

2321 Uppsatser om Three-year-olds - Sida 6 av 155

Effektiviseringsåtgärder i tryckluftsystemet hos Vattenfall Värme Uppsala

In this work an assessment of the compressed air system in the facilities of Vattenfall Heat Uppsala has been conducted. The facilities constitutes, among others, a combined heat and power plant, and two waste incineration plants. The compressed air is supplied primarily by seven rotary screw compressors and yearly electric energy consumption in these has been determined. Furthermore, the usage of compressed air has been mapped in order to find processes with energy savings potential. Several suggestions how to reduce the usage of compressed air have been presented, resulting in decreased need of electric energy and reduced CO2-emissions.The results show that total need of electric energy in the compressors, during a standard production year, amounts to 5.83 GWh.

Förekommer kränkande behandling? : En kvalitativ studie av förskolebarn och pedagoger.

The following paper is about degrading treatment in preschools and the essay discuss degrading treatment according to the Swedish school law, in preschools and the chosen focus for this study is three to four year old children. The aim is to see whether or not preschool children proceed with degrading treatment towards other children and if preschool teachers believe that children this young have the ability to do so. The questions for this study are: Can children proceed with degrading treatment towards each other? Which conflicts evolve through children?s interactions? Can children in pre-schools have a degrading behavior? To answer these questions participant observation at two preschools and interviews with four preschool teachers were chosen as method. The perspective of this paper is based on the view on children as actors, which is used to acknowledge and enhance the possibilities of letting the children?s own voices be heard.

Uppmuntrande uppdateringar : Om att utforma läsbara statusuppdateringar på Facebook som lockar till läsning och uppmuntrar till interaktion.

There are no guidelines regarding how companies should design status updates on Facebook which attain good readability and engage the readers. Half the Swedish population are Facebook-users, but companies have yet to publish comprehensible messages on Facebook which effectively include the recipients. Inclusion is not just a matter of accessibility, but also of readability.Therefore, I studied how status updates should be designed on Facebook in order to increase the readability and to engage the readers. My target group is 22-32 year olds, since the company I worked with wanted to target this group. I conducted my research through literature studies, interviews with the client, analysis of past status updates, questioned an expert in social media, and organized a group interview with the target group.My research shows that status updates should contain information that is topical, informative and relevant to the target group.

Elevinflytande i engelskundervisningen på gymnasiet : En jämförande studie mellan årskurs 1 och 2

The aim of this study is to investigate the notion of pupil influence in English teaching at level 1 and 2 at High-School level. The study focuses on how the students and teachers experience the possibility of influence in their English classes. Empirical data has been collected through questionnaires from two classes at year 1 and two classes at year 2 in English. The study also includes interviews from four teachers and four students. The study is both qualitative and quantitative.

Utvecklingsalternativ för grisbesättning :

The purpose of this report was to compare two different options for expanding of an existing pig farm. For the time being there are low prices within the agricultural market of pig production, and it is interesting to see if it is worth expanding or not. The two different options this report is based on are: expanding from a herd with 50 sows in breeding gilt production to a herd with 100 sows in breeding gilt production (option 1), or expanding to a herd with 140 sows in breeding gilt production (option 2). The number of pregnant gilts produced per year will stay the same for both alternatives; about 300 pregnant gilts per year. The rest of the breeding gilts will be sold at a weight of 25 kg. The pigs that are not sold as breeding gilts (e.g. castrates, and female pigs that are too small or that have disorders) will be kept on the farm as growing-finishing pigs until 120 kg of live weight, and then sold to the slaughter house. By using the existing buildings, even after the expanding, the investment costs, and thereby costs for housing, were kept as low as possible.

Tillämpning av 6 b § LAS vid sammanslagningar av företagshälsovårder : Anställningsavtalets skillnader vid pensionsbestämmelser

During year 2007 ClaraHälsan Ltd bought the company health service Solstahälsan in Karlstad. The wide merger of the two health services the problems arose around the employees? employment agreements when certain parts of the agreement differ. At a transition of a company, in this case a health service, the rights and obligations for the employees will pass on to the new employer according to directive 2001/23/EG who came in force in the swedish legal system in year 1995. The former employer is only responsible vis-à-vis the employees ?for economic obligations related to the time before the transition, the code of protection of employment 6 b §.

?Ett enormt resursslöseri? : En innehållslig idéanalys av debatten om förslaget att införa betyg från årskurs fyra

In the school political debate that is conducted in Sweden the question of grading is an ongoing topic of discussion. During the past year there has been a lively discussion about introducing grade from year four as suggested by the right wing parties. The purpose of this study is to set the teaching faculties? view and arguments in relation to the politicians' opinion in the ongoing debate about the proposal of introducing grades from year four. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate how central the didactic arguments are in relation to other arguments in the current debate.

The Never Ending Story : En läroplansteoretisk studie om GY11-reformens påverkan ur ett lärarperspektiv

New national curriculums are issued in order to change the present state of the educational system in a nation. In 2011 the old curriculum, the Läroplanen för de frivilliga skolformerna (LPF94) was replaced by the Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011 (GY11). As future teachers we are interested in how a new curriculum affects the work of teachers concerning planning, teaching and examination from the teacher?s point of view.We conducted interviews with five teachers working at upper secondary schools (16-19 year olds) in Kalmar county. Our theoretical framework is based on curriculum theory and concepts of Leonard Bernstein: framing and classification.

Gränsöverskridande och samhällets förfall. Om det sublimas ursprung och relevans för samtiden

The free choice of upper secondary school?A study of the meaning of the information channels for the choice of upper secondary schoolAuthors: David Fridner & Rikard ZeilonMentor: Ingela WadbringQuestionnaire studyDate: 2008-08-11AbstractThe choice of upper secondary school is a very important choice, both for the school and for the ninth grader. In Göteborg, the free choice of upper secondary school has generated several new information channels apart from the traditional counselor, daily news and the acquaintance. Today it is harder than ever to reach the pupil through the constant media noise and new forms of communication such as events appear. The fight for each pupil gets more and more important every term and it has now become real big business.Today?s youth is imprinted by a growing individuality and everyone knows that equableness is something very important.

Vinterträdgårdar ur ett byggperspektiv : En undersökning om byggandet av vinterträdgårdar

The purpose of this of this essay is to explore the construction of a conservatory that is livable allyear around. When you build a conservatory there are several factors that need to be regardedthat usually are of no importance when you build a regular conservatory. The glassed facadeneeds to have a very good U-value and all the parts of the facade need to be isolated and theconstruction needs to prevent thermal bridges.In this essay we will start by looking at the shape of the conservatory. Due to the façade consistsof glass the conservatory will need to have a good ratio between the area and the façade so thatthe heat losses will be at a minimum. However, due to the fact that one of the sides of the façadeis connected to the warm house, you quickly realize that the shape of the conservatory is of noimportance.There are two common ways to build a foundation for a conservatory, a molded concretefoundation and isolated wooden beams.

Wheat : an analysis of variables determining the Swedish price of wheat

Increasing volatility and less political intervention from the CAP in the market price of wheat is making it more difficult than in the past for Swedish farmers to determine the price at which they should sell their wheat. In the past, the Swedish farmer-owned company Lantmännen has traditionally set a guideline price for Swedish wheat every year to which farmers could adapt, but ceased doing so last year. Therefore this study sought to identify the parameters on which the price of wheat is dependent on by using a reduced form model. The perspective adopted was that of farmers. The model proved able to identify the main factors determining the annual price fluctuations in wheat, with all variables included having an impact on the wheat price, except export quantity in the previous year.

Säkerheten på en byggarbetsplats : Förhåller sig Skanska och dess underentreprenörer olika till arbetsmiljösäkerhet?

Approximately ten people die every year at building sites in Sweden. Every year TheWork Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) receives 3200 accident reportsfrom the construction sector. The Swedish building contractor Skanska has the vision:?Zero accidents?. Only at Skanska Sweden, where this diploma work is preformed,350-520 accidents and mishaps are reported every year for the last 5 years.

Vi efterlyser representation : En jämförelse av den etniska representationen i programmet Efterlyst mellan 1998 och 2006

The purpose of this study is to compare the representation of criminals in the Swedish television show ?Efterlyst? regarding ethnical background between the year 1998 and the year 2006. The aim is to determine if and how the representation of ethnicity have changed over the examined years. We have then examined 13 shows from each year and categorized the criminals by ethnicity, type of crime and length of each segment. We have come to a conclusion that the show has a noticeable overrepresentation of criminals with non-Swedish ethnical background.

Cross-Laminated Timber? En fallstudie av Hyttkammaren samt en jämförelse med prefabricerat betongelement ur platsomkostnadsperspektiv

Approximately ten people die every year at building sites in Sweden. Every year TheWork Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) receives 3200 accident reportsfrom the construction sector. The Swedish building contractor Skanska has the vision:?Zero accidents?. Only at Skanska Sweden, where this diploma work is preformed,350-520 accidents and mishaps are reported every year for the last 5 years.

Solvärme på Utö

The guest harbor on Utö, Utö Gästhamn, is currently using electricity for heating all of the water used in the showers and taps. Because of the large amount of visitors, especially during the summer months, the hot water usage gets very high and that is also the case for the electrical bills. During the year of 2011 the cost of electricity for Utö Gästhamn reached a total of 257 500 kr. Out of these 257 500 kr approximately 142 000 kr, 55 % of the total cost, were because of the water heating.The report is the result of a cooperation with Skärgårdsstiftelsen, the Green Islands-project and Utö Gästhamn where the mutual goal is to dimension a solar energy system, to promote the sustainable development.Initially the different techniques for the solar energy system are researched. The techniques are plane solar collectors, evacuated tube collectors, pool collectors and photovoltaic cells.

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