

1303 Uppsatser om Throat Scale - Sida 11 av 87

Vän eller Vänskaplig : Ett dilemma i rollen som chef

Motivation för ledarskap styrs av värderingar, personlighet och tro på sin förmåga. Forskning har genererat tre motivationskategorier för ledarskap, affektiv-identitet ledarmotivation, icke-kalkylerande ledarmotivation och social-normativ ledarmotivation. Studien undersökte dessa tre motivationskategoriernas inbördes rangordning och skillnader mellan utbildningsinriktning och kön samt samband med generell self-efficacy och personlighetsegenskaper enligt femfaktormodellen.  192 studenter deltog från en mellansvensk högskola, därav 54 män, 90 från socionomprogrammen, 72 från det internationella businessprogrammet och 30 från två ingenjörsprogram.  De besvarade en enkät bestående av Chan och Drasgows Motivation to lead scale, Chen, Gully och Edens General self- efficacy scale och Shafers femfaktormodell Big Five Marker. Resultatet visar att det finns skillnader mellan motivationskategorier och utbildningsinriktning.

En jämförelse mellan linjära och traditionella bedömningssystem hos hästar

In Sweden the breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood horse uses a traditional scoring system when evaluating horses. The horse is scored subjectively in relation to how good each trait is in relation to the breeding objective. Other countries, for example the Netherlands, instead use a linear scoring system. The linear scoring system evaluates the horse on a scale between two, for the breed, biological extremes which makes the evaluation more objective since the judges personal values does not influence as much. The breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood is today planning a change towards a linear scoring system.

Tillämpning av en markprofilmodell för hydrologiska beräkningar i avrinningsområdesskala

There is a great need to reduce nutrient leaching from arable land into lakes and oceans. By using several different types of models it has previously been possible to describe nutrient losses in a catchment area with a minimum unit of sub-catchment level. At present, it is instead desirable to model a smaller catchment with an opportunity to re-connect the results to the corresponding fields in the catchment. Such models already exist but they are not fully able to properly describe Swedish conditions and land characteristics in our region.With the approach of creating such a model, SLU has developed a project with this work as its first stage. The model is expected to be created under the working name SWE-model which stands for Soil Water Environment and is in this first stage supposed to apply the SOIL model in catchment scale. During the procedure to describe the first step in the process of developing such a model adapted to Swedish conditions and which works in the catchment scale with an area of about 10-30 km2, focus has been set on calculating the transport of water flow from different hydrological response units. Regardless of the processes occurring in the soil after the water has been added, it is assumed that all the water which flows from each simulated unit is drained.In the first step the hydrologic response units were identified based on land use and soil type in the study area. With the help of a script with functions that retrieve and transform data, certain units were chosen for simulation. The script was also created in this project. Finally, the model results were aggregated and summarized for each unique unit, for each sub-catchment, and also for the whole catchment.From the results it is possible to see similarities in the flow dynamics between modeled and measured data. The efficiency coefficient has been calculated to correspond to the mean of the measured values for the whole simulation period. With an automated calibration process the model should be able to perform better. The volume error gives an indication of overestimation from the model..

PERSONLIGHETSFAKTORER OCH RISKY BUSINESS : Vilka personlighetsfaktorer är kopplade till individers riskbenägenhet?

Personlighetsfaktorerna har betydelse för hur mycket risker individer tar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan personlighetsfaktorerna enligt femfaktormodellen och graden av generell riskbenägenhet. Mycket av tidigare forskning har kopplat personlighet till domänspecifikt risktagande som hälsa, ekonomi och arbete, medan denna studie undersöker kopplingen till generell riskbenägenhet i vardagen vilket kan vara att välja ett okänt resmål eller att söka till en ny universitetsutbildning. 189 undersökningsdeltagare i olika åldrar och från olika yrkesgrupper besvarade en enkät bestående av två olika tester, den svenska versionen av the Big Five Inventory (BFI) och en svensk översättning av the Risk Propensity Scale (RPS). Resultatet visar på ett signifikant samband mellan fyra av de fem personlighetsfaktorerna enligt femfaktormodellen och en ökad riskbenägenhet, nämligen Öppenhet, Samvetsgrannhet, Utåtriktning och Vänlighet.

Motivation att leda hos studenter - samband med personlighet och self-efficacy

Motivation för ledarskap styrs av värderingar, personlighet och tro på sin förmåga. Forskning har genererat tre motivationskategorier för ledarskap, affektiv-identitet ledarmotivation, icke-kalkylerande ledarmotivation och social-normativ ledarmotivation. Studien undersökte dessa tre motivationskategoriernas inbördes rangordning och skillnader mellan utbildningsinriktning och kön samt samband med generell self-efficacy och personlighetsegenskaper enligt femfaktormodellen.  192 studenter deltog från en mellansvensk högskola, därav 54 män, 90 från socionomprogrammen, 72 från det internationella businessprogrammet och 30 från två ingenjörsprogram.  De besvarade en enkät bestående av Chan och Drasgows Motivation to lead scale, Chen, Gully och Edens General self- efficacy scale och Shafers femfaktormodell Big Five Marker. Resultatet visar att det finns skillnader mellan motivationskategorier och utbildningsinriktning.

Patienters upplevelser och attityder till tandhygienistbehandling, samt ett reliabilitetstest av mätinstrumenten Corah Dental Anxiety Scale och Dental Hygienist Beliefs Survey

The aim of the study was to examine experiences and attitudes to dental hygienist treatment in a group of patients by using the assessment tools Corah Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) and Dental Hygienist Beliefs Survey (DHBS) at the dental hygienist clinic, the university of Kristianstad. Another aim of the study was to test the reliability of the assessment tools. Methods: Fifteen respondents answered the two questionnaires at two different occasions before dental hygienist treatment. The results showed that nine respondents reported that they are absolutely calm when their dental hygienist is going to remove tartar, while six are a little bit worried or tensed. The categories ethics, communication, trust and control in DHBS had a positive agreement (mean value 1.1 and 1.2).

Lucid dreaming treatment och lucida drömmars relation till locus of control, depression samt subjektivt välbefinnande

Lucida drömmar (LD) innebär att drömmaren inser, under drömmens gång, att omgivningen och händelserna runtomkring är en dröm och inger förmågan att kunna påverka och reflektera över händelserna i drömmen. I lucid dreaming treatment (LDT) får drömmaren lära sig att förändra mardrömmars händelseförlopp. Dock blir inte alla lucida och många tror att det är själva känslan av kontroll som ger en effekt. Studien kommer utforska om kontroll utgör en nyckelkomponent i LDT genom att undersöka sambandet mellan LD och locus of control (LoC), depression och subjektivt välbefinnande där LD verkar som en medierande variabel mellan å ena sidan LoC och å andra sidan depression samt subjektivt välbefinnande. Deltagarna (n = 54) i undersökningen har fyllt i formulär gällande frekvens av drömmar och LD samt formulären Rotter?s 29 item internal-external scale, Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale, International positive and negative affect schedule short form, Satisfaction with life scale och Pittsburgh sleep quality index.

Öronakupunktur mot ångest och depression : En analys av behandling i grupp

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common among patients enrolled in psychiatric outpatient care. Ear Acupuncture is an alternative form of treatment that has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression in previous studies.Aim: To evaluate ear acupuncture as a group treatment for depression and anxietyMethod: A psychiatric outpatient clinic has been offering group treatments with ear acupuncture for anxiety and depression for 5 weeks. Participants of the study have answered self-rating scales Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Sheehan Disability scale before and after the treatment period. Material was collected in the period 2008-2012 and has been analyzed in SPSS.Results: Data from 31 patients were included in the study. The results from the study showed a significant difference, between the measurements before and after treatment, with a reduction of the average values in the three different scales.Summary: From this study, it is difficult to draw any conclusions about the effect of ear acupuncture.

Energianalys av tryckluftsystem : så kan Billerud Skärblacka AB spara energi på tryckluft

Compressed air is a low efficiency media, and is thus very expensive to produce. This thesis work began by mind mapping how to create savings on the compressed air system at Billerud Skärblacka AB. Certain issues have been chosen for further studies.In order to identify the consumption of compressed air at PM 8 and 9, several measurements were made. At PM 8 there were not found any pressure drop, only large pressure variations for short periods of time. The causes of these pressure variations were not established.

?Män är från Mars och kvinnor är från Venus? : Könsroller, kroppsuppfattning och självkänsla hos ungdomar

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om det fanns könsrollsskillnader i kroppsuppfattning och självkänsla utifrån könsrollerna maskulinitet, femininitet ochandrogynitet, om det fanns samband mellan kroppsuppfattning och självkänsla och även omdet fanns skillnad mellan könen gällande de två variablerna hos gymnasieelever (n = 79). Könsroller mättes enligt formuläret Bem Sex-Role Inventory SE ? BSRI-SE,kroppsuppfattning i enlighet med skalan Body-Esteem Scale for Adults and Adolescents ?BESAA och självkänsla enligt Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale ? RSE. Resultatet visade attmaskulinitet korrelerade positivt med kroppsuppfattning och självkänsla. Vidare fanns ettnegativt samband mellan femininitet och kroppsuppfattning och självkänsla och gällandeandrogynitet fanns ett positivt samband med självkänsla.

Utredning om en ökad biologisk behandling av matavfall i Halmstads kommun

Environment and sustainable development are very current topics in today's society, bothnational and international. The government's bill 2004/05:150 ?Swedish environment objectives - a common commission? contains several environmental quality objectives, that in turn is divided up in smaller secondary objectives. One of the secondary objectives says: ?Latest year 2010 shall at least 35% of the food waste from households, restaurants, largescale kitchens and shops be recycled through biological treatment.

En intuitiv & lättillgänglig flyktmask för gruvmiljö

I have always lived around mines and around people work­ing with mines. They are a natural part of my life and, inev­itably, a great interest of mine. When time came to make a decision for a degree project, focusing on the mine context felt as natural as breathing.In LKABs underground mines, safety in fire accidents is a great priority. Of outmost importance for the escape is to have a personal gas filter for filtration of smoke and/or gas. My design project resulted in a concept which is aimed at shortening the user journey from the start of the accident until the user has applied the personal safety solution and is ready to escape.Throughout the project I?ve been working with a context which is heavily regulated, and all problems are serious, important ones.

Utveckling av ergonomiskt hjälpmedel för personer med uppresningsbesvär

This report is the final result of the master thesis that have been done at  Sharpman Engineering. Sharpman Engineering is a small development and manufacturing company that produces and make drawings for everything from heavy duty log raft to aids for disabled people. The purpose have been to make one concept that make it easy for elderly and people having problem with knee- and back problem to stand up from a sitting position. The final result will the company have for further investigations and use for a pre-serial production with the goal to produce a new working product.To get an overview of what is on the market have a comprehensive survey has been done, followed by a survey on patent. This patent survey are for no intrusion on existing patents should occur and give new ideas.

Improvement in agricultural production in a rural area of Cambodia between 2004 and 2011 - with an emphasis on small scale cattle production

Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia with a tropical monsoon climate and distinctive wet and dry seasons. Poverty is a widespread problem in Cambodia and 30 percent of the population were classified as poor in 2009. About 80 percent of the populations live in rural areas where poverty is an even greater problem. In agriculture, rice cultivation is dominating and the crop is cultivated on 85 percent of the arable land. Livestock keeping is also a traditional part of Cambodian agriculture.

Idrotts-självförtroende och motivation : Hos kvinnliga och manliga elit- respektive amatörspelare i bandy

The purpose of this study was to exam the possible differences in the experienced self-confidence and motivation among the elite players in bandy and amateur players in bandy. In addition, any differences between boys and girls within the same area to be studied. A total of 112 athletes participated of whom 52 of them classified as elite players and 60 amateur players, with 62 boys and 50 girls. The athletes filled at one point in the questionnaires The Sport Motivation Scale, Harter?s (1980) ?competence scale? and The Sport Confidence Inventory.

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