745 Uppsatser om Threatened species - Sida 3 av 50
Bottensubstratets inverkan på föryngring av Flodpärlmussla
The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) is threatened throughout its range. There has been a substantial decline of the species and one major reason is habitat degradation. We investigated how the substrate composition of the bottom floor affects the regeneration of the mussel by analyzing data from the Västerbotten County Board?s inventory of the freshwater pearl mussel. The results implied that fine material such as fine sediment and sand might be detrimental to regeneration whereas gravel and boulders and in particular stone seem to be beneficial.
Scilla-släktets användningsmöjligheter i Sverige : med utgångspunkt i ståndort, egenskaper och historia
This study investigates the main question ?How can the small, blue spring bulb genera Chionodoxa, Puschkinia and Scilla be used in Swedish outdoor settings, with main focus on the genus Scilla?? This is done by answering four sub-questions: Which of these Scilla-species are hardy in Sweden? Which are their characteristics and habitats? What does their history of application look like? What is commercially available today? The aim of the work has been to make a survey of hardy and available Scilla-species, their character-istics, field of application and history. The purpose is to create a tool in the work with geophytes in different outdoor settings in Sweden, and to contribute to the discussion of new fields of application for bulb plants, such as Chionodoxa, Puschkinia and Scilla. The questions are answered through literature studies and discus-sions with knowledgeable persons in the field. First, an investigation and a survey of Scilla-species hardy and commercially available in Sweden, will be presented, where information of appearance, charac-teristics, habitats, varieties and historical and present application of the species will be found. With this background, a discussion around all the questions, today?s use and also new fields of application, has been carried through. The conclusions made from this study, are that there are today 15 Scilla-species commercially available and hardy for the Swedish climate.
Osteometriska Mätningar : För artbedömning av får, get och svin utifrån mått av revben
Ribs from sheep, goat and pig are rarely assessed to species due to the fact that they are very similar in their morphology and size. The ribs are instead considered unidentifiable although it is possible to see what kind of bone it is. If these ribs would be identified to species not only would species assessment degree of archaeological source material increase, the relationship between meat-rich and meat poor regions would change.To find out whether there are morphologically measurable differences between sheep, goat and pig ribs, three measurement points on each rib has been defined and measured. At each measurement point two measurements were measured, one medial-lateral measurement and one cranial-caudal measurement. The ratio between the medial- lateral measurement and the cranial-caudal measurement was calculated for each point.
Människans roll i skogslandskapets trädslagssammansättning, en studie i Ångermanland
Human presence has always influenced the surrounding areas, the forest as well. Structure and species composition have changed during human land use. Knowledge regarding these changes should be of great interest for conservation and forestry. We have analyzed human impact on the tree species composition on five study sites during 2000 years in Ångermanland, Sweden. More specifically the change in tree species composition in percentage amongst alder, birch, spruce and pine over time.
Hur ser lavars fördelning ut runt stammen på ek, och påverkas den av trädets storlek och dess närmiljö?
The aim of this study was to describe preferences of geographic direction of ten, oak-living epiphytic lichen species and how they responded to sun exposure, nearby bushes and trees, bark fissure depth and circumference. The frequency of every species was recorded in arcs of ten degrees around the tree at a height of 130 to 180 cm above the ground. An estimation of the amount of every species in every arc was also recorded. To analyse how the distribution of the lichen species responded to the different factors their concentration for every tree was plotted against the four factors. The distribution of Cliostomum corrugatum had a positive response to high sun exposure and a negative response to a thick layer of bushes and trees.
Retention of stumps on wet ground at stump-harvest and its effects on saproxylic insects
Low stumps represent on their own up to 80% of the dead wood remaining on clear cuts and therefore supply suitable habitat for saproxylic insects i.e. insects depending on dead wood for their survival. Recent stump harvesting activities threaten this substrate of ecological importance and increase the anthropogenic negative impacts on these species. Because of technical and environmental reasons (nutrient leakage, erosion) guidelines for stump harvesting recommend to retain stumps standing in wet parts of clear cuts. However, stumps in wet positions might not be a satisfactory substrate for saproxylic insects and therefore might not be as much used as stumps in dry positions.
36 nyanser av torsk : en osteologisk analys av fiskben från Hemmor i Dalbo i När sn på Gotland
The purpose of this paper was to analyze fishbones from the Pitted Ware Culture settlement named Hemmor. in Dalbo, När parish on Gotland. The fishbones are unburnt and derive from one specific culture layer (c:6) in trench one VI:7, and radiocarbon dated to 2600-2300 BC cal.In this paper I wanted to answer these following questions:1. What kind of fish species did they eat in Hemmor?2.
Jordlöparfaunan i bestånd av contortatall (Pinus contorta) och svensk tall (P. sylvestris) 1987 och 2010
In the 1970´s the North American lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) was introduced to Sweden in large scale. The lodgepole pine affects its new environment different from Scots pine (P. sylvestris), leading to a change in biological diversity.
Forestry today affects the ground beetle fauna (Carabidae). Habitat specialists associated with older forests are first affected. When the canopy closes again after a clear-cutting species that prefer open habitats reduces and those who prefer mature/closed forests increase.
In this study we compare differences in diversity and community structure of ground beetles in stands of lodgepole pine and Scots pine.
Epiphytic lichens associated with different traffic intensities along the highway E4
Inventories of epiphytic lichens on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) were conducted at three sites in east central Sweden: along the newly build motorway (Road E4), along the old road (Road 600) and in a reference site, to compare the effects of traffic pollution on lichen diversities. At each site, species richness, lichen mean sensitivity value (MK), air quality index of the forest stand/sample plot (LKI) and nitrogen impact value (N) were calculated and it was tested if there was any difference between the sites. Twenty-four species were observed in total, and Parmeliopsis ambigua and Hypogymnia physodes were the most common species at all sites. At Road E4, fewer lichen species were observed than at the other sites and this might be due to the impact of air pollution. The species richness at Road 600 was similar to that of the reference site, which might be explained by the improved air quality.
Status och hotbild för den oceaniska laven broktagel Bryoria bicolor i sydvästsverige :
Horse-hair lichen Bryoria bicolor is a red-listed lichen species in the category Vulnerable. It is an oceanic lichen and it is often found on boulders and cliffs in a semi-open environment with a high humidity in the agricultural landscape. The species can also be found as an epiphyte on trees, mostly in boreal forests in the provinces of Dalarna, Härjedalen and Jämtland. In the agricultural landscape, there has been indications on that B. bicolor show a decline, and this studie aimed at examining the extent and causes of this decline.
Structure and tree diversity of lowland limestone forest on Seram Island, Indonesia
There have previously been very few studies of forests on Seram Island in the Eastern Indonesian archipelago and none before on lowland limestone primary forests. The COLUPSIA project on collaborative land use planning has therefore chosen Seram as one of two project sites. The objective of the COLUPSIA project is to establish collaborative and equitable land use planning. In order to achieve its objective the COLUPSIA project aims to improve understanding of traditional resource management and how it interacts with governmental systems, as well as enhancing knowledge about tropical landscapes and ecosystem services.The aim of this study was to contribute to the COLUPSIA project through describing lowland limestone forest on Seram Island in respect to (1) forest structure, (2) tree species richness and (3) tree species composition. We set up 5 plots, each of 0.2 ha, at one site, Mawalai, and collected data on tree variables (tree diameter ?10 cm) as well as for some other life forms and environmental data.
Artrika vägkanter - hur påverkas de av slåtter och underhållsdikning?
This study is an exam work at the Department of Ecology at the Swedish Agricultural University, Ultuna, Uppsala. The field work was performed in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland.
Grassland areas, exposed to annual mowing, are known to host a variety of rare and red-listed vascular species. The area of these grassland are, however, decreasing in the landscape due to modern farming. The fact that roadside verges maintain regular mowing has proven to be a successful concept for many rare vascular plant species in this habitat.
Vascular plants along roadside verges at the State road network were inventoried due to a government mandate during 1995 and 1996. As a result ?Species rich roadsides? were pointed out.
Blästring av trä : Ett materialbibliotek av blästrade och ytbehandladeträytor
In my thesis I have sand blasted different type of woods - ring-porous and diffuseporous deciduous tree species and conifers - to show different results depending on the species, the direction of the grain and the effects of surface treatment of a blasted surface.The results of my tests were sometimes unexpected, such as that the sand from blasting almost completely disappeared, that all wood surfaces after blasting exhibited a much lighter or paler surface than before and that the diffuse-porous tree species showed differences in hardness between the beginning and end of annual rings.By creating a library of different kinds of wood and sandblasted surface treatment, I have created a reference bank that I will be able to use me in the manufacturing of interiors, furniture and other objects..
Epixylic, forest-interior bryophytes in young stands : importance of local environmental variables, propagule sources, and distance to bordering woodland key habitats
The reduction of coarse, dead wood is considered to be the biggest threat to flora and faunain boreal forests. Extensive harvest of logging residues would increase this reduction evenmore. However, the role of dead wood created at final felling for boreal, epixylic species isstill largely unclear. It is therefore of interest to examine whether epixylic species inhabit thedead wood in young, boreal stands, especially species considered to be confined to forests inlate successional stages.The aim of this study was to investigate whether forest-interior species in fact can inhabitearly-successional forests arisen after logging. The study was conducted in young standsbordering dead wood rich woodland key habitats.
Short-term responses of the field layer vegetation in a south Swedish deciduous forest after establishment of wild boars (Sus scrofa)
Inside the south Swedish national park Dalby Söderskog, wild boars (Sus scrofa L.) have been visiting since 2010. The presence of wild boars has earlier been proven to
impact both soil and vegetation characteristics, both positively and negatively. Still, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the rooting effect on the vegetation in
deciduous forest within the native range. In this study, I have compared the field vegetation collected before and after the invasion of wild boars in 74 permanent experimental plots. More specifically, the study aimed to qualify the effect of wild boar rooting on cover ratio, species richness and species composition in a temperate
deciduous forest.