

1267 Uppsatser om Top 10 requirements - Sida 53 av 85

Det är lite gambling, man kan aldrig veta hur det blir i slutändan : Socialsekreterares erfarenhet av bedömning av en viss insats för barn och ungdomar

Social workers in this study describes various experiences of the assessments of interventions for children and adolescents. Social workers experience of the many different situations where an assessment of best effort must be made on the basis of BBIC, which is the Social Services investigation records. To make this assessment, the Social workers need social assistance and support of their colleagues and manager. Knowledge mixed with experience is also an important part when it comes to being professional and not let emotions control that could otherwise be happened when the social worker meets and builds relationships with clients. Social workers are also those who will decide which achievement the client needs from the needs.

Kartläggning av flamskyddsmedel till polyester och polyamid

Flamskyddande kemikalier används idag inom en hel del olika områden. Ett stort område är textil, där hemtextil är dominerande. Det finns en mängd olika typer av flamskydd på marknaden. Alla har till uppgift att sakta ner brandförloppet eller helt förhindra att en brand uppstår. De halogenerade flamskydden är de mest effektiva men har många kopplingar till miljöproblem.

?ÄNTLIGEN!?- En lysrörsarmatur för det egna hemmet

The aim of our study is to ascertain whether a hanging suspension fluorescentlamp for a private home environment is going to be attractive for a largeaudience. We want to open up for new uses of fluorescent lamps as lightsources.The main approach in this work is how to design a fixture with fluorescentlamps as a light source that will meet the requirements and requests of thehome environment could look like. At the same time we want to make a newimpression of how a fluorescent light source.Primarily we used a quantitative method, but this was rejected after a pilotstudy. Instead we used a qualitatively based method in the sense that weconducted a group interview as well as individual interviews.Based on data from the interviews and our preliminary work a prototype wasbuilt. This prototype is a fluorescent fixture equipped with 2x14W T5fluorescent lamps, dimmed separately.

Att utforma en teknisk manual : Med tillhörande riktlinjer

Vi, Linda Runvall och Satu Parantainen, har gjort vårt examensarbete för företaget Leine & Linde i Strängnäs. De tillverkar pulsgivare som används inom industrin. Examensarbetet bestod av att göra om en befintlig manual och skriva guidelines (riktlinjer) till Leine & Lindes personal.Under vårt examensarbete har vi använt oss av våra kunskaper inom informationsdesign. Rune Pettersson, professor i informationsdesign vid Mälardalens högskola, beskriver ämnet informationsdesign såhär:?In order to satisfy the information needs of the intended receivers information design comprises analysis, planning, presentation and understanding of a message- its content, language and form.

Utveckling av en äldre villaträdgård : från oplanerad till planerad

The result of this work is a plan for the development of an 1128 m2 elderly raised garden. The purpose has been to create an overall plan covering the long-term development of the garden. The work process has covered a description of the garden of today, review of requirements, analysis of the garden sections, design of a new plan as well as starting the construction of the new garden. The plan covers a time period of a couple of years to create the new garden since the construction work is carried out during spare time with small resources available. The planning must contain review of functions such as protection from insight, eating area and compost area. Also the esthetic expression must be planned. Colors, shapes, choice of material and plants together make up the esthetic expression. It is recommended to include anything you wish to create in the garden. In a raised garden one has to overcome the step to remove trees and shrubs and think different.

Från top down till bottom up : - Att förklara och utvärdera psykosocialt arbete inom hälso- och sjukvården

Today, activities funded with public funds needs to present relevant and reliable information which shows the results obtained. Requirements increase in welfare activities to be run based on scientific, empirical knowledge. This applies particularly to social work. The social work is, however, poorly researched in areas such as knowledge of interventions in the content, context and effects. One way to evidence-base social work can be to conduct regular and qualified assessments.

Datadrivet beslutsfattande och kompetensutveckling: En intervjustudie om databaserad beslutsfattning och kompetensutveckling i fotbollsorganisationer

This study explores the shift in football recruitment from traditional scouting to data-driven methods, focusing on Sweden. It investigates how football organizations can enhance competency for effective data-driven recruitment. Through qualitative interviews with elite Swedish football organizations, the study emphasizes the need for competence development for proficient data-driven recruitment. To address the enhancement of personnel competency in the recruitment process, this study poses the research question: "How can football organizations effectively promote competence development to optimize their utilization of data-driven recruitment?" The results highlight the importance of targeted education, combining expertise in data-driven recruitment with a broad skill set.

Funktionsentreprenad för beläggning och vägmarkering

This report is written in cooperation with the Swedish National Road Administration South-Eastern Region in Jönköping. The report is a result of the evaluation to give an answer to the question about how well the function contract has been carried out on the E4 in Östergötlands and Jönköpings län. The evaluation is divided in two hard parameters and one soft.The Swedish National Road Administration is interested in knowing how the standard on the road have been changed during the functions period, which is the reason why the first hard parameter is considering road standard. To evaluate the standard there have been a comparison of values from measures taken every year on the current road stretch. The second hard parameter considers economy.

Hälsoeffekter från trafikbuller vid Bäckegatan

The purpose of the study is to investigate the possible effects of an unstable ventilation system and its influence on energy use and thermal comfort. The report also explores how qualified personal working with HVAC view and handles system control.In order to meet the requirements in energy efficiency and a comfortable indoor climate control regulation is a prerequisite. With optimized increased complexity of the climate systems, it becomes more challenging to control the system and the risk of unstable control increases. No previous studies about what affect an unstable system can have on energy use and thermal comfort have been found.The report is based on several tests were the controlling variable has been increased until the system becomes unstable. Two different types of unstable systems have been investigated.

Påverkan på energianvändning och termisk komfort vid reglerinstabilitet

The purpose of the study is to investigate the possible effects of an unstable ventilation system and its influence on energy use and thermal comfort. The report also explores how qualified personal working with HVAC view and handles system control.In order to meet the requirements in energy efficiency and a comfortable indoor climate control regulation is a prerequisite. With optimized increased complexity of the climate systems, it becomes more challenging to control the system and the risk of unstable control increases. No previous studies about what affect an unstable system can have on energy use and thermal comfort have been found.The report is based on several tests were the controlling variable has been increased until the system becomes unstable. Two different types of unstable systems have been investigated.

Kraven på ägare till minireningsverk skiljer sig åt mellan olika kommuner

Discharge of inadequately treated waste water containing nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen as well as organic matter and bacteria is associated with a risk of eutrophication and contamination. The Swedish government has decided upon several Environmental Quality Objectives aiming to reduce the emissions of nutrients to water bodies.In Sweden, there are between 675 000 to 1 000 000 on-site sewage systems. Recent studies have shown that the function of small sewage treatment plants is in many cases insufficient. To prevent this regular service and supervision by a professional is needed. The focus of this study are small sewage treatment plants which use a technique where mechanical, chemical and/or biological reduction of pollutants is being used in the same facility to reduce nutrients in household wastewater.The aim of the study is to investigate how different municipalities ensure that small sewage treatment plants fulfill the requirements and reduce pollutants as efficient as the manufacturers claim.

Skenbar arbetsbrist

In claims for unfair dismissal due to alleged redundancy, the burden of proof should be shared to enable an employee to have the cause of redundancy tried. In such a case, the employee should present evidence of an invalid cause ? such as personal reasons ? and the employer should account for the redundancy. With reference to their conflicting interests, the law favours the employer if the redundancy can be accounted for even if the employee maintains his or her position. This would have been reasonable practice if the employer?s evidence was subject to the same scrutiny as that of the employee but, as long as redundancy is considered a valid cause in itself, this is not the case.Redundancy does not come from nowhere, but it occurs when employers carry out their management decisions.

Nordiskt försvarssamarbete : Är det en ny företeelse eller en fortsättning på det som tidigare ägt rum i hemlighet?

There are changes in Sweden's foreign policy, and Sweden is no longer a non-aligned and neutral nation. Sweden has expressed a willingness to actively participate in creating peace and stability in the world by giving and receiving military assistance in case of war, crisis or disaster. This is described as complete turnaround in Swedish policy compared to the neutrality and non-alignment during the Cold war.However new research shows that defence cooperation is not new in the Nordic region. Sweden cooperated secretly with Denmark and Norway, two NATO countries, about co-operative defence of Scandinavia during the Cold War.Is our historical picture wrong and what we perceive as new and revolutionized not particularly new? Is today's open Nordic defence cooperation a continuation of what was done in secret during the Cold War? The essay investigates and compares two different Swedish defence cooperation?s where one was previously secret and the other is open.

Förutsättningarna för ett parallellt generation IV system vid svensk nybyggnation av kärnkraft.

A new build in the Swedish nuclear power system would entail increased re-quirements for the proposed repository, which is adapted after the reactors of today. With a fast reactor, capable of burning nuclear waste, operating in parallel with the light water reactors, the increased requirements on the repository could be reduced.In this thesis, simulations of a light water reactor and a fast reactor have been performed by using the Monte Carlo code Serpent to investigate the changes in the fuel inventory. The light water reactor in the study is a boiling water reactor and the fast reactor of the type sodium-cooled fast reactor and they have been used for three different operation scenarios.By studying the fuel composition and the results from the simulations of the three scenarios conclusions can be drawn. Conclusions regarding the change of the fuel inventory and decay heat in Clab as well as the interim storage facility and in the repository. Depending on the operation alternative the changes dif-fered significantly and especially regarding the mass of burned actinides for different fuels in the fast reactor.The lowest increase of fuel assemblies was meet when using 50 years old fuel with 20MWd/kg U burnout and 2,0 % enrichment for start up of the fast reactor and 30 years old fuel assemblies with 50MWd/kg U burnout and 4,7 % enrichment for the further operation of the reactor.The increase of the number of fuel assemblies was 3174, which is equivalent to 641tons of heavy metal.

Riktar sig nationella proven till alla elever? : En kvalitativ studie av några lärares upplevelser av arbetet med de nationella proven med elever som inte har svenska som modersmål

The purpose of this study is to illustrate how some teachers in multicultural school environments reflecton and experience the educational work with national tests in the third grade for students who do not have Swedish as their native language. The research questions I have chosen to work with are:How do teachers experience working with national tests in groups of students where there are children with Swedish as a second language?How do the teachers reflect on the students linguistic preconditions relating to the national tests in these groups of students?What strategies in their teaching on national tests do the teachers use when it comes to students with Swedish as a second language?In this study I have chosen to use a qualitative interview method. Since the purpose of the study is to understand how teachers reflect on students with Swedish as a second language the obvious choice was to interview teachers who work in a multicultural school. In my thesis I have chosen to use sociocultural theory, Cummins four quadrant model and context for theoretical approach.

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