

775 Uppsatser om Third party logistics - Sida 27 av 52

Marknadsundersökning av tänkbara system för fordonskontroll på Pan Nordic Logistics

Detta examensarbete har utförts på Pan Nordic Logistics (PNL) i Bromma, Stockholm. PNL är ett konceptföretag som erbjuder sina kunder att skicka paket från, till och inom Norden och dessa transporter köper företaget av leverantörer. Ordet koncept- kommer ifrån engelskans concept, alltså begrepp, idé. I PNL:s fall innebär detta att företaget inte har någon egen fysisk distribution utan distributionen sker efter avtal med dess parter. Företaget ser idag ett problem i att det inte har full kontroll på hur leverantörerna sköter sina transportuppdrag gentemot PNL.

Sverigedemokraterna - isolerade eller påverkande?

This essay examines the indirect effects of the local strength of the Swedish Democrats on refugee acceptance in the Swedish municipalities. With statistical methods this essay has aimed to investigate if such effects exist and by using statistical data from three periods of time - 2002, 2006 and 2010 ? the investigation has been able to measure effects over time. Based on former research and reasonable expectations the hypothesis for the essay claims that the Swedish Democrats has got an indirect effect upon the refugee acceptance. With the statistical analyses made, the essay is able to conclude that the strength of the Swedish Democrats in municipality elections as well as the change of this strength between the elections does have a negative effect upon refugee acceptance in the Swedish municipalities.

Vad förvaltningen bör sträva efter : -riksdagspartiernas uppfattningar om de värden som förknippas med förvaltningen

The values politicians relate with public administration are likely to affect the way that they want the public administration to be organised. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine which values Swedish parliamentary parties relate with public administration and more particularly how they emphasise these values.The study is conducted as an analysis of theoretically relevant bills that the government party and the parliamentary parties have introduced to the Riksdag, and reports and statements of opinion from the parliamentary committees. The documents are from the Riksdag´s sessions from 2000/01 to 2005/06. After examining the documents the conclusion can be drawn that the value that is most emphasised during the period is legal security. This might mean that legal security will have more influence on the decisions taken about the organisation of Swedish public administration..

Olof Palme och löntagarfonder : En studie om rörelsesocialism och statssocialism i den svenska arbetarrörelsen

The purpose of this essay is to examine wage-earners' investment funds from the ideological point of view. Were they in any way an integrated part of social democratical democratic socialism and reformism? I emphasize Olof Palme´s ideological idea of democratic socialism and reformism, and how he handled the issue. How did the question of these funds correspondent with the basic ideological points of view, and what was the standpoint of Palme in this issue.My method is built upon a deep study and analyses of SAP board of party and the standing committees protocol in the light of Olof Palme´s and SAP's ideology. I even use information from literature, inquiries and dissertations.

Judikalisering och demokrati: Lagprövningsrätten i förändring?

In this thesis I examine the development and expansion of judicial power in Sweden. The concept of judicial review is defined and related to democratic theory, and the various forms of judicial review in use in Sweden are explained. The main focus is on the political and scientific discussion concerning judicial review since the mid 1970s. It is shown that judicial review so far has been used only to a limited extent and that the number of court cases has remained quite stable over time. The main cause of judicialization seems to be the supremacy of EU law following the Swedish EU membership in 1995 and the inclusion of the European Convention on Human Rights into Swedish law.

Strategisk styrning av intranät: Centrala val att uppmärksamma

Having an intranet as a source for information and communication is common in most contemporary organizations. Research shows that the intranet in itself does not have an explicit area of use, and that leaves every organization to make decisions of the associated functionality on their own. At the same time the strategic opportunities that the intranet could bring get lost somewhere along the way. This means that problems regarding the strategic use of an intranet becomes apparent and may result in loss of investments for the organization. The purpose of this thesis is to identify central choices that can be used as points of discussion and help organizations to work with their intranets on a more strategic level.

Framtagning och analys av nyckeltal genom kartläggning och fördelning av logistikkostnader på Volvo Parts Supply & Logistics

Detta kandidatprojekt har skett på uppdrag av företaget Sund Birsta och har genomförts påChalmers tekniska högskola. Företaget utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer stålverksutrustning till eninternationell marknad. Syftet med projektet har varit att skapa en prototyp av en användarvänligoch lättnavigerad kundportal baserad på Sund Birstas behov.Arbetet inleddes med en förstudie bestående av en litteraturstudie och ett besök hos företaget iSundsvall för att få en förståelse och en bra grund för det fortsatta arbetet. En kravspecifikationtogs fram efter besöket för att få en bra överblick över vad som skulle ingå i prototypen.Implementeringen utfördes enligt extremprogrammeringsmetoden där parprogrammeringanvändes. Det grafiska gränssnittet togs fram med hjälp av mock-ups och ett färgschemaskapades med hjälp av olika webbverktyg.Slutresultatet blev en prototyp implementerad i programmeringsspråket PHP och ramverketCodeIgniter.

Kundanpassad tjänsteutveckling och förändrade relationer inom den försvarsindustriella sfären

The aim of this thesis is to describe the customer?s attitudes toward the contracting for availability, i.e., which factors are from the customer?s perspective necessary for the fulfilment of a supplier-customer agreement? Furthermore, the objective is to describe and analyse a supplier-customer relation in the Defence Industrial sphere.The present study has been carried out as a case study using an abductive approach. The thesis is based on a practical problem, i.e. which factors will be important to the customer when a contractor in the Defence Industry wants to increase its commitment of service, and how will their relationship change? The thesis is above all focused on generating knowledge that can lead to rapid and concrete measures and that can be used in the analysis of an increased industrial commitment but also as a case study of a problem of a more general nature in the Defence Industry.

Obemannade markfarkosters militära nytta inom området logistiktransporter : En studie riktad mot Försvarsmaktens motståndarläge i Afghanista

Obemannade markfarkoster är ännu ganska ovanliga i den svenska Försvarsmakten men borde kunna bli allt vanligare. UGV:er används traditionellt till att utföra smutsiga, tråkiga och farliga arbetsuppgifter. Kan de då vara användbara i Afghanistan mot den motståndare som FM möter där idag?I studien undersöker författaren möjligheterna för obemannade markfarkoster att bidra med militär nytta inom området logistiktransporter. De obemannade transportfordonen kan från grunden utgöras av standardlastbilar i FM som har utrustats med så kallade UGV-kit.

Det politiska i författningspolitiken - en idéanalys av riksdagsdebatten i anknytning till Grundlagsutredningen

This essay revolves around two questions: what is the nature of politics, and what kind of political order ensures a high rate of citizen participation? By using Cantal Mouffes theory on the political this essay shows how different understandings of the nature of politics can lead to diverging views on what forms democracy should take. Two such understandings are identified; one that sees the nature of politics as characterized by conflict and power, one that sees it as a space for cooperation in search for the common good. I trace these different ideas about the political in the parliamentary debate concerning Swedish constitutional reform. I conclude that the left-of-centre parties hold a view of the political closer to the conflict-perspective, while the green party together with the liberals/conservatives lean closer to the opposite view..

Den önskvärda demokratin? - Om demokratins tillstånd och försvar

This thesis deals with non-wanted political parties e.g. right wing populism. How should a democracy handle these opinions? So far these parties have been neglected and not even considered as real parties. By excluding them from the debate and the political arena, media and more established parties have seen them merely as a threat than as democratic parties.

Invandringspolitik  : Idéanalys om dansk och svensk invandringspolitik

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze equalities/inequalities between the Danish and Swe-dish immigration policy based on Habermas theory about openings/closures and analyze the reasons to the differences between Danish and Swedish immigrant policy. Therefore this study has two question formulations, the first one was "Is there any equalities/inequalities between the Danish and Swedish immigration policy based on Habermas theory of openings and closings?" and the second was "Why are there equalities/inequalities between the Danish and Swedish immigration policy?" The results show that based on Habermas theory there are equalities between the Danish and Swedish immigration policy. On the question why, the re-sults show us that the factors who give the difference are work, people?s attitude to immi-grants and party politics.Keywords: Denmark, Sweden, Immigration policy, opening, closing..

I vilken utsträckning relaterar unga muslimer till vänster-högerskalan i svensk politik?: En fallstudie från SUMs ungdomskonferens 2009

To what extent do young Muslims relate to the left-right-scale in Swedish politics?: A case study from SUM?s youth conference of 2009.English AbstractIn Sweden there seem to be a growing concern about young people?s waning involvement in party politics. Another group that is sometimes described as uninvolved in politics is immigrants, living in worn down suburbs with low employment and education levels. In expressing sentiments like those above, it seems that ?guilt? is shifted onto young people or immigrants.

Möjligheter, behov och strategi för företagsetableringar inom High Voltage Valley

The structure of the thesis is based on opportunities to attract businesses to the region, the need of establishments in the region and benchmarking with establishment strategies of other cluster initiatives. The identified opportunities are the local business relationship with ABB, the prerequisites of life quality in the region and the availability of financial support. Further on has a number of opportunities to be developed been identified; diversification of the existing businesses, an expansion of the cooperation with universities and to simplify the contact with local authorities. Challenges that HVV is facing is: creating a more dynamic labor market, secure long-term labor supply, spread the image of the brand HVV and finally putting HVVs geographic scope. Two of the identified needs of establishments are strategically important: to establish a third-party logistician and commercializing systems for distributed generation and energy storage.

Riksdagsvalet 2010 : En GIS-analys

Our social lives and where we live shape our choices in life. One of those choices is which party we vote for in the general election. The aim of this thesis is to see if there are any connections between the Swedish general election of 2010, demography, socioeconomic factors and geography. This is done with regression analysis and chosen variables. Another aim is to see where in Sweden the chosen variables aren?t enough to explain the results of the election.

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