

1267 Uppsatser om Top 10 requirements - Sida 8 av 85

Ekologisk gestaltning : en utvärdering av hur landskapsarkitektur påverkas av ett ekologiskt förhållningssätt

This paper examines and compares several different sites in Sweden in addition to one in Mexico regarding whether the ecological requirements theses sites have had during planning and construction has affected the design in any way. Is it possible that, for different reasons, one thinks ?like nature? when one thinks of ecology and, if true, how does this reflect on the spatial and structural design? This paper tries to identify if some sort of general design expression is used in projects with requirements on ecological sustainability. In total, five projects have been compared in different areas such as choice of materials and their composition. These projects have an ecologically sustainable processing of water in common, although most also have ecological consideration in other areas as well.

IOGT-NTO möter EU : En analys av IOGT-NTO:s debatt kring förhandlingarna och inträdet i EU i tidningen Accent

The purpose of this study is to find out how IOGT-NTO conducted the debate about the Swedish negotiations with EU concerning the accession. The essay investigates how the debate was conducted between the years 1993, 1994 and 1995. A further distinction lies in five requirements IOGT-NTO delivered before the negotiations.The material for this study lies primarily in the editorial pages of IOGT-NTO's magazine Accent. The background content comes primarily from secondary sources and deals with the temperance movement and IOGT-NTO, and dealing with the EU and the Swedish alcohol policy.In July 1991, Sweden submitted its membership application to EU and subsequently in the 1993 the negotiations began. During the same time IOGT-NTO began its debate on a possible EU membership in the Accent magazine.

Risk för dehydrering och svält preoperativt.  : En kartläggning av preoperativa fasteperioden hos patienter med kroniskt subduralhematom

ABSTRACT The purpose of this medical record research was to study 30 patients with chronic subdural hematoma on a neurosurgical clinic, mapping documented nutritional status, preoperative fasting and hydration and energy supply before surgery. In addition peroperative administration of fluid and vasoactive drugs, as well as postoperative complications and length of hospital stay were studied. The mean age of the patients was 71 years. Nutritional status was evaluated in 12 patients, out of these seven were judged to be at risk for under nutrition. Fifteen patients had surgery day 1 (total fasting time on average m 11 h), eleven had surgery day 2(29 h), three had surgery day 3 (35 h).

Framtagande av kravspecifikation för standardsystem

There are several methods and models within the areas of software engineering on how to proceed during a software development process. For each of these methods and models there are benefits and drawbacks, depending on how you choose to look at them. A difference of principle between the different models is that they either advocate iterative development or not. In parts of software engineering one makes use of different methods depending on which is most fitting in a specific situation. There are several methods on how to recieve more qualitative data from the end-users during the requirement collection, but the reappearing pattern is still user centric participation, which means that the user participates more actively in part of or the entire development process.

LVU i ett genusperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om tillämpningen av LVU 3§ Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga

The aim of the study learn about if the court assesses boys and girls on an equal basis, or if there are norms of gender constructed in society that appears in the Administrative Court of Appeal. And we want to find out how norms, in this field, are different between boys and girls. We used the judgments of the Administrative Court of Appeal and went through the descriptions of the girls and boys. What basis was used in the judgment of LVU, to do this, we used discourse analysis. We summarized all judgments and then described the outcome of each requirement in LVU, we categorized the results for three requirements, other socially destructive behavior, criminal activity and abuse.

Distributionell karaktär hos vissa kategorier av ord

The amount of information stored on the internet grows daily and naturally the requirements on the systems used to search for and analyse information increases. As a part in meeting the raised requirements this study investigates if it is possible for a automatised text analysis system to distinguish certain groups and categories of words in a text, and more specifically investigate if it is possible to distinguish words with a high information value from words with a low information value. This is important to enable optimizations of systems for global surveillance and information retrieval. The study is carried out using word spaces, which are often used in text analysis to model language. The distributional character of certain categories of words is examined by studying the intrinsic dimensionality of the space, locally around different words.

Agilt - men agilt nog?

This paper aims to investigate whether a small organization with small development teams can find a value in leaving a functioning development process to follow a formal systems development methodology, if these organizations can find support in an agile systems development method and in such case the method needs to be adjusted according to the organizations unique conditions.A traditional plan-driven system development methodology includes a number of phases that are carried out sequentially and a completed phase can basically not be resumed. All requirements are specified at the beginning of a project and at the end of the project only one delivery of software take place. This can cause difficulties in for example dealing with changing requirements. Agile system development methods intend to deal with changing requirements and to enable continuous delivery of valuable, working software.In this paper, both the traditional plan-driven methods and agile methods will be explained. Research methodology and existing system development theories will be discussed and a company where the study has been conducted will be presented.

Hantering av verksamhetskrav : Utredning av hur hantering av verksamhetskrav från kunder kan förbättras på Saab Aerosystems

Saab Aerosystems have had one dominating product, JAS 39 Gripen, and one dominating customer, FMV, for a long time. The operations management system at Aerosystems is adjusted for development of Gripen and as the business unit is trying to enter new markets with other products and customer the operations needs to be adjusted to fit the development and manufacturing of these products as well.The purpose of the master thesis has been to investigate how Aerosystems is managing requirements on operations from external customers and how to make improvements within this area. The aim has been to carry out a situation analysis to identify where improvements are possible and then produce proposals for improvements through studies of literature and other business units. The thesis also include a study of knowledge transfer within the business unit to investigate how this can be applied to improve the managing of requirement on the operations.An extensive interview study has been carried out in which interviews mainly have been conducted with employees at Aerosystems, but also at Saab Avitronics and Saab Aerostructures. The reason why these business units have been examined is because they have carried out a large number of successful businesses with external customers, which also are potential customers for Aerosystems in the future.The interviews have been analysed to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with the present way of working.

Ombyggnad av lägenheter i ett 1950-tals flerbostadshus till kontorsbyggnad

The report aim to increase awareness of factors that have a major role whenremodelling an apartment building from the 1950s to offices.The thesis can be used for future projects when remodelling apartments to offices.The report can provide ideas and inspirations on how this can be done in aneffective way, ie . A way that does not require rebuilding the supporting structure,but only non bearing walls. The thesis also gives insight on the parts that will needto be supplemented from Boverket?s requirements in terms of accessibility,acoustic and fire requirements.The methods used in this thesis are literature studies, case study and sketch work.In the literature studies, the primary sources were Boverkets byggregler BBR, andArbetsmiljöverkets föreskrift AFS 2009:2 but other literature were also used. Theprimary items were chosen from the literature studies and they were furtheranalysed in the sketch work.

Konstruktion av bakgavellift

At this point seamen have a lot of tasks of administrative character, beyond the traditional tasks aboard a ship. Due to the new conventions that are formed by IMO, more requirements are added which often lead to time consuming administrative tasks and documentation that should be spent on activities which are contributing to the ships safety. The issue has been observed by IMO that has through BIMCO done a study with the aim to identify and reduce administrative burdens at sea.The primary aim of this study is to find out if safety officers aboard Swedish ferries consider that SOLAS Chapter III, 8.3 och 19.5 regulations are administrative burdens, restricted to muster lists and documentation of training aboard the ship.The secondary questions to the study are if it is possible to remove, combine or change the documents and how much time can be saved by doing this. The question about timesaving could not be answered, because the values were scattered and could not be used for further investigation. The observed values were accumulated by a survey and the result indicated that safety officers did not experience the two regulations as administrative burdens.

Intensivvårdsventilation i tryckkammare

At this point seamen have a lot of tasks of administrative character, beyond the traditional tasks aboard a ship. Due to the new conventions that are formed by IMO, more requirements are added which often lead to time consuming administrative tasks and documentation that should be spent on activities which are contributing to the ships safety. The issue has been observed by IMO that has through BIMCO done a study with the aim to identify and reduce administrative burdens at sea.The primary aim of this study is to find out if safety officers aboard Swedish ferries consider that SOLAS Chapter III, 8.3 och 19.5 regulations are administrative burdens, restricted to muster lists and documentation of training aboard the ship.The secondary questions to the study are if it is possible to remove, combine or change the documents and how much time can be saved by doing this. The question about timesaving could not be answered, because the values were scattered and could not be used for further investigation. The observed values were accumulated by a survey and the result indicated that safety officers did not experience the two regulations as administrative burdens.

Arbetssätt för maskininvesteringar

At this point seamen have a lot of tasks of administrative character, beyond the traditional tasks aboard a ship. Due to the new conventions that are formed by IMO, more requirements are added which often lead to time consuming administrative tasks and documentation that should be spent on activities which are contributing to the ships safety. The issue has been observed by IMO that has through BIMCO done a study with the aim to identify and reduce administrative burdens at sea.The primary aim of this study is to find out if safety officers aboard Swedish ferries consider that SOLAS Chapter III, 8.3 och 19.5 regulations are administrative burdens, restricted to muster lists and documentation of training aboard the ship.The secondary questions to the study are if it is possible to remove, combine or change the documents and how much time can be saved by doing this. The question about timesaving could not be answered, because the values were scattered and could not be used for further investigation. The observed values were accumulated by a survey and the result indicated that safety officers did not experience the two regulations as administrative burdens.

Modellering av manövercylindern för Nosstället på JAS39 Gripen

When models are used to describe physical phenomenon during development or modification of a technical system, it is often possible to reduce both the time needed and the overall development cost. With the use of models it is also possible to investigate the potential of the selected solution, without the need for any expensive details and testrigs. In many cases it is also not possible to test all the aspects regarding the functionality that are desired from the system, without using the complete and final product.In this case a model based approach has been used to optimize the different parameters in the new snubbing mechanism for the Nose Landing Gear Retract Actuator on the JAS39 Gripen.During the simulations, upper and lower boundaries were calculated for the length of the spring and the diameter for the restrictor. The governing constraints were given by the requirements for the retraction time during cold conditions and that the amplitude of the alternating loads in the uplock mechanism were brought to an acceptable level.The most promising results from the simulations were then used in a limited number of trials in the hydraulic rig to verify that the configurations comply with the requirements.The final parameters for the snubbing mechanism were chosen to 35±1mm for the spring and 0.4-0.5 mm diameter for the restrictor..

Hur arbetas det med läs- och skrivsvårigheter i skolan?

How do we match our education with the needs of the construction line of business and the requirementsof the Swedish National Agency for education? Is there something that we have to change?In this study I have asked our former students about their opinion of our education and I have also asked them to give me their view on what a good teacher is like. I have been able to benefit a lot from their answers in my efforts to be that good teacher. This survey took place at Facebook.The answers showed that we carry on a piece of solid workmanship. But you can always improve, try harder.

Requirement Specification for Information Security to Health Systems, Case Study : IMIS

During 2001-2002 a prototype, IMIS (Integrated Mobile Information System) was developed at BTH (Blekinge University of Technology) to demonstrate how mobile IT-systems can be used in healthcare. The prototype was based on the activity theory of Engeström. An ongoing project started in spring 2003. The purpose of the project is further development of IMIS with special focus in the diabetes healthcare. Participants in the project are scientists and students at BTH, ALMI Företagspartner, Blekinge FoU-enhet, Barndiabetesförbundet Blekinge, Blekinge Diabetesförening, Vårdcentralen Ronneby and Vårdcentralen Sölvesborg.

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