

7789 Uppsatser om Time expenditure - Sida 3 av 520

Yrksverksamma tandhygienisters arbetsuppgifter och dess tidsåtgång - en observationsstudieDental hygienists working tasks and the time they use carrying them out : ? an observation study

ABSTRACTThe aim of the observation study was to examine the dental hygienists working tasks and the time they used carrying them out. Four dental hygienists where observed during four days each. The total time the dental hygienists used with patients during sixteen fulltime days come to a sum of 89 hours of the possible 111 hours. Twelve hours was late cancels and time when patients didn?t come to their appointment and ten hours were used for meetings.

Att planera, markera och dokumentera tid

For a long time I have felt that there is a lack of time planning productson the market that attracts me to use them. Therefore I wantedto explore the possibilities of developing something that I reallywanted to use.At first I tried to come up with a more general tool for planningand structuring time, different from the products that are alreadyavailable. But soon I found it more interesting to see myself as theprimary user. This way I felt that I could experiment more and Ididn?t have to take things like production, cost and possible targetgroups into consideration.As I set out with an aim to try and understand my own problemswith planning and structuring time the project became a very personalone.

Tidsåtgång för rundvirkesmottagning på Södra Cell Mörrum

This study was made for the round wood transport company MT Transport AB. Time studies were made in order to analyze time consumption on the mill site for timber trucks delivering round wood at the Södra Cell Mörrum mill. The most interesting was to see how much of the time spent at the factory that was waiting time. In three weeks the study was going on and the drivers were clocking it themselves..

Nutritionens betydelse för akut traumatiskt hjärnskadade patienter

The aim of the literature review was to illuminate the importance of nutritional management to patients who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and describe nurses responsibility and meaningful function in the nutritional support. TBI patients tend to be associated with hypermetabolism and hypercatabolism, resulting in negative nitrogen balances. The results reveal increased energy expenditure and assessments of needs energy requirements at the TBI patients. This study determining the route of feeding: enteral versus parenteral nutrition. Furthermore describes complications associated with enteral feeding.

Sagostunder på folkbiblioteket: ur sagostundsledarens perspektiv.

This masters thesis takes the providers perspective on public library story times for children. The main questions are: What perspectives can the providers have? How does the perspective affect the content and how is the story time drawn up? Five story time providers were interviewed about the purpose of their story times, the methods they used and the content they chose. A model with four criteria was used to analyze the result of the interviews. The criteria were: adult criteria, consideration of the childrens view, pedagogical criteria and literary/story time criteria.

Hälsoarbetet i fritidshemmet : Hur fritidspedagoger ser på begreppet hälsa och hur de arbetar med hälsan i fritidshemmet

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

Fritidshemmens förebyggande arbete mot diskriminering, trakassering och kränkande behandlingar : En jämförelse mellan två fritidshem

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

Barns uppfattningar om fritidshemmet som en lärandemiljö

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

Barn och stress : En studie om fritidspedagogers erfarenheter kring stressade barn på fritidshem

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

En meningsfull fritid : En kvalitativ studie om fritidspedagogers uppfattningar av begreppet en meningsfull fritid och den egna yrkesrollen

The purpose of this study is to explore active after-school teacher?s perceptions of the concept of meaningful leisure time. The purpose of the study is also to investigate if the interpretations of meaningful leisure time affect the perception of their work roles and after-school teacher?s actual work in a leisure activity. The study also provides an insight into how afterschool teachers perceive their roles in general.

Kvalitet i fritidshem : En studie om pedagogers tankar kring kvalitet på en skolas fritidshem

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

Time & Sväng i sång

Syftet med studien är att få djupare insikt i sångpedagogers syn på Time och Sväng samt hur de didaktiskt arbetar med dessa aspekter. Det saknas mer omfattande forskning inom området. Med detta i behåll har jag för avsikt att få djupare insikt i frågeställningar som rör olika förhållningssätt till hur sångare kan öva upp Time och Sväng samt vad Time och Sväng innebär, generellt och i ett undervisningsperspektiv. Studien har som sin teoretiska utgångspunkt ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med fokus på hur människor använder olika redskap för att kommunicera med sin omgivning.För att få svar på mina frågor har använt mig av en halvstrukturerad intervjuform när jag samtalat med informanterna. Alla informanter i denna studie arbetar idag som sångpedagoger; två av dessa är mer inriktade på jazz medan de andra två är mer inriktade på populärmusik.

Predikaren och jakten på mening : En undersökning av intertextualiteten mellan Predikaren och filmerna Under solen och Sånger från andra våningen

The purpose of this study is to explore active after-school teacher?s perceptions of the concept of meaningful leisure time. The purpose of the study is also to investigate if the interpretations of meaningful leisure time affect the perception of their work roles and after-school teacher?s actual work in a leisure activity. The study also provides an insight into how afterschool teachers perceive their roles in general.

Tidlös ensembleundervisning? : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagoger undervisar Time i ensemble

Syftet med studien var att få en djupare inblick i hur ensemblepedagoger ser på Time samt hur de didaktiskt arbetade med detta. Vi avsåg att få djupare inblick i olika förhållningssätt som ensemblepedagoger kan ha till Time i en undervisningssituation, samt vad begreppet Time innebär. Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med fokus på hur människor använder olika redskap för att kommunicera med sin omgivning.Vi anser att vi har fått en bredare ingång i ämnet genom att alla pedagoger spelar olika instrument. Den gemensamma faktorn är att de undervisar i ensemble på folkhögskola. I undersökningen använder vi oss av den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun för att söka svar på våra frågor.

Ledtidsanalys på Peltor AB med logisk gruppindelning på elektronikprodukter

This report is the result of a case study at Peltor AB during the spring semester of 2007. The task Peltor gave us was to improve the delivery accuracy and to lower the high finical value of delayed orders (backorder), and to divide the products into logical groups. The logical group will be a useful tool to remain a high level of service. If the level of service increases the company will be more competitive.The electronic department at Peltor has problems with delayed orders. According to Peltor, the problem is based on delivery lead time which is presumed.To increase the delivery accuracy, a lead time analysis is made to find the accumulated delivery lead times for each product.

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