

6220 Uppsatser om Tillgänglig design - Sida 20 av 415

Konstruktion av infästning till dysa

The goal of this thesis is to design an attachment between a duct and a pod. A pod is what could be compared to an outboard engine for larger vessels. The pod is placed on the outside of the ship?s hull and can rotate 360 ?. A duct is a large steel ring that can be placed around the propeller on the pod to increasethe propulsion force of the ship in lower velocities.

Budgetens roll innan och efter finanskrisen

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

Upprustning av miljonprogram : En undersökning om kommunala bostadsbolag

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

Inget kan dofta ur inget : Identifiering av Enterobacteriaceae-arter isolerade från fyra opastöriserade franska mögel- och kittostar

Syftet med denna magisteruppsats a?r att ga? vidare med resultat fra?n en kandidatuppsats (Westling, 2013) ga?llande opasto?riserade franska mo?gel- och kittostar genom att underso?ka vilka Enterobacteriaceae-arter som ett urval av de analyserade ostarna inneho?ll. API 20E anva?nds som identifieringssystem. Tre Enterobacteriaceae-arter gav acceptabel till utma?rkt identifiering av 40 analyserade isolat fra?n de fyra ostarna, na?mligen Hafnia alvei, Escherichia coli och Klebsiella pneumoniae.


Gungstolen är en möbel med en säregen relation till sin brukare. Känsloladdad, lite opraktisk men omtyckt. Jag önskar att fler ska få uppleva glädjen och stoltheten i att bidra till skapandet av en möbel. En träram som fylls med personligheten av sin brukare. Kan detta också göra relationen till möbeln starkare?.

Framtagande av ställbar krok för hängränna

The purpose of this project was to design an adjustable gutter bracket for Lindab Profil AB. Lindab currently manufacture a gutter bracket that is adjustable in angle, however, this model has some drawbacks.  One of it´s shortcomings is that it is somewhat difficult for the customer to mount.  Another problem with Lindab?s current model is that the design makes manufacturing unnecessarily complex. The new gutter bracket, that we have constructed, does not have these problems. It is adjustable for different roof pitches.

Parkeringsapplikationen : Utveckling av en mobilapplikation för iPhone.

This report describes procedures and preparations made for developing a mobile application.Using a questionnaire and usability tests, I have developed a design document for a parkingapplication for the iPhone 4. The purpose of the application is to help drivers find allowedparking spaces thus making roads safer for everyone while the driver avoids parking tickets..

Rum i förändring - en studie av Stapelbäddsparken sedd ur ett genusperspektiv :

By doing a study of Stapelbäddsparken from a gender perspective I have been investigating and analysing physical planning and landscape architectural design. My intention with this thesis is to reflect on what a gender perspective in physical planning means and what kind of consequences and effects it could have on physical planning and outdoor design. Gender is something that is created, moulded and transformed by social and cultural processes. And it also includes a dimension of power concerning the knowledge of the relationships between women and men where the standard in today?s society is still men?s interests. To implement gender in my analysis of the park I have been observing how the park is used and who is using it. I have also been investigating who?s needs and wishes that has been provided for in planning and design.

Ett Pussel av Individer : Hur skilda upplevelser av värden påverkar realiserandet av ett filmprojekt

Att realisera en film a?r ett unikt och kreativt projekt da?r olika akto?rer med olika yrkesroller samarbetar. Syftet med denna studie a?r att beskriva hur en manusfo?rfattare anva?nder sitt kontaktna?tverk inom den svenska filmbranschen fo?r att realisera en film. Studien redogo?r fo?r vilka upplevda va?rden, i form av fo?rma?ner, som akto?rer samskapar med manusfo?rfattaren och hur det fo?ranleder andra akto?rer att vilja delta i filmprojektet.

Konstruktion av kostnadseffektiv fläkt till härdningsugnar

Scana-Booforge is a Swedish company which specialize in heat treatment of various metal. The treatments take place in quenching ovens, where fans are used to circulate the hot air. The fans used today do not have a satisfactory lifespan. This thesis aims to develop a new design of the fans for the quenching ovens, and the goal is that the new fans will bring cost savings for Scana-Booforge.The design development process started with mapping out the environment in which the fans operate, and with analysis of the existing fan structure and damages, in order to establish the cause of failure and of short durability. The performance of the fan were also established at this stage.

Larmbolagets webbplats : En studie om skapandet av en tillgänglig och användbar webbplats

This paper accounts for the work with a website for a company whose real name will not be disclosed in the text of this paper. Instead, they have been assigned the fictitious name Larmbolaget, which can be translated as ?The Alarm Company?.During our work with Larmbolaget?s website, we consulted a selection of accessibility guidelines from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, developed by a working group within the World Wide Web Consortium, as well as a number of design principles and heuristics outlined in this paper. We also conducted several usability tests on users from our intended target group. All the measures taken were an effort to ensure that Larmbolaget?s website be as accessible and usable as possible.Our conclusion is that the resulting website does comply with the accessibility guidelines and design principles described in this paper, and thus we consider it to be accessible and usable to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities..

Utveckling av design till mötesplats på Internet

Ett community är en mötesplats på Internet där människor kan hålla kontakt, lära känna nya människor, diskutera osv. Det finns idag en mängd olika communities med många olika inriktningar. Communityn är idag mycket populära sidor på nätet och vissa har enormt mycket besökare och tjänar stora pengar. Det kan därför vara svårt att locka medlemmar om inte communityt innehåller nyheter som inte redan finns. Målet med det här arbetet har varit att skapa en tilltalande och användarvänlig design till ett community med ett sommar, fest och rese- tema.

Anva?ndarbehov i samha?llsplanering : en fallstudie av anva?ndarcentrerade metoder

Public participation in urban planning is meant to increase democracy in the planning process. Even though all citizens have the option to participate in urban planning debates, few seize their chance to partake. This thesis describes a study on how user needs are met and prioritized in design processes concerning urban planning. The aim was to determine whether user-centered design (UCD) methods could be used as an avenue for public participation in urban planning and ultimately invite more citizens into the planning process.The thesis details a design process where a team worked to develop Farsta, a suburb of Stockholm. The design problem was the question of how Farsta could become an attractive business location.

Utveckling av personlyft till badkar

This thesis is performed as a summarizing project for the mechanical engineering education at School of Engineering in Jönköping. All knowledge necessary to complete this thesis was gathered from previous courses and education.This project was to develop a new product for the company TR Equipment AB in Tranås. The new product is going to be based on an already existing product, TR 1700. TR 1700 is a bathtub equipped with a height adjustable function. This product is used in retirement homes and in the care of disabled people.

Styrd tid är stulen tid, kontrollerad tid är fri tid : Om fyra kvinnors syn på tid och hur den används

Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera fyra kvinnors syn på tid, struktur och kreativitet på servicedesignbyrån Transformator design. Genom intervjuer och deltagande observation undersöker jag hur tid, struktur och kreativitet samspelar för mina informanter, och hur de använder tiden. Slutsatsen av denna studie är i korthet att kontrollen av tid är viktig för upplevelsen av tid. Strukturer, synliga och osynliga, är centrala för att se och förstå tiden och upprätthålla kontrollen av tid. Informanternas strävan är att skapa fylld tid, som är värdefull tid, och genom kontroll av tiden skapa en positiv känsla av att ha tid.

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