

1267 Uppsatser om Top 10 requirements - Sida 15 av 85

Behovsstudie för implementering av ett informationshanteringssystem i el-utvecklingen på Volvo Car Corporation

VSEM project and the need for a more efficient way of handling requirements andinformation are highly apparent.The overall objective of this thesis is divided into two parts:1. To identify criteria/factors leading to a successful introduction of an informationmanagement system.2. To develop an implementation process for a requirement management system ?the first step towards a PLM system in EE development at VCC.This will be done through interviews with employees, a literature review and an analysisof studies of three earlier projects within VCC.The conclusion of this study shows the great need for change in work methods fordesigners handling information and requirements. An implementation process has beenidentified with guidelines on how to handle different phases of the process.

Brandsäkerhet i ett småhus

This essay includes the planning and designing of a house as well as writing a rapport about howto increase fire safety in small buildings.More than 6000 homes burn in Sweden every year (Brandskyddsföreningen, 2012c). Thedevastation and the costs are usually very high. This report examines possible measures to reduceboth personal injuries and economic losses resulting from house fires in small buildings.Swedishbuilding regulationsplay a major role when it comes to constructional fire safety. However therequirements inSwedish building regulations are very low for small buildings and this is anargument for raising the requirements.The report shows and describes possible methods to build safer with regards to fire in terms ofmaterials and different building structures. Major focus has been on fire cells but other solutionsare also examined and described.

Kapitalreglering - Finansmarknadernas räddning, eller bara ett spel för galleriet?

Background: The regulation of banks is increasing in order to stabilize the financial market. Despite this increase in regulation, financial crises still continue to occur. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is gradually increasing the capital requirements for banks, yet the increase in capital requirements doesn?t seem to solve the problem. This raises the question: how does capital regulation affect banks? Purpose: The purpose of this study is, primarily to illustrate the effects that capital regulation has on risk and efficiency on banks within the European Union, but secondary also study the relationship between risk, efficiency and capital regulation.Method: To achieve the purpose of this study, a deductive approach has been used, where the problem is assumed to be due to an agency problem.

FPGA för displayhantering och grafikgenerering i fordonsmiljö

This report is part of the major thesis carried out at Stoneridge Electronics in Bromma,Stockholm during autumn and winter 2005-2006. The background to the thesis is the trendwithin the automotive industry where color displays have become more common for presentationof information to the driver, a trend that has come to the commercial vehicle market. Thepurpose of the thesis has been to evaluate whether programmable logic, with respect to FPGAtechnology, could be suitable for display control and graphics generation of these more complexcolor displays in automotive environment.Within the scope of the thesis the FPGA technology has been investigated, i.e. whatopportunities and threats there are with aspect to environmental and security requirements. Inaddition, the market of FPGAs and pre-built IP-cores has been investigated.

Implementering av ISOBUS Virtual Terminal på fordonsdatorn CCP XS

Modern agriculture equipment are more computer based today, and many equipments use a terminal in the tractor where the driver have the opportunity to make adjustments to the equipment. This is the reason why ISO developed a new standard called ISOBUS. It is a communication standard based on CAN specially adapted for griculture equipments. The purpose of the standard is that it should be ossible to equip a tractor with a standard terminal called Virtual Terminal that can be used to control the equipment. The use of the terminal should be independent of the manufacturer of the tractor as well as of the equipment.The purpose of this report is to ?nd a solution of how to use CC Systems on-board computer, CCP XS, as a Virtual Terminal.


The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.

Konstruktion och programmering av lerduvekastare

This degree thesis is based on an assignment from BEOMAT in Storfors. BEOMAT is a company that constructs and sellsclay pigeons to both the national and international market.Our main purpose with this paper is to find a solution/system that can replace the expensive and space demandingOlympic trap facility. Our solution will replace fifteen clay pigeon throwers with one automatic thrower whosimulate all throwers together. The system will be provided with an appropriate control system for mass productiontherefore this system needs to be user-friendly so no previous knowledge is required.Totally 405 different throw coordinates will be stored in the programme in nine different subprograms. According tothe Olympic-rules the throwers should coincidence within certain specified conditions, this will be solved with anrandomizer in the programme.

Framtagning av primärkonstruktion till nytt cykellås

Cykelstölder är ett stort problem i dagens samhälle. I Sverige polisanmäldes 65 700 cykelstölder under 2011. De cykellås som finns på marknaden kan på ett eller annat sätt brytas upp och efter det är cykeln fullt brukbar. Examensarbetets uppdragsgivare hade idéer om ett nytt cykellås som förhindrade cykelns brukbarhet efter uppbrytning av låset. Idén ledde till ett samarbete med uppdragsgivaren, mig och teknikkonsultföretaget, Cross Design.

Fuktskador i bostadskök : En undersökning om fuktskador i kök och hur dessa kan förebyggas vid nyproduktion

Moisture damage in kitchens is an area that many people believe to be irrelevant andnot a subject to concern, however the problems encountered might be larger thananticipated.The purpose of this essay is to get a view of how problematic moisture damagecurrently is as well as what can be done to prevent damage during the constructionand building of new housing.Statistics regarding moisture damage as well as several tools for damage preventionhave been studied and investigated. Industrial regulations have been reviewed tounderstand the requirements construction companies must legally follow during theconstruction and building of new kitchens. Home manufacturers and largerentrepreneurs have been contacted in order to get their point of view regarding theproblems with moisture damages in kitchens.The knowledge of moisture safe constructions is prevalent by home manufacturers,insurance companies and entrepreneurs. Despite this knowledge, the constructioncompanies predominately follow the industries regulations, which normally onlyimplement the minimum requirements.In order to get construction companies to design and build kitchens with increasedmoisture security, stricter industrial regulations might be needed to be implemented.Unlike bathrooms and laundry rooms, kitchens are not defined as a ?wet room? andthe regulations for the construction of kitchens are more lenient.It is difficult to detect water leaks in an early state and the moisture damage is usuallyextensive before it is discovered and repaired if the kitchen lacks moisture securedconstruction and water security.

Miljöinformation i förvaltningsberättelsen :

The first of May 2005 changes were made in the Annual Accounts Act. The 2006 Annual Report of companies with more than ten employees or assets over 24 million SEK must include environmental information in the directors' report if it affects the company's development, result or position. A survey made by KPMG 2007 investigating the environmental information of companies listed on Large Cap Segment of the OMX Stockholm exchange showed that only a third of the companies, included in the survey, complied with the new law requirements. I have examined how the environmental information in the directors' report is formulated and why the information is formulated in that fashion. I have examined seven companies listed on the Large Cap Segment of the OMX Stockholm exchange. Four companies from the materials sector and three banks from the financials sector were included in the survey.

Utveckling av Flashapplikation - "Avatarskapare"

This report describes the development of an application in collaboration with Designingenjörerna AB. The company has worked for a long time with a community platform and they required an application where users can create their own unique profile representations, called Avatar Creator. An Avatar Creator is computer based application, which makes it possible to create a virtual character. The problem area behind this is that, large websites require a lot of administrative work when people upload profile pictures on different community pages. They can contain abusive material or pictures of other people rather than those who created the profile.The questions in this report are, how can an Avatar Creator help user to get a unique profile of himself? What are the advantages and disadvantages of an Avatar Creator? How to create a user-friendly application?To understand how an Avatar Creator works and get ideas to create an application, exiting Avatar Creators were reviewed on the Web.Collaborative work with Designingenjörerna AB was done to pin down the requirements for the Avatar creator application.

Värdepapperisering i Sverige : Finns det en marknad?

As of today, securitization is an established product on the capital market. The first transaction was made in the US in the 1970s. Since then the product has been developed and today there are several different structures of the product. Internationally securitization has been used for two reasons. Originally securitization was used to gain capital relief, but since capital requirements such as Basel II were implemented, the usage of securitization changed to more of a funding source.

Originalskrift i flerspråkiga bibliotekskataloger

Romanization as a method in the bibliographic environment makes retrieval difficult in many aspects. The object of this thesis is to illustrate the importance and the possibility to include non-Roman script in the records of the library catalogue. The questions at issue are about the consequences of romanization, the technical requirements for implementing non-Roman script, and bibliographical resources that have been developed during the last 20 years. The thesis is based on a literature study and correspondence with people who are familiar with the subject. The thesis points out that Romanization causes information to be distorted in various ways and is inconsistent with the requirements of exactitude in bibliographic control.

Mekaniskt brandsläckningssystem

Electrolux Laundry Systems is the world leader in manufacturing professional laundry equipment.The machines are used in the hotel sector, elderly care, in multifamily houses, laundry bars, and incommercial and institutional laundries.If there is oil or grease left in the clothes after washing may the heat from the dryer cause a chemicalreaction. This reaction may, under certain circumstances cause a fire inside the drum. Competitors toElectrolux has developed its own systems that extinguishes fire inside a tumble dryer and customershave expressed desire to purchase a fire-extinguishing system. Therefore, the project team receivedthe task by Electrolux to develop a fire-extinguishing system that extinguishes a fire in a tumbledryer.The purpose of the project has been to develop a system that both detects and responds to fire in anindustrial tumble dryer to meet the competitors and to satisfy customers' requirements.The goal was to develop a fire-extinguishing system for Electrolux Laundry Systems and develop afully functioning prototype.The project began with information searches on a variety of methods to both detect and extinguish afire. Subsequently, a number of different methods were used to develop a final solution and make aprototype.The result of the project is a fire-extinguishing system that extinguishes a fire inside a dryer.

Samma skola, sex olika uppfattningar : En kvalitativ studie om retorikens plats i svenskämnet

The purpose of this study is to examine the teachings of rhetoric?s in schools, more specifically within the Swedish subject; furthermore it examines how Swedish teachers work with rhetoric in the Swedish subject on a practical basis. The study also highlights teachers' approaches to the curriculum for high school. The method I have used to conduct this study, have been to use interviews and inductive ethnography. The teachers whom have been interviewed in my study have similar understandings of what oral presentations actually are, but their idea of what the term rhetoric stands for however differs. Teachers have received similar training in rhetoric; however, they have different experiences within it.

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