

2321 Uppsatser om Three-year-olds - Sida 23 av 155

Hur söker användare kinesiskt material i LIBRIS: ?????

The purpose with this thesis is to research what function the National Library Catalogue of Sweden (LIBRIS) has as an information resource for Chinese language material. How is LIBRIS used as an information resource seen from the point of view of a users specific language need. This will be exemplified through an empirical survey of three user groups with different prerequisites concerning their knowledge in Chinese. Group A were beginners and had studied Chinese for one year. Group B were advanced students who were studying their third year of Chinese.

Skademönster på Gotland : Kontaktorsak, skadeplats och skadeorsak med fokus på ålders ? och könsskillnader

Injuries are considered to be a major public health issue. More than 4600 people die each year and 10 % of all hospitalization in Sweden is related to injuries. The cost in a societal perspective is estimated to 59 billion a year. Injuries are possible to prevent. However it needs knowledge that the injury has occurred and the surrounding circumstances.

Marknadsföring av folkbibliotek ? om fyra folkbibliotek i Kalmar län på väg mot visionen att bli Sveriges bästa biblioteksregion år 2010

The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis is to describe the phenomenon ofmarketing. Four public libraries in the County of Kalmar have beenstudied in the aim to obtain information on their current marketingin the autumn of 2004, as well as their view of marketing and itssignification in connection to a vision that the Regional Library inKalmar has established. The vision is that the County of Kalmar isgoing to be the best Region of Libraries in Sweden in the year of2010. Target markets for the vision is the general public, studentsand entrepreneurs. The study has done a landing at an early stage ofthe vision, the starting point of which was in the year of 2001.

Den nya ämnesplanen i moderna språk : vad innebär den för förändringar och hur tolkas den?

The purpose of this research is to study the new curriculum in the topic of modern languages in the upper secondary school, and compare the curriculum from year 2011 with the one from year 2000 and thus try to find differences in the content and wordng. The research also aims to investigate teachers' interpretations and understanding of the new curriculum. The study is divided into two sub?studies and those are based on the two methods of text analysis and interview. Text analysis of policy documents is made parallell with some aspects found in the background materials of the upper secondaryschool reform, which can be summarized as precision and globalization.

Att mäta publicering av artiklar: En tillämpning av bibliometri på evidensbasering inom socialt arbete

This thesis examines the scientific publishing in the subject area of evidence based practice EBP in social work. Issues are: How has this publishing evolved, separately and compared to the publishing about evaluation in social work? What authors/countries have produced the largest numbers of articles? What journals have published the largest numbers of articles? Which are the most frequent co-occurrences of a selection of terms? 161 records for articles from 50 different journals were selected from Social Services Abstracts using subject of journal and a query as criteria. For each year, the number of articles about evaluation in social work was larger than about EBP. A decline in the publishing about evaluation coincide with a growth in EBP after the year 2000.

Ägarlägenheter : En möjlighet till införandet av en ny affärsmodell?

This thesis will explore how swedish Talang 2010 used their strategic communication in Kalmar and Stockholm and how the effect of this work was shown in the two cities. With a focus on how the sender was working with the external communication in the two cities, the heart of the research was studying Talang 2010?s communication strategy in these two contexts. The research was made with surveys during two audition days in Kalmar and two days in Stockholm. The competitors, the audience and the general public were answering different surveys but with the same base to study the effect.

Omplacering av hundar : situationen i Sverige

I the year of 2008 there were more than 60 000 purebred dogs newly registered in theSwedish Kennel Club. In addition there are a lot of mixed breed dogs and in the year of2006 it was estimated that there were over 700 000 dogs in Sweden. In today?s society it isnot unusual that people change their life situation by moving, getting a new job or startinga family. Because of this there is a risk of rehoming for dogs owned by these people.In Sweden dogs are among others rehomed by advertising or by rehoming organisations.

Digital divide eller digital opportunity i Anacostia High School, Washington D.C. : en studie baserad på sistaårselever i High School

 Purpose/Aim: The goal of this thesis is to examine access and knowledge computers and the Internet among the senior-year students of Anacostia High School. Do the students of this facility have the same opportunity as the residents from better socioeconomical backgrounds or are they being excluded from the technology? Material/Method: To approach the thesis goal I have used a quantitative method. More specifically, a questionnaire was handed out to the senior year students at Anacostia High School. Main results: The study has shown that most of the students of Anacostia had in some way access to computers and Internet.

Långsiktig förändring av fosforhalt och skördenivåer för jordar med höga P-AL-tal : en analys av försöksserien "Exploatering av höga fosfortillstånd"

The field trial Exploatering av höga P-AL-tal (Exploiting P in heavily P dressed soils) started in 1982-1983 and included seventeen study sites placed across Sweden. Each site included three treatments, one unfertilized control (A), one aiming at replenishment of harvest removal, i.e. fertilized with 15 kg P ha-1 year-1 (B) and one over-fertilized (C) with 30 kg P ha-1 year-1. In this thesis data from the five longestrunning study sites are analysed based on four hypotheses. The hypotheses stated that in soils with high P-AL values and a pH over 6.0 P-AL will not decrease over time in the control (A) or in the replenishment treatment (B), that P-AL and P-HCl in the top soil will increase at all sites for the over-fertilized treatment (C) and that yields will not decrease as long as the P-AL is above 12 mg P 100 g-1 soil. My conclusions from the analysis of data from the selected sites are as follows: - A pH above 6.0 cannot guarantee a stable P-AL value in an unfertilized but phosphorus-rich soil. - The P-AL of unfertilized soils decreased faster at lower soil pH than at higher pH. - In the replenishment treatment (B) the rate of P-AL decrease seems to fall at a pH of 6.5. However, the influence of the soil type cannot be ignored. - P-AL and P-HCl did not increase in all over-fertilized treatments.

Sjuksköterskors arbetsbelastning - en faktor för patientsäkerhet : En litteraturstudie.

Background: Every year, more than 1000 cases of adverse events are reported in the Swedish health care system. These adverse events cost approximately 240 million Swedish kronor each year. By explaining the factors that cause nurses to make mistakes when they have too great a workload, it is hoped the awareness of health care staff will increase. Aim: To perform a literature review which describes factors that can endanger patient safety when nurses experience too great a workload. Method: A systematic literature review encompassing both quantitative and qualitative material.

Vilka förhållanden är gynnsamma för mjölkkors naturliga beteenden - förekommer skillnader i djurhållningen vid konventionella respektive KRAV certifierade lantbruk?

The aim of this study was to investigate which elements that functioned in a positive way on the natural behaviors of dairy cattle among KRAV certificated and conventional farms. The study was based on reading of earlier research and completed by interviews with farmers, animal health inspectors and consumers. The results showed us that the KRAV certificated farms used only loose housing barns and that the cattle were allowed a pasturetime of five months, or more, in one year. Our interviews with the consumers confirmed that KRAV was a well known trademark. The conventional farms were more flexible in their choice of housing systems, and used both loose housing barns and barns with the cattle tethered.

Barnfattigdom i Sverige, finns den? : En studie om Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas välfärdspolitik mot den svenska fattigdomen sedan 1960-talet

This essay is regarding the problematic facts about child poverty in Sweden. Since the beginning of the new millennium child poverty has increased, in Sweden. The last report which came out in the spring this year (2012) opened up for a lively political debate as well as big headlines in news papers and other media. The attention it got in Society became hard for the politicians to avoid. The Swedish section of Save the Children, demanded in their report concerning child poverty in Sweden that the Swedish Government need to do an inquiry about the increasing child poverty.  Today in Sweden, there are two big parties, and they have been the biggest for a long time now.

Extramural English Activities. Teachers? perceptions of students? extramural English activities in relation to vocabulary

Because of the globalization of society, English as a foreign language (EFL) has become easier to access through internet and outside school English activities, so called ?extramural English activities? (EEA). Previous research indicates a positive relation between pupils? EFL vocabulary development and EEA (Sundqvist, 2009). This development may influence teachers? lesson planning, because of pupils? wide span of interests and the resulting different levels of EFL vocabulary.

Med fokus på manliga reportage :  En kartläggning och analys av Veckans reportage i Fokus 2008

The aim of this thesis was to examine what stories the Swedish periodical Fokus write about in their main reportage, "Veckans reportage", and how they express their stories. Through the survey we wanted to examine which topics, areas and actors that occurred in the texts during the year of 2008. We studied Fokus in two parts. In the first part we read every "Veckans reportage" published in 2008, which is 43 reportages, and categorized them into groups based on topics, areas and actors. The result helped us to pick two representative texts to analyse further.

Kålgallmygga, Contarinia nasturtii Kieffer : en växtskadegörare på kål

The purpose of this paper is to examine what problems cabbage growers have with the Swede Midge. The last few years the Swede Midge, Contarinia nasturtii, has become a larger problem for cabbage growers in several countries in Europe as well as in Sweden. In Canada the problems are so severe that the midge is classified as a quarantine pest and therefore certain rules have to be followed. I have collected facts of the biology, host plants and reproduction of the Swede Midge, as well as the growers experiences and the occurrence of the midge in Canada, Europe and Sweden. The Swede Midge is hard to control because of its short life cycle and the larvae are protected between the heartleaves of the plant. When the larva feeds on the growth point the plant becomes distorted, in some cases several heads develop or none at all. When the midge infests spring rape its flower buds become undeveloped and rosette like.

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