

1303 Uppsatser om Throat Scale - Sida 56 av 87

Oro och nedstämdhet hos heterosexuella par som genomgår behandling med ägg- eller spermiedonation

Varje år föds barn runt om i världen som ett resultat av ägg- och spermiedonation. I Sverige är äggdonation laglig sedan 2003. Spermiedonation är reglerat i lag sedan 1984. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka graden av oro och nedstämdhet som rapporteras från heterosexuella par som genomgår behandling med ägg- eller spermiedonation. Deltagarna i studien var män och kvinnor som genomgått ägg- eller spermiedonation vid ett av de sju infertilitetscentra som finns i Sverige.

En guide till det goda livet? Om gymnasieungdomars syn på religion och religiösa människor

The aim of this essay is to investigate the attitudes towards religion and religious people held by a group of Swedish high school students. The main questions are; what causes these attitudes andhow do they shape the students? encounter with religion and religious people and in what way could religious education help the students problematize these attitudes?The method used is a quantitative method using a questionnaire, with a Likert scale, posing different questions about religion as such, world religion and religious people. The theoretical basis, in order to discuss the result of the questionnaire, is a gender theory and the theory of social psychology.The result of the study confirms earlier studies of youths both in Sweden and Western Europe. The result shows that there is a certain degree of negative attitudes towards religion, most of all againstIslam.

Patienters tillfredställelse med distriktssköterskans hembesök

Bakgrund: Patienttillfredsställelse är ett mått på hur nöjda patienterna är. Patienter förväntar sig att bli bemötta med vänlighet och att uppleva trygghet vid hembesök av distriktssköterskan. I litteraturen finns flera olika instrument som mäter patienters tillfredsställelse med sjuksköterskans vård inom slutenvården. Det finns endast få instrument som mäter patienttillfredsställelse med sjuksköterskans vård i hemsjukvården.Syfte: Syftet var att ta fram ett svenskt instrument som kan mäta patienters tillfredställelse med distriktssköterskans vård vid hembesök. Syftet var också att testa detta instrument i en pilotstudie.Design: Denna studie har en kvantitativ och deskriptiv design.Metod: Client Satisfaction Scale (CSS) har översatts till svenska, validerats med hjälp av litteratur och en expertgrupp samt reliabilitetstestats.

Produktionsvåtmarker mot övergödning

In ambition to produce more and better harvests, artificial fertilizers are used to produce a better growth of crops in the agriculture landscape. This contributes to leakage of nutrients. Our forests also exhibit a leakage of nutrients. Air pollution contributes to more nutrients. High precipitation with high water flows as a consequence seems currently to occur more frequently in the county of Halland.

En usabilityutvärdering av Umeå Universitetsbiblioteks OPAC

This is a heuristic evaluation of Umeå university library?s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). It makes use of four of Nielsen?s ten heuristics, flexibility and efficiency to use, match between the system and real world, visibility of system status, and aesthetic and minimalist design. The evaluation was done by having 3 evaluators inspect the interface individually, as per Nielsen?s (1990) recommendation of 3-5 evaluators.

Våldtäktsmyter : En undersökning om studenters attityder kring våldtäktsmyter

Våldtäkt är ett stort samhällsproblem, med över 3000 anmälda våldtäkter i Sverige 2007. Definitionen av våldtäkt är en tolkningsfråga som påverkas av moraliska synsätt. Denna synbygger på historiska, religiösa och kulturella faktorer och kring dem kretsar ett antal vedertagna myter. Sverige är känt för att ha kommit långt på väg mot ett jämställt samhälle, vilket skulle kunna innebära att svenskar har lägre acceptans för dessa myter. Få studier om våldtäktsmyter har gjorts i Sverige.

Konsekvenser för äggproducenter efter förändring i djurskyddslagen avseende inhysning av värphöns :

The avowed aim in this project was to see how the Swedish egg production is today. My first question was if the Swedish egg producers egg production turn a profit. I have done five after calculation at five different egg producers with different systems from case to case. The difference has been the living system, the fodder and the egg price. They made a report in Uppsala, Sweden (Hoffman & Andersson, 1996), where the look forward to a Swedish cage ban and made calculations after that coming ban. After that they lift the Swedish ban of cages and the egg producers could invest in new cages who called the decorated cage.

Finansiering av små tillverkande företags tillväxtmöjligheter i revitaliseringsfasen : Finansieringsprocessen

In 2014-2015 a large-scale Ebola epidemic occurred in West Africa. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency was given the order to conduct the Swedish response. The purpose of this case study was to investigate the impact on project planning of the three factors: the nature of the crisis, political initiative and developing countries. In this case study the crisis was an epidemic, and the project was initiated by the Swedish Government and conducted in two developing countries. The results were intended to contribute to developed understanding and recommendations for future project managers in similar projects.

Robotiserad produktionsanpassad magnetmontering för vågkraftverk

This thesis work includes studies and simulation how magnetization of the translator in a linear generator for wave power can be automated. The translator is the moving component in the generator that is "dressed" with permanent magnets. The translator is magnetized with rectangle-shaped permanent magnets that are today's strongest permanent magnet type of neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB).Eight equivalent metal sheets are mounted around the translator. The plates have milled tracks where 106 permanent magnets per sheet are mounted. Today the assembling of the magnets is done by hand, which is a very tedious and time-consuming work.  This project presents investigations about the automation of the translator magnetization theoretically and simulation results are preformed in ABB's robot simulation software RobotStudio. Even robot-held tool was designed that enables the robot to be able to magnetize the translator in a simple manner.  The investment cost is roughly 1.5 million SEK. With an economic life-time of five years, the investment costs are estimated to 24000 SEK / month.  According to the calculations, this project is very motivated to implement, as it provides savings up to 17 000 SEK per translator which is 10.2 million SEK assuming that the robot cell is operating at full speed the whole year.According to this thesis work the result is a 4x9 meter cell with two industrial robots of the type ABB IRB6650S.The cycle time to magnetize one translator was calculated to about 10 hours.This prototype of project can possibly be implemented in a full-scale production line and performed according to the calculations and simulations presented in the report. Further work is suggested to improve the tool.Lyssna .

Sjukgymnastiska insatser för personer med Downs syndrom: en litteratursammanställning

Introduktion: Den vanligaste orsaken till utvecklingsstörning är Downs syndrom (DS). Vid DS ses en rad olika funktionsnedsättningar, varav muskuloskelettala problem är vanligt. De muskuloskelettala problemen kan innefatta nedsatt muskelstyrka, hypotona muskler, ledlaxibilitet och felställningar i fötter och händer. Sjukgymnastens roll i habilitering av personer med DS är att stödja den motoriska utvecklingen, stimulera aktivering av rörelseförmågan samt stärka individernas muskulatur. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa den vetenskapliga litteraturen över sjukgymnastiska insatser för personer med DS samt sammanställa insatsernas evidens och effekt.

C. M. Carlanders Svenska bibliotek och ex-libris (1904): En källkritisk studie av kvinnors bibliotek under tidigmodern tid.

The aim of this study is to examine the historical information about women?s libraries and book ownership during the early modern period in the work of Carl Magnus Carlander, Svenska bibliotek och ex-libris [Swedish libraries and ex-libris] (1904) and to inquire the scientific value of the information. A gender perspective is applied to the study. Gender is understood as a social and cultural constructed concept, dealing with female and male identities as interdependent categories.The study of Svenska bibliotek och ex-libris is made using source criticism and it has two parts. The first part deals with external conditions of the creation of the work; the life of C.

Situationer av moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor

Syfte: Att undersöka i vilka situationer moralisk stress förekom hos sjuksköterskor inom somatisk vård och hur uppfattningen av moralisk stress påverkades av sjuksköterskans ålder och erfarenhet. Bakgrund: Moralisk stress hos sjuksköterskor uppkommer när de vet vad som borde göras, men strukturella, organisatoriska eller ekonomiska faktorer utgör ett hinder för att utföra rätt handling. Effekter av detta kan leda till dålig självkänsla, depression eller att arbetsplatsen lämnas. Metod: En litteraturstudie med granskning och bearbetning av tio kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor upplevde moralisk stress i samarbete med andra professioner samt vid samarbete inom den egna professionen. Moralisk stress upplevdes vid meningslöst vårdande som till exempel ineffektiv vård när läkaren gav inkompetent vård. Även vid meningslöst livsuppehållande vård upplevdes moralisk stress. I vissa etiska situationer och vid besparingar som innefattade personalbrist och kostnadsbesparingar, uppstod även moralisk stress.

Safe retrieval of nutrients to improve food security

Safe retrieval of nutrients from human excreta to fertilize crops in order to gain adequate yields will increase food security and sustainability in agriculture areas with nutrient-poor fields. Safe and nutritious food will meet the dietary needs of the individual which promotes public health and the ability of an active life. Human excreta should be considered as a resource instead of being assumed as waste. Human faeces and urine is excellent fertilizers which may close the nutrient loop if utilized properly. However, sanitation of the excreta is required to prevent disease transmission by reducing the content of gastrointestinal pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. The objective of this study was to in small scale evaluate the sanitation in a combined liquid compost and urea treatment by monitor the inactivation of bacteria and viruses at the combination three start temperatures, 45, 40 and 35 °C, and three additions of urea, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 % and reference, 0 % urea addition.

Funktionell validering av mutation i PUS-1 i en patient med mitokondriell sjukdom

With the climate change issues growing in importance on the social agenda, the field of urban masterplanning is of no exception when it comes to minimizing the carbon footprint in a variety of projects. The aim of this thesis has been to prepare the Carbon Critical Masterplanning tool, a software plugin for carbon dioxide emissions assessment developed by Atkins, to be used in Swedish conditions. The main targets were to improve the areas of the tool associated with energy conversion and renewable energy sources, and to test the tool in a real case. A planned construction of a new campus in Albano, Stockholm was chosen for the pilot study. A 3D model was built in the tool and the carbon footprint was calculated for a variety of combinations for energy supply to the future area.

Vad är lantbrukarens syn på länsstyrelsens djurskyddskontroll?

Indications on poor understanding for the animal producers situation from the inspectors of animal welfare control have been seen in papers from farmers interest organizations. The aim of this study was to investigate what farmers view is on the animal welfare inspections done by regional Swedish authorities as well as the animal welfare inspectors work. The study investigated whether or not there were any differences between different counties in Sweden. There were also questions asked to see what animal producers thought could change in the animal welfare inspectors work so it would benefit them. The study was conducted using a telephone interview questionnaire.

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