

1267 Uppsatser om Top 10 requirements - Sida 36 av 85

Säkrare sjöfart? : - en processanalys av föreskrifter omläkarundersökning för sjöfolk.

Arbetsuppgifterna på ett fartyg kan innefatta hård fysisk påfrestning samt arbete i mörker, påhög höjd och i slutna utrymmen vilket betyder att sjöfolk måste vara lämpliga för tjänstgöringen.De nationella reglerna för medicinsk lämplighet för sjöfolk skiljer sig trots att deninternationella standarden är densamma för alla. Syftet med denna rapport är att åskådliggöraskillnaderna mellan regelverken om läkarintyg för sjöfolk i de skandinaviska länderna ochundersöka historien bakom de svenska föreskrifterna.Vår slutsats är att det skulle gagna Sverige att återinföra Sjömansläkare, som troligtvis är merkompetenta än en icke specialiserad läkare vad gäller tjänstbarhetsbedömning för sjömän.Systemet med sjömansläkare är fortfarande i bruk och fungerar väl i både Danmark ochNorge.Slutligen sammanfattas rapporten av författarnas egna reflektioner kring ämnet i relation tillresultatet. Förslag till vidare forskning återfinns i slutet..

Vattenbehov och olika system för vattentilldelning till nyavvanda grisar :

We all know that water is very important for both animals and humans. When we are weaning the piglets from the sow we must guarantee that the piglets can start to drink more water instead of sow milk. The first thing to check is always the quality of the water that is to be used. To secure that, you must take a water sample. If the water is inadequate it can bring a lot of problems and diseases.

Energieffektiviserande åtgärderpå Robertsfors VA-nät : En förstudie av vilka energieffektiviserande åtgärdersom kan göras på pumpstationer och reningsverk

The objective of this work was to introduce measures to reduce energy and water demand at Gävle Söder 17:10. To succeed, this energy audit has been made. The work is based on collected statistics from the property owner Norrporten, measurements, literature review and through consultation with experts in the field. Two models, one for each building, have been created in the simulation program BV2 to estimate the potential of energy measures based on the collected information. The models in BV2 have been verified against the statistics of the energy consumption.With the help of calculations and simulations, seven cost-effective measures have been identified.

Skapa och leverera kundvärde i ett teknikkonsultföretag /

The increased specialisation and complexity in products and services has created the need for Swedish companies to focus more on their core businesses. This has resulted in them opting to buy services and products that lie outside of their core business from consultancy businesses or other types of suppliers. When companies describe their offers in internal and external marketing it is done often in terms of company or service attributes that are not based on customer value or offered value for the customer. The reason for this is that companies have not adapted their services to the different needs of their customers. As a result of this, they run the risk of offering the same services as their competitors and communicate values that the customers either do not understand or experience as value adding. By using the theory on the data collection from the case company we have an understanding and shown how the customer values can be developed from a service company?s internal and external prerequisites and competitive advantages.

Om synen på ?utanförskap? : Socialsekreterare och nämndpolitiker om arbetslösa unga vuxna med försörjningsproblem.

During the study's first stage we noticed that the Swedish term ? utanförskap? was constructed for political purposes, the term?s ambiguity what was first raised our interest. Therefore the aims of this study was to examine how social workers at the social welfare office and the labor market related project Framtid Kronoberg  as well as politicians within the administration of Arbete & Välfärd (Work & Welfare) relates to utanförskap as a social phenomenon. The study?s second aim was to examine how the aforementioned persons consider utanförskap to be counteracted among young adults.

Lokalisering av sågverk i Västerbotten : en jämförelse mellan två alternativ

The number of sawmills in Sweden has decreased dramatically since the 1980s and the trend looks set to continue. The sawmills that are left instead becomes larger and are situated farther apart. In northern Sweden, they are concentrated along the coastline.In our study, we compared conditions for running a sawmill in inland areas and coastal areas and looked at what factors have the greatest impact on the profitability of the sawmill in northern Sweden.We chose to compare different locals conditions for a sawmill that only sawn pine timber and had an annual raw material requirements of 300 000 m3ub per year. By analyzing the kNN-data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory we have taken out the size of the timber volume at each site and its catchment. We have also looked at possible competitors in the areas that may affect the purchase price of the commodity.

Konstruktion och utformning av skydd till spolverk

This thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Burseryds Bruk AB.Burseryds Bruk is a company that manufactures steel strapping. The thesis isabout developing a concept of protection that should be used to protect theoperators from the rotating parts of the machinery lines. The aim of the projectwas to improve work safety for operators working at the machines by producing aconcept for a protective device. The project's first part was based on ergonomic data collection methods tounderstand the operations performed on the machine and the hazard occurringduring the process. The methods used to collect data were, interviews,observations and questionnaires with the operators of the company. This was thenused to make the ergonomic analyzes hierarchical task analysis and link analysis. The data collected from the company's operators was used create 10 conceptswhich were then evaluated.

Upplevd risk och upplevd krisberedskap inom barnomsorgen: betydelse av person- och arbetsrelaterade faktorer.

Risk- och beredskapsfrågor är idag mycket aktuella inom olika verksamheter. Studien undersökte hur barnomsorgspersonal i Örebro betraktade risk och beredskap i arbetet samt hur känslan av sammanhang (KASAM) samt arbetsrelaterade faktorer som krav, kontroll och stöd påverkade dessa upplevelser. Studien baserades på enkäter byggda på frågeformulären QPS-Nordic 34+, 13 frågors KASAM samt egna frågor. 53 personer deltog. Resultatet visade att den upplevda beredskapen var god i förhållande till den upplevda risken.

Upplevd risk och upplevd krisberedskap inom barnomsorgen: betydelse av person- och arbetsrelaterade faktorer.

Risk- och beredskapsfrågor är idag mycket aktuella inom olika verksamheter. Studien undersökte hur barnomsorgspersonal i Örebro betraktade risk och beredskap i arbetet samt hur känslan av sammanhang (KASAM) samt arbetsrelaterade faktorer som krav, kontroll och stöd påverkade dessa upplevelser. Studien baserades på enkäter byggda på frågeformulären QPS-Nordic 34+, 13 frågors KASAM samt egna frågor. 53 personer deltog. Resultatet visade att den upplevda beredskapen var god i förhållande till den upplevda risken.

?Det finns ju inte med i boken, ska jag kunna det ändå?!? : en studie om elevers övertro till läroboken som angivare av kunskapsmål samt vilken misstro detta skapar till all undervisning som går utanför dess ramar

The purpose of this study has been to get a deeper insight into how students reason about the textbook and teaching that goes beyond its content. This in order for the teacher to be able to consider and respond to these important attitudes already at the planning stages of such teaching situations. This approach will aid to help students overcome the distrust of things that are not in the textbook.The study shows that students have an attitude of overconfidence to the textbook's reliability. It is considered to be controlled in its content as well as being a reference on the extent of the knowledge content.The general approach to teaching that deviates from textbook structure is that it is welcomed as an interesting feature. However, a questioning attitude soon appears about whether the element will be included in any requirements for knowledge or tests.The following important conclusions can be drawn after this study was carried out:Very clearly communicate the purpose of all education that deviate from the textbook.Inform students about the textbook's deficiencies and the need for supplementing.Accept and respond to students' focus in that grades are the main driving force for the acquisition of knowledge in high school..

Funktionsanalys och åtgärdsförslag avkommunikationslösning hos driftleverantör

No infrastructures today are growing faster then communication network. The requirement of being able to communicate in a fast and qualified environment to a low cost increases in line with the development and competition. Itera Networks is no exception when it comes to rapidly developing new and better network solutions for themselves and for their customers. With these requirements in mind their needs for an analysis of the existing communication solution becomes very obvious. This project contains such an analysis in which various studies of the existing network environment have been made.

Ett tydligare System C2 : Användargränssnittsutveckling med stöd av användarcentrerade metoder

User friendly and usable are two words that are often mentioned in the context of marketing new products. By doing so it adds an extra sense of quality to the product. The meaning of these words is therefore something that every product wants. But what is it that makes a product usable and user friendly? What methodology exists formaking sure that a product is usable? Does it exist applicable processes to ensure user centered development? These questions together with a practical example are parts of what will be addressed in this report.The thesis was carried out for C2 Management, a company that works with supporting other companies in their work with quality and constant improvements.

Rysslands misslyckade demokratisering : och återgången till den auktoritära styrelseformen

When the Soviet union collapsed at the beginning of the 1990s, a democratization began to develop. During the Jeltsin years, democracy in Russia was developing steadily, but since Putin became president at the turn of the century it has started to move back towards authoritarian rule. The purpose of this study is to explore the reasons for why the democracy in Russia never became consolidated and to understand why the country again has moved towards an authoritarian rule, like the one during the Soviet union.In order to fulfill the aim of this study, two theories were used. These were Linz and Stepan's consolidation theory, about the five arenas that have to be developed, and Samuel P. Huntington's theory about authoritarian nostalgia.

Kärnkraft : Ett arbete för drifttekniker?

The gas turbines in the Swedish secondary reserve are reaching the end of their technical lifetime, hence alternative solutions need to be considered. One of the solutions thought to have the greatest potential is the use of so called consumptionreduction. By entering contracts with large consumers, agreements are made to reduce consumption in the event of major disturbances in the power system and thus being used as a secondary reserve. This thesis investigates the feasibility of consumption reduction as part of the secondary reserve. This has been achieved by developing a requirement specification for the disturbance reserve and by studying the technical and economic potential for consumption reduction among a range of consumers.The technical potential for consumption reduction that fulfils the requirements for participating in the secondary reserve are on average 750 MW in SE 3 and 98 MW in SE 4.

?Det vore en dröm? ? Grundskolerektorers tolkningar och arbetsmetoder gällande tillgång till skolbibliotek

In July 2011, new regulations regarding school libraries came into effect through a new education act for Swedish schools. The wording of the Act has been the basis of much discussion in which the concepts of "school library" and "access" makes it difficult to build consensus among different parties, why this can cause difficulties in ultimately construct equal access to school library. The purpose of this survey is to examine the interpretations and practices that exist around the school library and its functions among primary school principals. The principals have been selected on the basis that they themselves (the schools) already indicated that they do not have access to their own school library within the school premises. As a theoretical starting point, I used the school library researcher David Loertscher?s taxonomy for school leaders.

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