

1267 Uppsatser om Top 10 requirements - Sida 19 av 85

Militära ?mobil-appar? : Den militära nyttan med kommersiell teknik för militära ändamål

The transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces is bringing about major changes in many areas. Indirect fire is one capability affected by these changes. Financial savings, a shrinking organization and higher eligibility requirements mean that fewer soldiers will gain access to exclusive high-tech support resources such as the JAS 39 Gripen aircraft and the ARCHER artillery system. This thesis aims to examine whether access to indirect fire capability can be increased through the use of civilian products and communication networks. Technology development in the civilian mobile communications area is exponential and nations such as the USA, facing challenges similar to those of the Swedish Armed Forces, devote substantial resources to research and development.

Hur ser skolkuratorer och skolsköterskor på självskadebeteende hos högstadieelever? : En kvalitativ studie om bemötande och förståelseutifrån riktlinjer och policys

This study deals with sustainability reporting in three governmental and three non-governmental Swedish companies in different industries. With increasing demands from the society regarding company?s CSR - Corporate social responsibility, the perspective of accounting gets broader and covers even non-financial information to meet not only the owners? demands but also others stakeholders' requirements. Sustainability has become an important tool for creating company?s business value and a positive sustainable external image.

W3C Geolocation API ur ett utvecklarperspektiv

The goal of this thesis is to investigate the W3C Geolocation API from a developer?s perspective, focused on whether it makes development of location-based applications more accessible to developers. This has been investigated by looking at available ways to locate, possible uses, the functionality offered, the necessary level of prior knowledge needed for a developer and requirements on developer tools. This has been achieved through studies in relevant areas, a thorough introduction to W3C Geolocation API functionality, and by using the API to develop two different location-based applications as a demonstration. Testing of applications, on different platforms and in different environments, in conjunction with investigation of the rest of the material has shown that W3C Geolocation API in many ways actually makes development of location-based applications more accessible for developers.

Smålands museums bibliotek : underlag för en handlingsplan för biblioteksverksamheten grundad på de anställdas informationsbehov

Smålands museum, the museum of Småland, is a museum for the county of Kronoberg, a mission given to the museum by the state and county council. The main fields of the museum are the cultural heritage and the history of culture of the region. The museum of Småland is also the Swedish museum of glass. This Master s thesis focuses on the information requirements of the employees at the museum of Småland. Because of the financial status of the museum, the librarian that worked at the museum had to quit about four years ago.

Luftläckage I Småhus : Hur de upptäcks och attityderna till dem

Air tightness in new buildings has been discussed for several decades. But the knowledge in the subject is low. With tougher requirements from the Swedish government about energy consumption for a new building required competences how these shall be met. It's not only the thick mess of insulation that are important, it's also the air tightness. This report is about air leakage in Swedish houses.

Svenska skattetilläggets förhållande till Europakonventionens artikel 6 - är den nya lagregeln (2003 : 211) tillräcklig?

Det har länge debatterats huruvida de svenska skattetilläggsreglerna är förenliga med de krav som Europakonventionen ställer upp i artikel 6. Efter att Sverige blev fällda av Europadomstolen i fallen Janosevic mot Sverige och Västberga Taxi AB & Vulic mot Sverige har regeringen gjort justeringar i skattebetalningslagen och taxeringslagen, med syfte att göra den svenska lagstiftningen förenlig med Europakonventionens krav. Syftet med vår uppsats har varit att undersöka om den nya lagregleringen är förenlig med Europakonventionens artikel 6 eller om Sverige riskerar att fällas ytterligare fler gånger av Europadomstolen rörande det svenska skattetillägget. Vi har använt oss av en rättsdogmatisk metod som innebär att vi har använt oss av lagstiftning, förarbeten, praxis och befintlig doktrin för att undersöka vårt syfte på bästa möjliga sätt. Vi undersökte den framförda kritiken mot den nya lagregleringen samt de punkter där Sverige blev fällda av Europadomstolen.

Framtagning av en förebyggande åtgärd mot kriminalitet vid lastbilstransporter

Boberg at Scania CV AB. The purpose was to investigate the technical and customer oriented possibilities for the development of a transport security measure against cargo crime, which is a growing problem in Europe. The main goal was to develop a concept that is possible to implement in the Scania CV AB Fleet Management System. Another goal was to develop a security model that will be used as a tool during Scania CV AB?s future development projects of transport security concepts.The work was divided into three main parts: a background study, handling cargo crime, transport security Scania CV AB trucks and market analysis, a stakeholder investigation including a questionnaire and interviews, and a concept development session.

God vardagsmiljö på Ringön - Att integrera ett industriområde i staden på verksamheternas villkor

This report is about Swedish statistics on work related accidents and work related diseases onboard Swedish ships. The authors analyzed collected statistics from two authorities and an insurance organization in an attempt to compare the data. In order to understand the need for statistics and why the authority publishes them; minor literature study was conducted. The results of the literature study are in the background chapter. The requirements for the different cases to be registered in the statistics have been investigated, in unity with the issue in question.

Förstudie för införande av ISO 9001 : Nulägesanalys och handlingsplan

Today's industries are constantly evolving and the demands according to quality for products and services produced and performed are becoming more and higher. ISO 9001 is a standard that serves as a tool for organizations who wants to effectively control and manage their quality workforce on business different processes. A background to the introduction of a quality managementsystem towards Skärås svets och mekaniska in Västerås are that more and more customers demand this from a company to enable it to obtain an order of production.Efforts to introduce a quality system such as ISO 9001-2008 all begin with to carry out a situationanalysis of the business. Skärås svets och mekaniska currently has no existing quality management system so therefore there is no current directives regarding who is responsible, for a future certification in the business.By structuring a situation analysis of the business. You get a good overview of the business and how it is conducted today.

Vägledning för djurskyddskontroll av exotiska smådjur

Exotic small animals that are commonly kept as pets include aquarium fish, cage and aviary birds, rodents, rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), reptiles and amphibians. These different kinds of animals, even species within the same class, may differ markedly from each other regarding physiology and requirements. Although these species are common in both Swedish households and in pet trade, many animal keepers have a lack of knowledge about the origin and requirements of their pets. This is a cause of several health problems seen in animals which are held in captivity. In Sweden, the county administrative boards perform all animal welfare controls.

Svanenmärkning av småhus : Kan Faluhus uppnå en Svanencertifiering?

Eco certification of small housesTo construct an environmental friendly building and show that as a company you care for the environment, is presently very attractive in the Swedish real estate market.This degree thesis covers the environmental certification called ?Svanenmärkning? the Swan, witch is the Swedish equivalent to the European standard ?the EU Flower?. It is concentrated on the certification process in small houses that the Swedish institute of standard, SIS, has presented. We have worked together with the company Faluhus witch is a Swedish producer of small family houses.Faluhus is located in the town of Borlänge, Dalarna and has produced family houses since the 1950:s. They have a great heritage born in the old Swedish mining culture, with great wooden mansions and country homes.

Bibliografering av tryckt skönlitteratur och musikalier : En komparativ studie

Literature and music as an expression of art have some parts in common, others can quite differ. Both are using a language, and both can exist in written representations. You can find such written or printed items in library catalogues. The aim of this two years master's thesis is to examine how cataloguing of printed fiction-literature and printed music looks like, what differences you can find in cataloguing of printed literature and printed music.This study is based on a comparative methodology and two different theories are used. The first describes the common tasks for library catalogues as they are known traditionally and recently (as FRBR-conceptual model), the other is a comparison of the two art-species literature (fiction) and music.This paper's first part is a comparison of how printed literature and printed music are catalogued in the Swedish national catalogue LIBRIS.

W3C Geolocation API ur ett utvecklarperspektiv

The goal of this thesis is to investigate the W3C Geolocation API from a developer?s perspective, focused on whether it makes development of location-based applications more accessible to developers. This has been investigated by looking at available ways to locate, possible uses, the functionality offered, the necessary level of prior knowledge needed for a developer and requirements on developer tools. This has been achieved through studies in relevant areas, a thorough introduction to W3C Geolocation API functionality, and by using the API to develop two different location-based applications as a demonstration. Testing of applications, on different platforms and in different environments, in conjunction with investigation of the rest of the material has shown that W3C Geolocation API in many ways actually makes development of location-based applications more accessible for developers. The API also provides fully adequate functionality and quality to meet the requirements for development of both simple and very advanced location-based applications. Målet med denna uppsats är att undersöka W3C Geolocation API ur ett utvecklarperspektiv, fokuserat på om den gör utveckling av positionsbaserade applikationer mer tillgänglig för utvecklare.

Framtidens krav på kontorslokaler

Title: future demands for office spaceLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Facility ManagementAuthor: Rickard Blomkvist & Nils WilanderSupervisor: Lars SteinerDate: 2012-05Aim:  to examine how property owners can develop their properties to suit modern business needs and requirements of the office space they rent. Although the property owners should reason for their commercial properties will be attractive to the market. Investigate how a modern office looks like and in what are the trends?Issues used:What should property owners do to meet the new requirements of modern businesses place on the premises?How does the new work in the companies they use their premises?What is a good office today? Method: we used qualitative interviews to get answers to the issues.Conclusion: Today's office buildings have to be flexible so they can be adapted to the current tenant. Market mobility is high and the property owner must be prepared for tenants leaving.

Handledarens stödjande arbete i APL-uppgifterna för åk 1 : Med fokus på elevens lärande

The aim of this essay is to examine the supervisor?s view on the structure and content of the tasks given to students during their vocational training. The investigation could be of help for teachers when devising new vocational training tasks. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with five supervisors, all of whom work at preschools. The supervisors were asked to grade all the vocational training tasks on a scale from one (easy) to five (difficult).

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