

7225 Uppsatser om Theory of nationalism - Sida 13 av 482

Förhållningssätt till plagiat inom bildämnet

The purpose of this study is to gain insight on how art teacher?s reason about what is ?plagiarism? in the subject of art. This study focus on how different art teacher´s reason on the boundaries of plagiarism. What are the rules of duplicating an image before it is looked upon as plagiarism? The five interviewed teachers refer in its reasoning to the main curriculum and the rules of copyright; they also support the negative view of the plagiarism in the world of art. The theory of originality is a theory that deals with the vision of the originality in contemporary time.

Demokrati, diktatur eller demokratur? : En kvalitativ studie av den demokratiska tillbakagången i Vitryssland

This is a study about the transition process and the consolidation of power in Belarus. In this paper the concept of "authoritarian state building and the sources of regime competitiveness in the fourth wave" is the major theory used. After giving a description of the theory?s concepts a short historical background of Belarus follows. Chapters four describes and explain the political situation in Belarus during five periods.

Resursskolan : Före detta elevers upplevelser av hemskola, särskiljande och resursskola

The purpose of this study was to investigate how former pupils in a daycareschool experienced there stay, in relation to the ordinary school. The method we used was an qualitative interview study with former pupils of a daycareschool. We have analyzed the result with help of Goffmans theory about stigma, Beckers labeling theory, Antonovskys SOC (a Sense Of Coherence) concept and Gjaerums theory of controlling. After analyzing the results we came to the conclution that the pupils where stigmatized and labeled as deviants in the ordinary school whilst in the daycareschool they got an enhanced SOC and a feeling of control. Due to the daycareschool?s work with these pupils they no longer sees as stigmatized and labeled..

Två vägar till samma mål: Kontrasterna av Richard Holbrookes och Carl Bildts medlingssätt och strategier i Bosnien

This study focuses on international mediation and mediation theory. The aim of the study is to bring into light, a critique on already exsisting mediation theory and the need to oversimplify generalisations and results. This study focuses on a comparison between Richard Holbrooke and Carl Bildt, and their roles? as mediators during the war in Bosnia and Hercegovina 1995. I have deliberatly chosen two very different actors on the same case, to show that traditional belif on why the war ended is oversimplyfied and wrong.This study uses Curran, Sebenius and Watkins paper on mediation as a template in defining how to use the criterias for analyzing a mediator.

Ryskt luftmaktsanvändande i Georgien 2008 ? ett fall av Warden?

The Russian-Georgian war of 2008 drastically changed Europe´s and Sweden´s political climate.Russiashowed that it is capable of successfully completing complex campaigns including ground, naval and air assets. However, not much has been said about the theoretical framework and doctrine of the Russian military of today. Even less has been researched about Russian use of air power and applied air theory. Are air power assets still considered primarily as support of ground offensives or has the theoretical framework changed?John A.

?Det enda sa?kra a?r att vi inte kommer att fo?lja planen? : En kvalitativ studie av tilla?mpningen av kriskommunikationsteorier fo?r att skydda anseendet

The value of a good reputation for organizations is increasing today as consumers and citizens become more aware of brands. If a crisis hits an organization, there is now more to lose than before concerning reputation. Therefore the organization?s communication strategies must be developed to sustain the organization?s reputation during and after a crisis.In the field of crisis communication there are two distinguished theories which concern what an organization with help from crisis communication should do to undergo a crisis without losing its reputation. These theories are image repair theory and situational crisis communication theory (SCCT).

"Ya know, I don't mind being labeled a crackhead." : En semiotisk analys av hur tv-spelet Grand Theft Auto V skildrar hudfärg, klass och kön

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the representation of race, social class and gender in the 2013 video game Grand Theft Auto V. Postcolonial theory, including terms such as cultural hegemony, whiteness and Michel Foucaults definition of power, has served as the basis for the analysis. The postcolonial theory has been combined with class theory and gender theory for an intersectional analysis. Semiotic analysis has been used as the method in the thesis, and a total of nine story missions ? three for each protagonist in the game ? have constituted the material.

Aktivisten- egoist, karriärist eller eldsjäl? En studie rörande motiven bakom frivilligt engagemang

When it comes to investigating the motives behind activism, the members of political study have a lot to say. I aimed to critiqually rewiev this in my thesis. I asked the question ?What do the actor themselves claim lay behin their decision to become motivated?? To highlight this complex dilemma, I sought to discuss new social movement theory by comparing it to reality. This includes a literate examination on contemporary political science approaches, and a study of two organisations in the south of Sweden, choosen not to despise any excisting theory, but to give it a sense of reality.

En analys av Hosni Mubaraks sista tal som Egyptens president

On the 10th of February 2011 Hosni Mubarak gave his last speech as the president of Egypt, on the following day he resigned the presidency after more then two weeks of violent protests against his rule, and with that his 30-year long rule over Egypt had come to an end. This bachelor thesis aims towards examining this speech using both qualitative and quantitative research methods in order to reach a useful analysis of the speech. The conclusions of this thesis is that several methods were used in the speech in order to win the listeners acceptance and approval for the speaker, and then to use these in order to soothe, or preferably to completely stop, the current revolution. The methods that have been found to play major roles in achieving this are; portraying the speaker, defining the listener, promises of improvements and of justice/revenge, and nationalism. This thesis is written in Swedish with Arabic excerpts..

Stuxnet-attacken mot Iran : Strukturell realism i informationsrevolutionens tidsålder

This study aims to explain the Stuxnet-attack against Iran in 2009-2010 by using the IR-theory of structural realism. By doing so the theory also faces the challenge of the impact of the information revolution on security and international relations. The structural realism that is at hand is that of Kenneth Waltz and his Theory of International Politics from 1979.The study reaches the conclusion that Waltzs focus on the structure of the international system and the distribution of capabilities applies well to the case of Stuxnet as a cyber attack. The creators of the sophisticated Stuxnet, USA and Israel, also indicates that when it comes to this certain aspect of the information revolution and IR, states seem to still be the main actor. Finally the character of one of the major features of the Stuxnet-attack; the internet, is shown to have an anarchic structure that fits well as an extension of the realist view of the international system..

Är en annan värld möjlig? - En studie från urban- till world-bias

The purpose of this thesis is to explain one aspect of how and why the development in the third world is lagging behind. The precondition is that development through an agricultural revolution is necessary and that all countries benefit from trading. But these two conditions are not met today. By using the urban-bias and the world system theory I have analysed how the situation appears to be according to the precondition. It appears that both the urban-bias and the world system theory are essential to understand how and why the situation in third world still has not reached the same development phase as most other countries.

Taxed Enough Already : en analys av Tea Party rörelsen i USA

The aim of this thesis is to describe the rise of the Tea Party movement in the United States. By using a known theory within social movement studies, the political process theory, this thesis look into the factors that could have played a role in the rise and fast mobilization of the Tea Party movement. The political process theory consists of three parts and hence looks into both the political structure of, in this case, the United States, how mobilizing structures have been used and into the cultural framing used by the Tea Party to create their identity. In order to bring structure to the thesis, the three theory parts have been transformed into analysis models. These give a very good idea of all the factors that could have played a part and therefore also a good way to describe the rise of the Tea Party movement.The research confirm what the political process theory says, that the Tea Party movements rise came at a time when there were a mix of factors at play, both structural and cultural, creating an opportunity that the Tea Party took.

Mäns våld mot kvinnor ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv

The essay begins by asserting that the theoretical approaches of men?s violence against women are just as important to study as its extent. The purpose is therefore to analyse and compare two theoretical approaches which is done by a comparative text analysis of two texts written on the subject. The essay attempts to answer two questions; what the theoretical approaches are and how they can be understood in light of feminist theory.Previous research on men?s violence against women discuss especially three theoretical aspects.

Vem vill inte vara med de stora? En revidering av Brubakers teori behövs.

This paper has its aim to investigate in which way the theory about the dynamic of the triadic nexus, presented by Brubaker, needs to be revised. In the first place this theory is presented and after then applied on the triad formed by: the Hungarian national minority in Transylvania, Romania and Hungary. Through the empirical evidences, that are presented here by following up the political relations and its dynamics over time between the three fields, is shown that the theory is usable for the case in question. Further as we approach the more actual development of the political life in the triad appears a need to deal with one more field which would be for example the NATO or/and EU.This means that Brubakers theory has to be revised so it would take in account a forth field and that of an international organization/institution. The arguments for this needed change is put forth through empirical evidences on the political relations that the two states has with NATO or/and EU and the huge influence these have on the states..

Melodramatiska drag i tre av Selma Lagerlöfs noveller

Denna undersöknings syfte är att redogöra för den finlandssvenska satirens skildring av språkstriden i Finland under mellankrigstiden. Huvudkällan för detta ändamål är skämttidningen Garm som innehar en unik position i den finska skämtpressens historia. Genom att analysera tidskriftens årgångar från perioderna 1927-1931 och 1934-1939 besvaras frågan: ?Hur representeras språkstriden i relation till finlandssvensken??. Det läggs vikt på vilken typ av samtidsfrågor som uttryckligen är relaterade till aktuella händelser rörande språkstriden, hur äktfinskheten och finsk nationalism representeras och hur språkliga skillnader skildras.

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