5174 Uppsatser om Tool for change - Sida 55 av 345
The impact of climate change on agriculture in the Republic of Mauritius : a socio-econometric study on Mauritian farming
"Food security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life" (FAO Summit, 2003, pp. 28).Food insecurity is of concern regarding the Republic of Mauritius (ROM) since it is defined as a net food importing country. (Farming news, 2008). The impacts of climate change followed by their complexity could potentially have an increased risk effect upon the social and environmental welfare as well as the economic drivers in the ROM (www, UNESCO1, 2009). The primary victims when it comes to the impacts of climate change are the Mauritian agricultural producers since agriculture is highly dependent on climate stability, therefore affecting the yields of the producers.
Proppen har gått : En analys av diskursen kring Kultursamverkansmodellen
This essay aims to map the ideas behind the Swedish cultural reform called Kultursamverkansmodellen, and how the ideas are forming a discourse. Furthermore it examines the social praxis on the three levels that constitutes the model. The three levels are the state, the region and culture creators/civil society. This is a qualitative study based on primary and secondary sources collected on the three levels. The theoretical frame of reference is based on institutional theory, on Michel Foucault?s lecture on The Discourse of Language, and on New Public Management.
Riktlinjer för silodesign för massflöde
Det övergripande syftet med detta arbete var att skapa en övergripande sammanställning rörande ämnena flödesproblem och silodesign och specifikt ta fram riktlinjer för hur massflöde ska uppnås i silos för hantering av olika biobränslen. Dessutom syftade arbetet till att ta upp två autentiska exempel med flödesproblem och hur dessa kunde designas om för massflöde.
För att ta fram riktlinjer har arbetet utgått från värden framtagna av Wu, Schott & Lojdewijks (2011). Dessa har sedan bearbetats i programvaran Silo Stress Tool skapad av Dietmar Schulze (2013) för att utvinna gränsvärden för massflöde beroende av egenskaperna internfriktion, väggfriktion och vinkel på silons ficka.
Resultatet visar gränsvärden för massflöde för både cirkulära och rektangulära silos.
Generell begåvning som prediktor till självskattad hälsa, självskattad sömn, betyg och avhopp i en militär studiepopulation
The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.
Informationssystem för service av truckar och städmaskiner
This paper describes the evolutionary development of an information system for a small company. The company performs overhaul of forklifts and cleaning machines. The company has already an information system that handles the reports from these overhauls but it needs a supplementary tool that assist the chief planner to plan forthcoming overhauls.It should be able to display coming overhauls in a timetable and eventually print them, either to a PDF file or to a document. The timetables this function produces will help the chief planner and the assemblers to get a good overview of their day-to-day work.The tool needs to be intelligent in that way that it takes into consideration were in the country different assignments will be performed. So that time consuming travels over great distances can be avoided.
Åre kommun och klimatförändringar : En studie kring hotet mot Åre kommuns vinterturism och dess anpassning till framtida klimatförändringar
Today?s climate research shows that the climate may increase its temperature. One sector that is being threatened by global warming is the winter tourism of the Swedish municipality A?re. Tourism is an important economical source of income in A?re and is now threatened by a shortened winter season.
Kapitalstruktur : Skuldsättningsgrad och avkastning hos svenska finansbolag
In a time when economic crises relieving one another, it is especially interesting to study how companies choose to finance their operations. Since there is a lack of studies that include banks, and their capital structures, with the rest of the finance market, it is uncertain whether the theories of capital structure are applicable. Therefore, this essay aims to study whether there is any correlation between the two variables debt-equity ratio and return on equity (ROE) for Swedish corporations on the finance market.In accordance with the theorems that the professors Modigliani and Miller filed, in 1958 and 1961, which describes a clear link between debts, increase corporate value through the tax shield and indirectly increased yields. Although these theorems are the foundation of the modern research they focus on perfect markets. Therefore, this paper has also chosen to place great emphasis on theories such as Trade-off and Pecking-order.
Nitrogen fixation among boreal feather mosses along a clear-cut chronosequence
The Swedish boreal forests are limited by nitrogen (N) availability. While biological N2 fixation by cyanobacteria hosted by pleurocarpous feather mosses are important sources of N input to natural boreal forest ecosystems, little is known about the patterns of N2 fixation in silvicultural systems. This study investigates the biological N2 fixation rates of two boreal feather moss species (Pleurozium schreberi and Hylocomium splendens) along a chronosequence from clear-cut to mature forest, as well as the vegetation characteristics along the chronosequence. Measurements and samples were collected from 32 forest sites that were classified into four age classes (clear-cut, pre-commercially thinned, thinned and mature forest). The sites were located near the city of Arvidsjaur in northern Sweden.
Skolråd, bidrag och inspektion : Den fortsatta etableringen av ett statligt skolväsende mellan åren 1871 - 1882
This study investigated a local aspect of theSwedish elementary school modernization process between the years 1871-1882.Previous studies have been drawn from the school inspectors own reports andshow that the schoolboards housed a negative and resentful attitude towardsreforms and the school inspectors often felt that the parish priests were moreinclined to changes than the schoolboards themselves. Other research on elementary schoolmodernization has stressed the matching grants as a major cause of developmentand further establishment. In this study, however, a schoolboards own notes inthe form of meeting protocols during an eleven year period as well as a letterby a priest Erik Lundberg, Redogörelseför skolhusfrågan i Tierp dated 6 October 1880 were analyzed to see if theprevious explanation of school modernization, in particular with regard to thereluctance to change by the schoolboards goes to demonstrate and confirm. Theresults of this study have shown that even if the schoolboards do notimmediately follow the school inspectors instructions, it seems not primarilybeen due to resentment. Reforms within the school world are well known forbeing time-consuming but for the current period, as this study concerns andwithin this specific parish there were conflicts of interest which are notshown when only the inspector?s accounts and reports are examined.
Nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill : Tillvägagångssätt och problematik
Graphic profiles are a part of companies? brand expressions. The graphical values reflect the brand values the business wants to convey. They consist of different graphic elements such as logo, company sign, colour schemes, templates, rules, fonts, pictograms, formats and references to how different graphic elements should look, for example, business cards, signs and materials for websites. This thesis aims to examine why firms choose to replace their graphic profiles by studying their underlying motivations.
Företagsmodell för byten av systemutvecklingsmetod : från vattenfallsmodellen till Agila metoder
As changes occur more frequently in IT- and software development, it is important for the companies to meet the demands and needs of its customer. The companies have to be able to adapt themselves continuously in order till fulfill its customers changing needs in an effective way, which results in big changes of the companies? structures. The more traditional way of working is often replaced with more alternative approaches as a response to the reputable deficiencies of its predecessors. As an effect of the rapid change and development some companies now see big potential in switching to more Agile and flexible methods and some companies have no choice but to change their way of working.
"Vi är lika moderna som vilken butik som helst" : en fallstudie av hur marknadsbegreppen kund och varumärke upplevs av personalen inom Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar län
The public sector in Sweden has in recent decades undergone a large change due to market and liberalism impact. This change has meant that marketing communication and its concepts have been adopted by administrative authorities. In this thesis, we used governmentality, social constructivism and an interpretive perspective to examine the staff at the County Administrative Board in Kalmar County and their experiences and opinions of the concepts ?customer? and ?trademark?. The study was designed as a case study with qualitative interviews.
IUP- Ett verktyg för elevens lärande : En kvaliatativ intervjustudie om lärares arbete med individuella utvecklingsplaner
Each student in elementary school will under current policy documents have an individual development plan (IEP) from 1 January 2006. The plan should primarily aim for a higher goal achievement, but also to the student to gain a greater understanding of their own learning process and knowledge. My experience is that some students, despite efforts IUP have difficulty seeing their own learning process and it has been the starting point of my study. The aim of the study has been to investigate and analyze teachers work with individual development plans from the first grade to the sixth grade from a teacher's perspective. The goal was to identify strategies and techniques that could help develop IUP as a tool for the student's learning and understanding of their own learning process.
This study aims to investigate how small scale manufacturing companies reason around an implementation of a PLM-system, as well as the suitability of these systems compared to larger companies. The study is built on a qualitative method. Initially, secondary data was gathered through books, articles and reports. Primary data was gathered through four interviews. Two interviews were performed with PLM resellers, one interview was performed with a PLM developer, and one interview was performed with a small scale manufacturing company that opted to not implement a PLM-system.The results imply that overall differences between larger and smaller companies exist in regard to the need of PLM systems.
Att "gilla" ett museum : En komparativ fallstudie av tre museers externa kommunikation
The aim and purpose of this essay is to study if three museums are using Facebook strategically to promote two-way communication with their target audiences in their external communication. A qual-itative and comparative research method and has been used and communication managers from each of the three museums have been interviewed. These interviews have been transcribed and coded in order to reveal opinions and views on how that particular museum feels about social media and the use of these tools in their external communication. A number of Facebook statuses have also been collect-ed in order to discover how each of the museums is using social media in order to reach and engage their target groups. Should the results of this essay be summarized it would show that the museums are using the communication channel that they feel suits the needs of reaching a specific audience.