

345 Uppsatser om Threat - Sida 1 av 23

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld inom akutsjukvård

Background: An indisputable right for nurses is to have a safe and secure work environment so they can deliver a high quality care. To bring a clear definition of what Threat and violence are, is an important part in the work to prevent Threat and violence. One part of the problem is that the experience and understanding of Threat and violence can be different from one person to another. Aim: The aim of this quality study was to emphasize Nurses experience of Threat and violence at workplace. Method: The method used in this study was qualitative interviews in the sense to bring out the nurses experience.

DET RYSKA GRUPPHOTET MOT EU-IDENTITETEN En Analys av Realistiskt och Symboliskt grupphot i Central- och ?steuropa efter Rysslands Invasion av Ukraina

In 2022, Russia completed its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The EU responded with powerful restrictive measures against Russia to demonstrate its unified support for Ukraine, indicating that the perception of Russia as an external Threat to the EU, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), has become increasingly evident following the invasion. Drawing on theory and previous research suggesting that external Threats strengthen group identities, I argue that Russia is perceived as an external Threat to EU identity in CEE after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Stephan and Stephan's integrated Threat theory considers an external Threat as either realistic, posing a Threat to the ingroup's existence, or symbolic, posing a Threat to the ingroup's worldview. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between EU identity and the perception of Russia as a group Threat to the EU among individuals in CEE based on the nature of the group Threat: realistic and symbolic.

Pressat läge : En pressundersökning av de påstådda kränkningarna under ubåtskrisen på 1980-talet

 The aim of this essay is, by using tree conductive Swedish newspapers, see how thesubmarine violations that Sweden suffered during 1980s, was depicted in the Swedish press in terms of Threats. Two major submarine violations will be investigated in this paper, U137-incident in Karlskrona archipelago in 1981 and Hårsfjärden-incident in Stockholm archipelago in 1982. To achieve the purpose, I use a qualitativ method and a Threatperspective to answer my questions. These questions are for instance- From which nation, according to press reports, comes the Threat?- What is, according to the press, Threatened?The results show that the press saw the submarine violations as a major and serious Threat that mainly come from Soviet Union.

Tas Nordkorea någonsin på allvar? : En studie av Nordkoreabilden i två svenska tidningar

North Korea has been on people?s minds lately. This essay is a study of what image Swedish press gave of North Korea starting in 1948 and ending in 2011. The study looks at two of the largest newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter.  During the 1950´s the image given was that North Korea was part of the communists, a puppet state of the Soviet Union.

Informationskrigföring : den nya teknikens hot

The new information society has revolutionised almost the entire world. But the new technique does not only bring good. That which was before only available on paper may today only be available on a computer system. This makes it possible to send data electronically. In the wrong hands that information can become a Threat against the security of an individual, a company or even a nation.

Informationskrigföring - den nya teknikens hot

The new information society has revolutionised almost the entire world. But the new technique does not only bring good. That which was before only available on paper may today only be available on a computer system. This makes it possible to send data electronically. In the wrong hands that information can become a Threat against the security of an individual, a company or even a nation. The possibility to protect oneself against attacks from the outside becomes increasingly difficult.

Solidaritet möter säkerhet - Vad 'immigranterna' får representera i immigrationspolitisk diskurs

This essay concerns the notion of how immigration politics, defined as a political discursive structure that explains and justifies how and why the movement of people into a state's territory is restricted and controlled, has come to present its purpose not as solidarity with the 'immigrants' wanting to enter the state but as a protective measure for the state's citizens. By using discourse theory combined with theories from the International Relations field I attempt to explain why and how such a discourse positions 'immigrants' as a Threat to the state.First, I concentrate on why an immigration politics discourse would position 'immigrants' as a Threat. I argue that in order for people to construct their identity, the 'outside' what they "are not" has to be repressed. In the same way, the state has to dislocate the "outside" and create Threats to uphold its supremacy. These boundaries are set to create a feeling of predictability and security, and ultimately they are a way of making peoples' "world" coherent.

En gemensam fiende? : -En jämförande studie om olika staters syn på terrorism

Even though terrorism has been on the political agenda for several years there is no general accepted definition of the phenomena of terrorism. Several scientist do also apply that terrorism have changed after the 9/11-attacks. The purpose with this thesis was to analyze and compare the image of terrorism represented by the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden and Norway, in an attempt to draw conclusions about similarities and differentials. The material that was used was these four nations individual counter terrorism strategy. This was made by using idea analysis and self constructed dimensions based on earlier science about security, terrorism and international law.

De små stegens tyranni : En studie av Sverigedemokraternas förhållande till islam

The aim of this essay was to determine 1. How Muslims were described in the Sweden Democrats official magazine and 2. What the purpose with their descriptions could be. The material, the SD-Courier was chosen due to it being an official magazine that was easily accessible. A hermeneutic method was used where each article selected was read several times to create a greater understanding for the material and the phenomenon within.

Hot, våld och trakasserier : En studie om handlingsutrymme, politiska ledare och demokrati

Studies have shown that politicians are significantly more likely to become victims of violent crime than other citizens in Sweden. In fact increasing political rank and engagement are directly proportionate to increased risk for violence. Threat towards politicians is not only dangerous to the individuals involved but also to the democratic system as a whole.Political scientists the world over have done a lot of research on democracy, but I have been unable to find a single method or theory that examines how violence, Threat and harassment affect political leaders and democratic systems.The aim of this study is to expand the existing model made by Tommy Möller, professor in political science. In his model he presents 11 factors that affect political leaders ability to act. My aim is to develop his model by adding a 12 th factor ?violence, Threat and harassment?.

Våld på uppdrag av FN - Vilka situationer hotar internationell fred och säkerhet? : En tolkning av artikel 39 i FN-stadgan.

Art.39 är grindvakten som inleder kapitel VII i FN-stadgan och tröskeln vid vilken säkerhetsrådet går från att vara ett multilateralt organ till ett globalt verkställande organ. Konceptet ?Threat to the peace? är det bredaste, otydligaste och viktigaste begreppet i art.39 FN-stadgan. Genom att framställa de centrala förutsättningarna för tillämpningen av art. 40-42, öppnar art.

Vänskapshot : - en följd av ett långvarigt samarbete mellan en revisor och ett litet ägarlett bolag?

This is a bachelor essay in business and administration with concentration in accounting. The purpose of the essay is to describe and analyse how an auditor, who has had a close cooperation with a small owner-led company in several years, can obstruct the specific familiarity-Threat and if it appears, secure that it does not affect the independence of the auditor.The conclusion of this essay contains two models which intend to describe how an auditor, as a suggestion, can obstruct the specific friendship-Threat and if it appears secure the independence of the auditor..

Nord Stream - Vägen till säkerhet?

Big dangerous Russia, environmental thief or house warmer? The Nord Stream pipelines are a highly debated theme in Europe and the EU. A number of different countries will be subject to the pipelines direct or indirect. This paper aims to figure out what kind of Threats and possibilities Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Germany consider to be the consequences with the pipelines.The study takes as a standpoint the area of security studies and the widened of the same. The three standpoints within the security study that will be used are military security, environmental security and energy security.

Talent Management : Möjlighet eller hot? Sett ur HR-anställdas perspektiv.

The purpose of this study is to contribute with new knowledge of  how Talent Management can be seen as a an opportunity or Threat for organizational development, concerning competence, on the basis of HR. The research questions asked are: Out of wich aspects can Talent Management be seen as an opportunity or Threat on the basis of HR-employees? How can it affect the work of HR? To answer these questions qualitative interviews with five employees within HR from four different companies has been executed. The essay has been investigated on the basis of an explorative aim and with a qualitative method. The empirical results has indicated common themes such as director support, HRs view of Talent Management, HRs development and shifts of generations.

Vi och muslimerna : En kvalitativ studie om hur muslimer porträtteras i två olika nyhetshändelser

Previous research shows that Sweden has developed into a segregated society, although it has never been completely homogeneous. A greater integration led to vast number of diverse cultures and religions; therefore the Muslim custom came closer to the Swedish society.The purpose of this thesis is to study how Muslims were portrayed during the incident in Landskrona in March 29 2010 and the bomb Threat in Gothenburg in October 31 2010. The study also focused on what Muslims themselves think about the news reporting that followed.We based our study on a qualitative textual analysis and a dialogue with selected people. Six news articles from various newspapers were analyzed and a total of eight persons were included in the dialogues. The study shows that news reporting has been simplified and misleading.During the incident in Lanskrona the newspapers headlined it as a murder even though the accused had not yet been sentenced at the time.

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