:Type of plate/ number of shearsStrength class of timber membersMember and plate sizeType of fastenerDiameter of fastenerLength of fastenerYield moment of fastenerkmod and partial factors for design load carrying capacityThe dimensioning tool was created and developed in collaboration with structural engineers at the company Byggteknik AB.

Diskursanalys på den Etiopiska regeringens nationala handlingsplan om bekämpning av ökenspridning

In this paper discourse analysis on the Ethiopian National Action Program (NAP) to combat desertification is made. The aim is to describe how the overall image/picture of desertification, its causes, and effects and of possible solutions are presented in the NAP. The result of this analysis shows that the main cause of desertification is human activities mainly due to the poorly developed socio-economic situation in the dryland areas. It is indicated that an excessive dependency of the rural population on the natural resources, particularly land, is the major cause of land degradation and this deterioration of land is said to have been caused by the rapid population growth, overgrazing, forest clearing as well as past government and institutional failures. In addition it is indicated that the effect of desertification usually involves ecological changes that sap land of its ability to sustain agriculture and human habitation, therefore the most serious threat to human welfare.

Finansiella instrument för svenska lantbruksföretag : riskhantering och finansiella instrument för lantbruksföretag i Sverige

The survey describes a number of risks that Swedish farming companies are exposed to. The risk areas covered by the survey are currency risks, price risks and financial risks. The survey further describes why these risks have a great impact on the future development of the farming companies. The survey highlights the interrelation between the risks and the measures which can be used to minimize the risks, so-called financial instruments. The aim of the survey is to put focus on above mentioned risks and describe how these risks can be reduced to prevent the Swedish farming industry from stagnating in the future. The survey is a secondary survey whereby existing knowledge about risks and risk management is applied to farming companies. The written information on price risks and hedging is primarily derived from foreign sources.

Handel - lycka eller olycka för nordborna i Grönland?

Grönland är och har varit en mycket speciell plats. Nordborna kommer till Grönland cirka 985 e. Kr. De kommer dit som jordbrukare med boskap: kor, får och getter har de haft med sig från Island och Skandinavien. Nordborna upptäckte snart vilka rika naturresurser som fanns på vissa platser i Grönland såsom täljsten.

Analys av varumottagningen och den interna logistikens effekter i Atollen

In central Jönköping, on Munksjöns northern waterside a shopping centre will be built, on the block Atollen. The construction will begin in autumn of 2007 and will be finished according to plan in 2009. Atollens goal is to counteract the competition from external retailers and strengthen the retail trade in the city centre, leading to more attractive and competitive city centre.Atollen will not be a shopping centre in traditional style and design, it will be focused on shopping and experience. The shopping centre shall be a natural venue with a wide and exclusive store mix, concentrated against trend conscious customers. This will be created with the help of a futuristic design and architecture, with light, open and transparent spaces.

Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen : Vilka skillnader finns det mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och privata arbetsförmedlingar?

During half a century the society has been changed from an industrial to knowledge-driven society. Industry companies have standardized requirements and companies that works with development in production has unique qualifications. The public employment office was created during a time that each tailored to then general requirements were dominating and the adaptation average appropriate worker and appropriate work where general. When the monopoly was stopped, crew companies begun to settle down on the market that flexibly adapt themselves to carried out now specialized needs that require sophisticated adaptation average work and job seekers. Companies lose the confidence for the public employment office and politicians threaten the organization with big closure.

Kan Starbucks erövra Sicilien? En fallstudie om globalt utbud och lokal efterfrågan

Titel: Kan Starbucks erövra Sicilien? En fallstudie om globalt utbud och lokal efterfrågan Författare: Bernadett Dimovski, Andreas Johansson, Marcello SciaccaHandledare: Stefan Gössling, Josefine Östrup Problem: Globalisering är ett allt oftare omtalat ämne. Globala företag försöker etablera sig på nya marknader och vill skapa en efterfrågan för sina produkter och tjänster. Dessa företag brukar oftast erbjuda ett nytt eller annorlunda sätt att konsumera en vara eller tjänst. Detta gör de för att utmärka sig från de lokala företag som redan finns på marknaden och kanske till och med är en del av den lokala kulturen.

Collaboration to address a wicked problem : the case of certified palm oil

Corporations meet complex challenges as they operate on a global market. Global multidimensional problems are referred to wicked problems and which cannot be solved only managed. In this case, of certified palm oil, palm oil production can be seen as a wicked problem due to deforestation of rainforest, land grabbing and social conflicts. There are also conflicts regarding the value and interest of palm oil. This thesis investigates the Swedish transformation for certified palm oil and how actors in the Swedish food market address this transformation to have certified palm oil in their production. The aim of this thesis is to explain enabling factors to address the governance gap of ethical sourcing in the food industry.

En berättelse om motivation - fallstudie av det vardagliga motivationsarbetet i ett detaljhandelsföretag

Problem: Personalen är en betydelsefull komponent i detaljhandelsföretag, i många fall till och med viktigare än de produkter som erbjuds. Vi anser att detta är något som alla företag bör ta i beaktning och som i framtiden kommer att ha en än mer betydande roll och som kommer att kunna kopplas till ett företags framgång. För att personalen ska känna sig betydelsefulla har vi förstått att motivation är en väsentlig faktor. Därför är det enlig oss viktigt att åskådliggöra motivationens betydelse. Syfte:Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka och få en större insikt i vad som dagligen motiverar butikspersonalen i den så personalintensiva detaljhandelsbranschen samt att återge, tolka och jämföra olika berättelser kring motivation.

Utmaningar i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön - en studie av HR-arbete i ideell sektor

The purpose of this study is to conduce to the understanding of what challenges the HRdepartmentfaces in the work with the psychosocial work environment in nonprofit organizationsin Sweden. A particular focus in the study is on how the certain features of the nonprofit sectoraffect and tend to contribute to these challenges. In both Swedish and International research thereappears to be a lack of studies that deal with the psychosocial work environment in the nonprofitsector, which is one of the main reasons for this study. International research show, among otherthings, that employees in this sector have a higher degree of work satisfaction than in othersectors. Especially, they value the sense of making a contribution to the society, to get feedbackon their work performance as well as they expect a high level of co-determination.

Förfogandeförbudets framtid. Förutsättningar för, och eventuella konsekvenser av, ett avskaffande av kravet på förfogandeförbud vid användning av återtagandeförbehåll.

In order for a retention of title clause (ROT-clause) to be valid against third parties underSwedish law, the debtor must be prohibited to dispose of the object transferred. Forinstance, the debtor must not be allowed to resell the object without the creditor?spermission or before the object has been fully paid. If the creditor gives consent to thedebtor?s disposal, he loses his right of separation.

The diffusion of minimum tillage in agricultural China : a study of the factors influencing the farmers? choice of tillage system

The Chinese government´s aim to be self-sufficient in food production in combination with the increased food consumption in China has put high pressure on the productivity within the Chinese agricultural sector (He j et al, 2010). In order to increase the productivity, modernization and adoption of new farming techniques are essential. The opportunity to adopt and import foreign technology has lately been possible in China, as more authority and decision rights have been given to the individual farmers and the country has opened up for foreign trade (Zheng, 2012 & Fan, 1991). A more open Chinese market enables new opportunities for foreign agricultural companies to expand their businesses by introducing their products to Chinese farmers. But to succeed with this strategy the Chinese farmers must be willing to adopt these, for them new innovations. Minimum tillage is a tillage practice used worldwide that is suitable in northern China where drought and erosion are the main problems in the crop production (pers.com., Arvidsson, 2012). Potential users? opinion of new innovations such as minimum tillage is closely related to adoption (Rogers, 2003).

"Gävlemodellen" : ? Födseln av en unik "bildbyrå" tillhörande två konkurrerande tidningar i Gävle

The role of the professional photographer is ever changing. The changes take place as the Swedish media industry itself, due to fluctuations in the economy, is forced to change. As the demand for printed news wane, the advertisers seek out other media and free newsprint & the internet take over large portions of the market, the newspaper industry is forced to cut issues and make drastic changes to stay in business. This changes directly affects the way news bureaus are organised and inevitably changes the working conditions of their employees. The two competing newspapers ?Arbetarbladet? and Gefle Dagblad? in the Gävle district were affected by this kind of change in quite a unique way.

Elevers uppfattning om tematisk undervisning : -En studie av elever i år 9 och år 3-4   

Bodell, Malin & Norell, Merja (2008): Åtta gymnasielärares didaktiska tankar om samhälls- och historieundervisning och en nutidshistorisk händelse. Examensarbete i didaktik. Lärarprogrammet. Institutionen för Pedagogik, didaktik och psykologi. Högskolan i Gävle.

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