3596 Uppsatser om Town quality - Sida 18 av 240
Benchmarking - En drivkraft för organisationers kvalitetsutveckling?
Benchmarking is an established method of working which is often used in order to develop the quality of the organization. However, almost 70% of the organizations with benchmarking fail due to the lack of planning and structuring of the benchmarking exercise. Maintenance sections in the paper and pulp industry are one of those who have decided to conduct benchmarking. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to gain knowledge of how the maintenance sections in the paper and pulp industry deliberately structure and plan to use benchmarking as a driving force for quality development in the maintenance sections.The study is a hermeneutic case study. Telephone interviews and document analysis have been used as data acquisition methods.The results show that there is a lack of both planning and structuring in the benchmarking process, and lack of management commitment for quality improvements within industrial maintenance.
Kvalitetsbedömning av selekterad och oselekterad hingstsperma med hjälp av flödescytometri och fluorometri, före och efter seminsäsongen :
Most Swedish Warmbloods are bred by artificial insemination (AI). Quality control of the semen consists of the subjective evaluation of motility. There is a need for a more accurate and objective method of rating the semen. In this study we compared fluorometry with flowcytometry as a method for evaluating sperm viability. Semen was collected from three stallions, stationed at Markebäcks Gård, Askersund, three times during week 15 and week 34, 2008.
Valet av hög revisionskvalité : Vilka faktorer beskriver valet?
This paper analyzes the auditor choices for a sample of 300 predominantly small Swedish firms, all located in Umeå. Our hypothesis was based on the complexity of a firm, the need of external financing, leverage, and the need of extra consultance from the auditfirm. Our definition of auditor quality is based on prior studies, and is frequently used by authors in this area. The assumption is based on that the auditor quality increases with the size of the auditfirm and the degree of the auditor. The auditor quality is therefor depending on the choice between an auditor from the group ?Big 5? or not, and the choice of an auditor with an higher degree.
Det ligger i luften - en enkät undersökning om kvalitetssäkring av ventilation på oprationssalen
ABSTRACTIntroduction: Postoperative wound infection is the third most common nosocomial infection in Sweden. The ever-growing problem of antibiotic resistance provides surgical departments a big challenge when it comes to preventing the spread of infection. Operating theatre nurses have a vital role in the prevention of infection. In addition, correct ventilation in the operating theatre is of great importance. The caregiver is responsible for quality assurance of ventilation in the operating theatre, but the work can be delegated to other staff within the department.
Mincing the brand ? A study of the relationship between private labels and retailer brands
Purpose: To contribute to the understanding of the relationship between private labels and the retailer brand in grocery retailing. Methodology: We use structured interviews as a cross-sectional method for quantitative data collection. The existence of the relationship is tested through correlation analysis and regression analysis. Theoretical perspective: Perceived quality of private labels and of retailers are the main theoretical concepts for this thesis. Additionally, we introduce the concept of loyalty to show the benefits of a positive consumer image.
Skolans kvalitetsredovisningar och isomorfism : - En innehållsanalys av kvalitetsredovisningar 1997-2006
AbstractIn 1997 a regulation were introduced to the swedish school system, Förordning om kvalitetsredovisning i skolor m.m SFS 1997:702 (Regulation about account of quality works whithin the school system). The preceding discussion noticed that municipalities and schools lacked in their progresive quality work. Messures had to be taken. Since the introduction of the regulation the government has decreed changes and additions to the original regulation. This has led to changes of substance and form in the quality work account to the administration during time.
Upplevelser av livskvalitet i samband med en pacemakeroperation : En litteraturstudie
The purpose of this literature study was to describe how patients experience their quality of life while undergoing a pacemaker implantation. Searches were carried out in the databases Academic Search Elite, Ebsco Host, Pub Med, Pub Med Central, Science Direct and manually. Keywords used were quality of life, treatment outcomes, emotions, pacing and life. This resulted in nineteen peer rewieved articles that were selected for the study results. The results showed that patients undergoing a pacemaker implantation experienced an improvement in their physical health with increased functional status, more energy and strength.
Livskvalitet hos personer med cancersjukdom inom palliativ vård
AbstractBackground: Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.6 million deaths, about 13% of all deaths, in 2008. Several factors can affect patients' quality of life such as physical and psychological symptoms, relationship to people around and the environment. In palliative care professionals need to have good knowledge in order to improve patient quality of life and to give them as good a life as possible in the final stages of life.Aim: The purpose of this overview study is to describe the experiences of quality of life in patients with incurable cancer.Method: We conducted an overview study that was based on ten scientific articles. All articles are qualitative studies, from the year 1995 - 2011, and are from Sweden, Finland, UK, Canada and the USA. Qualitative analysis was used to group the various themes and subthemes for overview study purpose.
KOM LOSS En studie av Läs- och skrivstugans verksamhet på tre bibliotek i Västra Götalandregionen
The purpose of this Master Thesis is to investigate whether the technical service available in the "Reading and Writing Corner" has an influence on the total quality of service in a public library. This service is intended to give sensory/print-handicapped persons access to information. The title KOM LOSS is a Swedish expression for "come on" and LOSS is short for reading and writing support. I have chosen to study three libraries in the region of Västra Götaland, Sweden. The thesis examines total quality from the aspects of goal steering, accessibility, education and marketing.
Kvalitetsbristkostnader i samband med reklamationsprocessen
During the 1970?s the interest for quality management and the concept of quality costs increased considerably. Business leaders noticed that there was a great potential for reducing costs of poor quality. Since up to 10-30% of a company?s total turnover may consist of poor quality costs some consider them as an unexploited goldmine.
Lean Product Development - Will it deliver products faster, better and cheaper?
Abstract Tutor - Anders Richtnér History - Theories suggest that Lean Product Development strategies dramatically increase a company's performance through enabling faster T-T-M, Quality and Costs of Product Development. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is therefore to investigate whether the implementation of LPD actually affect corporate performance measurements T-T-M, Quality and Cost, in a positive way. Methodology - This Bachelor thesis is an exploratory investigation of the concept of Lean Product Development within a global IT- company, performed through four case studies, interviews and complementing corporate performance data. Findings - With empirical data and subsequent analyzes in mind, we note the following; it is clear that the project that produced the best results, in terms of T-T-M, Quality and Cost, also was the one furthest in the process of implementing Lean Product Development..
Bil- och järnvägstrafikens inverkan på inomhusmiljön med avseende på ljud och luft : - I planerade bostäder på Haga
NCC has given us a commission to investigate a planned housing area in Haga, Karlstad, situated close to the traffic route Hagaleden and the railway. The housing area consists of one hundred apartments in five different houses. The houses are linked to each other by balconies with glass panels. A long carport is situated between Hagaleden and the housing area to absorb part of the noise from the road. The design of the housing area is creating a silent backyard.
Bibliotekspersonalen utfärdar lånekort Studenters uppfattning av bibliotekspersonalens service
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to study students perception of the services that the library staff provides and the library staffs opinion of the students perceptions. With the concept service we mean the treatment, the attitudes and the qualities that exist between the library staff and their users. Our purpose is also to examine how the users experienced services quality. Our survey was conducted at an academic library with questionnaires to both students and library staff. We analysed the result of the survey by using three theories by Lundmark, Keen and Grönroos and Monthelie.
Schizofreni och Quality of Life : Vilka faktorer påverkar Quality of Life hos personer med schizofreni i öppenvården? En litteraturöversikt.
BAKGRUND: Schizofreni är en allvarlig psykiatrisk sjukdom som innebär ett stort lidande för den drabbade. Sjukdomen kan leda till symtom så som hallucinationer, förvrängd verklighetsuppfattning, apati och tillbakadragenhet. Sammantaget innebär detta att patienter med schizofreni skattar sin Quality of Life lägre än genomsnittspopulationen.SYFTE: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar Quality of Life hos personer med diagnosen schizofreni och som behandlas i öppenvården.METOD: Undersökningen genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar som stämde överens med studiens syfte ingick, de granskades kvalitémässigt och genomgick en strukturerad analys.RESULTAT: De identifierade faktorer som påverkade Quality of Life hos personer med schizofreni delades in i tre huvudkategorier som var synonyma med Anontonvskys KASAMbegrepp: begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Som underkategorier till dessa begrepp identifierades följande underkategorier: Positiva symtom, den kognitiva förmågan, den psykosociala situationen, att ha kontroll över vardagen, fysisk hälsa, stöd från vården och livsglädje och optimism.
Faktorer som kan påverka livskvaliteten hos personer med diagnosen multipel skleros. En litteraturstudie.
Multiple sclerosis is a disease whose course is capricious and unprediactable and the exact cause of the disease is still unclear. The purpose of this literature review was to describe factors that can effect quality of life of people with diagnosis multiple sclerosis. The results shows ten different factors that effect quality of life of people with MS: fatigue, activities in daily life, position of dependence, limits of the functional abilities, sense of guilt and shame, comunicationdifficulty, social network, emootional factors, depression and degree of difficulty of the symtomes. Work has been shown to bee a major factor that can make people with MS feel worthy and experience quality of life. Nurs is an important keystone in care of people with diagnosis multiple sclerosis..