

775 Uppsatser om Third party logistics - Sida 40 av 52

Acehkonflikten - en analys med identiteten i fokus

A violent conflict emerged in the Indonesian province of Aceh in 1976, with the rebels of the Free Aceh Movement, GAM, on one side, and the Indonesian government on the other. GAM demanded Aceh to become independent, but the Indonesian government did not accept their nationalistic claims. The conflict therefore lasted for almost thirty years, and many civilians were killed during this period. This essay deals with this particular conflict; its causes and its solution. In the centre of the analysis we find theidentity of the Acehnese people, and the way in which this identity has beenconstructed and re-constructed throughout the history.

Den svenska sällskapsspelsmarknaden : En studie om en bransch i utveckling från 1970 till idag

This essay is about the history of the Swedish board game-industry from the 1970?s to today. The essay focuses on the companies in the business and how they change during this period and about the causes of this change. This essay aims both at accurately describing the development of the industry as well as asking the question of what influence factors from outside of the industry have upon the change during this period of time. The material used in this essay is mainly extracts from interviews with people who have been working in the industry during the period, as well as literature on the subject and product-catalogues from certain years in the time-frame.From this material I have outlined the basic history of the industry.

Discourse analysis of the swedish integration politics

This essay is a discourse analysis of the integration politics of the different parties in the Swedish parliament and the non-parliamentary party ?the Swedish Democrats?, as it is presented on their respective web pages. The overall purpose is to problematize and shed a light on how the current discourse(s) about integration are constituted. Also of interest is how these construct our knowledge and experience of the phenomena. We furthermore want to illustrate the social consequences of such discourses on the construction and organization of identities and groups, and, as a result, the courses of action that becomes available.

Ett kulturcentrum i Ulricehamn?

The aim of this essay is to investigate and evaluate the arguments made by municipal politicians in Ulricehamn, regarding the planned Knowledge and Culture Centre. A part from the search for these arguments, I also investigated the attitudes among politicians regarding municipal culture investments in general. I furthermore investigated whether any national, regional, or local culture-political strategies were important in the local debate. The time frame within which the local political culture debate was investigated was from 1997 until present time 2002. The investigation methods used were partly a study of official documents such as political protocols, two articles from the local newspaper, and a clean copy from a web chat, and partly a qualitative study I sent a question regarding the planned Culture Centre to every political party active in the Ulricehamn municipal assembly.

Telematik - en del i NBF? :  

Samhällsutvecklingen går från industrisamhälle till informationssamhälle och Försvarsmakten (FM) går fråninvasionsförsvar till insatsförsvar. Tidigare var det mer regel än undantag att civil teknologi hade sitt ursprung imilitär teknologi, t.ex. Internet. Idag är det precis tvärtom med marknadskrafterna som driver utvecklingen avt.ex. IT i ett högt tempo.

Styrning av lagerhållning och artikelplacering

Examensarbetet är utfört på Lifco Dental, som är ett distributionsföretag i Enköping undervårterminen 2013 och omfattar 30 högskolepoäng. Lifco Dentals huvudsakliga verksamhet ärlagerhantering av tandläkarartiklar och det rör sig om cirka 40 000 artiklar i varierandestorlek.Examensarbetet avser i första hand styrning av lagerhållning och artikelplacering. Andraområden som har bearbetas är ergonomi och personalfrågor. Arbetet kretsar kring följandeforskningsfrågor;1. Enligt vilka principer kan man placera artiklar?2.

EU:s normativa makt inom miljöområdet : En fallstudie om EU:s roll i det globala klimatarbetet

Over the past twenty years, the cooperation within the European Union (EU) has strengthened and expanded with both more number of Member States and stronger influence on international politics. The unique character of the Union and its ability to enforce peace and humanitarian intervention has attracted attention in political science. This prominent position of the Union is perceived by many scholars who often hold this derived from the Union's influence in international relations. Various terms have been used to define the powers of the Union. The British researcher Ian Manners states that the unique identity of the Union in the international arena is formed by its normative power.  An important policy area within the Union is the environmental cooperation.

Effektiv försvarslogistik?

Försvarets materielverk (FMV) står inför en omfattande ominriktning av verksamheten med tillhörande omorganisation. Den nya verksamheten innefattar att leverera tjänsten försvarslogistik till Försvarsmakten (FM). Då det inte finns någon entydig definition för vad försvarslogistik är så har detta arbete inriktats att utarbeta ett förslag till en sådan definition. Dessutom har en procedur skapats som identifierar relevanta prestandamått för ett godtyckligt försvarslogistiskt system, s.k. Key Performance Indicators (KPI), som kan användas för att påvisa om försvarslogistiken är effektiv eller inte.

Bestämning av optimal fordonspark -Distribution av bitumen vid Nynäs AB

Nynas produces bitumen at two refineries in Sweden. The bitumen is shipped to seven depots along the swedish coast line, and from the depots special trucks handle the transportation to customers. Recently Nynas has transformed its supply chain and closed down a few depots. At the moment the company is considering a further reduction of the number of depots. In connection to these discussions an analyse of the companys distributionsystem and of possible changes is required.

Arbetsprocess för materialanskaffning vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB

This thesis has been made on behalf of Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB and is the final part of the education of Bachelor of Engineering in ? Innovation, production and logistics atMälardalens Högskola.Forsmark nuclear power plant is located in Östhammars municipality at the coast of Uppland. The three nuclear reactors in Forsmark together produces approximately one-sixth of Sweden?s electricity consumption each year.The background of this study is that a large number of requests come to the purchasing department with incomplete information. Usually it is in the description of what is to be acquired as the information is incomplete, but also in knowing when Quality Control-functions (QC) is supposed to be used.The aim of this work is to describe and analyse the material acquisition process.

?Somliga vill ju inte dricka, men de dricker ju bara för att andra gör det? : En studie om ungdomars inställning till alkohol med nedslag i glesbygd och storstad

AimThe aim of this study was to try to understand youngsters and their attitude to alcohol in the countryside and in a large city. The questions at issue have been: How do youngsters from the countryside, who drink, and do not drink alcohol, view the school- family- and friendsituation? How do youngsters from a large city, who drink, and do not drink alcohol, view the school- family- and friendsituation? Can we understand youths? attitude to alcohol on basis of the factors: School, family and friends? Are there any differences and similarities?MethodInterviews have been implemented with four youngsters in a large city and in the countryside. To gain as much as possible from the interviews a questionnaire was distributed to two classes in year nine in the countryside, and one class in the large city. The interview material was analysed on the basis from earlier research and two theoretical models.ResultsAccording to the youngsters that drink, both in the countryside and the large city, the most common view in school was that high demands are put on the youngsters and that they should study more then they do.

Analys av kundorderuppfyllelseprocessen på Pallco AB

This thesis has been performed as a part of the Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering and Management at the School of Engineering in Jönköping. The thesis is written on behalf of Pallco AB, which is an engineering company that performs subcontracting, surface treatment, and assembly of components, mainly in steel and aluminium. The thesis focuses on identifying and analyzing the customer order fulfillment process of three customers at Pallco AB.The main objective of the thesis is to distinguish time differences in the company?s administrative work for each of the three customers. Furthermore, Lean thinking is following as a thread through the whole thesis.

Baskisk identitet - en studie av den baskiska nationalismens förändring.

The aim of this study is to analyze the change of Basque nationalism during the last ten years and discuss how the main nationalist party (PNV) tries to impose "we"- feelings and support for its cause. Theories of nationalism and national identity are used in the analysis.A textual analysis of PNV:s unofficial documents is discussed and compared with a discourse analysis of its official documents. Although the unofficial documents deal with similar view of basic political/territorial ambitions, language and identification, there are some differences in the latest documents regarding the view of who is defined as Basque and also to the detoriated relation to Spain. Although references are made to the regard that the Basque Country is for everyone, the persistence of emphasizing the uniqueness and myths of the Basque culture signals a different matter. The discourse analysis of the official documents supports this claim and although they contain an ambiguous relation to Spain it is clear that Basque nationalism has been radicalized.

Ideologi eller strategi : en analys av (s) och (fp):s ställningstagande till Gy2011 och den nya sex-gradiga betygsskalan

The main purpose of this analytic study which has a theoretical focus, Is to find out if the two Swedish parties Socialdemokraterna (s) - The Social Democrats - and Folkpartiet (p) - The Liberal Party - has taken position ideologically or strategically to the new sex-degree grading scale. The theory section describes the concepts of ideology and strategy. Despite the talk of the death of the ideologies, this don't need to be the case, they only adjust över time. The second key-point of this essay is strategy, a model based on Frostbergs reasoning illustrates this. A number of problem areas are presented.

Framtagning av analysverktyg för materialförbrukning inom motorunderhåll

Examensarbete beskriver hur ett analysverktyg har skapats för materialförbrukningen på Motorunderhållsavdelningen på Volvo Aero Corporation. Analysverktyget tar fram snittlistor och inköpslistor till motorn PW100. Dokumentering vid skapandet av analysverktyget sker i sju delar.Genom att skapa ett analysverktyg kan de strategiska materialplanerarna på Volvo Aero lätt generera en snittlista eller en inköpslista som baseras på historisk data. Tidigare var de strategiska materialplanerana tvungna att beräkna snittlistor manuellt och mycket handpåläggning gjorde att resultatet inte alltid var pålitligt.En förstudie gjordes för att få en bättre inblick i den nuvarande organisationen och hur arbetet styrs på motorunderhållsavdelningen på Volvo Aero. Intervjuer utfördes löpande samtidigt som en litteraturstudie inom området logistik gjordes.

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